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Offline asamber1

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Re: speculation on the finale
« Reply #100 on: May 06, 2007, 04:21:36 PM »
I don't think E/D ar a fake team simply because they nver raced together before. It was just a new combination, and both of them agreed to race together in the race instead of racing with their original partners. I would like to see them win because I think they deserve it after the bashing they've taken all season long.

Its "fake" because they were never dating.  Dont fool yourself they were never dating.  Danielle lives in Staten Island [thats new york!] Eric lives in Florida, there was never a move to NY by Eric.  If anything they were long distance or just "friends".  Secondly days after coming back from the race Danielle had a new boyfriend.  Thats why they are fake, its not a real realationship!  I would have no problem with a mixed team if it was actually a team.  The race casted them after many teams [Flo and Twin, Colin and Christie ect ect] all turned them down, the race looked at them as being the races "Rob and Amber" and it backfired completely.

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Re: speculation on the finale
« Reply #101 on: May 06, 2007, 04:24:46 PM »
lol, I gave up trying to figure out what thats right point is, like yesterday  :waves:

 :hearts: Glad you aren't wasting any time. I probably couldn't have gotten through to you anyway!

Like I said before, I'm not going to comment on the relationship. The only people who can really judge that are the two of them themsevles.

Offline puddin

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Re: speculation on the finale
« Reply #102 on: May 06, 2007, 04:35:20 PM »
I don't think E/D ar a fake team simply because they nver raced together before. It was just a new combination, and both of them agreed to race together in the race instead of racing with their original partners. I would like to see them win because I think they deserve it after the bashing they've taken all season long.

Its "fake" because they were never dating.  Dont fool yourself they were never dating.  Danielle lives in Staten Island [thats new york!] Eric lives in Florida, there was never a move to NY by Eric.  If anything they were long distance or just "friends".  Secondly days after coming back from the race Danielle had a new boyfriend.  Thats why they are fake, its not a real realationship!  I would have no problem with a mixed team if it was actually a team.  The race casted them after many teams [Flo and Twin, Colin and Christie ect ect] all turned them down, the race looked at them as being the races "Rob and Amber" and it backfired completely.
You don't know what you are talking about asamber, really you are so clueless. Can you back up what you say? I know Papi can back me up and can safely say Eric & Dee were dating and at one point living together in Staten Island.

Offline mswood

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Re: speculation on the finale
« Reply #103 on: May 06, 2007, 04:42:39 PM »
thats right.

Okay just in case my speling or grammar is making it deficult to understand.

Bahavior.  All the behavior you quote is concerning other teams.  I am fairly sure that I said that Eric & Danielle haven't been rude to any locals (Random people on the street or locations they visit and all the various service industry that they use in various countries).

And that was in reference to the airport shuffle in Hong Kong where both of the other teams (Dustin & Kandice and Charla & Mirna) were in not only each other's space but also quite demanding of the ticket agent.

As for how another ticket agent placed Charla & Mirna as the 2cd team to board the 2cd flight, is Eric & Danielle fault.  How is this.  We do see them ask the agent if they are 2cd, so they do have some interaction withthe agent (and this is with all three teams at the ticket agent), we see them make use of other resources to try and get tickets (the internet) we see them get placed on the waiting list.  How is any of that wrong?  They cannot be held to account if the other agent places another team ahead of them.  And yes, they might have been able to prevent getting by passed by staying their at the counter, but what they did was the proper way of handling tickets.  Go check all the sources you have for info, find those flights avialable and make sure you get on the standby lists for each.  They did that, should they have suspected that Charla & Mirna who weren't on the waiting list (clips show that they know this), would be given tickets in advance of them?

In the flights and their connections to Warsaw, how again is this Eric & Danielle's fault.

It took over 4 hours and over 7 hours for three different teams to arrange flights.

The earlier flight at first only had enough for D&K and their crew, at least 4 hours later is when more seats cleared enough for C&M and O&D and their 4 crew men.  Eric & Danielle do check another travel agent who also says nothing is available, and they don't have 7 hours or even 4 to stay at the tavel agency's checking.  Nor is it logical to assume that just because room for 8 cleared that room for E&D and their crew was also available.  

