Author Topic: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '  (Read 35432 times)

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Offline puddin

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #125 on: December 06, 2005, 04:24:50 PM »
Forget all that  |#'

Fresh from the Newspath

Below is THE EARLY SHOW Lineup for Wednesday, December 7, 2005 as of 5:00PM

8:34 SEGMENT EIGHT- AMAZING RACE: We'll have the latest castoffs from The
Amazing Race.

Offline gingerman28

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #126 on: December 06, 2005, 05:01:19 PM »
Or are they, perhaps, just covering their butt?

But if true, then it is the great big "X" in the sky for the Branden Bunch!!

And, then next week do we have just one extra long Leg 11 or do we have a Leg 11 in the first hour with a non-elimination in Toronto with a final leg 12 (As posted at one time on Wikipedia) ending up at Niagara Falls and then Davis State Park with one team striped of cash and backpacks (or in the case of the Weasels what little clothing they have left)

Offline supsandalee

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #127 on: December 06, 2005, 06:22:33 PM »
So is it traditional that the teams do their pitstop "confessional" in the order they come in?

Offline Chateau d If

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #128 on: December 06, 2005, 06:57:10 PM »
Little late to the viewing here.  But that Bransen chat with the breezes picking up was clear doom speak.  They were saying things in the past tense like "that was a great thing that I learned from this race".

I think we will see them tomorrow on the Early Show.

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #129 on: December 06, 2005, 07:14:59 PM »
The delay in announcing the appearance of the "latest castoff" from TAR may have been due to the fact that the BrandedBunch might have not wanted to make the trip to New York.  We'll know what happens in an hour or two.  Has AOL come up with a preview yet?

Offline puddin

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #130 on: December 06, 2005, 07:19:32 PM »
no luck Gman , sometimes I think they are on to us  ]*]
I agree Chateau , the " father doesn't always know best " whatever insider clip sounds like the Bransens bye bye confession  :cryC: , if were wrong lets hope its the Weasels that get the boot  :keetaC:

Offline supsandalee

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #131 on: December 06, 2005, 08:34:31 PM »
Video is up

Bransens are safe -- Godlewskis are out!!!   |(

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #132 on: December 06, 2005, 09:31:29 PM »
Did anyone else find this episode EXTREMELY Boring.  I mean this season as far a felxability during the race there has been pretty much none, but was tehre any this leg aside from the Bransons last minute pass of the Linz i was almost falling asleep i knew from once the Ssiters finsihed the detour alst there was no way they were catching up.

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #133 on: December 06, 2005, 09:44:53 PM »
Did anyone else find this episode EXTREMELY Boring.  I mean this season as far a felxability during the race there has been pretty much none, but was tehre any this leg aside from the Bransons last minute pass of the Linz i was almost falling asleep i knew from once the Ssiters finsihed the detour alst there was no way they were catching up.

The whole season is boring. That's why i can't wait for TAR 9 to start. =]/

Offline puddin

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #134 on: December 06, 2005, 11:20:08 PM »
Kudo's to Pandora for giving us the 11 leg  |#' !! Thank you so much Pandora  (^.# :999: !!

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #135 on: December 07, 2005, 12:16:56 AM »
OK, I get it now (just finished watching). It wasn't a cheesy LuxuryCart product placement, it was a cheesy Buick product placement  :lolCX:. I should have seen it coming, what with Pandora's spoiler about the car give-away at the mat >^%.

Offline puddin

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #136 on: December 07, 2005, 12:37:50 AM »
*mutters* it was a cheesy show

should have seen the Godlewski's boot coming , if it wern't for the spoiler ( which I admit some of you were right , probably the Bransens "Hot" with one of the Weavers *gag * ?) I would have had the Godlewski's picked to be booted next every episode ..lost big on my game picks but its not for money sooo...
Good thing is I'll save on asprins ,the sisters were frustrating ..I have 3 sisters and wonder if thats how we sound   :lolCX: , my poor mom !! another good thing we get to see the Bransens one more time and Wally kick someones ASS  =]/  , gosh he's crabby in the previews . Still I'm palcing them in 3rd spot ..leaving the Weavers ( bad guys  ) ~vs~  the Linz ( good guys ) for a race to the finish line that Spoiler ( Linz winning ) I have to beleive with or without spoilers .

