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After tonight's episode, I would like to say that I need or even prefer to see a finale leg that isn't hosted entirely in a large metropolitan area, even a smaller city-town to avoid hometown or transplant advantages as much as possible. I feel like the last time we had some instance of this was TAR27 with Long Island or TAR23 with Juneau. I understand it's not as cost-effective to start somewhere away from an international airport, but it would be awesome to see a city out of left field again or even more frequently.

My hopes:
Santa Fe & Taos, New Mexico
Grand Junction or Aspen, Colorado
Reno, Nevada and Lake Tahoe
Yuma, Arizona to El Centro, California
Monterey, California
Madison, Wisconsin
Panama City Beach, Florida
Dubuque, Iowa
Palm Springs, California (Surprised we haven't had a finale in this area or even Austin or Houston for that matter yet, but I know we've started here.)
El Paso, Texas

Though they would fly into a metropolitan area, I have been hoping for a Phoenix finale in the self driving finale area where they can drive throughout the desert
To Ricky and Cesar's credit, their 1.45 average placement is best in Amazing race history and it's not really close. Eric and Jeremy's record was 1.75.

They haven't just broken the US record, they are now the top-averaging team worldwide, beating TAR Asia's Marc & Rovilson (1.48)
If we calculate two parts of the megaleg as two separate legs, the racing average of Ricky & Cesar would be 1.5 (18/12), where Marc & Rovilson's would be 1.46 (19/13).
EDMONTON!! As a Edmontonian I hope they finally do some justice to the city, the previous 2 visits to the city weren't great.
Not sure if it’ll be a factor but the weather here in St. John’s has been pretty foggy and rainy lately. It doesn’t look like that’ll change anytime soon
TAR Canada / Re: TARCAN 10 Speculation and Discussion of the LIVE Spoilers
« Last post by Maanca on Yesterday at 11:11:38 PM »
Or since they never went to Alberta, second choice would be Edmonton. Since Calgary was just used last year.

Well that part at least was right 😅

Does this look like the finale or F4? If the latter, I'm still thinking of St. John's as a potential final city, though Edmonton's airport also opens the possibility of the north (if the wildfires burning in Fort McMurray aren't a factor)
TAR Canada / Re: TAR Canada 10: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Thread (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
« Last post by Avid on Yesterday at 11:10:22 PM »
The mascot 🤣..reminds me of todays finale
After tonight's episode, I would like to say that I need or even prefer to see a finale leg that isn't hosted entirely in a large metropolitan area, even a smaller city-town
I, for one, would love to suggest the Oregon Coast:

Inspiration taken from

Via Rob Z, they filmed in this park. I think Constable Ezio Faraone Park.
New country wishlist for TAR US by continent.

North America: Guatemala
South America: Suriname
Europe: Albania
Asia: Nepal
Africa: Rwanda
Oceania: Fiji
Dang I was rooting for Rod and Leticia
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