-Were the judges from the two Detours celebrities? They seemed famous.
-What was the time limit for the high-wire challenge?
-What was the time limit for the ball-rolling challenge?
- I don't know the judge from Sing Detour. The judge for Magic Detour is one of semi-finalists of Vietnam Got Talent season 2.
- Time limit for high-wire challenge is 30 minutes. For each 5 minutes over, they get 15 minutes penalty. If they give up, they got 2 hours and 30 minutes penalty.
- They don't mention the time-limit for ball-rolling challenge and also time penalty when they fail. I will ask racer about this one. If you've not known yet, the sum of numbers of all balls in a row has to be 26. They can not use pen and paper to calculate. Yellow team will get penalty if they are not the last team to arrive.
- For your reference, the Roadblock, they have only 1 minute and 30 seconds to perform. If they fail, they get 10 minute penalty before starting again. For the first 5 times, they must have all 3 balls in the cup. After failing 5 times, the score will be accumulated until they have all three balls. Side note: They can not throw ball directly to the cup, the ball has to bound on the table into the cup.