Author Topic: Seems that somebody has it on the bag (Leg 3 questions)  (Read 2192 times)

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Seems that somebody has it on the bag (Leg 3 questions)
« on: January 06, 2022, 10:37:23 AM »
1. Did you like the season premiere?
2. Which episode you liked the most, first or second? Why?
3. Which team performance surprised you?
4. And which one dissappointed you?
5. Who's going to win the leg?
6. And which team is going home?
7. The title quote belongs to...
8. How many times did you have it in the bag?
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Offline ghmorello

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Re: Seems that somebody has it on the bag (Leg 3 questions)
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2022, 12:58:36 PM »
1. Did you like the season premiere?
2. Which episode you liked the most, first or second? Why?
3. Which team performance surprised you?
4. And which one dissappointed you?
5. Who's going to win the leg?
6. And which team is going home?
7. The title quote belongs to...
8. How many times did you have it in the bag?

1. Not really.  The pacing was a mess, no teams stood out, and the racer's ignorance about current events and politicians just annoyed me.
2. Probably the second since daytime is clearer and the tea time in a double decker pit stop was cool.
3. Probably Kim and Penn.
4. Akbar and Sherri.
5. Raquel and Cayla.
6. Technically all of them, but the eliminated team will be Connie and Sam.
7. A Roadblock question.
8. None to be honest.

Offline redskevin88

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Re: Seems that somebody has it on the bag (Leg 3 questions)
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2022, 05:59:55 PM »
1. Did you like the season premiere? Yes.
2. Which episode you liked the most, first or second? Why? Surprisingly the first.
3. Which team performance surprised you? None of them.
4. And which one disappointed you? Maybe the YouTube Sensations.
5. Who's going to win the leg? Akbar & Sheri
6. And which team is going home? All of them. Filming was put on hiatus after Leg 3.
7. The title quote belongs to...It sounds like a roadblock clue.
8. How many times did you have it in the bag? Well in Secondary School I auditioned for performing arts and thought I had it, only to hear the fire alarm...

Online BourkieBoy

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Re: Seems that somebody has it on the bag (Leg 3 questions)
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2022, 06:45:05 PM »
1.  Did you like the season premiere?
I have mixed feelings. I enjoyed London as a location and seeing the city in the both night & day and also in the rain! However, I did feel like that the tasks were a little bit too easy for TAR

2. Which episode you liked the most, first or second? Why?
I liked the first episode more, only because I got to see London (one of my favorite cities in the world and one I really wanna visit) and because I felt the tasks weren't as easy as they were in the second episode

3. Which team performance surprised you?
Raquel & Cayla. I didn't expect them to be so strong in both legs! I can't wait to see how far they'll continue to go in the competition

4. And which one disappointed you?
Taylor & Isaiah. I found them quite boring in terms of entertainment, but also was disappointed in their leg placements

5. Who's going to win the leg?
This is a complete guess, but I'm going to go with Raquel & Cayla!

6. And which team is going home?
In realistic terms, all teams will be going home, because filming was suspended at the of Leg 3!  :lol: :funny:. But, in terms of who's going to be eliminated in terms of the competition, I'm going to guess Connie & Sam

7. The title quote belongs to...
I think it's a Roadblock question, so I suppose everybody will say it?

8. How many times did you have it in the bag?
Not that often actually! Maybe when I went for a job interview on a Wednesday and then told I got the job on the Thursday?