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Disappointed with TAR10
« on: November 27, 2006, 08:34:15 AM »
Somehow I am not so ecstatic with the turn of events in this season's TAR. With the exception of Tyler and James, I really loathe the other three teams in the final four. I do admire the beauty queens' tenacity and luck, but they are too evil for my taste. I need not say a word about the other two. I don't like them.

My ideal top three would have been: James & Tyler, the Chos, David & Mary. What do you think?

Offline Kogs

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 09:03:31 AM »
Somehow I am not so ecstatic with the turn of events in this season's TAR. With the exception of Tyler and James, I really loathe the other three teams in the final four. I do admire the beauty queens' tenacity and luck, but they are too evil for my taste. I need not say a word about the other two. I don't like them.

My ideal top three would have been: James & Tyler, the Chos, David & Mary. What do you think?

where chip and kim evil for yielding colin and christie? the BQ are playing the game!!!!!!!!! bama can give it, but they can't take it

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 09:21:38 AM »
I enjoyed last season more (mostly because of BJ/Tyler), but I can't complain about this season.  It's pretty good compared to the other past seasons.

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 08:13:59 PM »
>>where chip and kim evil for yielding colin and christie? the BQ are playing the game!!!!!!!!! bama can give it, but they can't take it

Well I was not speaking about the Barbies yielding the Bama team. I was talking more about their general attitude. They are not sympathetic enough to win hearts out. Somehow people root for the ones who are nicer. I can't imagine anyone to be over the moon if Jonathan and Victoria or Colin and Christie won. The Barbies turn me off.

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2006, 08:16:37 PM »
I agree tens! The Barbie's just are not nice enough to like. Everyone like Chip & Kim because they were nice (however, don't get them on MySpace, they bug the **** out of you) and people like Rupert on Survivor because he was genuine. Totally agree tens. Welcome to the board!


Offline PotatosPunkGirl

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2006, 08:26:22 PM »
 :hfive:  thought I was the only one here who didnt like the BQs.....I would like to see either T/j or Bama win.....I actually like Bama.....except maybe when they ditched the the BQ :barf

Offline TheCinera

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2006, 08:31:53 PM »

I'm liking the BQs.  They're cute, aren't afraid to play dirty, and I want an all-female team to win TAR.  I don't like the Bamas cause they bore me.   :hand: You guys can just tell it to the hand!

Offline PotatosPunkGirl

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2006, 08:37:36 PM »
ok..I'm all for playing it to get there first(read my post about John on the survivor thread) but the last NOT tell someone they had a flat tire...come on...they could have put people in danger...what if the tire had blown off and hurt someone not involved with the race? what if the car had spun out of control if the tire blew off? Im all for being a gamer...but that was just uncalled for.  They wouldnt have lost any time in the race, because the other car would have had to stop to change the tire anyways.

Offline tens

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2006, 11:12:40 PM »
I sure do want an all-female team to win  :jumpy:
However, not the BQs nor the Bama team. There are far more deserving teams.
Not to tell Rob and Kimberly that they had a flat tire was really bad of the Barbies. Unbelievable.
I am rooting for James and Tyler all the way.

Offline Kogs

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2006, 08:46:35 AM »
>>where chip and kim evil for yielding colin and christie? the BQ are playing the game!!!!!!!!! bama can give it, but they can't take it

Well I was not speaking about the Barbies yielding the Bama team. I was talking more about their general attitude. They are not sympathetic enough to win hearts out. Somehow people root for the ones who are nicer. I can't imagine anyone to be over the moon if Jonathan and Victoria or Colin and Christie won. The Barbies turn me off.

the BQ tried to be friends with bama, do you even watch the insider vids????? they are always sour about everything. if anything the 6pak ruines the show more than helps it


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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2006, 03:17:10 PM »
the BQ tried to be friends with bama, do you even watch the insider vids????? they are always sour about everything. if anything the 6pak ruines the show more than helps it

I agree with you, Kogs.  Bama sure can dish it out too, but they can't take it.  They appear to be more "evil" than the BQs in my eyes.  They even badmouthed the Cho brothers (behind their back, of course) when the guys were waiting for them!  That said, having a 6pak alliance is just crazy the way they were playing it.  Sure, be friends, that's great.  But people...this is a RACE for MONEY!  Be helpful, polite, all that stuff....just don't put yourself in jeopardy as the Chos did.  They were terrific guys, but it was apparent they weren't going to go all the way in TAR.

Offline Kogs

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2006, 03:25:42 PM »
the BQ tried to be friends with bama, do you even watch the insider vids????? they are always sour about everything. if anything the 6pak ruines the show more than helps it

I agree with you, Kogs.  Bama sure can dish it out too, but they can't take it.  They appear to be more "evil" than the BQs in my eyes.  They even badmouthed the Cho brothers (behind their back, of course) when the guys were waiting for them!  That said, having a 6pak alliance is just crazy the way they were playing it.  Sure, be friends, that's great.  But people...this is a RACE for MONEY!  Be helpful, polite, all that stuff....just don't put yourself in jeopardy as the Chos did.  They were terrific guys, but it was apparent they weren't going to go all the way in TAR.

