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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #150 on: August 03, 2014, 05:21:56 PM »
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #151 on: August 03, 2014, 05:29:49 PM »
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #152 on: August 03, 2014, 05:31:37 PM »
Adam and Eve

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #153 on: August 03, 2014, 06:08:20 PM »
Cody and Christine in the hammock

Cody: Its so nice to be outside.

Christine: Its cloudy and its my favorite.  They make me so happy.

Cody: That's interesting.   

Christine: Does it get cloudy in NJ?

Cody: Yes.  weather stories . . .

Christine: I need to talk to Nicole still.

COdy: HOw are you in the game? We don't talk about the game anymore. You're attached at the hip with Frankie but you never talk to me

Christine: What?!?

Cody: I"m just the observer.

Christine: Does it really look like that? I guess it does.  I feel like you're attached to Derrick's hip.

Cody: That's blatantly not true. You're just trying to come back at me

CHristine; NO I'm serious

COdy:  How do you feel?

Christine:  Good. I just think its going to be hard because we have to convince Nicole to get rid of Jocasta over Zach

Cody: Is that going to be hard

Christine: Yes, she really wants him out.

COdy: Have you talked to her about the veto?

Christine: No. I'm going to later and I'll just say that I'm not going to use it because I don't want to get more blood on her hands.

Frankie joins

Cody is so happpy they get to play pool for 4 days straight. . . .

They agree that they all have to run today. 

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #154 on: August 03, 2014, 06:25:46 PM »
Frankie leaves

Christine; I don' tknow how to get away from him (Frankie) alot of the time.

Cody: I was just like i lost CHristine, I never talk to her anymore

Christine: Don't ever feel that way. YOu'r emy guy you don't have to worry about it. Be careful how you talk to Zach from now on.  He is not good with his words and now he is starting to scare frankie about you.  Don't tell Zach I told you this.  He said that Frankie was running around the house and people are worried about it.  Zach was like no one in the alliance and Frankie said it is cody isn't it and Zach's face dropped and eventually after 15 minutes Frankie told me that Zch told him that he's worried about how many people Frankie is talking to.

COdy: Frankie better worry about what he's telling Zach. Frankie has been telling Zach that he wants me out first.   I told Zach he was playing the game way too hard.  I think Zach is trying to start stuff. 

Christine: when did he say that? 

cody: Recently.  Everyting he says to me I take with a grain of salt. 

CHristine: 3 days ago Zach said the cody thing.

COdy:  Zach takes stuff and embellishes it and rolls it around.  I know it doesn't come out of nowhwere.  I know he comes to me and asks me about Frankie. I think Frankie is trying to get Zach to ge me to say stuff about Frankie.  I didn't say anything to Zach.  I think Zach is stirring the pot.  I felt like Zach was trying to get stuff from me. 

Christine: this worries me

COdy: I just sit here and I go because they'r lying to get me out i'm like

Christine: I don't want you out

COdy: I don't know what game Zach or Frankie are playing i'm the one being loyal and i'll be the idiot getting f'd over.

Christine: that's the main reason I want Zach out, I feel like he stirs things up. 

COdy: Between us its so negative. Frankie is the most paranoid person in the house and for Zach to say something, I know Zach said something we were in the beehinve and talking to AMber and Amber said that Frankie said I shouldn't trust you.   I was like why would I would think Zach is throwing my name under the bus.  That's when the span of days came when Zach started saying things and asking me about Frankie. I know it comes from Frankie.  I'm like don't be paranoid and let them splay the game they play

Christine: Its scary.

Cody: I don't  feel like being played

Christine: I don't want you gone and I don't want you in the middle of them doing this stuff. I don't want either of them to say anything stupid about you and Frankie could make Zach change hismind in a second. 

Cody; If Frankie wants to play this game. I say a lot of this **** to you and if it comes back.  I stopped saying stuff to Zach when he did that stuff about me.

CHristine: Derrick was just over here and he asked if we need Zach as a number and frankly I don't think we  do

Cody: He's intentionally throwing me under the bus and he's running back to Frankie and telling him things.  Jealous of them? What am I a high school girl?

CHristine;  I feel like Frankie said things about me that weren't true

Cody; I saw you around Frankie and I wasn't sure if he was saying things to you about me.

Christine: Frankie can't say antyhing to me to change what I think about you.  I know that you three made a final 3 deal in the beginning (derrick, Cody, Zach) but he told Frankie and I. 

