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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Legs #11
« on: November 28, 2006, 09:54:22 PM »
Racing Report Leg #11

Teams leave the Pit Stop the Great Patriotic War Museum in the following Order:
1.  Tyler & James  7:33 am 
2.  Dustin & Kandice  7:41 am
3.  Rob & Kimberly  8:19 am
4.  Lyn & Karlyn  9;08 am
This is believed to be a 36 hour extended Pit Stop.

Teams receive no money for this leg of the race.

Teams must travel 3000 miles and go to Ouarzazate, Morocco.  They will need to drive 4 miles into the Kaspah district and find Antiquittes du Sud.

Teams arrive at Airport in the following Order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Tyler  & James
3.  Rob & Kimberly
4.  Lyn & karlyn

Dustin & Kandice take a flight to Casablanca that connect through Milan that gets them into Casablanca at 3:00 pm

Tyler & James and Rob & Kimberly take the safer flight that connects through  Paris arriving at Casablanca at 4:35 pm.

Lyn & Karlyn also travel by connecting to Paris bu their connection to Casablanca only arrives at 10:00 pm.

All options still end up with the same connection from Casablanca to Ouarzazate, Morocco leaving at 10:55 pm.

Dustin & Kandice get to Milan at 11:45 and get their 45 minutes before the flight leaves.  They are required to be there 50 minutes prior and are not aloud on the plane and get  later connection.

Teams arrive at Ouarzazate, Morocco and get into their marked cars in the following Order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Tyler & James
3.  Rob & Kimberly
4.  Lyn & Karlyn

Teams get to the Antiquettes du Sud in the following Order:
1.  Lyn & Karlyn
2.  Rob & Kimberly
3.  Tyler & James
4.  Dustin & Kandice

They must arrive one team at a time and pick a medallion of their choice and bring that with them to the Pit Stop.

Teams must now drive themselves 6 miles to Atlas Corporation Studios.  Caution Yield ahead.

Teams arrive at Atlas Studios in the Following Order:
1.  Lyn & Karlyn
2.  Rob & Kimberly
3.  Tyler & James
4.  Dustin & Kandice

Teams line up at the gate awaiting the hours of operation Atlas Studios open at 8:00 am) in the following Order:
1.  Rob & Kimberly
2.  Lyn & Karlyn
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Tyler & James

Teams reach the Yield in the following Order:
1.  Tyler & James
2.  Rob & kimberly
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Lyn & Karlyn

Tyler & James and Rob & kimberly choose not to use the Yield.

Dustin & Kandice Yield Lyn & Karlyn.

Roadblock  -  Race Chariots

A team member must join a charioteer on race around this track, grabbing pull down two colored flags that match the color of the plum worn by the horse pulling the chariot.

Teams start the Roadblock in the following Order:
1.  Tyler & James *
2.  Rob * & Kimberly
3.  Dustin* & Kandice
4.  Lyn & Karlyn *

Teams finnish the roadblock in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Rob & Kimberly
3.  Tyler & James
4.  Lyn & Karlyn

Teams must now travel 22 miles town of idelssan and find the cafe Pirgola and find their next clue.

Dustin & Kandice agree to follow Rob & Kim to the cafe.
Tyler & James hire a cab to lead them part way to the cafe.
Lyn & Karlyn pick up a Fern who guides them part way to the cafe.

Teams arrive at the Cafe Pirgola in the following Order:
1.  Tyler & James
2.  Dustin & Kandice
3.  Lyn & Karlyn
4.  Rob & kimberly (delayed by a flat tire).

Detour  -  Throw it  or Grind it.

In Throw it teams must travel 4 miles to find a pottery shop and make 2 pots that will be judged in quality before receiving their next clue.

In Grind it teams must travel 4 miles to the North Africa Horse Olive Mill and grind 75 lb. of Olives and then fill them into pressing sleeves.

At each Detour only 3 work stations are available, first come, first served.

Only Tyler & James originally choose Throw it, until they read the addition info that tells them that throwing pottery is actually making pottery.  They make this change before leaving the Cafe Pirgola.

Teams leave the cafe to the detour in the following Order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Tyler & James  (who stop and give instructions to Rob & Kimberly who are still stuck with a flat tire)
3.  Lyn & Karlyn
4.  Rob & Kimberly

Teams arrive at the Detour in the following Order:
1.  Tyler & James
2.  Lyn & Karlyn
3.  Rob & Kimberly
4.  Dustin & Kandice

Teams finish the detour in the same order.

They must then travel 25 miles on the road to Marrakech, and find the marked boulder to the off road path where they most travel on foot to the Pit Stop at the Berber CAmp (spelling?).

Teams arrive at the Pit Stop in the following Order:
1.  Tyler & James who have to run back to their vehicle and get their medallion, they get passed by Lyn & Karlyn, but they are able to beat them in a foot race to the Mat.  They win Sprint phones and a years phone service.  5:30pm
2.  Lyn & Karlyn  5:31 pm
3.  Rob & Kimberly  5:47 pm
4.  Dustin & Kandice - 6:16 pm  - Who are marked for elimination. If they don’t arrive at the Pit Stop first, they will be penalized 30 minutes before being able to check in.

