Worst episode ever! grrrrrr
What was that ridiculous love "challenge"? Well, it wasn't a challenge, that's for sure. SHAME.
Yes, Lauren did a lot of mistakes this episode. Why didn't she kept the idol for herself? Why did she gave the other part of the idol to Mike? Why did she left the Advantage at camp?
I know the advantage wouldn't have effect anything but idk, be always prepared if you know you are the target. I hated Mike when he threw the idol to the fire. If I was Lauren I would have jump to the fire, throw the water of my canteen and took the idol and play it. lol
Anyway, I love Lauren, she was my winner pick, and I really do hope that we get to see her playing again. Blood vs Water 3 with her sister? Or just her on a returning players season please I hope she accepts.
I think I've never hated a castaway more than Ben right now. I know he is playing survivor so hard, but I can't see his face, I want him OUT ASAP and never playing again (sadly I'm sure he will play again :/).
Well, right now my winner pick order is: 1- Devon, 2- Mike (screw you for that idol in the fire), 3- Ashley, 4- Chrissy, 5- Ryan, 6- Ben.
The bad thing is that rn Devon and Ashley are alone. I hope everybody agrees on taking out Ben and then Mike joins Devon and Ashley.