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Offline puddin

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Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« on: June 26, 2006, 02:31:45 PM »
( I'm trying to compile all info of the TAR10 teams here , if you have anything to add or some info I missed please feel free to post )

Team Reference
Rob Diaz and Kimberly Chabolla ,Dating
Kellie Patterson and Jamie Hill , Best friends
Duke and Lauren Marcoccio, Father Daughter 
Bilal Abdul-Mani and Sa'eed Rudolph,Best friends
Tyler Denk and James Branaman,Best friends
Dustin Konzelman and Kandice Pelletier, Best Friends
Tom Rock and Terry Cosentino, Dating
Erwin and Godwin Cho,Brothers
Peter Harsch and Sarah Reinertsen, Friends
David and Mary Conley,Married parents
Lyn Turk and Karlyn Harris,Best Friends
Vipul and Arti Patel, Married


We hear TAR10 just may start with 12 teams ,"The starting line is: Kite Hill at Gas Works Park in Seattle! Here's an aerial map of the park." start date  May 27th

krw2006 reports ( May 27th )~
I rode on United's flight between Seattle and Tokyo with many of TAR10 teams Saturday May 27.
The pair next to me (Team #1) pointed out the window at another plane, not yet departing, and kept asking the flight crew about our on-time departure and arrival status. They also inquired about Chinese currency exchange rates for their next destination in Beijing.
I recognize the two blonds in Blogger K The Kuwaiti's pictures but no sight of Team #1.

Charlie from UB ,Mongolia sees the teams (May 31st)~
Wednesday, May 31 was cold and rainy in UB. Rachel and I went to the gym in the late morning and then enjoyed lunch at our favorite ex-pat watering hole.
Each team of two was followed by a cameraman and sound guy.
About 10 of 20 jeeps were still parked in front of the restaurant.
Two young African-American women frantically interrogated the Mongolian bystanders.
.. figured that these two women from Alabama .... contestants Lynn and Karlyn

Lynn and Karlyn explained that they had arrived in UB that morning on a train from the Chinese border. They had apparently driven from Beijing to the China-Mongolia border.

bondishnz report( June 2nd )~
A friend of mine saw a team from what I guess is Season 10 on an Air New Zealand flight from Queenstown to Auckland, yesterday, June 2nd. The team spotted was 'an Asian couple, who looked very tired'. They were apparently en route to Singapore.

k.thekuwati snaps pictures of the teams on (June 9th)
I took those pictures on Friday, around 8.15 am..
k.thekuwaiti ( checks into help us out )
I was at the airport, they came running out of the customs place to get to their destination, but they each had to wait for their crew to get their stuff. Each team (two people) had two crew members with them .
Their task was to take a rented car from the airport to the Kuwait Towers. Other than the cars in the pictures; I saw another jeep liberty on my way to the towers.[All the pictures of the cars were taken at the Kuwait Towers; Keep in mind that the cars don't necessarily represent the number of teams. I saw quite a few crew people (as seen in the shot taken by Nibaq).there were 7 cars there and I saw one more on the way total . 
k.thekuwati posts pictures of teams taken~ I took those pictures on Friday, around 8.15 am..
June 9th
I was at the airport this morning to bid farewall to a family member .. but you probably don’t care about that.
Anyway .. I was at starbucks, talking to family; then I see a bunch of people running out of the departure gates with large bags and tons of Camera Equipment. I realized it was a reality tv show, and couldn’t think of anything except the ‘Amazing Race’.
I took some pictures with my camera-phone (which are quite bad). Then my cousin and I decided to go see what the whole thing was about. I asked them if it was the Amazing Race, they said it was a ‘travel show’ .. fair enough.
Then I figured, they are probably on a task .. lets help em cheat. They needed directions to Kuwait Towers, told them to go down the aiport road, hang a right on 1st ring and follow the towers. Then they asked if I had any money.. I figured they are semi-celebrities, so I gave them a kd. Then the camera crew asked for my persmission to record .. couldn’t read the contract, way too blurry. I think I might have given someone my first-born.
I then followed them to the Kuwait towers, took a couple more pictures.