Cody: He doesn't get the way the game is played. He's running around and saying all this ****.  He came to me and said final 3 and I'm like whatever.

Christine: I think thta's what made people nervous about you guys in the beginning.   

COdy: I know.

CHristine: It drives me crazy.  I feel comfortable saying this to you because te he other people I don't want them to konw.  If Zach goes home yeah we'll lose a number but we'll have a quiet alliance and we dont' have to worry about him screwing us up.

Cody: I'm so sick of this numbers things.  I feel like he's trying to screw up the detonators.  He is constantly saying us two to the end and I know he's saying the same thing to Frankie

Christine: Tha'ts frustrating

COdy: I just laugh.   He's so out of his mind

Christine: I don't know what he's thinking.

Cody: This week he put himself on the block. and he's not a competitor and threw a temper tantrum. 

Christine:  None of you guys say anything about me being weak but he is always saying that

COdy: We say we're glad and happy because you're smarter than all of us. 

Christine: thank you.  This is interesting because when I say things about Zach to Frankie he spins it. 

COdy: Whenever I mention Caleb, dodged.  The funny thing is that Frankie has come to be about Zach before. I think Frankie is trying to turn Zach away from me.  He's asked me what I think about Zach and I said he's killing our game.  I'm not stupid. 

Christine: you're fully aware.

Cody; I'm waiting for information and I'll know.  When it was like you and Frankie he was feeding you crap.

Christine:  He's feeding me crap.It doesn't even phase me.

COdy: He says things about me?

Christine: oh no, no

Cody; I've been waiting for you to come to me and say that Frankie has been saying things and I'd literally call him out on it.

Christine: It scares me. I don' tknow what he's doing. 
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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #155 on: August 03, 2014, 06:57:15 PM »
Cody leaves the hammock and Hayden replaces him.

Hayden: We were all guessing it'd be you or Zach. WHat are you thinking?

Christine: I'm not going to use it.  Zach knows that.

Hayden:  I saw you with Jocasta

Christine: I told her I had to talk to nicole. 

Hayden:  Okay

Christine: You think she'll be okay with not using

Hayden: Oh yean

CHristine: It just makes it awkward because i think she wants Zach out but I don't think its going to happen

Haydne:You want him out right?

Christine: Yes, but I'm not going to vote against the guys

Hayden: I feel like I want to keep him because I don't think that he's comoing after me.  Is he really coming after Nicole or does she just thinkso?

Christine: I am pretty sure 95% that his target is Victoria. I don' tknow if he's telling us she's the target or not.

Hayden: If victoria is his next target that's fine by me

Christine: Yeah, if he's serious.  YOu'll never know.  If Zach is staying i want it to be the majorit of the house. Can you convince Victoria

Hayden: Derrick and I can

Christine: If its 7-1 then I just voted with the house.  Right now I'm just going to convince her that he's not coming after her. 

Hayden: I don't think he's coming after me. I wouldn't wnat him coming after any of you guys either. I think it'll be, it'll be good for you and Nicole and you if the veto isn't used.  It'll make it easier on everyone.  I don't think he'd expect you to use it.  It doesn't harm you  it doesn't harm nicole, it doesn't cause a whole lot of drama.  It'll be good

Christine: Okay

Hayden: You going to talk to nicole?

Christine Yeah. I wanted to talk to you first though.

Hayden:I try not to talk alot. Congrats on winning it it must hav been the coolest comp ever.

Christine: It was.  Where is nicole?  This game is so hard.

At the same time, Cody and Nicole were eating in the kitchen:

Cody: How you feeling today?

Nicole: Good. HOw are you feeling today?   

Cody: Good

Nicole: Cody I'm sorry.  Its good for us though

COdy: That I'm a have not?

Nicole:  Yes. 

Cody: Sure.  He jokes

Nicole: Is the plan to try to get me to keep Zach?

Cody: Yes. Are you surprised?

Nicole: No, I just figured that was the plan. But its not happening right?

Cody: right. 

Nicole: Why does Christine want to keep Zach?

Cody: I don't think she does. I think Frankie has her ear.  SHe's going to come in and want to talk to you right now. 

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #156 on: August 03, 2014, 07:16:23 PM »
Christine comes in and wants to talk to Nicole upstairs.

Nicole wants to clean her plate first. 

THey go upstairs. 

Christine: let's talk about the veto. I don't want to use it.

Nicole: that's good.

