Author Topic: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)  (Read 22659 times)

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Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)

Rex Harrington

Twitter: @rexharrington
Age: 51
Occupation: Artist in Residence, National Ballet of Canada
Current City: Ashburn, Ont.
Hometown: Peterborough, Ont.
Strengths: Dance, artistic, creative
Fears/Phobias: Rodents
Favourite Travel Destination: Amalfi Coast, Italy
Pet Peeve about Teammate: “Too detail-oriented.”
Bob Hope

Twitter: @RexAndBob
Age: 47
Occupation: Dental Consultant
Current City: Ashburn, Ont.
Hometown: Winnipeg
Strengths: Confident, determined, good-humoured
Fears/Phobias: Closed spaces
Favourite Travel Destination: Positano, Italy
Pet Peeve about Teammate: “He loses things.”
Engaged couple Rex and Bob bring big personalities, confidence, and humour to the race. “Face it,” said Rex. “We’re older and have more insurance!” The pair has been together for 10 years and they are a comedic force to be reckoned with. Neither man likes to share the spotlight, so things often get competitive. Rex and Bob met through a mutual friend and through Bob’s steadfast pursuit– it has been a great partnership ever since.
Rex graduated from Canada’s National Ballet School in 1981, joining The National Ballet of Canada in 1983. He became a Principal Dancer in 1988 and remained in that position until his retirement in 2004. He was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2000 and was given a star on Canada’s Walk of Fame in 2005. In 2006, he received an Honorary Degree from York University and was appointed Artist-in-Residence with the National Ballet of Canada. Since retiring from his career, Rex has taken on a teaching and mentoring role with the National Ballet of Canada as Artist in Residence and lives with Bob on their farm in Ashburn, Ont. Their relationship is the anchor that Rex holds most dear. Bob is sharp, analytical, and plans everything out to the finest detail, while describing his partner as forgetful and absent-minded.
This pair has a stubborn streak, which means deciding who is right during challenges will be tough. They admit that being on 'The Amazing Race Canada' will test their relationship but will also hopefully confirm they make a positive partnership. The couple will spend the winnings on the wedding of their dreams, starting with buying Rex a new engagement ring to replace the one he lost.
Motto: “Have fun, laugh hard, play harder.”
Team they most associate with from Season 1: Jet and Dave.
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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2014, 11:11:21 AM »
Ballet star Rex Harrington and fiancé Bob Hope ready to rise to every challenge on 'Amazing Race Canada'

National ballet star and “So You Think You Can Dance Canada” guest judge Rex Harrington and his partner Bob Hope are huge fans of “The Amazing Race Canada” and are confident they can succeed where other teams in the past have failed.
“We were the kind of people who sat at home and were like, ‘Why are they whining?’ We thought you knew what you signed up for, just do it,” says Rex, 51.
“We loved Jet and Dave (from Season 1) because they were so happy and I hope we can emulate that but we’re probably going to get there and be like, ‘We can’t do this,’” adds Bob with a laugh. “We’re entering into this with the sole purpose of just to have fun and to rise ideally to every challenge.”
The engaged couple, who live on a farm in Ashburn, Ont., say they both want to see what they can accomplish on the “Race” and overcome any fears they may have. 
“We’re both kind of over-achievers and we like to push, we like to challenge, we like to compete as a team. We’ve dealt with a lot of personal challenges, we’ve been together 10 years and come out of it,” says Bob, 47.
“And after this, who knows?” says Rex with a laugh.
“If we don’t win, we’re single,” jokes Bob.
Joking aside, the couple also has their eyes set on the prize money – to pay for their upcoming nuptials, of course. 
“We want to have Cher at our wedding,” says Bob.
“She’s at least $150,000,” adds Rex with a laugh.
Rex was a member of the National Ballet of Canada for more than 20 years and since retiring as a dancer, has taken on a teaching and mentoring role. He’s also become known for his appearance as a guest judge on “So You Think You Can Dance Canada,” even earning the nickname “Sexy Rexy.”
But does he think his celebrity status will have any impact on how the other teams view him?
“I don’t think I’ll be recognized, (especially) if I wear a hat. I’m not that much of a Canadian celebrity, being a dancer, but I found when I did ‘SYTYCDC’ I got more recognition from that than 20 years on stage because TV is so powerful, so it just depends.”
He’s not sure if his background will give him an edge in the physical challenges – unless they involve dancing.
“The line dancing (in Calgary) last year I would’ve picked that up in a second and we would’ve been out of there . . . (but) I think I have a lot of coordination and spatial awareness, and that sort of flexibility and that sort of stuff,” says Rex.
“The degree of training and commitment (that goes into being a dancer), I think (Rex) just takes for granted but for anybody else, that’s sort of threatening and I think that lends to when you take on a challenge you just go into that mode without thinking about it,” adds Bob.
“Well good, I hope they’re all scared,” says Rex with a laugh.