The teams I do remember (it was quite early that day)

1. Girl/Girl (pink and quite hot)[Dustin/Kandece]
2. Man/Women team (the woman had a prostethic leg)[Peter/Sarah ]
3. Asian team [Edwin/Godwin ]
4. Black team. [ Lyn/Karlyn]
5. Another Man/Woman team (woman wearing blue .. in the towers shot) [ Rob/Kim]
6. Yet Another Man/Woman team (Wearing yellow)[David/Mary ]
7. [Tyler/James
All the pictures of the cars were taken at the Kuwait Towers; there were 7 cars  there and I saw one more on the way (total) .  The pictures look inverted because I took the shots from the rearview mirror of my car. Keep in mind that the cars don't necessarily represent the number of teams. I saw quite a few crew people (as seen in the shot taken by Nibaq).
The people in the khakis were the crew, each team had a camera man and sound man.

Izabela is vacationing in Mauritius ,Africa (June 12)
and captures a video of at least 2 of the teams performing a roadblock with crew in tow~
My husband and I witnessed a Roadblock on June 12 while we were holidaying in Mauritius.
..the couples started showing up between 10-11am - the first two were very close to each other.
The detour involved kayaking out into the ocean. Not sure what they did out there but they were gone for about 1/2 an hour on average.
From memory the first team to arrive was all female, the 2nd a guy and girl - all quite young. They completed the task in that order but the leading team got about 5 minutes in between them. 
We counted 5 teams in total.
The black female team were in the top five but unfortunately last. 
We saw the Asian guy but he was off on the side drinking water and cooling down so we cannot actually remember if we saw him with his partner.
The black woman who did the kayak was a bit overweight and I'd guess not the fittest - she nearly died after that one!
One final point - there were 6 kayaks on the beach - perhaps a FF meant someone avoided this task?
on another forum ,Izabela describes the teams a bit differently.
We counted 5 couples come and go within about an hour
..the couples we saw were a youngish all-girl team (winning),
2nd was another young couple (a guy and girl),
there was the token black couple,
an asian looking couple, and
a geeky looking couple.
The black woman who did the kayaking was absolutely exhausted after the kayak ride and fell on her butt after getting out of it.
I should clarify the above point. She really look p*ssed off and the pair of them weren't in much of a hurry - but we noticed that couples were held up for a couple of minutes and given water before running off to continue the race

more from Izabela posted at sucks

Here goes:
Team 1 : f/f as per video
Team 2: m/f as per video and looks like same as kuwait carpark to me
Team 3: m/m i am 80% sure it was same guy as "audition" tape
Team 4: m/f asian male and geeky female but not 100% sure as they were not sitting together and by geeky i mean she reminded me of lori in her stance/appearance and not playing up the the cameras as the first 3 teams. She sat on the sun bed under a tree and just waited quietly on spoke to the black female for a short time.
Team 5: f/f black - personally it looked like they did not want to be there in terms of all the other teams looking so competitive.
and more posted by Izabela @ sucks
Don't forget only the male is asian in that team and the female is what I call my token "Lori".
I would give them a good 20 mins after the 3rd team which was the young m/m team.
The young m/m team arrived 10-15 mins after the leading couples. This 3rd team seemed to catch up some time with this roadblock but still left 3rd.

Tarballs reports (June 16th)
More info about the Finland spoiler: Some teams and camera crews were spotted at Turku's railway station at 5:20 pm last friday. Teams drove off towards east with Mercedeses. I'll try to get some info about how many teams were seen, or what they looked like. 

Signal checks in with more details!

Here's some pics in a train from Tampere to Turku 
I heard from a reliable source that some woman had talked with one couple in the train and the couple said that they had flown from Madagascar to Helsinki and from Helsinki to Tampere and Ylöjärvi and then they had to travel with a train to Turku where they must find the cars and drive to quarry mines in Lohja.

I've read and heard about people seeing the contestants climbing in the Olympic Stadium's tower in Helsinki, and Phil was spotted in a park/restaurant in Helsinki, wich could also be true.
"Yes, they were also in Tampere week ago friday (june 16th), or actually Ylöjärvi, close to my home. I heard about it from my aunt who drives a taxi, and she had taken one couple from Tampere train station to Ylöjärvi and back. They were hurrying to catch the train to Turku. My aunt was first a bit shocked when few dark skinned americans passed others in the queue and jumped to the car with a man sitting on the front seat who had a  huge camera"
There was another sighting at the Helsinki train station june 16th. A "chinese" looking couple was seen running in the station with a camera man, and they had two other couples following them

From Signals link MarleeRojas recognizes the M/M team !

