Author Topic: SURVIVOR INSIDER: Palau, Episode 8  (Read 2486 times)

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Offline puddin

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SURVIVOR INSIDER: Palau, Episode 8
« on: April 08, 2005, 11:56:32 PM »
Thanks to DC Reads56

Welcome to Survivor Insider!

DC Notes: Sorry about the delay. But after only receiving 7 comments on last week's thread, PS and I weren't in a hurry to start this one.

Read and enjoy!

Bobby Jon
Final Words

Bobby Jon: I guess I just like to say that I really enjoyed my experience out here. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I’m real glad I got to come here. I guess I am a little disappointed because I wasn’t able to start the fire soon enough, but I said tonight that whoever got the fire first was the best person to win the game. So I’m glad I got to come here, and I’m looking forward to seeing everybody when I get home. Thanks.


(Laughs) I have no regrets at all. I’ve totally fulfilled my destiny, fulfilled everything I wanted to do. I can honestly say that I left every inch, every effort, every blood, sweat that I had in my body, every toenail, out on that island. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything. There’s nothing that I would go back and trade, other than to make that fire a little sooner (laughs). And Stephenie, I’ll tell you what – Stephenie must be the luckiest individual I’ve ever seen in my life. She wins everything, she beats everything. I have no hard feelings or no type of - she won.


I enjoyed surviving out here. There’s nothing else I’ve ever done to feel what I accomplished so far in these 21 days. I know 21’s not 39, but 21 is a slight of a dent to live off the land. Honestly, living off the land, and gathering our food and gathering our water and watching just, waking up in the mornings and watching the world come alive. And then in the evening just watching the world just settle down. That’s something I’ve never really experienced before. I tell you, I feel like a brand new man. I really do. I wish I could keep going, but I still have a lot in me. Hopefully, I can turn that energy and that attitude into something positive from here on out.


I’m going to take away Mother Nature and the respect I have for Mother Nature. Because I never really respected Mother Nature like I do now. I didn’t realize this earth can give us everything we need to live on and to appreciate. That’s definitely what I take away from this, is the earth and what it has for us, and the love it has for humans.

(Part 2)

I definitely learned a lot about myself. I knew that I could push myself beyond the point where you can’t go anymore, but I know definitely that I swung that axe when I knew I couldn’t swing it. And I went fishing when I knew I couldn’t go. And I got up in the middle of the night and put fire on the, put wood on the fire when I knew I couldn’t do it. And I did it. I knew I could but I had another battery in me that was kind of churning along. But you know, sometimes in life I think we try to hard or we don’t try hard enough and there’s that medium right in there that you gotta hit. Stephenie hit it. And I hope the best for her.


I am proud of myself. I am proud of myself. My tribe got beat every single time throughout this game, but I’m still proud of myself. I’m taking away memories, I’m taking away lots of, to me, answers of gold if you want to say because I know that I’ve done something that I never thought I could do. I actually did do some things on my own. I may not be good in this game, but there’s a lot of things in life that I am good at. I don’t know. I still – I wouldn’t trade anything. And if I came out here and I was voted off in one day, shoot, I was out here one day around something I’ll never, ever see again.


I’m definitely proud of Stephenie, because I think she honestly is the top player in the game. She’s definitely the smartest - she may not be the smartest but she’s definitely up there. And overall probably the most athletic. So I’m thinking she’s going to go make some good alliances. Overall she’s a good human being. She goes out to do well. Very well.

Gossip! Gossip!

Description: Coby dishes the dirt on Koror. See what he has to say!

Coby (Confessional): Caryn has an obsession with wood. We don’t know when it began or what happened. I don’t know if it’s because she’s constantly taking care of her girls at home and so she feels she’s got to do something all the time. But every time you turn around, she’s picking up wood, which is great. Tonight we’re all resting, we’re all sitting there, and Caryn’s the only one, busy little beaver. It’s like she got on some kind sugar high, even though we’ve had no sugar, and she’s getting all the wood all over the place. I don’t know what’s going on.


