Jak is not happy and wants to go. Barb and Jak talk about what is to come and Barb notes he is subdued. Barb has a plan that depends on the next immunity challenge and making some moves with possibly Tom and Jak.
Tom finds some tree mail as we have a reward challenge immunity. How well do you think you know eachother? Shannon wants food for Reward. Today's challenge is that they will be asked questions about their tribemates and the challenge is to figure out where the tribe answered. The person who gets a question gets to chop at a person's rope with their named tiles on it. 3 chops to your rope and you are out. Last person standing wins reward which is.... a Pizza Hut pizza (who are the sponsers for this season)! 5 pizza for 4 people. W
First question who does not deserve to still be here? The tribe consensus is Barb. Avi, Sala and Tom get the first question. Avi chops Nate, Tom chops Shay and Sala chops Tom.
Second question. Who would you trust with your life? Avi is the answer. Nate chops Tom, Jak chops Shay, Tom chops Shay and she is out, Sala chops Tom and he is out.
Third question who most needs a wakeup call in life, Jak is the answer and he picks himself. Nate chops Jak, Jak chops Nate, Shannon chops Jak, Sala chops Jak and he is gone.
Fourth question who does the least for their tribe. Jak is the answer again. Shannon chops Sala, Sala chops Shannon, Avi chops Shannon and she is out, Barb chops Sala, Nate chops Sala and he is out.
Fifth question who would you most like to be stranded on an island? Avi is the answer and Barb chops Avi.
Sixth question, Who do you hope to never see after the game, Avi picks himself, Barb picks Jak and Nate picks Tom. Jak is the answer and Barb eliminates Avi from the challenge.
Seventh question, Who would never survive on their own? Barb is the answer as both of the remaining survivors have one chop left.
Eigth question, Who is more likely to stab you in the back. Tribe says Shay as Barb wins the reward challenge. Barb picks Nate, Jak and Sala to eat Pizza with her.