Author Topic: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion  (Read 2560 times)

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TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« on: September 09, 2024, 05:25:19 AM »

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2024, 06:16:27 PM »
After last year’s celebrity season turned out really well, I was excited for this season, and this was a good start that showed off a few classics from Buenos Aires. This seems like a fun group of teams though I can see why Cyrell has now been on multiple reality shows. It was surprising to see a team take a penalty in the first episode. Also, why I’ve accepted the shorter penalties since Covid for this version, 30 minutes for a Detour does seem low.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2024, 06:33:33 PM »
That was a weird mess. Which is odd, cause I did call a lot of the early part of the most recent Canadian season also a bit of strange, the additional time also made it a little slow.
Starting line in the middle of the city. A bit surprised we didn't get more sigthings from it, at least expected more than those few got.
Those look like some huge backpacks, are AU standarizing them?
Beau's failed attempt at his stint on Dancing with the Stars still weird, which is a show I did not expect to mention this season, as we don't think we share cast members this year.
Cooking side of the detour did look more straightforward. But dancing was definitely more fun watch for the non-co-ed teams.
A team taking a penalty on leg 1  :groan: :groan:
Loved seeing the girls playing some footie at the pit stop.
Not surprised by the team that was eliminated. Sad to see them go, there are some unlikable teams among those bottom teams.
Wow another one by less than 5 minutes, but unlike in Canada, last team arrived within those 5 minutes before the penaly expired.

Leg 2 is airing tomorrow (technically today, considering AU hours).

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2024, 06:45:02 AM »
Episode 1 Thoughts

This premiere was… interesting to say the least! The cast is quite fantastic so far (with my favourites being Billy & Oscar and Cyrell & Eden), and it was good to see
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Luke & Julie go home after taking the penalty  :groan:. I have an issue with penalties on this version being extremely weak compared to the US & Canada versions - it almost encourages teams to take penalties

Now, onto the tasks! I’m still a little unsure about actually starting a season outside of Australia, but I just need to get over it  :funny: I didn’t find the dog counting task particularly exciting, but it was quite funny to see a few teams struggling with counting (mind you, the task was harder than it looked)! The Detour was quite traditional (the sandwich making task would have been so much easier than the tango task) and that La Boca soccer chant would have been so hard! (I instantly would have been chanting AFL chants  :funny:). I was so disappointed not to see Alen as one of the La Boca supporters, it would of been the perfect challenge for him to participate in!

All in all, quite a good premiere, but I didn’t rate it as good as last year’s (maybe because Argentina has no standing compared to India as a location  :lol:)

I’ve been crazy busy with work this past few months and didn’t get a chance to catch Episode 2 live… but I have recorded it and will hopefully watch it later tonight (the cow head eating task looks disgusting!)

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2024, 12:33:22 PM »
Loved that we left the large cities, and this caused a lot travelling confusion, language is even much more of a challenge.
I am doomed with TAR7 flashbacks, with another meat eating challenge in Argentina, with teams choosing to take penalty over it. The limited spot per detour side, was almost cruel. Choosing to take the penalty early feels almost strategic, like how Rob and Amber were playing the game back in the day.
Considering that the Detour is followed by ban intersection, then the pit stop is there.
Beau's small talk with the greeter still such a weird part of the current Australian iteratioin of the show.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2024, 07:34:08 PM »
Holy cow!

That was a pretty great leg that all came down to a penalty and a foot race. It was nice to revisit Salta after all these years and explore more of the city. Have to agree that this leg turned into TAR 7 with a team getting lost for an hour, the cow head, and gauchos. Was nice to get some clarity with the Detour penalty as it’s more about how much of the task the team completed. Hoping though it’s more early days, and not a pattern with every team taking penalties. Can’t recall ever seeing an Intersection at the end of a leg, but at least it gave the last place team a chance.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2024, 09:15:14 PM »
Episode 2 Thoughts

Finally got around to watching Episode 2 (on the same day that Episode 3 is due  :lol: :funny:)

I definitely thought that this leg was much better than the premiere. Wasn’t pretty seeing Mel have a total panic attack while on the cable car to the Roadblock, but it was great to see how supportive her sister was. I really enjoyed the Roadblock - really cool traditional challenge that was also quite difficult! Credit to Steph for sticking with the task despite having very poor eyesight.