Christine: As of now all the boys want to Zach to stay.  Hayden is Zach's next target.  I have information.  Zach talks crap against COdy all of the time.  They know I don't want Zach to stay.

Nicole:  Frankie doesn't want him to gol.

Christine:  Cody is nervous about Frankie and Zach.  Christine telling Nicole telling Zach told Frankie that Cody was worried about Frankie. I told COdy.  I started that seed.  Derrick came up to me this morning and said honestlydo you want Zach to go? I said yes.  Derrick said that Zach is a bigger targer. 

Nicole: Oh geesh.  Hayden is okay with Zach staying as long as he's not a target

Christine: Zach wants to backdoor Hayden. 

Nicole: He told you that?

Christine: Yes, there were people there.  If I can convince Derrick and Hayden, they bring victoria.  I have to just convince the guys.  Don't tell Hayden yet. I have to figure out how to bring it to hayden. I want to talk to Zach again and get exact quotes and then drop the bomb on Hayden

Nicole: I Don't want Zach to stay.   Its my HOH I don't want it to be flipped.  I'm not worried about Jocasta.  It would take a lot to get me to be flipped. He's so confident

Christine: It would have to be a blindside for sure

Nicole: What a great HOH that would be.

Christine: I'm trying to plant seeds. Its only sunday we have a lot of time

Nicole: What about Frankie? will he be made? Do we blindside him?

Christine: No. we tell him.

Nicole:  when I wone HOH he came up and said he wouldn't be persuaded.  People know I want Zach gone.  I wouldn't believe Zach anyway

Christine: you can't believe anything he says,  the hayden thing is serious because of how serious he was when he said.  Me and Frankie were like ack.

Nicole: You dthink that Frankie is commited to working with us?

Christine: I can't be confident. I still think he's working with the guys

Nicole:  I just hope this doens't upset him.  Its notthing he did.  Its purely Zach.  Frankie needs to realie that Zach could really hurt his game.

Christine:  Zach doesn't shut up.

Nicole: I would rahter you not use it then

CHristine: this is the first time its not used

Nicole: SO I don't have to do anything.

Christine: I'll jsut say I"m going to respect the HOH wishes.  Jocasta came up to me this morning and I was like eh

They rehash the veto comp

Chrstine: NO one has tried to get me to use the veto on Zach. They know its rocking our friendship and think about ti Derrick, COdy and Frankie know that they're the options to put up.   Jocasta said that they ahd to convince me to put up Donny.   

Nicole: I'm in shock if Zach stays on the block and then goes home. If he stays and I can't play HOH i'm screwed.  With what you said we can get the boys to switch.   

Christine: I need to have more converstaions with Zach and get real quotes.

Nicole: Does he trust you?

CHristine: He just can't keep his mouth shut.  Its that bad. If I went to ask him he'd say it.

Nicole: He's extremely intelligent and his strategy is nuts and he could still be here after this week.  I don't understand how its working so well.   

At the same time, Zach is practicing his eviction poem with Derrick, Caleb, and Victoria. 
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #157 on: August 03, 2014, 07:30:01 PM »
Christine: There's so much talk that could be happening today.  I need to get my act together. 

Nicole: What is your pitch to get Zach out?

Christine: I'm going to get them to be convinced that they want him gone for his game.

Nicole: I'm just worried that Frankie will be pissed.

Christine: It always goes Frankies way always.  If its a double eviction I want to back door Caleb and they aren't going to want me too. 

Nicole: I thought Caleb wasn't going to put you up?

Christine:  He probably won't, but he could put up you and Hayden.

Nicole: I think that's a good plan. I don't know what he would do.

CHristine: That's when I'll say to Derrick and COdy that he told me he was coming after you.  Who would I have to put him up against?

Nicole: I don't think the boys would be against putting Caleb out?

Christine: If they're working together.

Nicole YOu have to put up Donny and Victoria

They talk about the plans for the next eviction.

At the same times, Derrick and Cody touching bas e in the bathroom.

Derrick giving Cody a rundown of where everyone is.

Cody:  I told Christine that she was the girl I was bringing as far as I could.  YOu know that Derrick and you i trust the most because you guys don't say anything.  I also said that Zach runs his mouth. I told her that i think she's in the middle of the whole scenario.   

Derrick: If she's going to be honest with you she doesnt want to get you out

Cody: Is nicole lying?

Derrick: She didn't say that to me.   

