The longest known Pit Stop occurred during the first US season when production was forced to relocate the Pit Stop in Tunisia due to a sandstorm. This was the first instance of a "mobile pit stop", which also appeared in Seasons 15, 16, and 18 where teams have been transported to another location during the pit stop, without any knowledge of their final destination.
Found that on Wikipedia... idk if it's true or not. Does anybody have any information on that??
The article is referring to the Pit Stop of TAR 1.5, which had teams check in at Ksar Ghilane in the Sahara. Phil did a voice-over at the beginning of the next episode saying that teams were moved because of an impending sandstorm, and that they would be released at Gabes, the nearest big city. Unlike future "mobile Pit Stops", this one was not anticipated by the producers. I'm not exactly certain how long this was, was it a 36h or a 60h Pit Stop?
Other instances of teams beginning in a different city from where they finished:
TAR 3.9: Teams checked in onto the Savoie docked at Montreux, and during the Pit Stop the ship sailed to Lausanne along the coast of Lake Geneva.
TAR 15.2: Teams checked in onto the Bassac III docked at the market at Cai Be, and during the Pit Stop the boat sailed to My Tho along the Mekong Delta.
TAR 16.5: Teams checked in at Hamburg, spent a night at a local hotel, then travelled the following night by bus to Les Monthairons in France. Teams in this case did not know their destination.
TAR 18.2: Teams checked in at Broken Hill, then travelled that very night by train to Sydney. It's likely teams knew where they were going in this situation.
And of course, there are plenty of instances (especially in more recent races) where the Pit Stop mat has been moved around town in between Pit Stop and Pit Start, usually to in front of the production hotel. Examples in TAR 17 alone include Doryumu, Hong Kong and St Petersburg.