TAR IS ABOUT winning 1MILLION DOLLARS, not making sure you be friends with joe shmoe and his wife, friends,brother,father, or jane doe and her friend or daughter or mother. the 6 pack is what made some of the episode's boring. yes david and mary are good people but again they were not good racers. the cho's are mediawhoring there website right now and where also bad racers. lyn and karlyn as you saw can't outrun any1 and yes they maybe good with maps, but stink as racers. people should ENJOY the race, and if some1 yields yeah, or does something that pisses you off because they are better at the game, don't whine like the 2 year olds lyn and karlyn are. all season we delt with the 6pak crap, but rivalry's are what make tar better, not some crappy allience because you're always in the back and don't want to be nice to everyone else aka lyn and karlyn. I'd rather watch ROMBER and kami and karli over any memeber of the 6pak.

Offline mswood

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2006, 04:39:19 PM »
For me its really simply.

I like good teams.

Teams that don't fight amoung themselves, teams that don'y fight or insult locals, teams that respect countries and customs, teams that play fair, and teams that aren't confrontational with other teams.

Now no team is perfect.  But the closest match this season is Tyler & James

But I don't hate the BQ's I just wish they were nicer and not so damn self absorbed.  You want to run a strong independent race, then ran a strong independant race, but don't screw people over when doing it.  Don't get pissed off at a team for trying to prevent a local from helping you, when you did the same thing the leg before.  If you make an alliance (make it wisely, but stick to it for the duration), don't try to consistently take help and agree to help in return and not.  Don't not tell someone that their car's tire is going flat.  Thats a terrible, terrible way to play.  If you told him, you win.  Your a good person, you decrease the chance of them getting a blowout or losing control of their vehicle.  ANd they most likely stop for sure and you get infront of them.  Its a win-win.  Really as far as that goes only Romber not stopping to see if anyone was hurt was a worse safety move I have seen in this race (I can't remember if Teri & Ian tried to tell Ken & Gerard about their flat if they didn't then bad on them as well). 

Rob & Kim, they run a far race, they keep their alliance.  But just chill out a little more.  Both of them need to treat each other with more respect.  The show makes Rob look worse, the clips make Kimberly look worse, so I think both could work on it.  And when you have taxi problems try and act a little more like your friends Tyler & James when they have taxi problems.

Karlyn & Lyn.  You know at times (small brief periods, I can almost really like this team).  In ,leg four they seemed great, when they raced by themselves and stopped bitching about every other team.  ANd how bad you think they percieve you.  This leg, if you would have lost the hypocrisy I would have loved you in this last leg.Run your own race, if you are going to complain about others, or run with your group but keep your mouth shut.  Don't bitch about D & K letting a team get ahead with them.  When minutes earlier you tried to get a ticket agent to stop helping Rob & Kim.  Don't blame Tyer & james when thy tell you to leave the agent alone and that you should calm down and say how they would be doing the same thing.  When you know they wouldn't.  You were there when Two teams pushed their way in front of them getting bus or train tickets to Mongolia (insider Clips) they kept their mouths shut, delt with it and never said a cross word to anyone about it, especially not the ticket agent.  Don't complain about people begging and how you think it not right to do and then had besides we aren't succesful when we do it.  Don't bitch about a team outrace you.  Unless their is a marked path and an sign in or pull sheet it who ever can get it fastest.  Don't so someone deserves getting hurt just becasue they are faster tehn you are.


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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2006, 04:58:28 PM »
Nicely stated, mswood.  Your summation of the teams and their playing style was right on and you make many valid points.  This statement sums it up nicely: 

I like good teams.  Teams that don't fight amoung themselves, teams that don'y fight or insult locals, teams that respect countries and customs, teams that play fair, and teams that aren't confrontational with other teams.

Some might disagree only because they enjoy the backstabbing, complaining, and tension teams like Romber bring to the game.  That should be in some OTHER game, if people like that sort of thing, but not TAR! 

I deleted my previous comment because I had been impulsive once again.  What I had meant to say was that I understood how Kogs would feel that way, not that I did also.  I'm only one little person here and a small voice, but I do like to speak up to say I was hasty in writing before thinking things through.  Not that it's a big deal to anyone else....but it is to me.

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2006, 08:24:19 PM »
Bashful (okay were's sleepu and dopey, sorry)

In fact really none of the teams are terrible people.  BQ are just driven to the point of not caring about anything else, and its not the first time we ahve seen that type of team.

Rob & Kim are amoung a long line of argueing couples ont he race, and really they are so much nicer then many of the other argueing couples on the race.