Cody: She said I'm attached to the hip with derrick. She said she doesn't trust Frankie and she said she'd never want me out of the house. I gave her a look, I was this close

Derrick: You should have said that because we're being honest I would have said that nicole said you wanted me out. If nicole is teling me the truth. Christine has no idea that Frankie is the real back door target.  Christine told nicole that me and you should go up. SHe has no idea that nicole doesn't tust frankie in christine's eyes she'd want cody and Derrick up. 

Cody: Do that again . . .

Derrick:  Christine doesn't know that Nicole would put up Franki.  According to nicole, if Christine wants you and I to go up, she'll go to Nicole and say I'm using the veto and put up COdy and Derrick. If she doesn't use the veto, then the whole plan she was telling Nicole would be busted.

Cody: YEah, why would she blow up her whole plan. 

Derrick:  who do we vote out if its the same?

Cody: I don't know.   

Derrick: If donny or hayden wins

Cody: We are good with hayden right now, we can't play too far down the road

Derrick: So we send Zach home?

Cody; I think its better for us. 

they talk about how Zach is playing Frankie. 

Cody: Because of Zach we are canabaliing ourselves.  Zach started the **** with Amber and who went home Amber, He started it with Devin and Devin went home. He's starting it with me and Frankie and who is going home/

Derrick: Hayden and Nicole will not keep us long term.   He thinks Nicole is working with Donny

Cody: If were in an alliance then call her out on that? If Zach goes, we still have caleb and the others as our ride and die.

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #158 on: August 03, 2014, 07:32:32 PM »
At the pool table, hayden telling cody that christine was going to talk to Nicole and convince her that Zach was not coming after her. Hey tells Cody that Christine is not using the pov.

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #159 on: August 03, 2014, 07:44:32 PM »
Frankie in the HOH

Nicole: Christine isn't going to use the veto.

Frankie: Oh.

Nicole: Its less blood for me. 

Frankie: I think we're entering the jury.

Nicole: If Zach isn't going to go home right now. 

Frankie:  I feel like the only person that would not go home is cody or derrick, but she isn't going to use it

Nicole: Its easy.

Frankie: Have you spoken to Zach one on one?

Nicole: I don't care where he's at.  He can come talk to me. I don't see a point in talking to him. Its obvious I want him to leave.  I'm open to hear things. but, I'm not going to go up to him.  But, if he wants to talk I wouldn't say no.

Frankie: I do feel like there will be a buy back from the jury.  Having weak people there, so that if you have jocasta, donny and victoria, it'll be easier.   They'll be alone if they come bck in.   That's assuming it goes like it did last year.

Nicole: You never know.   

They're rehasing Judd's eviction

Frankie: we have to have 2 double evictions

Nicole: Its probably this week.  The fact that Zach tells me I'm his target doesn't want me to mak ehim keep him.

Frankie: Zach talks so much ****.  I don't know what he's thinkning.  But why would you be anyone's target?  there are other huge targets in the house

Nicole:  He hit first. I don't want you to think this a hit on you.  I don't want you to be mad because he's your friend.  I didn't expect him to still be sitting on the block. Afte rthe veto ceremony if he's still on the block, I'll be shocked.  As of now, I think he's pretty safe

Frankie: OBviously I make friends in this house.  I'm a capable player.  Iknow I have to cut ties in this house with people for my game.  I don't feel like he's coming for me if he stays.

Nicole: It would be good for your game if he stayed, but I don't want you tot htink its personal.  I'm his target

Frnkie: As much as he has my back. there are people that outrank me in his hierarchy.  In his book, I'm like 5th.  Eventually he's coming for me.  Eventually they're all coming afte me.  I'm not anyone's number 1 target yet, but eventually i'm getting there.  Anything you do I won't take personally.

Nicole: Because I'm so gung ho about putting Frankie up, I told Christine I didn't want you to be mad.  I'm glad you don't take it personally

Frankie: I don't play this game like this. Legitimately, I like  you as a person, but I'm a game player.  He hasn't done anything to hurt my game. He hasn't had a chance to put me up. 

Nicole:  He won't put you.

Frankie: he will eventually

Nicole three weeks from now.  You have to be scared of him in someway.  No on really believes what he says.  It gets peoples minds racing.

Frankie: I've started to just walk up to him tell him and walk away.   He can't lie to me.  I know that's part of his game.   

Nicole: HIs game is scary good and that's why I want him out.

Frankie: that's why I want him out too, but at the right time.

Nicole: I get where you're coming from.  We have to play for our own game.   I do feel like we're stacking the deck in our favor. 