I recognized them because of the pictures from the Finland train! One was standing and talking to the crew guy in the blue tank top (Tyler) and the other was with the blonde chick from the blondie team (James).
here are their myspaces..I know it says they logged on today but the race may be over now, or maybe during a pitstop.

Then I remember that I recieved a "tip" back in May , two TAR10 contestants Tyler Dank and James Branaman  , which I thought was a joke ! That was untill I read the above info :)
I checked both Tyler & James myspace last night , James had checked in 6/25 but Tyler had not logged onto his myspace since roughly May 21st , but later last night Tyler had logged in .
btw , they are friends of each other on myspace .
Assumes the teams hit End City roughly 6/24 or 6/25 ?

Barcelona, Spain DATES: (June 23-24, 2006)
no team info

Thanks to Coretti@Twop's posts ~  (6/24)

So, uh, I think I *may* have come across racers today. I do not have actual 100% confirmation that it was TAR, but this is what I saw:
49th between 6th and Rock. Center, right outside one of the NBC entrances (not that they were going in).
All female African-American team (as mentioned in that thread that was linked to on the last page)
Getting out of a cab that was from Newark (which made it stand out more from the traditional NYC cabs).
Two crew with them - one boom mic operator, one cameraman.
The girls got out of the cab and asked a local for directions - the mic operator then had to get the person to sign a release and the team looked very impatient while they were waiting.
The biggest tip-off for me was that one of the crew had a yellow "K" tag, and having just re-watched Season 7, it looked exactly like the tags that everyone has on their bags.
I was on a flight from Paris to New York on June 24 with 3 TAR teams - 2 young guys, 2 african american women and a man & woman
At ticketing, my friend  asked the two african american women what tv show it was for. 
One of them answered, "You don't need to worry about it, just move out of the way".  We wound up sitting in the bulkhead between business class and coach, near the bathrooms. 
The man from the man/woman team came over to us and asked if we knew where The News Building was in New York City - he even showed us the clue. 
We tried our best to help him out - even gave him some money.  We asked him lots of questions, most of which he couldn't divulge. 

Air France flight 8600 from Charles DeGalle to JKF.  Departed 6/24 @ 825am
While walking thru airport to get to the right terminal I spotted two rugged-looking young guys, a camera man and what looked like a production person. 
When we got to the terminal and checked in, the agent said they had overbooked the flight and would we mind being bumped to a later flight in exchange for $150 voucher, which we agreed to. 
However, the agent said we might still be on that flight and to check back later. 
We went to cash our vouchers at the ticketing office and the two young guys were there with a stack of passports, which I assume is for themselves and the crew that travels with them. 
When we went back to see if we were going to be on the first flight, we saw the two guys in line to check in and that's when we saw the african american women with their own cameraman. 
When we were called up by an agent, my friend walked in front of the camera, asked her question and got rebuffed. 
We found out that we were going to be on the first flight and after checking our baggage, left walking in front of the camera again.
From what I could tell, each team has their own camera man and sound guy.
Plus there's someone that looks like a production person, but I'm not sure if there's one for every team.
It's difficult to tell from the pictures that have been posted if they are the ones I saw - the african american women for sure, the man/woman team in blue is a possibility.
I keep everything....

