Speculation time. Here goes...
In the Ken confessional already shown which was spoiled to be in Russia, I'm pretty sure that he says at one point that "they have to beat at least one other team". That would not be something that you would say in a final 3 confessional, so I place that interview after this leg, the NEL.
This week: NEL. Ken and Tina come in last but are spared. Thus the tearful confessional.
Next week: Toni and Dallas manage to lose their passports. They were never spotted in Portland. They are unable to continue, and the final 3 are Nick/Starr, Andrew/Dan, and Ken/Tina. If Nick and Starr already knew about Toni and Dallas, it would explain why they are not very excited at the finish mat.
Finale: Dan and Andrew take a risk on a flight, or miss a flight, and are automatically hours behind the other teams. Ken/Tina and Nick/Starr fight it out for the top spot, which is won by ... Ken and Tina. (I believe that would make them the oldest winning team, in a "season of firsts"). Dan and Andrew arrive in Portland and go downtown, but when they get to the cluebox they are told to just go to the pitstop since the race is over.