Author Topic: God I hate that woman  (Read 4143 times)

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God I hate that woman
« on: August 26, 2005, 03:30:32 AM »
IVETTE, may be the worst and most annoying competitior in any BB or for that matter reality tv history, she has one of the most annoying voices i have ever heard, i dont know how the HGs can live with this person }} she talks the most **** ever, a big example wen she accused rachel of being a sore loser, perhaps she got confused wit one of her fellow nerds or perhaps she's a dumbass. and then there's her peculiar obssession with eric (cappy), i thot she was a lesbian :roll:  in addition she may be one of the most weakest players ever in bb history, apart from the first two evictees (Ash and Mike) she is the only HG not to win any individual thing, well i guess thats wat she deserves for being an annoying whiny bitchy ugly bitch, if ivette ultimately wins BB6, then i will never watch BB ever, she seriously needs to go :prayer: :prayer: :prayer:

Offline SouthernGirl

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Re: God I hate that woman
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2005, 08:34:27 AM »
I totally agree with you. She has annoyed me from the very beginning. What comes out of her mouth makes no sense. Of course all her stupid and negative comments are aimed at the opposing forces of course. Has she ever had one nice thing to say about any of them. I don't think so. She calls them names, sore losers, bad sports and whatever comes to her foul mouth. Her main aim it seems is just to knock them all. I would love to put a tape over her mouth. I do hope that someone eventually evicts her. Beau I don't mind so much, but Ivette is the worse loser in the whole house not that Jen is gone!!! She really sucks big time. GET RID OF HER PLEASE!!!

Offline PunkinHead

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Re: God I hate that woman
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2005, 08:47:24 AM »
Although I don't care for April, I hope she has an epiphany this week and realizes she is just a pawn. Rachel always played honorable and took her eviction with class. I am so disappointed right now, I don't know if I can watch the rest of this season. I don't even understand what the big "Summer Of Secrets" bull has to do with...there were more secrets last year! I am also disapointed about America's Choice being a phone call home. I really could care less who gets to talk to someone. I want to see Ivette and Maggie kicked out on their sorry asses! If they get to the end, it would just completely suck!


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Re: God I hate that woman
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2005, 11:01:13 AM »
The only thing I dont like about Ivette is that she cannot be happy for other people without complaining about what she hasn't gotten or won. 

There were times that I do believe Rach was being a poor sport, but Ivette is a much bigger one.  I do hope Maggie wins.  I think she has been more honorable than Rach.  But that is JMO.  She never ranted and raved about Eric being gone or personally attacked people when he left the way Howie and Janelle did when Kaysar left.  I did not like the way Rach talked to Howie about his decision to put up James and Sarah.  He has his own mind and he is the one who did it.  Rach. is never going to let him live that down.

Offline PunkinHead

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Re: God I hate that woman
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2005, 12:50:48 PM »
Nuala, I totally repect your opinion and know that there are 2 sides to every debate. The friendship gives me a totally uncomfortable feeling. They remind me of a cult like Jim Jones or David Koresh. If Maggie starts asking them to dress in white, wear only Nike tennis shoes and they could only drink blue Kool-aid...they'd do it. What's my prob with Maggie? She leads this group....They are like a bunch of little lambs being taken to the slaughterhouse. Example...Jen's lame excuse about "taking it for the team" C'mon, that's not why you signed up for BB!!!!
I'd like to see what Maggies' got once the lambs are slaughtered or decide to make a break from the herd, then my opinion of her may change. As my opinion has changed for James...without Sarah, he's been thinking with the right head and making some strategic moves...Although he did mess up in the HOH competition...If Maggie does it after her herd isn't there for her, than I will respect her more. BTW...she was just as bad about cappy....He's like Jesus in that cult...C'mon...if they win HOH, she has to put up his pic in the bedroom and they all stand vigil for him :prayer:....very, very wierd, but that's JMO!!!!     

Offline shanghilill

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Re: God I hate that woman
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2005, 04:17:39 AM »
They remind me of a cult like Jim Jones or David Koresh.

Couldn't have said it better myself. It's almost eerie how they do the 'collective' thinking thing...without ever really thinking at all.
Can anyone here really see yourself hanging with these people. If you answered 'yes' to that question..Oh Oh!

It's going to be a rude awakening to some of the 'friend****' crowd when they watch themselves on playback once the game is embarassing will that be. Of course if one of them does get a clue as to how pathetic they looked playing 'follow the leader' without a leader..they'll probably say "It was all in my strategy  B:)  B:)  B:)  ," Yea was your strategy to come into BB and act like the herd of sheepish sheelpless that you were for 45 days? Ugh!  )hs(

And what the hell was Ivette  :ivette: talking about re: Rachel..oh yea right..I forgot Ivregrette doesn't talk..she just goes on and on like a chatty cathy doll until even the camera and sound guys in the cofession room unplug her while she's still goin.g at it. Repetitive garbage and BS comes out of her over and over again like no other I've ever heard. Does she really believe anyone's listening?
And how bout the icons and little alter they have going for how scary is that `/~ `/~

I feel better now that I go that a off my chest..thanks guys!  :blume:  =]/
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~William Glasser~
Wait..that's 6.

Offline shadia

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Re: God I hate that woman
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2005, 09:57:46 AM »
WOW! I thought I was the only one that gets creeped out by their <cult like> tendencies. Their little shrine to Eric and all that crap is weird.

Ivette is one of the most irritating ppl on BB. A conversation with her would be endless.

Every other word out of her mouth is " nasty, disgusting, and speechless".

But the funny thing is she is NEVER speechless!

Offline puddin

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Re: God I hate that woman
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2005, 11:35:13 AM »
Does Satan (Devil) Really Exist? /{}
( vidcaps credits to DC Minor)


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Re: God I hate that woman
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2005, 07:01:59 PM »
Nuala, I totally repect your opinion and know that there are 2 sides to every debate. The friendship gives me a totally uncomfortable feeling. They remind me of a cult like Jim Jones or David Koresh. If Maggie starts asking them to dress in white, wear only Nike tennis shoes and they could only drink blue Kool-aid...they'd do it. What's my prob with Maggie? She leads this group....They are like a bunch of little lambs being taken to the slaughterhouse. Example...Jen's lame excuse about "taking it for the team" C'mon, that's not why you signed up for BB!!!!
I'd like to see what Maggies' got once the lambs are slaughtered or decide to make a break from the herd, then my opinion of her may change. As my opinion has changed for James...without Sarah, he's been thinking with the right head and making some strategic moves...Although he did mess up in the HOH competition...If Maggie does it after her herd isn't there for her, than I will respect her more. BTW...she was just as bad about cappy....He's like Jesus in that cult...C'mon...if they win HOH, she has to put up his pic in the bedroom and they all stand vigil for him :prayer:....very, very wierd, but that's JMO!!!!     

It is not Maggies fault they do everything she says.  LOL.  It shows they do not have a mind of their own.

Offline PunkinHead

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Re: God I hate that woman
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2005, 07:20:09 PM »
Question is....Does she get her strength from the cult or does the cult get their strength from her? *(^ 
Will she break down once she finally gets screwed by one of her own???
Should be interesting to see what she has really got when they all start sniffing the money instead of sniffing her ass :ZZ:
Greed does some funny things to people and I don't believe any of them are willing to pick her over the money...if they say they would, they are all a bunch of morons because it's obvious its the easy thing to say when they realize what fools they made of themselves.
I respect a person that fights for themselves than hides behind a bunch of people because they are to afraid to break off on their own...JMO