As for the Detour, the Strong Stomach Detour was disgusting! I have no idea how teams managed to eat that cow’s head (seriously one of the most disgusting tasks I have ever seen in any version of TAR) - Jett & Lily were really smart on taking the penalty early (could of kept them in the Race), but it was quite funny to see many teams throw up during the task. The Soft Touch Detour was probably was the worst challenge of the leg (I don’t really care about animal tasks that involve milking???), but it was funny to see Cyrell freaking out over animals  :funny: :lol:

Having an Intersection at the end of the leg was… interesting to say the least. The task of a gaucho horseback riding routine was quite neat, but it was presented as being quite an easy task? I thought the Pit Stop location was quite beautiful and it was good to see a foot race to the mat for last!

As for the eliminated team,
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I’m not really too fussed with Nat & Mel being eliminated. They’re nice people, but weren’t really all that entertaining. However, all credit to Mel for participating in the Race despite having two broken bones in her foot!

Also… is Billy just going to say “good rip” each time Oscar rips open a clue?  :lol: :funny:

Looking forward to tonight’s episode concluding our Argentina run!
« Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 11:35:04 PM by BourkieBoy »

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2024, 12:53:03 PM »
Not sure if it's true, but I just heard this season actually didn't allow Detour switching, and that's why we saw two teams quit the Detour in the first two episodes.

If true, that is a really, really stupid choice. Manufactured penalty drama.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2024, 04:39:15 PM »
We got our first leg without penalties.

One thing about the celebrity seasons is how they focus on the countries they visit and how they show off lesser known corners. Though it is funny that Tilcara was just on Celebrity Race Across the World las week. Still can't figure out how a small comment lead to a one-sided blow up from Cyrell to Thorpie.

Small note, whoever named one of the llamas Kuzco has my sense of humor and nostalgia. Also, I think Pete visually represented what a lot of people think about alarm clocks.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2024, 10:12:32 PM »
This was a tough leg physically.
Glad there were no penalties.
Well the luck ran out for this team. Not sad to see them go, as they were mostly unlikable.
A bit surprised it was a elimnation leg, I kept expecting to get at least one non-elim per country, for some silly reason.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2024, 06:03:14 PM »
23 years and there has never been a leg in Johannesburg until now.

In all fairness, it was nice to see a large South African city that's not Cape Town. They really want to trip teams up with eating tasks. Half of the legs so far have had one.
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I was stunned with that ending. I thought Jett & Lily were safe. Didn't know it was that close.

Also, what was that sequence with Havana & Steph in the elevator?  :funny:

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2024, 06:12:56 PM »
Really enjoy when they make teams use public transportation,
Curious about the detour situation. Leg 2 did state that stations were limited for that leg. Leg 3 and 4 did not state specifically, but from the way teams spreadout through the challenges it seems like so. If swapping are not allowed, it is just weird. Some teams missing the first train weren't hindered that much, as they were still able to catch up during the detour.
What about this race efforts to make teams eat feet and heads part of the challenges. Calling it KFC is a funny thing.
Happy that the leg didn't just conclude at the RB, and it kept going with another ARI.Impressive how long teams were stuck there mostly at the same time, Loved how teams that found the clue tried to be conspicous and hide it. And it was gorgeous sight, as most top teams arrived during sundown, until it became a night race.
We had this last season, but is this another season with two fairly strong FF teams, competing for top spots.  The ladies on the footrace for the mat was very exciting. Sad this was an elimination leg, was almost hoping this would be a non-elim.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2024, 11:50:08 PM »
Episode 3 Thoughts

Finally caught up on Leg 3 last night (I warned y'all that I've been busy!  :lol: :funny:)

I personally found this leg to most the most boring episode of the season so far. Sure, the scenery looked amazing, but I found the tasks to be extremely boring and slow. Thought that the brick moulding task was the most interesting task of the leg, but I've always felt this task is better in a country like India or Malawi. Wasn't fussed with either of the Detour tasks, but appreciated the history and cultural traditions of Walk Like An Incan (after learning all about the Incans in a History class in school :funny:). Found Dress Like An Incan to easily be the worst task of the leg

