Author Topic: Who FREEZES up in the Canadian wilderness in three weeks? [Leg 9 SPOILERS]  (Read 4853 times)

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Offline kevin2012

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vote who you think will leave next week and answer these questions.

1. Who will win and who should ... oh screw it ... will Paul and Steve win again? If not, then who will?

2. Was James and Sarah's elimination the right one?

3. Would you have posed nude for an art class on national television?

4. Has the Australian Amazing Race surpassed the American one?

5. What is/were your favorite countries and/or locations so far in the race?

6. Pick your final three.

7. How awesome was Canada?

8. Which team is your MVP of the season? (for any reason)

9. What was/were the best moment(s) of leg 9?
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 10:54:22 PM by kevin2012 »
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Re: Who FREEZES up in the Canadian wilderness next week?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2012, 02:28:24 AM »
1. Who will win and who should ... oh screw it ... will Paul and Steve win again? If not, then who will?

Will: Paul and Steve
Should: Michelle and Jo

2. Was James and Sarah's elimination the right one?

It was coming. They had a rough day  :(

3. Would you have posed nude for an art class on national television?


4. Has the Australian Amazing Race surpassed the American one?

It has. But if it weren't for the American one there wouldn't be an Australian one  :tup:

5. What is/were your favorite countries and/or locations so far in the race?


6. Pick your final three.

Paul and Steve
Michelle and Jo
Grace and Joseph

7. How awesome was Canada?

VERY!  :hearts: would love to go there someday!

8. Which team is your MVP of the season? (for any reason)

Michelle and Jo all the way  :hoot:

9. What was/were the best moment(s) of leg 9?

Lucy and Emilia reinforced how much I love them
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Re: Who FREEZES up in the Canadian wilderness next week?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2012, 04:26:43 AM »
vote who you think will leave next week and answer these questions.

1. Who will win and who should ... oh screw it ... will Paul and Steve win again? If not, then who will?

They can feel free to win the next two legs if they want, as long as they melt down on the finale. That suits me just fine. But I have a hunch that Michelle & Jo will snap their streak this time. ;)

2. Was James and Sarah's elimination the right one?

It was probably the right one. They've been bottomfeeders for most of the race (almost as much as Lucy & Emilia :lol:) even though they did win a leg. Waking up late is equivalent to TAR suicide. I just hate the way they went out - standing right next to the Pit Stop and not being able to check in! :( :'( I would've loved to see them go further, but I am just glad Lucy & Emilia survived.

3. Would you have posed nude for an art class on national television?

No no no no no. After watching the seventh episode of the twelfth season, I know that going to an 'art studio' for a Fast Forward is likely to mean some sort of serious bodily alteration, so I would've just bypassed the task entirely without bothering to go there first. Anyway, if I was in that position and I saw two teams already going for the Fast Forward, I'd just continue on with the regular tasks, knowing one of them - at least - would have to turn back around and I'd already have a lead on them.

4. Has the Australian Amazing Race surpassed the American one?

It's obviously MUCH better than recent US seasons, but TARAus doesn't even come close to the best days of TAR, i.e. Seasons 3, 5, 6 and 7, with the exception of everything that is Lucy & Emilia.

5. What is/were your favorite countries and/or locations so far in the race?

The Philippines is one Asian location I won't get tired of seeing. And I loved Cuba! Canada is nice, simply because I love seeing snow! And the UAE is a beautiful place! If I had to pick one, it'd definitely be Cuba.

6. Pick your final three.

I WANT to see Lucy & Emilia, Joseph & Grace and Michelle & Jo, but I'm thinking Paul & Steve will be there instead of Lucy & Emilia or Joseph & Grace, which would be devastating.

7. How awesome was Canada?

The locals were hilarious! Especially the people conducting the 'Toss' Detour! I think Leg 10 will be even better than Leg 9, because based on the previews, it looks like a lot of snow! And I love snow legs! :hearts:

8. Which team is your MVP of the season? (for any reason)

Lucy & Emilia for their HILARIOUS moments :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: and their tenacity and never-say-die attitude. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: Nothing would make me happier than to see them cross the Finish Line first! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

9. What was/were the best moment(s) of leg 9?

Lucy wanting to wrestle a bear! :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: Joseph & Grace helping Lucy to get into the boat! :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: Sarah wanting to toss the axe sideways and decapitate all of the lumberjack instructors! :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:
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Offline kevin2012

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« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 05:57:23 AM by kevin2012 »
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vote who you think will leave next week and answer these questions.

1. Who will win and who should ... oh screw it ... will Paul and Steve win again? If not, then who will?

Yes. I am NOT predicting Michelle & Jo again even though they deserved to win.

2. Was James and Sarah's elimination the right one?

Better than Lucy & Emilia.

3. Would you have posed nude for an art class on national television?

-No Comment-

4. Has the Australian Amazing Race surpassed the American one?

Yup! But TAR:US always gets priority because it is the father of them all.

5. What is/were your favorite countries and/or locations so far in the race?

IMO, Phillipines.

