So this is what I see...
Leg 1: United States -> Japan (Art/JJ Out)
Leg 2: Japan -> Laos (Laura/Rupert Out)
Leg 3: Laos -> Vietnam (NEL)
Leg 4: Vietnam (Eliza/Corinne Out)
Leg 5: Vietnam -> United Arab Emirates (Tyler/Korey or Team Fun Out)?
Leg 6: United Arab Emirates -> Uganda
I am thinking going into Leg 6, 7 teams remain. I am thinking that there will be 2 Legs in Uganda then, 1 leg in South Africa (Seen we haven’t been there seen Season 7) I think the partner Swap is at Final 6 this season as well.
I Think It Is
Leg 6: United Arab Emirates -> Uganda (NEL or KOP)
Leg 7: Uganda (EL)
Leg 8: Uganda -> South Africa (NEL because Partner Swap)
The last part was per speculation. This is my opinion not yours please be respectful I look at EVERYONES opinion I respect everyone.