Author Topic: Winston?  (Read 4835 times)

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Offline FullMonte

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« on: July 15, 2005, 10:52:04 AM »
Anyone have any ideas as to who "Winston" in the "Revenge of the Houseguests" blogs is??

His bio is mysterious enough, that's for sure...

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Re: Winston?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2005, 11:15:11 AM »
Hi FullMonte  , I'm pretty sure it is Drew BB5    :hapy:

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Re: Winston?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2005, 02:06:23 PM »
But Drew is listed on the "Revenge..." webpage....
It lists:

Part of me wonders if it's someone from a different show...I thought it could be good 'ole Boston Rob at one point...but it doesn't really sound like him....Although, Scott mentioning "the Don" from BB5...The silhouette does look right.....

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Re: Winston?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2005, 02:33:16 PM »
do you still have the links to the old BB's I bet the silhouette is the original pic from the show....


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Re: Winston?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2005, 08:10:52 PM »
Winston Smith is the character in the book 1984 - the original Big Brother concept from George Orwell

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Re: Winston?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2005, 08:21:44 PM »
right right nobody , a ding just went off in my head !! Thank You  :t-up:
I know the book well ( The only book that I ever enjoyed reading !! )

In 1984, Winston Smith lives in London which is part of the country Oceania. The world is divided into three countries that include the entire globe: Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Oceania, and both of the others, is a totalitarian society led by Big Brother, which censors everyone’s behavior, even their thoughts. Winston is disgusted with his oppressed life and secretly longs to join the fabled Brotherhood, a supposed group of underground rebels intent on overthrowing the government. Winston meets Julia and they secretly fall in love and have an affair, something which is considered a crime. One day, while walking home, Winston encounters O'Brien, an inner party member, who gives Winston his address. Winston had exchanged glances with O'Brien before and had dreams about him giving him the impression that O'Brien was a member of the Brotherhood. Since Julia hated the party as much as Winston did, they went to O'Brien’s house together where they were introduced into the Brotherhood. O'Brien is actually a faithful member of the Inner-Party and this is actually a trap for Winston, a trap that O'Brien has been cleverly setting for seven years. Winston and Julia are sent to the Ministry of Love which is a sort of rehabilitation center for criminals accused of thoughtcrime. There, Winston was separated from Julia, and tortured until his beliefs coincided with those of the Party. Winston denounces everything he believed him, even his love for Julia, and was released back into the public where he wastes his days at the Chestnut Tree drinking gin.

from the CBS site

Although the enigmatic Winston Smith isn't ready to reveal his true identity, he was willing to sit down with us (behind a screen, of course) and answer a few questions for BIG BROTHER fans.

Born in Tokyo to an English mother and a Japanese father, Winston displayed early on a talent for solving puzzles and learning languages. When he was ten years old, the family moved to the United States, and after a few years all three became US citizens. By the time he reached adulthood, Winston had already earned a reputation in Intelligence circles for his freakish ability to break the most difficult codes and his facility with languages and dialects. It was inevitable that his first job would be breaking codes for…let's just say a lesser-known branch of the US Intelligence community.

Not much is known about Winston's years within the Organization, but he did advance rapidly and finally went into a deep cover assignment. Details of that years-long assignment are obscure, but we can tell you that he was living in England, and we've heard that during those years he was under video surveillance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When the assignment ended, Winston emerged a changed man and immediately moved to Los Angeles to seek work in the entertainment industry.

Winston has done quite well in Hollywood, amassing an impressive fortune and becoming quite a player. Rather than appearing on camera (he has had quite enough of that, thank you), Winston has remained behind the scenes, watching from the shadows. Despite his mania for secrecy, he travels a lot and appears in public frequently. You might even say he's something of a public figure. Many of you have probably run into him when you're out and about.

We asked Winston Smith to join the Revenge of the HouseGuests blog because of his years under surveillance and his deep knowledge of all things BIG BROTHER. If you remember nothing else about him, keep this in mind: Winston likes to watch.

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Re: Winston?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2005, 09:07:31 PM »
could it be anymore obvious?

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