6. Pick your final three.

1. Paul & Steve (is anyone NOT picking them)
2. Michelle & Jo
3. Lucy & Emilia (please, please, please)

7. How awesome was Canada?


8. Which team is your MVP of the season? (for any reason)

Lucy & Emilia because of obvious reasons!

9. What was/were the best moment(s) of leg 9?

Lucy wanting to wrestle a bear.
Steve's comments to Paul about the FF.

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Re: Who FREEZES up in the Canadian wilderness next week?
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2012, 05:20:42 AM »
1. Who will win and who should ... oh screw it ... will Paul and Steve win again? If not, then who will? Michelle and Jo

2. Was James and Sarah's elimination the right one? No it was the worst elimination to date.

3. Would you have posed nude for an art class on national television? Only if it was with Ovalorange.

4. Has the Australian Amazing Race surpassed the American one? Yes.

5. What is/were your favorite countries and/or locations so far in the race? Cuba

6. Pick your final three. MiJo, PaulSteve and Lumelia.

7. How awesome was Canada? It was pretty good.

8. Which team is your MVP of the season? (for any reason) idk what that means.

9. What was/were the best moment(s) of leg 9? every time Lumelia appeared on screen.

Offline redskevin88

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Re: Who FREEZES up in the Canadian wilderness next week?
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2012, 05:42:08 AM »
1. Who will win and who should ... oh screw it ... will Paul and Steve win again? If not, then who will? Michelle & Jo

2. Was James and Sarah's elimination the right one? No. But they had bad luck and sadly sometimes it kills you.

3. Would you have posed nude for an art class on national television? No.

4. Has the Australian Amazing Race surpassed the American one? Yes.

5. What is/were your favorite countries and/or locations so far in the race?
Legazpi, Dubai was good apart from Lucy & Emilia and Canada, even though I haven't seen the episode yet.

6. Pick your final three.
Shane & Andrew, Michelle & Jo and Paul & Steve.

7. How awesome was Canada?
Didn't see it.

8. Which team is your MVP of the season? (for any reason)
Lucy & Emilia

9. What was/were the best moment(s) of leg 9?
Didn't see it.

Offline Declive

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1. Who will win and who should ... oh screw it ... will Paul and Steve win again? If not, then who will?

Michelle and Jo , this time.

2. Was James and Sarah's elimination the right one?


3. Would you have posed nude for an art class on national television?


4. Has the Australian Amazing Race surpassed the American one?


5. What is/were your favorite countries and/or locations so far in the race?

Turkey , Cuba and Canada forever.

6. Pick your final three.

1st : Shane and Andrew
2nd : Michelle and Jo
3rd : Paul and Steve


7. How awesome was Canada?


8. Which team is your MVP of the season? (for any reason)

Shane and Andrew DUNNO WHY

9. What was/were the best moment(s) of leg 9?

Grace struggling.
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Offline selfeviction

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1. Who will win and who should ... oh screw it ... will Paul and Steve win again? If not, then who will?
Michelle & Jo WILL win the next leg.

2. Was James and Sarah's elimination the right one?

3. Would you have posed nude for an art class on national television?

4. Has the Australian Amazing Race surpassed the American one?

5. What is/were your favorite countries and/or locations so far in the race?
Turkey, Cuba, and Canada

6. Pick your final three.
Paul and Steve, Michelle and Jo, and Lucy and Emilia

7. How awesome was Canada?

8. Which team is your MVP of the season? (for any reason)
Lucy and Emilia for never giving up!!

9. What was/were the best moment(s) of leg 9?
EVERYTHING (except Sarah & James elimination)

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actually, kevin2012, the airing of 2nd Canadian leg will be on Aug. 13 in order to give way to the live telecast of 2012 London Olympic games.  So, that's gonna be long. :'(

Anyway, I'll answer to your question:

1. Who will win and who should ... oh screw it ... will Paul and Steve win again? If not, then who will?

- Yes.

2. Was James and Sarah's elimination the right one?

- Yes.

3. Would you have posed nude for an art class on national television?

- If it is a fast forward, then yes.

4. Has the Australian Amazing Race surpassed the American one?

- Not yet.

5. What is/were your favorite countries and/or locations so far in the race?

- Dubai, Turkey, France, Canada and my home country, Philippines! :conf:

6. Pick your final three.

- Paul & Steve, the cheerleaders and hopefully, Italian sisters. :<3

7. How awesome was Canada?

- Great!  Much better than USA. :lol3: :-[

8. Which team is your MVP of the season? (for any reason)

- Paul and Steve, they're strong and great teamwork. :tup:

9. What was/were the best moment(s) of leg 9?

- the city of Vancouver are very nice and clean and even the people who are living there are friendly. :<3

Offline kevin2012

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Re: Who FREEZES up in the Canadian wilderness next week? [Leg 9 SPOILERS]
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2012, 10:55:11 PM »
actually, kevin2012, the airing of 2nd Canadian leg will be on Aug. 13 in order to give way to the live telecast of 2012 London Olympic games.  So, that's gonna be long. :'(

I knew that... How could I have forgotten that. Anyway, title change!
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