Really Lyn & Karlyn as team are one of the most neegative overall (at least with the footage seen they might be great ladies, and we do see them at times being nice and having a good time, but it is so infrequent.  But I would certainly take this team over the abusive, annoying and seemingly intitled Jonathan & Victoria.

Offline Kogs

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2006, 08:34:40 PM »
Bashful (okay were's sleepu and dopey, sorry)

In fact really none of the teams are terrible people.  BQ are just driven to the point of not caring about anything else, and its not the first time we ahve seen that type of team.

Rob & Kim are amoung a long line of argueing couples ont he race, and really they are so much nicer then many of the other argueing couples on the race.

Really Lyn & Karlyn as team are one of the most neegative overall (at least with the footage seen they might be great ladies, and we do see them at times being nice and having a good time, but it is so infrequent.  But I would certainly take this team over the abusive, annoying and seemingly intitled Jonathan & Victoria.

give me any all female team on tar over lyn and karlyn anyday of the week

Offline PotatosPunkGirl

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2006, 10:35:31 PM »

Teams that don't fight amoung themselves, teams that don'y fight or insult locals, teams that respect countries and customs, teams that play fair, and teams that aren't confrontational with other teams.

Bring back Meredith and Gretchen!!!!!  I LOVEEEDDDDD THEM!!!!

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2006, 06:18:44 AM »
I have to agree that when a team becomes too good, it is bound to lose. The Chos and David and Mary were not smart enough to realize that they were in a competition. However, I do think that teams need to have a balance between competitiveness and friendliness. Why not be a competitive racer and be friendly at the same time? There is no need to be cruel and scheming. But then again, what will this race be without the Jonathans and the Victorias, the Colins and the Christies, and the Robs and the Ambers. They make the show more fun. Without them, the show may end up a big bore.

But then again, we don't root for them. We root for those who display tenacity without the fangs and the will to win without the horns, and the unwavering spirit. That is perhaps the reason why I am rooting for James and Tyler. They are not the perfect racers, but they are not obnoxious. This is also what I liked about Chip and Kim, Reichen and Chip, Rob and Brennan, and Joyce and Uchenna. They are all winners!

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2006, 03:07:42 PM »
Bashful (okay were's sleepu and dopey, sorry)

In fact really none of the teams are terrible people.  BQ are just driven to the point of not caring about anything else, and its not the first time we ahve seen that type of team.

Rob & Kim are amoung a long line of argueing couples ont he race, and really they are so much nicer then many of the other argueing couples on the race.

Really Lyn & Karlyn as team are one of the most neegative overall (at least with the footage seen they might be great ladies, and we do see them at times being nice and having a good time, but it is so infrequent.  But I would certainly take this team over the abusive, annoying and seemingly intitled Jonathan & Victoria.

give me any all female team on tar over lyn and karlyn anyday of the week

While I have liked some of the all female teams, I often haven't becasue of either behavior or ability.

But a better racing team, but one that was vocally more angry and viscious (though mainly with each other) Tian & Jaree.  And Mirna I think was meaner then Bama.

I hated how they treated each otehr, in fact I think teams wise they are one of the worst offenders for rude behavior within a team.

But I would of course rather have Emily & Nancy, Mary & Peach, Monica & Sharee, Linda & Karin, Lena & Christy, ect,ect, ect.

And at least Mirna and Charla were very competitive in their season.

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Re: Disappointed with TAR10
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2006, 03:15:47 PM »
I have to agree that when a team becomes too good, it is bound to lose. The Chos and David and Mary were not smart enough to realize that they were in a competition. However, I do think that teams need to have a balance between competitiveness and friendliness. Why not be a competitive racer and be friendly at the same time? There is no need to be cruel and scheming. But then again, what will this race be without the Jonathans and the Victorias, the Colins and the Christies, and the Robs and the Ambers. They make the show more fun. Without them, the show may end up a big bore.

But then again, we don't root for them. We root for those who display tenacity without the fangs and the will to win without the horns, and the unwavering spirit. That is perhaps the reason why I am rooting for James and Tyler. They are not the perfect racers, but they are not obnoxious. This is also what I liked about Chip and Kim, Reichen and Chip, Rob and Brennan, and Joyce and Uchenna. They are all winners!

Well in fairness to Colin, most of his negativity was directed at 3 things a cab, an ox and a bitch.

When you rewatch season 5 he isn't shown being the one to fly off the handle first, thats Mirna miss entitlement herself.  And thats really the only team for the bulk of the race that Colin doesn't like.  And as far as Colin's anger to Chip an Kim, I have no problem with it.  IT wasn't underhanded, he wasn't scheming.  He was just mad and hurt.

I actually think Chip & Kim had as many bad moments with the other teams as Colin & Christie had.

Both Reichen & Chip and Chip & Kim have had far more moments of poor behavior towards other teams then what Tyler & James ahve had, or even Rob & Kimberly.