Author Topic: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..  (Read 28998 times)

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2005, 10:23:21 AM »
I think it's going to be a boring day!

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2005, 10:24:33 AM »
It's true - they all have some evil in them - some more than others.  Oh, the name calling - it's gone on from both sides.  I will say that Janie is very open about her feelings - and she's still in the game - I think it's great.  I still wonder how any of them could really call Michael a perv when you have Howie "pawing" all over ALL of them - including Bo.  Whatever fits the situation seems to work fine - they give no thought to their own actions (the friendship) as long as they can justify it in their minds and just for the record - I certainly don't miss Cappy!

I'm looking forward to the double eviction this week!  I hope Janie wins HOH.  =]/

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2005, 10:25:45 AM »
Anybody know yet if the feeds will be down again this weekend being it a double eviction week again?

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2005, 10:27:31 AM »
I haven't heard.  Let's hope not!  :sad:

I don't want to go that long without knowing what's going on in the house.

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2005, 10:31:48 AM »
I think it will be down as they have to do nominations, pov comp and pov ceremony before sat nite. But it shouldn't be down as customers paid to get the feeds they got to see enough fish as it is.

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2005, 10:49:07 AM »
James is bound to get up soon as he has been the first one up since Rachel left. I'm sure as soon he wakes up, he'll start plotting........LOL

Hell, he probably plots in his sleep, too.

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2005, 10:59:28 AM »
:<( :<( :<(
I dunno about Janie, I like her of course. I thought it was smart of her to go for the silver veto right off the bat. They were told that it was for the 2nd safe and for all they knew it could have been something to do with a veto or right to evict someone.

The NH were all about her being lucky but it wasn't luck. It was about analyzing the situation. She could have been thinking she was safe so go for it instead, but with the other bunch who could ever think that?

But that said.. hey, it is ok for you to have your opinions.  ]**] ]**] {| {| it makes life interesting.

BTW, I am sick over the devastion from the hurricanes, I'm in Texas and wondering if my hubby and I should volunteer to go help since they are moving people to Houston. If we do, I'll have to come back here to find out what happened.
[/plus we know that they ALL go back on their words)

Offline puddin

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2005, 11:01:04 AM »
All HG's are sleeping

Offline rabidturnip

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2005, 11:11:02 AM »
I know it's not the popular thought on this board, but I CAN"T STAND JANIE!!! I don't think she is the least bit lucky either. There is no way one person can be so lucky as to win all the major prizes in this season. I think BB is setting it up. Janie knew she was coming off the block so she just went for the silver veto. I just thought it odd that it was so easy for her to find the key for it so easily. Is it possible that BB is setting up some of these comps to improve ratings? Janie is also just as bad as the other girls in the house. She does/has made fun of them behind their backs. She would also yell out, "Here comes a nerd!". She has also called them bitches. No one in the house is completely innocent of doing those things. If you think so, you are just being biased based on your likes and dislikes of the hgs. :roll:
I mean the girl is shallow, and she is very immature. I know yall don't like the nerds but the **** with Michaeal last night was just plain wrong. Yes she has won alot of stuff, but she is not that innocent. Look at the tapes she has played James, Howie, and whoever thinks she is attractive, yes she is attractive and that is why I believe so many people like her. Blonde and blue eyes hello!!!!

Let's not forget the fact the she was on board with the "micheal is a molester/perv" in the beginning too.   
(ducking under the desk now)

OK... I am confused now.  How come Janie became shallow?  I feel like you guys must be friends or family of nerd herd.  I have to say that the saying America voted for her to get this, then America is sh**. on national TV is not a slap to on a face then I don't know what it is.  And here you are empnay*d*, rabidturnip ranting about things that does not even make sense to me.  and you guys wonder why we hate NERD HATE    *(^

Do you really think that because you don't like certain people in the house, the only people who would like them is their friends and family?  Sorry, not everyone agrees with you. I did not vote for Janie. I wouldn't vote for her to win squat.   And I don't think Janie has become shallow, she came in that way.

Offline hateCrappyClowns

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2005, 11:15:00 AM »
I know it's not the popular thought on this board, but I CAN"T STAND JANIE!!! I don't think she is the least bit lucky either. There is no way one person can be so lucky as to win all the major prizes in this season. I think BB is setting it up. Janie knew she was coming off the block so she just went for the silver veto. I just thought it odd that it was so easy for her to find the key for it so easily. Is it possible that BB is setting up some of these comps to improve ratings? Janie is also just as bad as the other girls in the house. She does/has made fun of them behind their backs. She would also yell out, "Here comes a nerd!". She has also called them bitches. No one in the house is completely innocent of doing those things. If you think so, you are just being biased based on your likes and dislikes of the hgs. :roll:
I mean the girl is shallow, and she is very immature. I know yall don't like the nerds but the **** with Michaeal last night was just plain wrong. Yes she has won alot of stuff, but she is not that innocent. Look at the tapes she has played James, Howie, and whoever thinks she is attractive, yes she is attractive and that is why I believe so many people like her. Blonde and blue eyes hello!!!!