Didn't mind the llama Roadblock, as it was funny to see some different team's reaction to the animal and I liked how the Pit Stop was in a tricky location and teams had to be smart as to where to find it

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Devastated to see Cyrell & Eden go. They were my favorite team of the season by far (but so revealed to see my second favorite team, Billy & Oscar survive). Cyrell's fight with Christian over nothing was hilarious :lol: :funny:

Really looking forward to our trio of South African legs

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2024, 11:41:15 AM »
One aspect that helps TAR stand out is the interactions with locals. That was lost a bit due to COVID, but it came out in full force this leg. We genuinely got some inspiring moments like with the Tillies at the drum task as well as funny moments during the Detour. It was also funny that the bicycle task was either the easiest thing ever for some racers or the most frustrating thing for others to the point that it led to a penalty.

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Brooke & Adam have become one of my favorite, so I was happy to see them win.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2024, 04:41:28 PM »
Great leg about interaction with the locals, the challenges just appeared easy, but there was a certain level of difficulty through all of it.
I am liking Brooke and Adam as well. Such a fun leg for them.

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A KOR?! It seems both Australia and Canada have both been avoiding straight Non-elim by having more KOR in place of them (including whatever oddity Canada did with that Voting Uturn board), which eliminates designing handicaps for the last team, while the US solution has been getting rid of non-elim legs altogether. Which probably was anti-climatic for the team serving a penalty at the pit-stop.

Episode 3 Thoughts
Finally caught up on Leg 3 last night (I warned y'all that I've been busy!  :lol: :funny:)

Will be joining you on catching-up late when they head out for the next country for the next set of legs. Will be flying out for a few days for work, and not sure how much I'll be able to watch while away from home. Might be able to catch-up to legs 7 and 8 just as they're airing leg 9.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2024, 02:27:15 PM »
While I came into Episode 6 knowing either Havana & Steph or the Tillies would leaving, I can't help but feel that Havana & Steph were screwed by the leg design. A midleg equalizer into a luck Roadblock was just awful design for a leg following a KOR (if anything, this and Soweto could've been switched in order, seeing how much daylight teams had after arriving to the Lodge). While it seemed there was some level of technique that changed efficiency, and eyesight played a role, the Roadblock was too luck-based to be the only determinant besides driving before a Pit Stop. Havana & Steph were a surprisingly strong team, especially in these past legs in South Africa; I don't know how much they lost by, but if they had their lead from the previous day, I'm sure they would've beaten Peter & Bridget.

Aside from this gripe, I've been really enjoying the tasks this season! I was at first skeptical of doing Incan tasks in Argentina, as I thought they'd be better in Peru or Bolivia, but seeing the people of Jujuy, there's undeniably an Indigenous presence. Beyond that, I've been impressed by the eating challenges! In the past, The Amazing Race has relied on eating challenges to mock or elicit a "gross" reaction, but the two tasks thus far have relied on less-than-usual parts of animals ordinarily consumed (per an Anglo-Western perspective). As someone said in Johannesburg, "it's just chicken." While the use of heads and feet added shock value, the tasks highlighted the resourcefulness and aversion to food waste, rather than making the local population seem weird or exotic for their dietary culture.

Looking forward to Namibia!
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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2024, 09:15:37 PM »
It's no surprise that this production included a safari, but what holds this leg back is that the Roadblock was the only task that was after it. If the safari was the first thing teams did, I don't think we would be complaining as much. (I mean we still might comment on how short the leg was.)

They really did Pete & Bridget dirty with the "Currently Lost" chyron.  :funny:

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2024, 04:03:57 AM »
Pretty but messy leg, it didn't help that I was really tired while watching it. It seems that a lot of time was spent on teams downtime at the equalizer.

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2024, 08:45:21 PM »
Episode 4 Thoughts

Finally got around to watching this episode! (Also watched Episode 5 last night and plan to watch Episode 6 tonight, so that I'm all caught up and ready to go for Episode 7, which is airing tomorrow night!)

