Author Topic: Brian Corridan and Margaret Bobonich: Early Show Interviews  (Read 5058 times)

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Brian Corridan and Margaret Bobonich: Early Show Interviews
« on: October 21, 2005, 10:39:54 AM »
Thanks to Survivor Fever for the transcribe

Brian Corridan and Margaret Bobonich: Early Show Interviews
Survivor: Guatemala Episode 6 Boots
Transcript by James Barber
( 10.21.05)


RENE: Last night, on Survivor: Guatemala, both Yaxha and Nakum had to go to Tribal Council. In round 1 there was an all-out verbal brawl if you will between Judd and Margaret, and then in round 2 Brian got knocked out by a surprise sucker punch.

(clips package)

Rene: Brian Corridan and Margaret Bobonich, good morning to both of you.

B/M (in unison): Good morning.

Rene: I know you guys didn't wanna be sitting here this soon, but what are you gonna do. OK, Brian, I'll get to you in a second. (looks to Margaret) I've gotta ask you about Tribal Council last night, and Judd he really - I thought he was going to get out of his seat and come over and actually physically assault you. He was very angry with you.

Margaret: He was really angry, and actually I had the same fear as well. Judd is very confrontational, that's the way he was a good period of time before Tribal Council even came about, so...

Rene: Why? Why did he have it in for you?

 Margaret: Well, Judd from the very beginning, the hike through the jungle, didn't like the attention put on other tribemates. Bobby Jon, Jim, Blake, when they were down.

Rene:  The attention by you because you were the nurse who was nursing these guys back to health.

Margaret:  And according to Judd, he really wasn't sick at all, but he was. Judd would minimize his downfalls, or any of his weaknesses, and that's the way it was.

Rene:  Yeah, I think a lot of the other ones were afraid of him. Did you - when the vote came down, and we see, Margaret, Margaret, Margaret, I'm thinking, 'it's because they're afraid of him.' Do you agree?

 Margaret:  He's very scary, and I think they were, I really do.

Rene:  Brian. Let's talk about your vote, oh my gosh. Here you are, you march up the stairs, you vote for Bobby Jon.

Brian:  I'm all confident (does a macho impression), 'this is the outwit part of outwit, outplay, outlast,' like I know what's going on. And honestly it wasn't at all a potshot at Bobby Jon, like a couple of people thought it was. I went into Tribal Council with a strategy. It was to have Nakum split their vote between me and Amy, actually, as they had between me and Blake last time, so that Gary, Amy and I would have a majority, just by 3 people, and then take out Bobby Jon - who is great. I honestly have no bad words for any of them. Bobby Jon, Brandon, Danni, Gary, Amy, they're just amazing people. Good, good people.  I like them all.

Rene:  So unlike their tribe [Nakum] everyone got along pretty well, you think?

Brian:  We did, we really enjoyed - even Blake is a great guy. And even with all the hell I put him through, I wasn't even the reason he got ousted, I should completely admit to that.

Rene:  I don't know, I saw you say some things. You had a game called 'Bait Blake'.

Brian:  Yeah, that was fun. Good times, good times. But Blake is a very intelligent person, very articulate, he just spoke a lot about himself. Honestly it was a Hail Mary throw for me to try to get Blake out. I think Gary and Danni were more involved in it than it showed, but hey, I was playing at least, and I tried my best.

Rene:  I want to talk about last night's challenge, with the big ball. And Amy, who's now sprained her ankle TWICE - I'm actually surprised that she wasn't voted out.

 Brian:  You know what, I knew it wasn't going to be Amy, because her ankle, it snapped, and then she goes and knocks this 500-pound ball over.

Rene:  Oh, it really wasn't 500 pounds. Was it 500 pounds?

Brian:  It was 500 pounds. And then you've got 250 pound Judd on the other side, so it's 750 pounds we're pushing. It's not gonna happen, you're not moving. He's an anchor, as he would say. But Amy - she's a hero with that ankle. How do you vote someone off after she comes through like that?