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #137 on: December 07, 2005, 05:49:24 AM »
yeah, apart from my MW game picks, I'm glad the Godski sisters went rather than the Bransens. 

I may be in the minority, but I'm still enjoying the race, even with the low-skill challenges (I keep imagining that if Carissa Gaghan or the Black boys were still in it, it would be a lot more fun).  That said, it will be good to get back to traditional racing, with airport and taxi crises, and yes, even the disgusting food tasks.

The Weavers really do bring it on themselves, don't they?  I mean, how hard would it have been for them to come out of their trailer and try to socialize with the other teams?  They're like fake martyrs, being persecuted by their own imaginations.

The preview next week, where Rolly and Tommy (?) have a scuffle, makes me think Ma Weaver's going to yell child abuse!  Kettle, meet Pot!

Offline gingerman28

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #138 on: December 07, 2005, 01:44:49 PM »
Fellow TAR detectives, we did alright this time around.  We were just way off on the eliminated team; but I think we had in the back of our minds the fact that CBS had placed an "X" on the Branded Bunch (hence the name) and we had a reported spotting of a team with four girls at an ice cream vendor in Toronto.  So just maybe the Godlyones were sent along with the three other teams to Toronto to act as decoys. That would account for the four teams on the Air Canada flight.

But we had the events down cold and we had the itinerary and order of events pretty much as the script was written.  Was lucky to find the Red Lodge Mountain Golf Club at the last minute, and this made the rest of the trip complete.  So they did go on down toward Debois on route 287. After the overnight (not with RV connections it seems) it looks like hired men drove the teams on into the Wind River Indian Reservation (probably no trailers or campers allowed inside the reservation).  Once again one task (wagon wheels) took a lot less time than the teepee build.  Must have been frustrating for the Weasels and Godlyones  to see the Linzzips and the BrandedBunch race past them.

And my speculation that the Bransens and Weasels must have driven past the ranch at 15200 route 287 and then turned around at some point and driven back up the highway toward the north. We did see them turn left across the highway into the roadway leading through the 15200 gate.  When both the Linz and Godlewskis arrived they both spotted the ranch to their right and turned right directly into the road without crossing the highway.  Nice to know you can be right sometimes.

After the Detour,three of the teams took the long road down to Riverton on route 26/287 and then back north again on route 120 right into Cody. The sisters were not that far behind the Weasels at this point but made the really wrong (actually stupid) decision to drive back north on route 287 and back again through Yellowstone Park (remember it is summer and tourist time is at its height) where there is a speed limit of 35 or 40 mph and where they said this morning they got stuck in traffic.  This made them really late at the Cody Buffalo Bill gig. The other three teams overlapped eachother, but the sisters were there all by their lonesomes.

Still when the sisters arrived at the golf course in Red Lodge, the Weasels had only found one golf ball.  So if they had taken the longer but much faster road to Cody, they might have been ahead of the Weasels at some point (that is again if the stupid sisters could have stopped bickering and concentrated on looking for the balls)

Next week, since our spoiler from Billings was dead right about the location of the pit stop and the fact that the car would be the winner's extra prize (does Wally get to keep it and loan it out when one of his girls wants it?  And remember they each have a "life-time"  of free gas from BP and ARCO!) then it follows that the teams will be leaving after a traditional 12-hour pit stop in the early morning for the Billings, Montana airport.  Just guessing but through Minneapolis to Toronto?

Well, fellow detectives: especially Puddin, Chateau, Sups, and Peddler, this is my swan song for TAR8.  I will watch what you all come up with, but now my time must be concentrated in getting ready for our Christmas and New Years holiday trip to Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary (if I don't spend more time on preperations I am afraid wifey will be taking some kind of drastic action - like steal my key board!) So while you all are glued to the screen as EP11 and/or EP12 brings the final three to the finish line in Davis State Park, I will be reclining in my Delta Airlines first class seat (yeah, I'm splurging all my frequent flyer miles as a Christmas gift to ourselves and just to use up as many miles as I can in case Delta doesn't make it out of bankruptcy!) sipping champagne and enjoying filet mignon!! (yeah, I wish).  In Budapest and Vienna I hope to vist sites from TAR3 and TAR6 and get my picture took at places you all might recognize. 

So, I take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Years. And I hope that the saddest days of your future will be no worse than the happiest days of your past.


