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Early Show Highlights: James Miller
« on: March 24, 2005, 03:07:49 PM »
Early Show Highlights
Survivor: Palau Episode 6 Cast-Off
James Miller
Thanks too( 3.24.05)

Harry Smith: James, how are you doing this morning?

James:  I'm doing great, man.  I'm feeling healthy today.

Harry Smith:  The look on your face last night, you looked like somebody whooped you upside the head.  See I am talking like you.

James:   I told you, didn't I?  Come on, I rub off on people.  And it aint like Jeff said, "the wrong way".

Harry Smith:  Here's the thing, there's a tie vote.  Goes into a tie.  You're looking a little uneasy then.  When it goes to the tie-breaker Stephenie turned on you.  You really were surprised by that.

James:  Ohhhh, I thought I had an alliance with her.  She stabbed me in the back.  And I'll tell you what, I wann't really uneasy or skeered.  I was pretty confident, I'm a tough dude.  I figured I'd be on the show awhile.  I thought she'd at least be loyal and take a rock.

Harry Smith:  It didn't really go that way.  Bobby Jon, too for that matter.

James:  I don't know what the heck that boy was thinkin'.

Harry Smith:  Because you guys are a little bit birds of a feather aren't you, Alabama?  Good ole boy sort of thing?

James:  Yeah.  I thought the boy liked me.  I don't talk bad about Bobby Jon, I never did on that show.  And I can't believe what I've been watching, he's talking bad about me.  He's thinking that I voted for him and he's gonna just go ahead and vote for me?  If I say I didn't vote you then believe me.

Harry Smith:  There clearly was no love lost between you and Ibrehem.  Going back to the immunity challenge from a week ago when he was having trouble in the water then and you were all over him.  In retrospect do you think you played it wrong?

James:  No I don't think I played the game wrong at all.  I was trying to get rid of the people that were causing us problems.  Ibrehem's a big strong dude, he's a good guy but he's just so tall that he's clumsy and a klutz and there's just some things he can't do.

Harry Smith:  James, you talk a good game but last night, this whole thing with the knot and the Navy and they'll never be able to fix it.  And we're watching last night and they're pulling it apart like untying somebody's shoes.

James:  Let me tell you something.  That knot is supposed to tighten up like that.  Well, it's TV.  Drama.  They didn't show them folks trying to pull that thing apart, you know?

Harry Smith:  And then it looked like half of the immunity challenge you were trying to keep your skirt on.  What was that all about?

James:  Jeff Probst, I'm telling you, he's a fibber.  He talks alot of stuff but it wann't three or four minutes.  Because if you just sit there, I'm counting in my head, it was like 60 seconds.  And finally it wann't working so I gave up on it.  It wann't four minutes.  He's smoking ???? (bleeped out).  Get off that.
Harry Smith:  *laughs*  Somehow I doubt that.  Now, you did win a reward challenge last night.  Were the Pringle's tasty?

James:  They were the best thing we had.  We needed some salt I'm telling you.  That salt water, that seaweed with the salt water, it's nasty.  But man we was eatin' 'em up.  Mai Tais.  They didn't show the part where I got drunk and showed off my G-string!

Harry Smith:  Really?  My goodness why do I find that hard to believe.

James:  That would have made good TV.

Harry Smith:  Maybe they'll release it in the home video.

James:  They need to, the world would be laughing.

Harry Smith:  All in all, how do you feel about your experience?

James:  I had a great time.  I learned alot.  I really didn't learn alot about myself because I knew I could do this and all.  What I learned is how to be a better person to my family.

Harry Smith:  All right James, thank you very much for being her.

James:  Well thank you, sir.

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Re: Early Show Highlights: James Miller
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2005, 03:16:19 PM »
no questions from callers?  Did you see his pants...was he trying ot make a point?

wonder if BJ would ahve voted for Steph if he knew she voted for him? 

Offline puddin

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Re: Early Show Highlights: James Miller
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2005, 03:43:36 PM »

You can watch his interview here Texan , All I can say is Thank God they cut out his drunken showing off his G-string scene  , no calls either ..I think they save those for the Survivor Live show   ]:,

James Wearing A G-String?