Rene: Well, because maybe she'd be a liability down the road.

Brian: You can't call her a liability when she wins the challenge with a broken ankle.

Rene: Well, that's true. Margaret, do you regret anything you did? I mean, showing some kindness to Judd, who really just turned around and orchestrated your ouster?

Margaret: You know, it was really emotional at Tribal Council to be treated the way Judd treated me and to be so aggressive, but it's what I do. My heart is as a nurse and I would've treated Judd with kindness and compassion the same way. You know what, I've put it behind me, and there are so many other things out there, so many other health issues, you know what - he's not my neighbor, I don't have to live beside him.

Rene: Phew. Good thing! Brian, Margaret, good to see you guys, and you guys are gonna stick around so you can check out our Secret Scene. We'll see you in the next half hour.


(secret scene clip)

DANNI (solo): I think for Bobby Jon and Brandon, the decision's kind of been Brian. And I feel like I need to be loyal to Bobby Jon and Brandon. At this point I don't know who I'm gonna vote for. You know, I need to talk to Gary, and see how he feels about the situation as well.

Danni (to GARY): I just wanna make sure we're all in agreement.

Gary: Right.

Danni: I don't know. Amy's ankle's bad, but she came back on it. She's fine.

G: I'm fine.

D: And she's smart. And I like Brian, he's smart.

Gary: I love Brian, but...

Danni: The guys think she might be a little tougher, if we have to go girl on girl [in the challenges]...

Gary: I say we keep Amy, and we vote for Brian. I mean, this is tough, and this is ugly.

Gary (solo): 15 days we've been out here with Brian. This is gonna be tough, because he is such a good kid. The bottom line is, it's him or me, and I'm glad it's him and not me.


(Margaret and Brian laugh)

HARRY: It's just not right. We're sitting there screaming at the television, 'He's the only guy on the show with a sense of humor! Don't kick him off!' (to Brian and Margaret) Now here's my question for you - did you know who Gary really was?

(they nod)

Brian: Oh, absolutely. We knew from the beginning, and we didn't care.

 Margaret: Danni told us from day 1. She recognized him immediately.

Harry: I saw that, right, right. I just didn't know if everybody else knew.

Brian: We did, we did, we did. Definitely.

Rene: Aw.

Harry: ...kicked off too soon. I wouldn't have kicked you off.

Margaret: thank you.

Rene: Judd is a bully!

Harry: I'm actually kind of pulling for him now, but that's a different story.

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Re: Brian Corridan and Margaret Bobonich: Early Show Interviews
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2005, 05:05:58 PM »
Funny they say they knew but they keep showing Amy saying if this is true I am going to pound you.

Any body see the show?  Did marg seem high and mighty or humble?  Funny thing is pearl island peeps and all stars made similar comments about Rupert and they did not show it.

Offline puddin

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Re: Brian Corridan and Margaret Bobonich: Early Show Interviews
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2005, 07:31:33 PM »
Margaret came off as  " Catty " to me .  )<

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Re: Brian Corridan and Margaret Bobonich: Early Show Interviews
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2005, 10:39:27 PM »
If I'd been sitting at TC & Judd or someone treated me the same..I"d be a heckuva lot more than catty!!  I'd probly tell him to stuff it where the sun don't shine!  (:;) 
On EShow, Marg was being purdy nice considering she was on public TV! *^?  Sounds like she'll avoid being around him after the show's over.

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Brians TV Guide interview
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2005, 06:02:07 PM »
Survivor Student Tangled Up in Ivy

by Angel Cohn
TV Guide - 10.27.05
If you think Survivor's Brian has some stories to tell, be sure to read our Insider Q&A with The Apprentice's Kristi!