Major Spoiler !!!!!
Here are the pictures that I managed to get in Paris, Eiffel Tower.. It was Friday, 23 June, around 9 to 11 am.. 
fits in perfect with jlaws sighting

Rob & Kim

Tyler & James

Lynn & Karlyn

JasmineGuy @ sucks finds one TWO of the Blondes !!
According to a Pageant Board. The current Miss New York was on the Amazing Race. Her name is Kandice Pelletier.
Watertown news confirms
Speaking of reality TV, it turns out that the reigning Miss New York Kandice Pelletier just finished taping an appearance on the CBS reality show "The Amazing Race."
and now we can probably add Dustin-Leigh Konzelman ,Miss California.
( thanks to Slowhatch for the Pageant Board link )
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 01:23:46 AM by puddin »

Offline puddin

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2006, 02:42:58 PM »
per Izabela info & k.kuwati's pictures  (eta: Viltsun ja Miksun blogi ), it looks like final 5 , maybe 6 ?(Speculation )
F/F ( Miss America Team?) as per video

( Miss New York ,Kandice Pelletier )
(Miss California, Dustin-Leigh Konzelman)

M/F as per video and looks like same as kuwait carpark to me

M/M ( James & Tyler )

M/F asian male and geeky female but not 100% sure as they were not sitting together and by geeky i mean she reminded me of lori in her stance/appearance and not playing up the the cameras as the first 3 teams. She sat on the sun bed under a tree and just waited quietly on spoke to the black female for a short time.

F/F black - personally it looked like they did not want to be there in terms of all the other teams looking so competitive.
( Lynn and Karlyn from Alabama per Charlie ? )

« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 05:53:01 PM by puddin »

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2006, 05:50:12 PM »
More pictures of James & Tyler




« Last Edit: July 09, 2006, 01:54:27 PM by puddin »

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2006, 06:24:11 PM »
posted by JasmineGuy
According to a Pageant Board. The current Miss New York was on the Amazing Race. Her name is Kandice Pelletier.

( Finland Train picture )
« Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 06:29:00 PM by puddin »

Offline Slowhatch

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2006, 07:19:11 PM »
This looks like the original thread (name misspelled). Does she have MySpace, Puddin? I can't search there. "On the West coast doing a reality tv show" sounds a lot like FF. I can't find (yet) any online Watertown news that mentions her; the poster may have been talking about broadcast media.

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2006, 07:25:49 PM »
Oh good job Slowhatch finding the webpage link to the forum !
off to look for some "Kandy" at myspace ..first stop , Tyler's site !!

Kandy is not hard to find ........

Offline puddin

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2006, 07:41:56 PM »
I had no luck with myspace

time to search the Watertown news!

( from what how I " think " the meassage board goes  :lol: )

Subject: Is Kandace in Watertown?
Subject: Kandace was not at the pageant tonight. There was no mention of her at all...not ONE single comment.
Subject: Watertown news said she was on the West Coast in a reality TV show
Subject: Interesting though, I thought that being on shows like that, and doing other things was against MAO policy...I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but that's just what I thought.
Subject: From what I understand she is representing Miss New York
Subject: Yes, she is competing in a reality program and is representing the Miss New York organization. She can't help the timing of the filming of the program.
Subject: That's good then...because we haven't seen a thing of her since Miss America...I hope that she does well and has fun!!!
Subject: If its such a wonderful thing that was supported by MAO then they would have told us last night where she was and brought it up and acted proud...
Subject: Hey, guess what, everybody's under contract to keep their mouth shut. It's very hush, hush, because if Kandice wins the "Amazing Race" program that she's on, she would have to forfeit the money if she talked about it. It's a really big deal and the Miss New York org knows all about it, approved of it, gave their permission and knew they wouldn't be able to confirm or deny it. That's why they didn't say anything about it.

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2006, 08:00:31 PM »
Luckily for Pelletier, staying in shape isn't a problem.
Pelletier dances with Radio City Music Hall's Rockettes when she's not studying at NYU.

Pelletier's professional ambition: "To be the next Kelly Ripa."  :angel:


« Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 08:07:25 PM by puddin »

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2006, 08:03:27 PM »
Article link Feedback: Miss America & Reality TV 
posted on Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 1:13pm

Speaking of reality TV, it turns out that the reigning Miss New York Kandice Pelletier just finished taping an appearance on the CBS reality show "The Amazing Race."

She reportedly plans to return to Watertown to crown her successor Saturday night.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2006, 01:07:19 PM by puddin »

Offline Slowhatch

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2006, 08:20:49 PM »
A video team confirmation--another first, I think!  :tup: Here's a link for the flash file:

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2006, 08:28:39 PM »
I wonder if MAO/Carol Brown will be in trouble for being such  B:) B:) mouths  :lol: ?