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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2014, 11:12:40 AM »
Ballet dancer Rex Harrington and fiance Bob Hope join 'Amazing Race Canada'

TORONTO -- It was the days prior to the start of the second "Amazing Race Canada," and Rex Harrington wasn't dancing around it: he was sizing up his competition.
Harrington and his (longtime) fiance Bob Hope had been milling about the other 10 teams for days but had been strictly discouraged from talking to them. So they talked about them instead, relegating some poor competitors to also-ran status before the proverbial starting pistol had sounded.
"Half are already gone," grinned Harrington, with Hope referencing the "low-hanging fruit" in agreement.

"There's a little bit of competition but we'll be in the Top 3 for sure."
Elaborating, Harrington said the most imposing teams were the "really muscular-looking guys who are very athletic" and the "two girls who are wearing the same thing and are very athletic."
He reserved less consideration for a few other poor teams.
"We're thinking the mother-son (pair) and the girlfriends who are tiny and the women are going to whine and cry, so they're all gone," Harrington said. "We're just speculating."
On "Amazing Race Canada," Harrington's acid tongue will take centre stage, not the fleet feet that led the Peterborough, Ont., native to significant success as principal dancer with the National Ballet of Canada.
As it is, he says he gets recognized more often for being a judge on "So You Think You Can Dance Canada" than for his dancing career. Those familiar with his witty, pointed presence there or on social media -- he recently, for instance, unleashed an expletive-laden Twitter tirade upon Usher for wearing a fur hat on "The Voice" -- won't be surprised that an Officer of the Order of Canada and ballet dancer could be so cheeky and blunt.
"I didn't wear my Order of Canada pin. I forgot," he said with a laugh, musing on how other teams would react. "I should be wearing it. 'Hi, do you have one of these? Carry my bag."'
Harrington and Hope watched the first season of "Amazing Race Canada," which was won by Tim Hague Sr. and Jr. from Winnipeg. But that's not the team they necessarily idolized.
"We loved Jet and Dave last season. They just had fun," Harrington said, referencing the muscular, jocular London, Ont., pair. "We cannot be those two people whining at each other."
Ten years retired, Harrington warns that he is "not in that kind of dancing shape." But he's quick to point to the advantages provided by his training, the "determination and discipline and ... ability to size things up" he acquired from dancing.
Although given that the first season included dance-based challenges that stymied dizzy competitors, he's hopeful that his actual virtuosity could come in useful.
"I saw all the dance challenges last season and I was like: 'I could do that in a second. Oh my God -- six hours on a line dance? Let's go people."'
In the show's first year, the "celebrity" team was "Body Break" duo Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod. The duo rode in on a swell of nostalgic goodwill, then proved tenacious competitors who rubbed some other teams the wrong way.
Harrington isn't worried about his image being affected by the show. He says he's an "open book," though he does note that his relationship with Hope had previously been free of public scrutiny for the most part.
"No one's seen Bob," he said. "There might be some haters out there. When we announced our engagement, I made the mistake of reading (reaction). 'What are they doing, promoting their lifestyle?' Really? Get over it. It is Canada, isn't it? It's not the Tea Party, but there are a few of them here.
"I think we should be fine ... we'll be the token gays," he added.
"When you think about it, we're not different from any couple. We just happen to be two guys," Hope added later.
"We just go home, roll over, watch TV and (sleep)," Harrington agreed. "We're not swinging from the chandeliers having mad sex orgies. We have two dogs and a farm and that's it."
Hope and Harrington have been engaged for years, long enough that Harrington actually lost his ring (he suspects it's buried somewhere in the garden of their previous home). They planned a wedding years ago but ultimately put it off. (They were going to honeymoon in Positano along the Amalfi Coast in Italy. They vacationed there anyway.)
"Our wedding planner actually got married and had a baby since then," Harrington noted.
If they win, they have pledged to direct the prize money toward a wedding.
"WHEN we win," Harrington corrected, "we're going to CTV about shooting the wedding. (We're) calling it 'Gaylyweds."'
If they're to pull off the victory, Harrington says it will owe to a combination of his physical co-ordination and Hope's organization.
When they met 10 years ago, Hope pursued Harrington doggedly through a mutual friend, who worked at the National Ballet of Canada. He sent cryptic gifts over for weeks until they met for dinner. They bought a house less than a month later.
"We moved fast -- faster than lesbians," Hope said.
"We are lesbians," Harrington shot back, before considering the comment.
"Oh my God, we're in so much trouble and it hasn't even started."