Everybody else is bedding down for the night, even though most of them haven’t done anything all day long. We’re all having our nightly talks. Ian’s telling his really long stories. So is Katie. So is Tom. That’s why they all get along. They tell the longest stories I’ve ever heard in my life. I’m normally a very chatty person. I don’t chat much. I don’t have room to talk! They’re all too busy talking for me. So I just sit there.


Janu’s already in her enchilada (??), which is what she does at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. She stays in there all day long. And she doesn’t come out until the food’s done. She’ll eat a bit and she’ll go back to bed, and then she’ll complain all night that she can’t sleep. Well girl, that’s what happens when you sleep all day.


The general squalor around camp is that it was filthy. Not only had the rats now joined us and they’re not secretive about it in the middle of the day – they’ll crawl right up to us – but it’s our fault because we’re dumping coconut everywhere. We’re getting lazy. We’re eating coconut in our shelter! Hello people, don’t get food in the shelter. There’s flies everywhere. The shark head was still too close. The guts were close. The bait was close. So I got up this morning, I moved the shark head, I moved the guts, much to Tom’s chagrin, and I don’t really care.

We’ve spent all day cleaning the camp up, trying washing everything out with seawater, and it has actually helped. The flies are a little better, but the rats are still there. (Sighs) Everybody did pitch in for a minute to get the camp a little cleaner, which is good.


Tom has – I have told Tom every day since he caught that shark, which was at least 5 days ago, to move his damn shark head, because it stinks, it was collecting flies. He keeps saying he’s going to use it for bait. He’s not going to use it for bait. I’m assuming it was his trophy that he got a little jolly kick out of glancing at every time he went down to the beach, so I finally moved it for him. (Rolls eyes) I have not had a discussion with Tom about moving the shark head. I don’t know if he knows.


Tom loved having his shark head close so he could feel manly. Alpha male. He’s a little too much alpha for my male, to be honest! And he’s dying to kill another shark. I think it’s just killing him every night for the sun to go down so he can just wrestle another shark to death. Whatever.


I finally went cleaning today because nobody was doing anything. Nobody was getting food. Nobody was doing anything all of this afternoon and evening. And in the evening, the evening was getting close – I knew we needed supper, nobody was doing anything. I’ve been unsuccessful with crabs, so I decided to go clamming even though the water was high.

So I went out, I only got about five. It was my first time clamming. Did a pretty good job. And it’s glad to know that we can now get rid of Ian and Tom and not worry about them getting our clams because I can do it myself. That was a nice little boost. So I got us supper. Nobody really seemed to care, because I’m not in the alliance (laughs).

Offline Bathfizzy

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER: Palau, Episode 8
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2005, 01:09:33 AM »
Thanks for posting these, I had to tape Survivor and they cut out his final words after tribal council so reading this stuff is great.  He sounds like he enjoyed himself on the island.  I like Coby's confessionals, he always has something interesting to say B:) B:) B:) B:) B:)

Offline puddin

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER: Palau, Episode 8
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2005, 01:15:35 AM »
 :<( Bathfizzy  ^*^*

Offline Texan

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER: Palau, Episode 8
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2005, 10:48:34 AM »
thanks for posting....

Coby's comment about he can get the clams and they can get rid of Ian and Tom tells me they get farther in the game then Coby

I hope they are smart enought to vote off janu first.....I know she is not competition...but she is not doing well

Oh and them hugging everyone saying they all made the that right? Doesn't one person still get booted befor ethe jury?

Offline rmax

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER: Palau, Episode 8
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2005, 05:04:10 PM »
Oh and them hugging everyone saying they all made the that right? Doesn't one person still get booted before the jury?

No, 8 Koror + 1 Ulong = 9 (7 jurors + F2)

Offline Texan

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER: Palau, Episode 8
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2005, 11:16:12 AM »
thanks...can nto do the hard math. :-)

Offline rmax

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER: Palau, Episode 8
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2005, 11:22:59 AM »
no problem, I am usually totally math-challenged.