Rachel really explaining the differences between the past powers and nobody knew who had it or what it was.
A, where I am at now, do I get out a competitor or a floater? Last week it was a good move to get rid of a strong competitor even though you don't want to hear this. I was shocked because I was convinced I was going up.
R, if you were up there you would have stayed
a, but when you feel safe is when you go. It basically comes down to me and Porsche, I'm pretty sure Shelly is voting to keep you.
R, with a floater like Lawon he won't trust again. He doesn't do anything and he doesn't talk game. Great fun guy but you have to think about your game. He is not helping you
A, sometimes that is a bigger threat than a competitior
R, you know where I stand, where I am coming from. I'm not saying forever, you can't say forever either. I can't win everything. I'm always going to be a target in this game and a 100% bigger target than you. When the numbers come down to it, you and shelly will have to target me, but there is no point right now
A, when you feel confident is when you make mistakes. Wondering if I hsould capitalize on this mistake. If you stay, I do owe you for what you have done for me, but if I do this you will owe me
R, if I do stay we need to talk more game. I know you are close to all them, but I would never tell you what to do.