Offline puddin

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #139 on: December 07, 2005, 02:13:59 PM »
I miss you already Gman  }bH{ , please enjoy your trip and be safe and take lots & lots of pictures  .

( If you have access to your e-mail I will keep you up to date  ?? :kussC: )

 And Kudos to the all the TAR Detectives   =]/

Offline puddin

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Re: EP11 :' The Family Christmas Card '
« Reply #140 on: December 08, 2005, 09:58:33 PM »
I havent had a moment to watch the insider clips ( annoying charmin dancing bear  (:;) )
swiped from another board and i'll post some vidcaps when I get around to the insider clips

ETA I figured the url's out , now added  |#'

I Scream, You Scream:
While both teams are stopped by some road work on the way to Cody, the Bransens run back to the Linzes' trailer and get the ice cream sandwiches they'd picked up for them the previous night. Tommy manages not to make a joke about being the meat in a "Tonya sandwich."

What a Bummer: Linzes in the car on their roadblock mistake. Nothing you didn't get from the episode. Not even a joke about finding their balls.

Small Talk: As in, the Weavers making it with Buffalo Bill (eeeew, not like that) while they wait for the picture to be developed. The fact thet they're from Florida comes up and Linda says they were pioneers there, along with the Spanish and Mexicans. At least that first part is historically accurate, I think. Still an odd comment. I mean, he's not ACTUALLY Buffalo Bill, sweets.

Harder Than it Looks:
The G's in the car about the teepee task. Something about spacing the sticks and getting the spikes in. Proof that they can talk for a whole minute or so w/o bitching at each other.

Good News: Bransens on being excited to hear they made the final 3. Hadn't thought about it, but I guess that was news when Phil told them -- they couldn't know whether the leg was just another NEL. And given the sucky race design, can't blame 'em.

In A Different Light: Bransen girls on seeing their dad as "more of a person and not just as a father." They were surprised at how social he was at the pit stops -- but he says it was just because he'd been stuck in the car with them all day. He adds that he's finally learned how to tell the Tonyas apart (Lindsey = Green?). OK, maybe not.

Shaking Things Up: Linzes on feeling a bit bad about interrupting everybody's meals at the Buffalo Bill hotel. Oh come on, probably the most exciting thing ever to happen there that didn't involve shooting a gun. They say Bill "looked half drunk and horny at the bar."

Silver Lining: Linzes say it was "better" to be in the final 3 than to win the car. Dudes, those were not mutually exclusive -- the Bransens did both.

Still Standing:
Guess who? The Weav-o-crites say they are being underestimated by the other teams AND that they were yielded b/c they're a strong team. OK, just pick one delusion and stick with, m'kay? And Ma says: "I don't even understand how we're here" in the finals. You and me both, sister, you and me both.

The Godlewski Family's Parting Words: Post-philimination interview. Mostly nice stuff about appreciating what they saw on the race. But gotta give Tricia some grief for saying "I never knew there were . . . so many roads that lead somewhere." Yeah, roads tend to do that. Sharon adds her lesson: "There's a lot of good people out there" -- if only they were my sisters. (OK, not the last part.)

Breaking it Down: Best of the bunch. Separate interviews with each G sister. Sharon's all "When Christene's right the world needs to validate her," but she won't own up to it when she's wrong." Then Michelle say the exact same thing about Sharon. Hee. These clips should be sent directly to Dr. Phil.

Family Rules: Weaver mat chat. Rachel on each family member's contribution. Let's see, Rolly did every single task, Rebecca managed not to crash the car or get attacked by a fellow skunk, and Ma was the "mother chicken." (No, she really said that. "Hen" not being part of her extensive vocabulary.) Oh, and Phil says: "I've gotta give away $1 million . . . any reason why it shouldn't be your family?" [Horshack voice] Oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, can I answer that one? Can I? Please? Can I? (OK, I know it should be "may".)

Fond Farewell: Godwhycouldn'ttheybeattheWeaversskis mat chat. They tell Phil "you didn't do your job" and that he "should have eliminated [the Weavers] last time" when they were so far behind. Sorry, girls, but it's you who didn't do YOUR job -- beat them to the mat and spare us from further toxic exposure
« Last Edit: December 09, 2005, 01:44:13 AM by puddin »