1. Did you like the last Leg? Yes, I say tonight's episode is the best one yet of the season. So much more drama and confusion than I had anticipated.
2. Who will claim the victory on the next Leg?I want to go out on a limb and deal on Jet & Cord.
3. And which team you think will say "so long, farewell, etc."?From the preview of Rome aired in two weeks, I will bet Flight Time & Big Easy will say "iCiao!" to Phil.
4. Who are the Spartacus heirs (or heiresses)?The Spartacus heirs are... unknown
... as the gladiator was killed during the Third Servile War before historians could even figure out much about his past.
5. Who says the title quote?My guess is Connor.
6. Have you ever felt like a gladiator in a circus some moment in your life?If you mean someone who doesn't fit in to the majority (since gladiators are warriors, not clowns), then yes, I have felt like a gladiator in a circus before.