NEW YORK, March 24, 2005
CBS) On Wednesday night's "Survivor: Palau" history continued to be made.

For the first time ever, a tribe was sent to tribal council for the sixth episode in a row. Unfortunately for Alabama steelworker James Miller, the Ulong tribe unraveled faster then their knots.

It was Miller's Navy knot that was supposed to tighten up when pulled. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the Koror tribe to loosen it and win immunity.

"Let me tell you something, that knot is supposed to tighten up like that," Miller told The Early Show co-anchor Harry Smith. "Well, it's TV. It's drama, OK? They didn't show them folks trying to pull this thing apart, you know? They didn't."

It also looked as if Miller spent half the immunity challenge trying to keep his toga fastened. In his defense he said, "Jeff Probst, I'm telling you, he's a fibber.

"He talks a lot of stuff, but it wasn't three or four minutes because if you just sit there. I'm counting in my head. It was like 60 seconds, and it wasn't working so I gave up on it. He wasn't about four minutes. He's smoking crack. He needs to get off of it," Miller joked about the reality show host.

In another editing complaint, Miller said he wished viewers could have seen the way his tribe enjoyed the reward challenge: Pringles potato chips and Mai Tais.

He said, "They didn't show the part when I got drunk and showed off my G-string. I'm telling you. That would have made good TV."

Perhaps, Smith added, it will be released in the home video.

"They need to," the 33-year-old steelworker said. "The world would be laughing. I am telling you."

In retrospect, Miller said he does not think he did anything wrong in playing the game.

"I don't think I played the game wrong at all," he claimed. "I was trying to get rid of the people that were causing us problems. That were weak, you know?"

Ibrehem Rahman was one of them.

"Ibrehem is a big, strong dude. He's a good guy, but he's so tall that he's clumsy," Miller said.

So what caused his demise? He said it was Stephenie and it took him by surprise.

"I thought I had an alliance with her and she stabbed me in the back," Miller said referring to Stephenie LaGrossa's vote against him.

The tie-breaker vote at tribal council cought him completely by surprise.

"I'll tell you what," Miller told Smith. "I wasn't uneasy or scared because I'm pretty confident. I'm a tough dude, and I thought I'd be able to stay on the show a while, and I thought, she'd at least be low and take the rock."

But it didn't go that way. Even his friend Bobby Jon Drinkard voted him off.

"What the heck that boy was thinking," Miller said. "I don't talk bad about Bobby Jon. I never did on that show, and I can't believe what I've been watching."

Thinking that at the previous tribal council, Miller had voted for him, Drinkard believed LaGrossa's lie and voted for Miller.

"If I say I didn't vote for you, then believe me," Miller told Smith.

In all, he said he had a good experience while at Palau.

"I had a great time," he said. "I learned a lot. I didn't learn a lot about myself because I knew I could do this and all. What I learned is how to be a better person to my family."

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Re: Early Show Highlights: James Miller
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2005, 04:10:55 PM »
Mobilan voted off 'Survivor: Palau'
Nobody exits 'American Idol'
Thursday, March 24, 2005
TV & Media Editor
And then there were two -- Alabamians on "Survivor," that is.

James Miller, the 33-year-old steelworker who lives in Mobile, became the latest castaway ejected from the island during Wednesday night's episode of the CBS reality show "Survivor: Palau."

His departure from the game came during a Tribal Council meeting at which his fellow Ulong tribe members -- including Ibrehem Rahman, 27, of Birmingham, and Bobby Jon Drinkard, 27, of Troy -- cast votes against him. Also voting against Miller was Ulong's only other surviving member, Stephenie LaGrossa, 25, of Philadelphia.

"It wasn't my time to go," Miller said. "I didn't feel like it, you know? My gut told me nobody was going to vote me off. My gut failed me."

The game, which will award $1 million to the player who outlasts all his or her opponents, divides its competitors into two camps -- the Koror and Ulong tribes, with the Alabama players by chance all winding up as Ulong members.

The Ulongs have lost every single immunity challenge to date, meaning the tribe has not once been spared from having to vote a member off the remote Pacific island. With Miller gone, the Ulong tribe is down to three members to compete against the eight Korors left.