Let's not forget the fact the she was on board with the "micheal is a molester/perv" in the beginning too.   
(ducking under the desk now)

OK... I am confused now.  How come Janie became shallow?  I feel like you guys must be friends or family of nerd herd.  I have to say that the saying America voted for her to get this, then America is sh**. on national TV is not a slap to on a face then I don't know what it is.  And here you are empnay*d*, rabidturnip ranting about things that does not even make sense to me.  and you guys wonder why we hate NERD HATE    *(^

Do you really think that because you don't like certain people in the house, the only people who would like them is their friends and family?  Sorry, not everyone agrees with you. I did not vote for Janie. I wouldn't vote for her to win squat.   And I don't think Janie has become shallow, she came in that way.

I guess everyone has a right to whine about the people they like.  _-^  ]*]  )<

Offline puddin

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2005, 11:15:17 AM »
As far as I know all the HG's have to do today is record their good bye messages ..not sure if its a live vote or recorded , from what they said it sounds like its live .
The last safe will probalby be opened in less than 2 weeks .
I stand behind Janie & the phonecall .I was one of the people that voted for her numorous times , aside from the fact that Kaysar asked us too  ]][  , I probably would have voted for her anyway .
Yeah Janie has some issues , shes lazy and does not contribute around the house but thats her option . Apparently shes been getting away with it for 2 months now so who are we to judge and why didnt they get rid of her weeks ago  ? And who really cares..its not my house. If shes selfish so what ? Shes not my daughter or best friend? At least she calls people as she sees them , not behind their backs ..and her lies have only been to stay in the game, stratagie like everyone else in the house , if it gets her farther  so be it . If she wins prizes ..Hurray for her  |#' .
I hate the Nerds and their insecuritys , if they want to sit on the side lines and pout while Janie & Howie have all the fun in the house then  thats their problems , Janie & Howie are the comic relief in the house , and I say thank you BB for casting them  .. =]/

Offline hateCrappyClowns

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #36 on: August 31, 2005, 11:25:08 AM »
Also, I know that people who do not have a live feed might see things in a different lights based on what is presented on TV, but people who do watch live feed knows what is going on.  I like the fact that Janie does not go behind backs calling names, she says it to their face.  I like that about her.  I know there is a lot of name calling going on this show because people are taking it personally rather than taking it as a game.

For that simple reason, even though I don't like James (Sorry RealityFreakWill), I won't mind winning him (fat chance though) because I think he played the game.  As for Crappy group, my only reason to not like them is I cannot stand their constant whining and we are the self righteous group.  When their actions say the otherwise.  It was their decision to come to the show for their 15 minutes.  I know people say it is just the game and that is not the real person.  I don’t buy that.  You might lie, that is understandable, but to show just a strong hatred tell me that it is a part of their true personality.  No matter what you cannot keep your guards up for so long, tend to show the part of their true personality.   

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #37 on: August 31, 2005, 11:27:06 AM »
HG's get a wake up call ,I heard part of the music but couldn't make it out . They are slowly rising .

Offline rabidturnip

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #38 on: August 31, 2005, 11:28:20 AM »
Why is it that saying I personally don't like Janelle is considered whining, but if I was bashing anyone but Janelle and Howie it would be just stating an opinion? *(^  *(^   *(^ |(

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2005, 11:29:26 AM »
I think BB has a surprise for them today if they got the wake up call at 9:30am.

Offline puddin

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2005, 11:41:52 AM »
Bash away rabidturnip  {l{ , if we all agreed we would be bored  :hang: . It's fun to love to hate this person or that person .. afterall thats why I love to watch BB  ]][ , and we sure got our share this season me the best cast ever .
No RF Will , I don't think BB would give them a surprise this close to the live show tomorrow . Maybe they do vote today ?? we shall see .
James & Ivette talking about toenails and the correct way to cut them.James says hes going to work out today . Ivette had a dream that she won a prize and got a chance to talk to Tush over the interent . Ivette whining that BB gave them to much without tryin i.e. the hot tub . Says that they have had less competitions than past BB's .
Maggie putting a bandaid on Jame's sore toe ..he thinks he had a ingrown toenail ....Maggie is nursing him .
They are already bored .

