Laurel is losing points since she told Desiree's plan to Dom... And it's sad because she was one of my fav players.
Tired of "Naviti strong" too.
I'm not liking this season at all, all the strong people are voted out, and I can't stand Dom and Wendell, and I think they are going to be F2 just because they have plenty of Idols and everybody is scared of taking a shot against them.
I couldn't stand Dom when he said: "Let's vote Michael anyway". Oh sure, it's easy for you to say since you have the Immunity Necklace on your neck and you can't go anywhere.
It seems Kellyn will be upset next week, and I don't like her either, but I hope she succees on her plan next week and takes one of them out or something.
Bring back Michael, he's gold. Only if he had voted for Laurel... ):