"I am sad and depressed, you know?" Miller said at the end of Wednesday's episode, which aired a day early because of CBS' coverage of NCAA basketball tonight. "But I've accomplished things that not many people can say they have, and that makes me proud. I am glad that I got a chance to go on 'Survivor' and see if I had what it takes."

No one from Alabama, nor anywhere else, got booted off the show Wednesday night on "American Idol," which includes 29-year-old singer Bo Bice of Helena among the Fox singing competition's 11 remaining finalists. Someone was supposed to be sent packing Wednesday, after Tuesday evening's call-in votes were tallied, but Fox on Wednesday morning cried, "Sorry, wrong number!"

The problem happened during the previous night's episode, when incorrect phone numbers directing viewers to call to vote for their favorite singer were displayed on screen.

"We can't afford to take the chance of incorrect information affecting the results," explained "Idol" host Ryan Seacrest to the show's studio audience and viewers across the country Wednesday.

Fox altered the format of Wednesday's show, which was supposed to announce the latest contestant who would be forced off the program by having received the fewest votes. Instead, the network aired an expanded "do-over" installment, featuring new elements with encores of Tuesday's performances by Bice and the 10 other contestants. Viewers were encouraged to vote again.

Results will be announced on a special half-hour "Idol" to air at 8 tonight on WALA-TV10 and other Fox affiliates.

The other "Idol" finalists are Anthony Fedorov, Constantine Maroulis, Anwar Robinson, Scott Savol, Nikko Smith, Mikalah Gordon, Jessica Sierra, Vonzell Solomon, Nadia Turner and Carrie Underwood.

On "Survivor," it became apparent in the closing minutes Wednesday that either Miller or fellow Alabamian Rahman would be oust ed from the competition. Rahman seemed about to be voted off the island in the previous week's episode, but one of the opposing Koror tribe's rewards in that installment was the power to give immunity to a Ulong member. Koror chose Rahman, and Angie Jakusz, 24, of New Orleans was voted off instead.

This time, the vote came down to a 2-2 tie between Miller and Rahman. In the tie breaker, with only Drinkard and LaGrossa voting, Miller was given his marching orders.

Ulong lost immunity again this time in a challenge that involved tying up the opposing tribe's flag in a footlocker. Miller, a veteran of the U.S. Navy, took charge and instructed his fellow tribe members how to tie a knot that the Korors supposedly would have great difficulty untying.

"He took the lead, and he acted like he knew what he was doing, so I followed," Drinkard said.

But Koror easily untied the knot and hoisted its flag to win immunity again.

But it wasn't all happy times for Koror. Earlier, Ulong won this week's reward challenge by outscoring Koror's members at a target shooting contest. The reward: A pleasant boat ride -- during which Pringles potato chips and Mai Tais were served -- to an idyllic locale called Jellyfish Lake, where the Ulongs snorkeled with benign jellyfish that don't sting.

Koror, meanwhile, was in a bad way prior to attaining a big boost in the immunity challenge. Caught in a miserable, typhoon-force storm, one of its members had an emotional meltdown. Janu Tornell, 39, of Las Vegas, indicated she didn't see how she could go on in the physically and emotionally challenging game.

"I don't have the strength, I'm telling you," Tornell said while lying in a hammock and crying.

Fellow Koror member Katie Gallagher, 29, of Merced, Calif., wasn't impressed by Tornell's performance. "I thought I was the drama queen," Gallagher said away from her tribe mates. "Apparently not."

Perhaps setting up some dramatic intrigue that will play out in future episodes, there was much attention pointed to LaGrossa's dishonesty with Drinkard. The castaway from Troy voted to kick Miller off the island because he thought Miller had voted against him in the previous episode, thought it was really LaGrossa who had gone against him.

Questioned by Drinkard, she denied having done so.

In an interview away from the other castaways, she told viewers, "I feel really bad lying to him, but if I had told him the truth they would have voted me off tonight."

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Re: Early Show Highlights: James Miller
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2005, 01:07:39 AM »
I missed this edition of the Early Show and it looks like I didn't miss much. :)*

Offline puddin

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Re: Early Show Highlights: James Miller
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2005, 10:09:26 AM »
 }4{ Bathfizzy ..all you missed was James being a A-hole  :)*