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #41 on: August 31, 2005, 11:45:28 AM »
I think BB has a surprise for them today if they got the wake up call at 9:30am.

I hope you're right.  For a "summer of secrets" it's been dull.  When was the last time they did a food comp???  It seems like right after Janie won the PB&J pass they stopped doing food comps.  What gives?  At least it would be something for us to talk about.  That little pass could make for some interesting conversations in the house, but it really has become worthless!!

 :prayer: :prayer: :prayer:PLEASE BB!!! GIVE US SOMETHING!!! :prayer: :prayer:

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #42 on: August 31, 2005, 11:46:42 AM »
I said she is shallow was the way she responded to people that miss their FAMILY AND FRIENDS, she only knew Michael for two weeks and she tried to compare that to someone's family, I would say that is pretty shallow.

I don't think Janelle had any say in which of the 3 people (her mom..sister or Micheal) she got to speak to last night. BB6 set it up for Mike to be on the other end of that phonecall..more drama for their advertising dollar of course. As for comparing herself to the others and relationship so. I heard (in reaction to the anger of most in the house probably), her say in the confessional that she wondered if the other house guests knew she and Micheal had some heavy romancing going on before he left. She seemed a little confused as to why they were pissed off at her. Again not her fault who BB chose for her to speak with..and the point should not be who has a more valuable relationship...after 50 plus days locked up with viurtual strangers..some of whom outwardly dislike you..who among us wouldn't be happy to speak to any friendly voice? How is anyone esle more deserving..I don't get that.  (%#

That she's won almost almost everything..well what should she do..lose on purpose?

Why..the majority don't like her it were you or I in her shoes..wouldn't you go for whatever you could get after having been up on the eviction block more than any other player? She thought she was going home (along with many of us) many times.

I think everyone is entitled to their opinion   :nods: absolutely..but let's be fair..for those that can't stand Jannie..doesn't part of that dislike have to do with the way she looks too?  :nods:

The pendulam swings both ways folks..let's not forget that. I admire her for bing as good natured as she has been..of course she rants backl every now and again...I know I sure as hell would.

As for why so many people arent taking to the Friendship alliance...I suspect it has much more to do with their being a tad condescending..arrogant and follow the leaderish..rather then their looks. Just wait when they have to play against each don't thing the ugly gloves are gonna go on?

Think again  ]][

Peace and   :prayer:  :prayer:  :prayer: being sent out to all affected by Katrrina.

Shang  *^?

PS. Yes and thanks so much to all those posting the live feed updates..excepetional really ]**]

“We are driven by five genetic needs: survival, love, belonging, power, freedom, and fun.”
~William Glasser~
Wait..that's 6.

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #43 on: August 31, 2005, 11:50:58 AM »
LOL!!! >*&  Thanks Puddin!  >*&  Such a cozy, safe little home you've made for us here!!!  Sorry to be disrupting the house so much. *8/

Offline hateCrappyClowns

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #44 on: August 31, 2005, 11:53:06 AM »
I said she is shallow was the way she responded to people that miss their FAMILY AND FRIENDS, she only knew Michael for two weeks and she tried to compare that to someone's family, I would say that is pretty shallow.

I don't think Janelle had any say in which of the 3 people (her mom..sister or Micheal) she got to speak to last night. BB6 set it up for Mike to be on the other end of that phonecall..more drama for their advertising dollar of course. As for comparing herself to the others and relationship so. I heard (in reaction to the anger of most in the house probably), her say in the confessional that she wondered if the other house guests knew she and Micheal had some heavy romancing going on before he left. She seemed a little confused as to why they were pissed off at her. Again not her fault who BB chose for her to speak with..and the point should not be who has a more valuable relationship...after 50 plus days locked up with viurtual strangers..some of whom outwardly dislike you..who among us wouldn't be happy to speak to any friendly voice? How is anyone esle more deserving..I don't get that.  (%#

That she's won almost almost everything..well what should she do..lose on purpose?

Why..the majority don't like her it were you or I in her shoes..wouldn't you go for whatever you could get after having been up on the eviction block more than any other player? She thought she was going home (along with many of us) many times.

I think everyone is entitled to their opinion   :nods: absolutely..but let's be fair..for those that can't stand Jannie..doesn't part of that dislike have to do with the way she looks too?  :nods:

The pendulam swings both ways folks..let's not forget that. I admire her for bing as good natured as she has been..of course she rants backl every now and again...I know I sure as hell would.