Frankie: Jocasta is so unmanipulable.  But I'm building a file for Zach.  I know he throws me under the bus, but he throws Cody under the bus too.

Nicole: He doesn't talk to me, so I'll say well who said it? Zach. You can't beliebe it.

Frankie: Exactly, now I just laugh and say I heard what you said.   I used to try to do damage control.  It was exhausting.   
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #160 on: August 03, 2014, 07:55:04 PM »
Frankie: you're not his target. He's after big people

Nicole: Getting me out doesn't help him.   

Frankie:  Yeah. 

Nicole: He is a very good player.   I want to take out people that were above me.   

Frankie: Lets just sit back and watch them get taken out.  Then there will be a time we can do something fun.  If it happens this week, then it'll bloody the water.

Nicole: If he stays this week, I'm in trouble

Frankie: I seriously don't think you're his target.  Iknow its Cody, Derrick, maybe me, and Hayden, in his alliance.  I think he'd gun for Caleb.  With him I'm safe for one more HOH and then I'm not.   

Nicole: Hayden doesn't want Zach out either.  He doesn't think he's Zach target and jocasta knows nothing.   

Frankie: If Caleb is out of this house, I have to worry about Derrick, Cody, etc.  In his mind, I feel like his sympathy card is expired.   Me, Hayden Caleb wouldn't put you Christine, me or hayden up.  And, then, Donny, would.  He might put you up with Cody.   

Nicoel: I'm ready for BOB to be over but if you're up, you're up.   

Frankie: Do you think Zach and COdy are a power couple?

Nicole: I think the house sees them as friends.  Its like Christine and I.   

Frankie: well this week you're kind of a power couple.  They joke.

Nicole: I don't know how the house sees them.   

Frankie: If we see them that way its the house.  Its' me, you, christine, hayden and caleb.  Who has a stronger influence on Victoria?

Nicole:  I know that VIctoria likes Hayden, they ahve a weird thing going on.   They may have kissed

Frankie: that would be weird. 

Nicole: I don't think anyone talks game to her.  Its best to just not until you need. 
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #161 on: August 03, 2014, 08:09:31 PM »
Derrick and Frankie in the living room.

Frankie: She knows he's staying.   She said that Hayden doesn't want Zach to go.  She knows that he's staying.   I'm going to tell Zach that he should continue to go to talk to her and say that she's not his target.  If he says that, its good.

Frankie: I hope we get a mission tomorrow.

Derrick: Maybe thursday.


Good night all . . . hopefully all the of the important convos have happened for the night. . . .   :funny:
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #162 on: August 03, 2014, 08:12:08 PM »
One last one . . .

Nicole and Derrick in the living room.   

Nicole: Frankie said that Zach said Cody was his first target and you're his second target.  Christine said she'd work it so that she gave you guys a good reason to get Zach out.

Derrick: Perfect. 
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #163 on: August 03, 2014, 10:20:22 PM »

Christine talking to Nicole

Nicole I made it clear to Frankie that Zach is my target

Christine but don't say anything yet. I have to get to work

Nicole I am definitely not ok with it

Jo walks by and says feet came through a hole in the fence

delightful just delightful

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #164 on: August 03, 2014, 10:23:43 PM »
 :gaah: (I can't figure out if Nicole is playing Christine or the other way around)

Nicole what is Frankies plan with this game

Christine to have everyone he wants safe to stay

Nicole that makes sense

Christine yeah he is very good at this game

Derrick to SR alcohol delivery
delightful just delightful

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #165 on: August 03, 2014, 10:26:06 PM »
Christine I can't look over there I am getting distracted by him

Nicole Who?

Christine Cody. he is sooooooo attractive

Nicole yeah he is cute

Nicole what should our game plan be? it is getting

Christine hard a lot harder than I expected

Nicole it is scary that I can't play in HOH I feel like my hands are tied

Christine it is scary but even if he stays you are not going home

delightful just delightful

Offline KitKat

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #166 on: August 03, 2014, 10:30:11 PM »
Christine and Nicole believe this week is DE

they would be correct

They also believe that BOB will be over now
delightful just delightful

Offline KitKat

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Re: Live Feed Updates - Friday, Aug 1st - Sunday, Aug 3rd
« Reply #167 on: August 03, 2014, 10:32:31 PM »
Let's move to a brand new day! Thank you to all those who helped with the updates  :hugs:,30281.0.html
delightful just delightful