airs 1/13
Taipei, Taiwan Date July 27? 28? Lynn/Alex make an unsubstantiated claim ("we also heard from a little bird") about
China, thanks to
Slowhatch.Thank you to Newbie
*My friend told me that he thinks he saw teams on the amazing race approaching Taipei 101.
*So here it goes: around
26,27 of July as I remember- sorry I couldn’t remember the EXACT dates, he was shopping with his girlfriend in xin guang shan uiah beside Taipei 101.
*When he was planning to shop in 101 at noon,
he saw this man and women (couples) ran out of the taxi and looked up at Taipei 101.
*He also saw 2 camera men running with them.
*However, he found it weird that the couples did not enter the Taipei 101 and were actually waiting for someone.
He describes the couple as a brunette woman and a man. He said that the man seemed very athletic and fit.
*Since he saw that there were camera men around, he notices that this might be on TV.
*He continued to stay for 10 minutes and
another group came which he describes as another couple which consists of a blond girl.
He THINKS that there was an Asian team far behind or eliminated already because he was a good listener. *When he was walking into Taipei 101,
he was literally 2 feet away from the blond racer and he heard the girl say something like “I wonder what the Asians would say if they came to this place”. *At first, I thought this was amazing race asia because I didn’t expect amazing race 12 to contain another asian team ever since the cho’s. Now after the official list of teams came out, I strongly believe my friend’s sightings because there were asian teams.
*He only saw 2 teams each holding a blue form on their hands.
he thinks that Lorena and Jason were in but is not sure because he could only recognize the long hair.
*He says that he is not at all confident with what he saw with the second team.
He jst notices a blond woman with a man(he didnt really see the man's face). *He was pretty sure it was friday that he saw them because he was only advailables on fridays to go out.
*He said that he saw the first group heading the direction of getting to the top of 101-elevator. And the second group, he didnt see because when he walked into the building the second group was still outside(possibliy asking how to get up to the tower). I would assume there is a clue box up at the tower because I asked my frend if he saw anything else on the racer's hands, but he only saw a blue piece of paper..
*I'll ask my friend tomorrow......All I can say is..
I think Taipei locatin was either 26th of July or 27th.....And since he only
saw 2 teams on a spand of 10 minutes, it has to be a leg with very few teams because if it was one of the beginning legs, more than 2 teams would appear in a span of around 10 minutes.....
*my friend was not sure who he actually saw because it was 3 months ago.....he only THINKS its jenn/nathan because of the blunette hair of the woman --
huholah Kogs --
Taipei Taiwan
schwarzmoor : Long Shan Temple, Taipei
Boingo --Taipei taxi's
Boingo--- National Theater Concert Hall in Taipei, Taiwan
--Taipei 101
Neobie: Danshui River biking trail in Taipei
Boingo: Sky lanterns, Taiwan