As if switching up the tribes wasn't enough, on last week's Survivor: Guatemala, Jeff Probst uncorked another twist: He declared it a double-elimination week and both tribes had to send a player packing. The Nakum tribe ejected Margaret Bobonich, hoping to stop the constant fighting between her and Judd, while the Yaxhas snuffed Brian Corridan's torch. Apparently the Yaxha crew thought the recent Columbia graduate — who not only had book smarts but was also a student of all the past Survivors — was the weakest link. caught up with Brian while he was in New York, and after we giddily discussed the fact that he was an avid reader of this writer's column, we got down to the business of his ouster and some comments that Blake had made in his own Q&A. You are my new favorite since you read my column! Anyway... every castoff I've interviewed this season has said that you know everything about Survivor!
Brian Corridan: I'm crazy, I'm nuts! About Survivor, I mean. I wanted to be on it so badly. You must have deduced everybody's strategies?
Brian: Everyone was complaining that Steph and Bobby Jon had the advantage because they played the game before, but I was like, "No, we have the advantage because I know how they play." With Bobby Jon, what you see is what you get. It's not just this big game where he's pretending. Stephenie's tough, and I knew she was going to do what she needed to do. It was an advantage to us. They have nothing to hide — we know what they've done. So you thought you had a leg up?
Brian: I put my leg right up there — I was like, "Let's go!" I thought that you were completely responsible for getting Blake out, but he seems to think differently.
Brian: To be fair, he's totally right. I'll open up and admit to that. Gary and Amy had sold me out way before and I didn't know about it. Gary and Amy had gone to Danni and Bobby Jon and said, "Listen, if you get rid of Blake [on night 14], we'll give you Brian next time." What? We didn't see that.
Brian: You didn't, because it wouldn't be as fun. It's more fun for me to bait Blake. I love that game, by the way!
Brian: Thank you. Me, too. That was a good game, wasn't it? I could play that game all day! Regardless of whether I was the reason Blake was voted out, I did have a strategy and I did work it and play the game. He is correct that I wasn't the driving force, but I didn't know I was the driving force at the time. I was playing as hard as I could, because that's what you have to do if you're given this opportunity. You don't squander it. Do what you can to make sure you have some plan going on. When did you come up with "Bait Blake"?
Brian: It was way too easy. When we first had the tribal swap and Bobby Jon, Danni, Blake and Brandon came over, I was like, "Danni and Blake look really close; I've seen them hugging and stuff. They're going to be tough ones to break up." Then you watch and see Blake tell a story and Danni doesn't respond, or looks away. That's where the weakness in their group is. You're watching this whole story about his girlfriend's big boobs or this time he was really drunk and you watch Danni's reaction and Bobby Jon's reaction and you're like, "Ooh, they don't like that at all." Thus, "Bait Blake" is born. You say: "Hey, Blake, what's your best drunk story?" "What's the craziest thing you've done with a girl?" [Sarcastically] "Ohh, that's great! Ha-ha." Did we get to see the best story? The "double-D" one was good.
