Alicia did not want to post on the forum, so sorry Kiwi. That is all the info she shared, along with the photo's of course.
I'm thinking the missing teams can only be the guy in the blue shirt below with probably a female partner. And maybe the dude in the yellow cap w/ the girl? Time will tell. I mean who would have known there were more photo's floating around right? I wasn't expecting them so maybe we'll get more.
1) African American pair ~Tonle Sap Lake
my pick to be eliminated in Siem Reap2) Frat guys~Delhi
3) 2 girls from Texas~Delhi
reddish blond & brunette4) Sarah & Terrance~Delhi
5) Mom & son ~Delhi
6) another M/F who are together but almost positive they're not a couple~Delhi, India via Bangkok, Thailand could be the guy in blue below, may or may not be paired with the blond in the cap with the green shirt?
7) I can definitely identify 5 teams and think there was another but can't be sure.
mystery pair*We also happened to see all the teams walking around Siem Reap town that evening and I recall seeing 6 teams