Now I wonder if " Kandy Girl " has a sister or best friend ........?

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2006, 08:31:59 PM »
Kandy had a small part in The Producers " girl with pearls"

Offline Slowhatch

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2006, 08:48:17 PM »
Here's some background on the Producers and the Rockettes. And this paragraph mentions the wax statue. And this is the state of Georgia telling her she's a real swell person. (actually, she looks like our company CEO, which is a little...disconcerting >:()

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2006, 09:02:53 PM »
Here's her sister. Hard to say, even taking hair color into account. My money goes on a fellow beauty queen.

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2006, 09:38:46 AM »
According to reported Jessica Layton ( as seen in that WWNY-TV clip) the current Miss NY State, Kandice Pelletier has "finished shooting a reality TV series on the west coast"....."and will make it back in time to crown the new Miss NY State"....

This can be interpreted to mean that the TAR10 finish line was on the "west coast".  So Seattle may still be in the running, along with Portland, S.F., L.A., or San Diego, not to mention L.V., etc.


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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2006, 09:47:45 AM »
Good idea Boingo ! Here's the other thing ,for TAR8 Wally said that aftet the last pitstop they all stayed in a motel and flew out the next day . He also said that they were allowed to called loved ones and probably could access the internet if they wanted to . Now James & Tyler both checked into their myspaces on the 25th ( thats when we spec the race ended ) , James is from Calif and Tyler has Calif/ NY listed as were he lives so who knows , anyway the whole point is James ( Calif ) checked in first so yeah the final pitstop could be West Coast ?
Lets check jenn's source Govt , in Seattle !

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Offline puddin

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2006, 12:58:00 PM »
well JasmineGuy does it again !!

This is Kandice partner in the amazing race. Miss California has not been at the pageant during this week also. Her name is Dustin-Leigh Konzelman.

Offline puddin

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Re: The Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2006, 01:03:05 PM »
 :jumpy:, read through the thread , some agree its Dustin-Leigh Konzelman !

The Missing Miss California and Miss New York?

Date Posted: 13:09:44 06/30/06 Fri

On June 8, someone photographed a group of Americans in an airport in Kuwait. Outside the airport, 7 identical SUV's were lined up. Speculation is that these were teams competing in 'The Amazing Race.'

The photos are online at:

Check out the photo below - could that be our Miss NY and Miss California, neither of whom are at their respective state pageants this week?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 01:10:48 PM by puddin »

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2006, 02:50:05 PM »
final 3 teams based on sightings
Team Miss America , Dustin & Kandice

Alpha Male team , James & Tyler

Asian Team ( described as either male /female or Male/Male )
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 06:53:39 PM by puddin »

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2006, 08:12:49 PM »
btw ~ :gj: :roses:

Here's her sister. Hard to say, even taking hair color into account. My money goes on a fellow beauty queen.

Offline Slowhatch

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Re: Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2006, 08:34:40 PM »
Shucks, nobody took my action; I'd be 25 cents richer by now.  :lol3:
So Seattle may still be in the running...
Konzelman started her pageant career in the Puyallup (Wa.) region, so she knows the area (if that's going to help). Google Konzelman with Pelletier and you can get an idea of when they crossed paths, like this article touting the Las Vegas MissA odds.

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Re: Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2006, 08:40:21 PM »
Slowhatch , maybe we could find a picture of Dustin & Kandice together , I'm sure you've looked too .

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Re: Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2006, 06:36:10 PM »
Amazing job guys just wanted to say when i was looking at Tylers Myspace page I thought I had seen some of the people before and then I realized his #1 is Aras's (Winner Survivor Exile Island) brother. Also some of the same frieds as Shane from Survivor looks like some friends out west are taking over reality TV.
Aras the first person to try to meditate fire.......... "Just a little longer guys................. ???? you feel the energy now................????? what about now?????"

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Re: Amazing Race 10 Team Spoilers & Speculation
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2006, 07:13:37 PM »
CJ I guess Erika ( BB4)  , does some casting for Amazing Race as well as Survivor ! anyway it just so happens that shes friends with Tyler & James ,.......... imagine that  ;) ?
« Last Edit: July 02, 2006, 07:37:00 PM by puddin »