Brian: That was a pretty good one. I think you missed the one about how he fell out of bed one time and broke his arm and he walked into the stadium the next day for a game and all the dads in the stadium cheered him on, because they knew why his arm was broken and thought that was really cool. Gary was like, "Blake, I have three daughters. You don't tell me that story. That's not cool." Danni's an evangelical Christian, Bobby Jon's an evangelical Christian, you've got Brandon who may or may not be real religious.... I love, by the way, how Blake was like, "Oh, we were all talking about sex." [Laughs] Yeah, Danni and Bobby Jon were talking about sex all the time. Also Gary, and Brandon. What are you, crazy?! No, Blake and Amy were talking about sex all the time. Amy was very funny, but she was telling the stories in almost a self-deprecating way; Blake was not. To be fair to Blake, he's really articulate and intelligent, genuinely a nice person. On the show, you see me calling him an idiot, stupid and a moron, but he's none of those things. Although at the time, he was being stupid. Were you on to Gary's whole line? I don't think he's a good liar.
Brian: It was like, "Gary, were you an ex-NFL quarterback?" He'd play dumb, saying, "Who, me?" No, that Gary, the one behind you. When Danni asked if he went to Central Michigan, he said, "Yeah, but I never played football." That's crazy talk! [Laughs] Gary, come on! When I was wrestling with Danni in the mud — [Smiles] ah, good times — she told me, "What's it like having a quarterback on your team?" I thought she was talking about Amy, who had played professional football. She went on to say she meant Gary — she knew which college he went to, she knew his stats, where he lived, where he was from. It was all too much of a coincidence for her to be making it up. I asked Gary if he was an NFL quarterback, and he denied it. We didn't really care. I totally understand why he lied, though. Blake also mentioned that he defended you from some gay rumors. I didn't even hear those.
Brian: They didn't put them on. It's funny, that was such an unnecessary potshot from Blake. I don't exude masculinity and I am completely willing to admit that I have traits that are probably more associated with women than men — I talk with my hands, and quickly. Amy was the chief one saying, "You don't know it yet, but you're gay." I'm not confused; I know I don't like men. They're so quick to associate a lack of masculinity with homosexuality. Amy and I are much different people in that she's more masculine than I am. [Another] difference is that Amy's very crass, very rude at times. Brazen, aggressive, abrasive. [As a cop] she works with a lot of testosterone-driven people and my parents would always take us to theaters, and to the library to read books. You're well rounded.
Brian: [Chuckles] Right. And that just gets confused for being gay. Blake knows I'm not gay. But thanks a lot, Blake! I kind of got a straight vibe with your mud-wrestling comment about Danni.
Brian: [Smiles] Brooke was actually my favorite. She's exactly the kind of girl I could see myself with. She's intelligent, articulate and has a sense of humor. I really liked Brooke a lot. It's too bad we weren't on the same team, actually. Since you are a fan, who's your favorite Survivor player of all time?
Brian: Oh, god. I really enjoyed Rob Cesterino [Survivor: The Amazon and All-Stars] playing the game, because he was like I was. He loved the show, got on the show and was like, "Let's play!" Unfortunately, I can't hold a candle to him in terms of how far I got. Is there anything else you could have done to stick around longer?
Brian: No. They played better. Amy and Gary never let on that they had that agreement. They never let me know I was in danger. They kept leading me on, and that's what you need to do. They totally beat me. I never saw that coming, and that's great. I have to ask: Bobby Jon, this nice guy, said all these nice things about you at tribal council. Is that genuine?
Brian: It is. "I'm a kamikaze, gonna bust a wedge?!" Yeah, can you explain that to me?
Brian: I think he just meant that I went all out in the challenges. I was a kamikaze, gonna bust a wedge. What could you say? I think he's one of the most generous, honest, hardworking people I know. He's a great guy, and I have nothing bad to say about him at all. Are you going to be neighbors and hang out like he suggested?
Brian: Maybe we'll "bust a wedge" together, see what we can do. Me and Bobby Jon. I'd love it, he's a good guy!