I think this was my favourite episode of the season so far! I love South Africa and to see Johannesburg again after so many years was wonderful. I really liked how the episode started, with the teams needing to travel via train from Sandton Station to Park Station and then search around the station for their next clue. I really enjoyed the Healer side of the Detour, especially the twist of needing to add all of the items on the ground to the stall, which tripped a few teams up (also really enjoyed how the labels were in the Zulu language and teams needed to ask the locals for help). I found the Styler Detour to probably be the worst task of the leg, but maybe that's because I'm just not interested in anything to do with sewing?  :lol: :funny:

Gotta love how the Roadblock was yet another eating task! I love my chicken, but I would have personally found it really hard to eat both the chicken feet and the chicken's head. The Rand Club looked like an awesome location and it was quite a unique challenge having to search around the club for the "Big five". The Pit Stop location at night also looked awesome (there's something about night legs and TAR that are very special)

As for the eliminated team,
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I'm quite sad to see them go. Jett is actually an Ironman and surf lifesaver in Australia, so he's extremely fit. Lily was always the "weak link" of the team and I knew that they weren't going to go very far

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2024, 09:20:23 PM »
Episode 5 Thoughts

This was a very inspiring leg (you knew it was as it was taking place in Soweto), but I thought the leg was our second-worst of the season so far. I found the way the Pit Start was delivered was unique (teams receiving their clues via the clues being posted under their doors  :lol: :funny:). I found the bike building Roadblock to be extremely hard and all credit to the teams who managed to complete it. Great idea to use Mandela's House as a clue location, but I thought it was maybe a missed opportunity to maybe have the teams spend some time at the house, looking through it?

I personally found the song and drum routine to easily be the worst task of the leg (maybe because I have zero interest in musical tasks on TAR) and I thought the editing of the task to be terrible (the segment went for far too long and took far too much for the episode - the mid-point of the episode was extremely boring). However, it was great to see the teams interaction with the local kids. I found both of the Detour tasks to be the best tasks of the leg - the Burgers side (how delicious did those kota burgers look!), was quite tricky (especially remembering those picky orders from the customers and then having to remember how to put the burger together) and the Beers side would have been extremely physically demanding (that route looked longer than 2 kilometers on the map) - I'm not sure that beer would of tasted very nice (not a big fan personally of home brewed beer), both when the teams had to sample it at the start of the task and when it was delivered to the backyard party (after being in the hot sun!)

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Very glad that this was a KOR leg and that Peter & Bridget survived. Peter is one of the most entertaining Racers I think we've ever had on the show

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2024, 09:05:03 PM »
Episode 6 Thoughts

This was another good leg! I really enjoyed both sides of the Detour - unlike music tasks, I don't mind dance tasks and the High Kick Zulu Warrior Dance looked awesome! (I would have torn my hamstrings and calves if I had done this task!  :lol: :funny:) and the Paint Slick side of the Detour looked awesome (the finished drinking pot looked amazing!) I quite liked the safari task, but I think the Carnivores got the better experience then the Herbivores (as the Carnivores got right up and close with the animals)

I was a little surprised that Peter & Bridget needed to do a Speed Bump, as the previous leg was a KOR. I found the task to be quite boring and pointless in all honesty (didn't really add to the episode too much). I found the Roadblock task... a little disgusting? I think I get quite uncomfortable with anything to do with teeth (maybe because of hygiene reasons), but the task was entertaining. What is the obsession with teeth in this episode??? Even the Pit Stop took place at a park dedicated to teeth!  :funny: :lol:

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I'm going to miss Havana & Steph. They were a good team and quite competitive and strong at the same time!

Overall, the South African legs were very entertaining and fun. I enjoyed two out of the three and I'm very much looking to the Namibian episodes starting tonight!

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Re: TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2024, 06:07:21 PM »
That was a packed day in Namibia.

They did a KOR again but didn't have a mid-leg rest point unlike South Africa. These two legs were slightly strange. The first one was longer and had more task but didn't feel like much happened. Whereas it was the opposite for the second leg. The eating tasks returned, and it amazes me that most of the teams essentially decided to do the Meatblock. Also, it was nice to focus on multiple ethnic groups rather than just the San people as TAR tends to do. They saved that for next week.

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Chloe & Emily were the most shocking boot yet due to such a simple mistake of losing their bag as well as the second half of the leg not really allowing them to catch up.