This will be updated next Sunday with Check in Times.  But I would be very surprised if its much more then 20-30 minutes.

Team Reports and Score Card will be up for this leg maybe by tonight, but most likely tomorrow.  I will not start working on those sections for legs 9 & 10.

I will also be updating the Navigation for legs 1-11.

And due to the unheard of use of Ferns and cabs in Navigating (which frankly boggles my mind), I will also be breaking down these teams on when they use ferns in their car to navigate, when they use Fern’s who drive in cars to lead them instead of navigating, when they pay cabs to lead them instead of navigating and when they follow teams instead of navigating (and indicating if they have permission or don’t have permission to follow).

That should be done no later then tomorrow.

The sad thing is this season (like season 5) has had less driving then many other seasons especially seasons 1, 4, and 9.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2006, 05:26:44 PM by mswood »

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Legs #11
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2006, 02:21:33 AM »
Score Card

This is a comparison of teh various two team seasons when compared on an equal 13 leg race.  For season 6-10 this means that double legs or To Be Continued egs will be counted as two seperate legs, with the seperation point being when teams recieve the clue to keep racing.

Teams are listed in order of season, with racers from this season appearing in ALL CAPS.

Later this week I will be putting out the list where the  comparison is strickly by the Pit Stop placement.  This works fine in comparing seasons 6-10.  But makes it disjionted with the first five seasons.

1.   Eric & Jeremy  (9)  1.64
2.   Rob & Amber  (7)  2.36
3.   Frank & Margarita  (1)  2.45
4.   Colin & Christy  (5)  2.45
5.   TYLER & JAMES  (10)  2.45
6.   Kris & Jon  (6)  2.55
7.   Tara & Will (2)  2.64
8.  Rob & Brennan  (1)  2.73
9.   Joe & Bill The Guido’s  (1)  2.73
10   Ken & Gerard  (3)  2.73
11.  BJ & Tyler  (9)  2.73
12.  Hayden & Aaron  (6)  2.82
13.  Flo & Zach  (3)  2.91
14.  Derek & Drew  (3)  3.09  Eliminated
15.  DUSTIN & KANDICE  (10)  3.09
16.  Ron & Kelly  (7)  3.18
17.  Reichen & Chip  (4)  3.27
18.  Kevin & Drew  (1)  3.36  Eliminated
19.  Uchenna & Joyce  (7)  3.36
20.  ROB & KIMBERLY  (10)  3.36
21.  Brandon & Nicole  (5)  3.55
22.  Chris & Alex  (2)  3.64
23.  Jon & Al  (4)  3.64  Eliminated
24.  Chip & Kim  (5)  3.73
25.  Freddy & Kendra  (6)  3.73
26.  Joseph & Monica  (9)  3.82  Eliminated
27.  Blake & Paige  (2)  4.00
28.  Danny & OSwald  (2)  4.00  Eliminated
29.  Kelly & Jon  (4)  4.09
30.  Linda & Karen  (5)  4.18
31.  David & Jeff (4)  4.36
32.  Ray & Yolanda  (9)  4.45
33.  Adam & Rebecca  (6)  5.00
34.  Teri & Ian  (3)  5.09
35.  Gretchen & Meredith  (7)  5.36  Eliminated
36.  LYN & KARLYN  (10)  5.36

Average of Teams that won is:  3.26
Average of Teams that came in 2cd is:  2.61
Average of Teams that came in 3rd is:  4.05

Tyler & James have now official won the most legs of the season to date with 3.
Dustin & Kandice and Peter & Sarah both had 2.
Rob & Kimberly, Erwin & Godwin, and David & Mary have all won 1 leg.

If Lyn & Karlyn don’t win the next leg and manage to win the Amazing Race, tehy will be the only team to never win a normal leg.

Even if Lyn & Karlyn win the next two legs they will have the worst average of any team to make the final three in the shows history.

Out of the Four teams left (and ignoring spoilers cuse that goes to the other forum) here is hte range of possible averages for the remaining four teams assuming that the next leg as an elimination.

Tyler & James 
If they win the next two legs they will get an average of 2.23 (which would be the 2cd best average on a 13 leg scale).

If they came in third fr both the next two legs they would average a 2.54 for the season which would tie Tara & Wil’s average and put them at 9th.

Dustin & Kandice
If they win the next two legs would get a 2.78 Which would tie Flo & Zach and the Guidos average).

If they placed third in the next two legs they would average a 3.08 (which would place them between Ron & Kelly and Uchenna & Joyce)

Rob & Kimberly
If they won the next two legs they would average a 3.00 (Which would tie them with Reichen & Chip and Ron & Kelly)

If they came in third for both legs they would average a 3.31 (which would tie Brandon & Nicole)

Lyn & Karlyn
If they won the next two legs they would average a 4.69 (which would tie the worst record for a team in the final leg of Adam and Rebecca though it would mean they won unlike Adam & Rebecca).

If they came in last the last two legs they would average a 5.00.

Thats all on the 13 even legs scale it changes for the 12 leg average.

And when I put those numbers up this week I will also list the possible range for the final four.