some stuff
James asks Rachel if shes sure she wants them to vote her out. She says she thought the decision was made.
Later, James was saying that he wants Rachel to stay because shes smarter, more strategic than Howie. And strong in physical competitions. Rachel says that they listen to him. He says he knows they do, and that hes been working on them. James definitely wants Rachel. She says though that it doesn't matter because they have the votes and ultimately they'll make the decision.
Janie was saying they must win HOH tomorrow and James said he really didn't want to. James doesn't want to show his hand yet, because Ivette still thinks he will help them take out Janie and Howie.
James whispers to Janie who do you think would be better for us to keep?.. He sounds like he favors Rachel .
( would be interesting to see if James campaigns Ivette to change her vote or perhaps April who likes Rachel and is still sore about the names Howie called her pepperoni , or maybe the whole sheep herd ?? Howies getting on my nerves too ..I wouldn't mind Rachel staying ..she is the smart one and has a better chance at winning challenges than Howie :hapy: )
April = swing vote?l
Ivette=swing vote ?
current James & Janie in the g/r making origamies
Howie in the living room rubbing Rachels back
I think the Nerds are sleeping