As for why so many people arent taking to the Friendship alliance...I suspect it has much more to do with their being a tad condescending..arrogant and follow the leaderish..rather then their looks. Just wait when they have to play against each don't thing the ugly gloves are gonna go on?

Think again  ]][

Peace and   :prayer:  :prayer:  :prayer: being sent out to all affected by Katrrina.

Shang  *^?

PS. Yes and thanks so much to all those posting the live feed updates..excepetional really ]**]

YOU GO shanghilill.   |#'  =]/

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #45 on: August 31, 2005, 12:03:11 PM »
Are they on lockdown or what?

Offline rabidturnip

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #46 on: August 31, 2005, 12:07:48 PM »
I said she is shallow was the way she responded to people that miss their FAMILY AND FRIENDS, she only knew Michael for two weeks and she tried to compare that to someone's family, I would say that is pretty shallow.

I don't think Janelle had any say in which of the 3 people (her mom..sister or Micheal) she got to speak to last night. BB6 set it up for Mike to be on the other end of that phonecall..more drama for their advertising dollar of course. As for comparing herself to the others and relationship so. I heard (in reaction to the anger of most in the house probably), her say in the confessional that she wondered if the other house guests knew she and Micheal had some heavy romancing going on before he left. She seemed a little confused as to why they were pissed off at her. Again not her fault who BB chose for her to speak with..and the point should not be who has a more valuable relationship...after 50 plus days locked up with viurtual strangers..some of whom outwardly dislike you..who among us wouldn't be happy to speak to any friendly voice? How is anyone esle more deserving..I don't get that.  (%#

That she's won almost almost everything..well what should she do..lose on purpose?

Why..the majority don't like her it were you or I in her shoes..wouldn't you go for whatever you could get after having been up on the eviction block more than any other player? She thought she was going home (along with many of us) many times.

I think everyone is entitled to their opinion   :nods: absolutely..but let's be fair..for those that can't stand Jannie..doesn't part of that dislike have to do with the way she looks too?  :nods:

The pendulam swings both ways folks..let's not forget that. I admire her for bing as good natured as she has been..of course she rants backl every now and again...I know I sure as hell would.

As for why so many people arent taking to the Friendship alliance...I suspect it has much more to do with their being a tad condescending..arrogant and follow the leaderish..rather then their looks. Just wait when they have to play against each don't thing the ugly gloves are gonna go on?

Think again  ]][

Peace and   :prayer:  :prayer:  :prayer: being sent out to all affected by Katrrina.

Shang  *^?

PS. Yes and thanks so much to all those posting the live feed updates..excepetional really ]**]

I appreciate you're opinion, but your assuming that one of the, main reasons I don't like Jannie because she's beautiful. I respect where you're coming from on that one, but that's an insult.  I don't judge people based on looks.  I don't like Janie because of some of the things that she's done, said, and her attitude.  I really don't like Ivette either, for many of the same reasons-and none that have to do with her looks. I really don't like the way they reacted to Janie getting a phone call.  I don't see what the big deal is that it was Micheal.  Think about it people, BB dials the number.  Do you not think they are going to have a former houseguest back on the show if they can-especially when there is a love interest going on there??  I wish someone else had gotten the call, but since she won (fair and square, by America voting) I think it's cute she got to talk to her man.  I understand all the other hg where really disappointed that they didn't win, but they didn't need to be so rude (Howie too).  Every person in there is missing family just as much as the next person and that outside contact must seem like everything in the world to them, but they didn't need to go off and make Janie feel bad about it.  She didn't have any control over who got the call or who was on the other end.  And I'm sure her mom is just fine with it and will be thrilled to talk to Janie after she's out of the house.

Do I think that Maggie, April, or anyone else in the house is perfect? No.  Do I despise the way the others have acted from time to time. Absolutely.  They are playing a game and ugly is bound to rear it's head.

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #47 on: August 31, 2005, 12:26:53 PM »
I just wanted to thank everyone for keeping this site updated. I am in Mobile Al and we still do not have power, just battery operated t.v.'s and such. Our local channel decided to show footage of the hurricane all night last night so we did not get to see BB.Ugggghhh. At work now and just got a chance to look at the site. Thanks again for letting us know what went on . :]

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #48 on: August 31, 2005, 12:47:08 PM »
Special report on ABC right now about New Orleans. it's totally under water now. May take months to get all the water out. It's awful.

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Re: 8/31 Wendsday live feeds / updates cont..
« Reply #49 on: August 31, 2005, 12:49:50 PM »
The feeds just went down  :':')