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EP1 title ~ 'The First Exile '
« on: January 19, 2006, 06:31:44 PM »
« Last Edit: January 25, 2006, 01:01:52 PM by puddin »

Offline puddin

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Re: EP1~Survivor Panama - Exile Island
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 07:31:27 PM »
from TDT ~

Reward challenge: Running in the woods - ? wins; younger (men? women?) lose 

In the CBS site's "Meet the Cast" video clip (vidcaps here; video here - Real media), there is a scene in which Jeff Probst yells "Go!" and a representative of each tribe races off into the woods. Visible are Ruth Marie (older women), Terry (older men), and Danielle (younger women). Presumably, since he's shown stretching, Austin is there too.

On the sidelines, we can see Bobby and Aras on the green mat, and all people shown are dressed exactly as in the official cast photo (see caps at right). Because of this, it looks to us like the castaways show up, get their buffs, and immediately compete in the Reward Challenge. The various single-tribe huddles shown in this area (apart from the photo ops) may be pre-challenge discussions of who runs which leg.

Who wins? Well, as you'll see below, we think one of the younger tribes loses. Overall, we like the older men's chances, but we'll keep our eyes 

Exile: Austin? Misty? 
CBS hasn't explicitly defined how the whole "Exile Island" thing works, but since the RC appears to take place immediately after arrival (as in Guatemala), and the person exiled is banished from the RC-losing tribe, we'd guess they wouldn't be present to help set up camp. Assuming then that the bulk of the camp shots are from before the IC, we can rule out a few people as potential Ep1 Exilees (yeah, that's a lot of assumptions, but we have to start somewhere):

Older women: All are accounted for in camp, in clothes not worn in the RC. Older women don't lose the RC.   
Older men: Bruce, Shane and Terry are shown on a rocky beach. Bruce and Dan are each shown working on a raised shelter. Seems like everyone is at camp at some point.   
Younger women: Sally, Danielle and Courtney are all shown gathering shelter material together. Courtney and Danielle are also shown together. No sign of Misty, though. Misty = possible exile.   
Younger men: Nick and Bobby are each shown standing (or sitting) by the same tree. Aras is shown chopping wood, presumably in camp. No sign of Austin. Austin = possible exile.   

From this, Austin and Misty look like the strongest candidates for exile. Given a choice between young men and young women losing a challenge, that really depends on what the challenge involves. We can see running, so in that, we'd give the men a slight edge. As biancaxxx points out, that's Austin's blue shirt hanging behind Nick, so Austin may also be in camp. Leaning Misty for Exile. 

Immunity challenge: Water/raft race - Some tribe loses? 
This one appears to be a water-based race, starting on the beach, swimming out to a raft, rowing it back, and securing it (or doing something with ropes) on the beach. We're also shown what looks like pre-challenge Q&A with Probst (Austin and Cirie speaking). Exciting stuff.

Who wins? With four tribes, it doesn't really matter who wins, or places second or third, so much as who comes in last. Because the first three finishers won't be going to tribal council. Although we see Aras directing something on the beach, so the young men may finish first. As for last, we see the older men struggling on their raft, with nobody apparently behind them, with Bruce sitting still as a statue. We also see a bedraggled, grimacing Dan coming out of the water, with his buff in the same position as during the IC. Doesn't look good for the orange tribe. Older men lose?

At least, that's what the limited vidcaps available might predict. Wickchix has now heard that "a girl" is the first person booted, so it sounds like one of the female tribes loses, instead. 

BOOT: Misty? Sally? Tina? Ruth Marie? 

For the boot, we'd guess the first one will be someone heard from on the Early Show cast reveal (vidcaps and transcripts here). Of those, ChillOne's spoilers eliminate Cirie, Courtney and Bruce from boot contention. That leaves Dan, Tina and Bobby. We'll throw in Misty, for balance, especially if she's a potential exilee.

If the apparent last-place performance by the older men in the IC is really the case, the boot is obvious: Dan the astronaut. But it's unclear if we can't see the blue and green tribes on their rafts because they've already made it ashore, or if they're just not in the narrow frame of the last picture above.

So that's certainly not set in stone. Which, as noted above, is a good thing, because Wickchix alleges that the first boot is "a girl." And thus, while still subject to source-based interpretation, highly unlikely to also be a tall, balding, older man.

If Misty is indeed the first exile, and the first boot comes from her tribe, she would seem to be the logical pick for first boot. Unless they all feel guilty, or something, and/or Sally does something (or nothing) to irritate the others in Misty's absence. Either could plausibly go first.

On the older women's tribe, perhaps more of a stretch for "girl," Tina, Melinda or Ruth Marie could each theoretically be vulnerable. Tina and Ruth Marie are each shown sitting in front of the shelter while others relax inside it. But both seem to have something to offer in physical challenges. Melinda perhaps less so, but seems to have the charm to get along for a while. Still, we'd favor the younger women making the first TC trip.