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2014, 11:44:27 AM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Credit: Youtube user: cisolatw

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 09:43:40 PM »
Even though they took 6hrs in penalties they are hilarious!

I agree  :funny:

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2014, 09:48:43 PM »
Best team in the Race by far <3

They're hilarious to be honest; lots of good moments!

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2014, 10:32:08 PM »
I'm thinking they lost a lot of fans after that performance in the last episode, though, since right after the show, they took to Twitter like Jen & Caroline after U-TurnGate

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2014, 11:34:58 PM »
They are interesting and lovable team. Hope they survive the next leg..
Coming Soon Autowil Amazing Race 1 - 2023....

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2014, 12:18:19 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Rex and Bob give a sneak peek about leg 3's detour.

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2014, 08:36:54 PM »
They bring so much to the show <3

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2014, 11:43:23 AM »
Lets hope Rex and Bob win a leg <3

This would be the best leg ever <3

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2014, 11:44:16 AM »
Lets hope Rex and Bob win a leg <3

This would be the best leg ever <3

IKR <3

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2014, 11:45:48 AM »
Rex & Bob, forever in our hearts <3

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2014, 11:52:40 AM »
They should come back for TARCAN All-Stars
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better; it's not" - The Lorax

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2014, 12:16:18 PM »
They should come back for TARCAN All-Stars

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2014, 10:59:44 AM »
Extra: ‘Amazing Race Canada’ Episode 5: A Cowboy Breakfast
Rex and Bob were expecting a lot more from their breakfast with ‘Ranch hands.’

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2014, 11:12:33 AM »
The stars of the season provided again <33

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2014, 11:45:08 AM »
ew I don't get Rex and Bob fandom tbh

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2014, 12:23:52 PM »
Positive zone <3 Go Rex & Bob <3

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2014, 12:28:22 PM »
The stars of the season provided again <33
You mean Cormac & Nicole?
lol Rex & Bob are great, too
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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2014, 12:28:51 PM »
ew I don't get Rex and Bob fandom tbh
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti. ♥

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2014, 12:31:38 PM »
First team to page 2 go Rex & Bob <3  :conf:

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2014, 12:32:42 PM »
ew I don't get Rex and Bob fandom tbh
I find them funny because they make great quotes and are almost a train wreck every leg
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better; it's not" - The Lorax

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Re: TAR CANADA 2 Contestants - Rex Harrington and Bob Hope (Engaged)
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2014, 05:50:28 PM »
these two continue to deliver


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