I think party may be the source's interpretation, and it could be more of a Pitstop gathering.
And sure the Pavilion hall or wherever could have the art...
So if Ken is partying with the pitstop gathering then hes not eliminated? Because the eliminated team is whisked away and do not see the other teams so?
Party is not my interpretation--it was the sources.
A hall behind the Pavilion could be a great place for the actual spend the night Pitstop... with plenty of room for post-leg confessionals.
And I'm not convinced they are elim'd anyway,

Ken still seems to be talking like "we'll have to"... as in on the next leg !
And as far as guided goes...teams have been told they could not leave to go eat/sleep/mingle until they gave the producers the footage/quotes they needed.
Teams have also said that they sometimes had a very difficult time to NOT say what they were clearly being led towards...