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Two Tribal Councils, Two "Survivor" Castoffs
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2005, 06:03:56 PM »
As posted on survivorfever

Two Tribal Councils, Two "Survivor" Castoffs   
Transcript of Video Interview by Tampa Bay's 10 - 10.28.05

View Video at Tampa Bay's 10 Website >>

On night 15 after an explosive Tribal Council, Margaret Bobonich the 43-year-old Nurse Practitioner from Chargon, Ohio, was voted out of the tribe in a 6-1 decision. In the most heated Tribal Council to date, Judd unleashed his fury on Margaret after she claimed he was a bad sport.

After Judd's tirade, Margaret was finally able to give her final words. "Best wishes to my Nakum tribe I think a lot of the tension will be gone now, but I think they will have a lot of trouble with Judd."

At the night's second Tribal Council where Rafe from Nakum cast a secret ballot to save one person from the vote, the Yaxha tribe ousted Brian Corridan, the 22-year-old Ivy League Student from New York, New York. Blindsided by the decisive 5-1 vote, Brian was sent packing instead of Amy, who had re-sprained her ankle earlier in the day. Still shocked, Brian gave his final words. "Well, I did everything I could. I did not see that coming."

Both Margaret & Brian talked to "Life Around the Bay" anchor Dave Wirth about their experiences.


Dave Wirth:  Margaret, is Judd going to be on your Christmas card list this year?


Margaret:  No, I didn't invite him to my Christmas party.

Dave:  I've been watching Survivor a little while, I don't know if I've seen this much animosity between two players.  Was it as nasty as it seemed on TV?

Margaret:  It was actually worse, I believe.  Judd's physically aggressive nature, almost to the point where he was volatile, was scary.  I don't ever recall seeing any Survivor series have anything like that in it.  So, yes it was tough, it was scary.

Dave:  At the time was it unpleasant for you?  It must have been difficult to handle.

Margaret:  I went into Tribal Council knowing there was a good chance I was going to get voted off.  I tried to keep the basic premise that I was going to keep my integrity.  I was not going to let Judd take my integrity from me.   Regardless of how fearsome and aggressive he would be, I decided that I would be honest and true to who I was.   I didn't exactly anticipate his physical aggressiveness.

Dave:  Why do you think your tribe mates sided with Judd rather than you?

Margaret:  When you live in camp with someone like Judd, and Judd will simmer and then he explodes.  You never know who he's going to go off with.  Most of the time it was me.  With me gone, Judd was gonna probably target somebody else.  It wasn't just Judd alone.  Judd was very much empowered by Stephenie.  So anybody who were to vote with me or against Judd would have had the wrath of Judd and Stephenie.

Dave:  Brian, on the other hand, I think you even admitted that the vote on your tribe came as a little bit of a surprise.  Why do you think your tribe mates went after you?

Brian:  After Amy did such a great job in the boulder challenge, with a broken ankle she pulled through with the win.  You couldn't target someone who comes across as a hero like that.  And I think in terms of physical strength and brute force, compared to Bobby Jon and Brandon, I was not as big.  I think for the tribe's sake, in terms of physical brute force, I was the next to go.

Dave:  How was that Reward Challenge, pushing that big ball?

Brian: It was hard, it was a 500 pound ball and you have Judd on the other side, who is another 250.  So you're pushing 750 pounds of just sheer mass.  It's just futile.

Dave: I'm gonna ask both of you about this, maybe it's just me, but ever since they split the two tribes, it's been confusing to me.  Was it confusing for you guys?

Brian:  Well you live with them, so.

Margaret:  It wasn't confusing to me at all because my whole alliance was on the other team.

Brian:  Mine, too.  I should say.

Margaret:  I lost my alliance so it wasn't confusing a bit.

Dave:  How about the physical conditions on Guatemala?  I heard everybody complaining about the mosquitoes.

Margaret:  The mosquitoes were horrible.  You literally couldn't go into the jungle and go to the bathroom without swatting yourself the entire time.  We started to get rain, of course it was the rainy season but, we didn't' get rain for 10 days and then the skies opened up up on us.  I was very, very tired, not only from the dysentery but I'm staying up all night with the fire.  I was wiped.

Brian:  I was like a kid in a candy store down in Guatemala.  I've wanted to be on Survivor for so long that the whole time I was down there I was kind of on an adrenalin rush the entire time.  I looked a little bit hyper.  I was okay with the conditions just because I was so pumped.

Dave: Margaret and Brian, thank you very much.

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Re: Brian Corridan and Margaret Bobonich: Early Show Interviews
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2005, 10:35:05 AM »
thanks puddin

Offline RudyRules

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Re: Brian Corridan and Margaret Bobonich: Early Show Interviews
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2005, 04:24:56 AM »
Wow, Brian had me fooled.  I thot he was gay until now!