You could have a legitimate point if anywhere in clips, screen analysis or the episode itself showed that if they stayed at that travel agency (as opposed to other one they did go to) that they could have gotten a flight.  The evidence doesn't support that assumption.  

As to the reason I mention teams (Charla & Mirna, Dustin & Kandice, and Oswald & Danny) is due to this being about why some people wuold or wouldn't root for certain teams.  Which I believe in your post you talk about ability, and thus wanted to compare that aspect to other racers still in it..

I mention several things.  One to show on an edit can effect a viewers perception of the race.  Clearly both Eric & Danielle aren't angels (won't here me say that), I again mentioned that had problems with three teams.  You mention that if most of hteir comments were negative about another team it would be easier to like them (which plays intot he edit, and again it isn't the majority of comments.  Mentioned that withthe footage that has been made avialable in one form or another that we see the worst of their behavior on the episodes and generally no onthe clips.

I used Oswald and Danny as an example of the reverse where we see a lot more of their good behavior then their negative.  Things like fighting with Teri & Ian, yelling the F word in a crowded airport, calling one of them a Son of a bitch (multiple times), insulting locals ability to speak a 2cd language and their primary language of Chinese (though on screen who do get tos ee them fight in three different episodes with each other, call a local a loser, and threaten to kill a cab driver three times (which in my opinion is worrse insulting a local then insulting another racer, but thats a personal belief).

I mention Dustin & Kandice's failure to follow the clue three times (Because those are errors they had complete control over, and yes they did occur), for comparison Eric & Danielle have apparently made on clue error (taking a cab to the detour, while Charla & Mirna made that same msitake twice).

I mention Charla and Mirna because they have shown distain to locals, service industry, specific people (Fat bitch), and been in direct verbal arguements with more racers, have more clips,and episode of fighting with each other and others then any team.

And out of those four teams I only dislike one of them.  Danny & Oswald are the reason I started watching the show in the first place, Dustin & Kandice are in my opinion the best female team, and (with a few minor issues with lying and not owning up to it) generally really like them.

Offline michael

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Re: speculation on the finale
« Reply #104 on: May 06, 2007, 04:43:40 PM »
who CARES if they are or aren't dating, 75% of the show viewers will never know that they broke up and will continue to think they got married.

some people hate people for such absurd reasons. coughcarmencough.

Offline mswood

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Re: speculation on the finale
« Reply #105 on: May 06, 2007, 04:50:53 PM »
Its "fake" because they were never dating.  Dont fool yourself they were never dating.  Danielle lives in Staten Island [thats new york!] Eric lives in Florida, there was never a move to NY by Eric.  If anything they were long distance or just "friends".  Secondly days after coming back from the race Danielle had a new boyfriend.  Thats why they are fake, its not a real realationship!  I would have no problem with a mixed team if it was actually a team.  The race casted them after many teams [Flo and Twin, Colin and Christie ect ect] all turned them down, the race looked at them as being the races "Rob and Amber" and it backfired completely.

Actually that is factually false.

Long before All Stars was announced or teams were selected, we have knowledge of this team dating.  See interviews on the finish line at the end of season 9 (yeah know 2 seasons ago), also remember that season 11 wasn't originally scheduled as an allstar season, so they didn't have a long period of time to find out the show had interest in them as a team.

THey did in fact move in together in New York, it apparently didn't last long but it dd in fact happened.  Eric supposedily hated New York City, which surprsingly enough is even mentioned several times as a roadblock in the relationship progressing, since Danielle is doing school there and doesn't want to move and Eric again hated it there.

So we know he moved back to Florida.  This all happened long before being contacted about season 11.

The only question mark that fans might have is if they were still in any form of relationship.  That is the only factor, and frackly I don't think it was in any way a factor on getting htem int he race.  THey also approached others who had dated after the race and were no longer together.  So being together afterwards doesn't seem to be a factor ust that two people meet on the race and a new relationship started, no matter how successful or how long it lasted.

It is possible that they had never officially broken up and that they were just casually dating long distance.  On that issue we don't know.

But it really wasn't a factor (based on all the casting spoilers in what type of teams were being sought after).