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Re: EP1~Survivor Panama - Exile Island
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2006, 08:24:56 PM »
Important Pictures

Ill try to make this short

Why I think Misty is at Exile Island.  We have allread that everyone is accounted for at camp but her and Austin and we can see Austins shirt in the backgoud so we already have a great base here.  Now in this pic most have focused on the baech behind her I say look at the pole beind her. That is a Tribal flag so either she is at the young womens camp or its the tribe flag that the Exile has to carry honestly the drape looks black and I think you can see somthing kinda like it herein the skull Makes sense to me the Exile has to carry in a flag too everyone else does or has even the outkast So looking for the young women to loose the RC and send Misty on her way. 

Now the IC We have  every reason to believe the young men win this we also know Nick gets cut open under the eye right about here which shouldnt help his chances.  Here you can see the Older men close with the Older women however Bruce is not on the raft here so there must be another leg we know Bruce is the last on becuase of this picture now at first most were saying Bruce had stopped paddling and this ment the older men loose.  Wickchix has said a "girl" is the first boot but most have put this pic with the one of Dan walking slowly out of the water as the Older men loosing.  I say that Bruce is merely trying to straighten the raft back as you can see they are veering off course. Look how hard Terry, and Dan are going.  As for Dan walking from the water slowly do you think These challenges are easy??????? so ill say this if it is this hard for a guy who was an astronaut imagine how hard it will be for and overweight woman, a Realtor/singer, a runner and a lumberjill.  The Younger men should win and the Older women should Loose. 

For the boot
We know from spoilers Cirie is safe, so we have Tina, Melinda, and Ruth Marie.  If you read my other post I think both Ruth Marie and Melinda make the merge.  Tina has described her experience as "interesting" and I ask you who sticks out the most of there group?????? Sorry to say goodbye to Tina.
Aras the first person to try to meditate fire.......... "Just a little longer guys................. ???? you feel the energy now................????? what about now?????"

Offline puddin

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Re: EP1~ 'The First Exile '
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2006, 03:14:28 PM »
thanks to a poster @ sucks

« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 03:21:36 PM by puddin »

Offline CJ22

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Re: EP1~ 'The First Exile '
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2006, 08:34:34 PM »
Ok First More to support Misty as first exile its pretty much a definate folks. On this page provided by Survivor Fever we see the Episode 1 cast photos Misty is not only the only one to only recieve 1 picture Everyone else is in a "camp life" like picture and hers is actually taken from before the first RC right before she goes to Exile.

Ok now on to theis amazing TV guide article where they just support a little more that the Older Women might be going to TC. We know its a 4 part challenge now so its gonna take a while.  We know the young men and women both get to a "ring" protion of the challenge the men look much further as they have the heavier rings. This is a promising picture for the younger women since we have been told that "a girl" is the first boot.  This leads me to Tina as the boot these are not very promising pictures (taking leadership in a challenge) (looking dejected pre challenge, is she not fitting in already?" (looking dejected post challenge, most likely they loose, she is sitting alone, Terry seems to be smiling in the background) and this is not the time you wanna be getting all the press.
Aras the first person to try to meditate fire.......... "Just a little longer guys................. ???? you feel the energy now................????? what about now?????"

Offline CJ22

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Re: EP1~ 'The First Exile '
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2006, 08:41:44 PM »
On second thought while I still think this is a promising picture for the younger females however could it be from the Ep 2 RC???? they are dry here so its not after the IC but I dont really see Misty being all pumped after being exiled and Courtneys reaction seems to be a good RC type reaction but I could be wrong. I still think Tina's a gonner.
Aras the first person to try to meditate fire.......... "Just a little longer guys................. ???? you feel the energy now................????? what about now?????"

Offline puddin

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Re: EP1~ 'The First Exile '
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2006, 01:04:36 AM »
for what little little its worth ..checking out some CBS sites ~

whos missing ?

Who Will Be The First To Go?
Ruth Marie

Who will win the million on Survivor: Panama - Exile Island?
Ruth Marie

Who's Your Favorite Survivor?
Ruth Marie

check out the slideshow of the contestants pictures on the site too ,again who's missing ? Tina ..could be just a KIRO webmonkey mistake  :lol: ?? lets check back to this site to see if they correct it ??

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Re: EP1~ 'The First Exile '
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2006, 09:12:24 AM »
Good theories!!  Thanks!

Offline puddin

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Re: EP1 title ~ 'The First Exile '
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2006, 04:58:40 PM »
I'm going to TRY to wake up Early to watch The Early show for tidbits  :jumpy:

SURVIVOR PREVIEW: For the third time in twelve seasons, Survivor will be returning to the unspoiled beaches of Panama to partake in Survivor: Panama--Exile Island. Host Jeff Probst will be on the show to give us a preview.