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Survivor's "Psycho" Marine Discharged
« on: March 23, 2005, 01:55:24 PM »

by Angel Cohn

Willard Smith
 Membership in Survivor: Palau's winning tribe has its benefits. Not only did Koror land themselves a swanky hut, courtesy of Home Depot, but their undefeated streak also allowed them to avoid tribal council. That false sense of security ended with last week's twist, in which host Jeff Probst made both tribes send one player home. Unsurprisingly, the Koror crew snuffed the torch of their weakest link, 57-year-old Willard Smith. Though he didn't put up much of a fight on the island, the second steps in the door, this smooth-talking lawyer is off and running. Apparently, he's peeved about TV Guide calling him "affluent," among other grievances....

Willard Smith: I said that I didn't need the $1 million, and they assumed that meant I was wealthy. If you don't have a high-consumption lifestyle, you don't need that much money. It doesn't mean you are wealthy. OK. So were you surprised to be voted off?
Willard: I knew I was getting voted off, there was no shock.

TVG: You are a lawyer. Why didn't you fight more?
Willard: Let's take that in three parts. One, being a lawyer doesn't mean you fight. Two, contrary to what people would like to think — or what the producers ram down your throat — some things can't be changed. Three, if some things can't be changed, I'm not going out of my way to give somebody an emotional display.

TVG: OK, so maybe you couldn't have fought for yourself, but you could have defended your position at least.
Willard: I can't get healthy [doing] that.

TVG: Were you ready to go home?
Willard: I was ready to stay for the whole time. Pain doesn't bother me, but being unable to perform physically is very frustrating. If I could have gotten to the merge, which I might have if they hadn't had that particular way of eliminating people, I'd still be there.

TVG: Your tribe thought you'd be a threat when it came to puzzle challenges. Were they right to worry?
Willard: Oh, yeah. They were right to be worried about that. I am smarter than any three of those suckers put together. I just broke down physically.

TVG: Why do you think your Koror tribe was more dominant?
Willard: One of the things that happened in the selection process was that young, pretty people picked young, pretty people. We got some of the better athletes — Tom, Ian, Gregg, Caryn and, in certain ways, Coby, who should not be underestimated.

TVG: It seemed like Katie might've been the first Koror to go.
Willard: Her strategy is to suck up to power. I don't know how successful it is going to be. It could go all the way, it could die right out. I am not a schmoozer. It is a social game, I know, but I didn't really expect to be there playing it.

TVG: Did your background in the Army and the Marines prepare you at all?
Willard: That had nothing to do with this. You have to understand, when you are in the military, you have a team or unit that is designed to take care of each other and work together to accomplish a common mission. You are not backstabbing each other. This is more like junior high school — and I was s----y in junior high school.

TVG: Why did you want to go on Survivor anyway?
Willard: I didn't. I had a bet with my secretary and my wife that I could figure out the casting process and get on the show, and I did. I created a character. I cut my body fat by two thirds and cut my cholesterol in half, had my ears pierced, grew a beard and adopted a persona throughout the interview process as a borderline psychotic who was probably going to explode in Episode 1. That's how I got selected. I didn't decide I was actually going until a week before. My wife said, "You won the bet. You might as well actually go."

TVG: Seriously?
Willard: It was easy. I deal with psychos for a living. I do custody disputes. They give you personality tests and I use those things every damned day.

FYI, Survivor: Palau airs tonight at 8 pm/ET on CBS due to NCAA basketball airing in its usual Thursday-night time slot. To read about last week's other Survivor castoff, click here.

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Survivor's Barfly Angie Swatted
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2005, 01:59:00 PM »
Survivor's Barfly Angie Swatted
by Angel Cohn

Angie Jakusz

Both the Koror and Ulong tribes voted off members on last week's Survivor: Palau, but things got worse for the rapidly dwindling Ulongers when Koror prevented their planned ouster of Ibrehem by granting him immunity. Scrambling for someone else to cut, Ulong had a tie vote between Bobby Jon Drinkard and Angie Jakusz. In the end, 24-year-old bartender Angie — best known for her freaky tattoos — got her torch snuffed. Here, she bellies up to the bar and shows how she managed to last far longer than we ever expected. The show kept blurring your chest area. What were they hiding? One of your tattoos?
Angie Jakusz: Nipples. The boobs just kept popping out of that bra — [my] girls were the first to leave. I lost 17 lbs., and it was all in my boobs. I didn't have that much to begin with. "Come back, ladies!"

TVG: You were also in skimpy panties, unlike the other female contestants.
Angie: People were like, "She should put on some clothes." Honey, it is not like I had a choice in this. Those other girls were wearing thongs — they were just embarrassed to take their clothes off. I'm comfortable with my body image. I'm sorry that size 6 models can't get down to their underpants because they are afraid that somebody is going to call them fat. I don't have that problem. I'm more about comfort than looks. This is not America's Next Top Model. I didn't come out here to have a fashion show.

TVG: What was your strategy when you started?
Angie: I totally wanted somebody to be the Rob to my Amber. I wanted to sit back with some loud guy who would take all the blame while I tagged along for the ride. I thought I found that in Coby. He's great — he's over the top and dishy and, as a bonus, I genuinely like him. It was perfect. Within the first five minutes [of the game] I thought, "I've totally got my man."

TVG: But Coby didn't pick you. Are you mad?
Angie: He blew my strategy to bits. But how can you be mad? Everybody's human. Coby did what he thought was best. Ultimately, it did end up being the better choice for him. It wasn't for me, but for him, it worked out better.

TVG: Your Ulong tribe had some tough luck. If Ibrehem hadn't gotten immunity, do you think you'd have stayed at least a few more days?
Angie: Definitely. It was really good to play Stephanie [against the guys], because she'd get so upset about losing. All I [had] to do was say, "Well, you know that the both of us did really good." And she totally took that on, like, "You are right. We did do good — it was the guys." I thought it was going to be totally easy once we got Ibrehem off. Bobby Jon and I talked about that for hours. He was like, "Me and Ibrehem are from Alabama and have this alliance." I worked so hard to get him to [agree] to vote for Ibrehem, which they didn't show any of.

TVG: So you did have alliances?
Angie: We did, but they weren't hard-core like, till-you-die alliances.

TVG: Ulong didn't have a leader. Think that was part of the problem?
Angie: No. I think that if people were better listeners, we would have been OK without a leader. But people didn't want to listen to anyone else. You can't have a leader when nobody wants to be a follower.

TVG: Think there's any way your tribe can make a comeback?
Angie: I don't know. Now you've got James, Bobby Jon and Ibrehem left. That's not exactly the smartest power trio right there.

TVG: Ibrehem looked like a strong guy, yet he didn't seem to pull his weight in challenges. What's up with that?
Angie: There is a difference from working out at the gym and being an occupationally strong person. He seemed like the kind of person who is not strong for strong's sake, but is strong for looks' sake.

TVG: The wrestling challenge was a perfect example. You and Stephanie made a comeback but the strong-looking men couldn't seem to win.
Angie: Which again shows lack of smarts on our tribe, because me and Stephanie were [coaching the guys] like, "You have to drop down. Do you see they are all dropping to the ground when they push you off? You are tall. Stay low. Center of balance is bad when you are tall." Did any of the guys get down? No, uh-uh. There was such a general lack of respect for women on our tribe that it was pathetic. Nobody would ever listen to me or Stephanie.

TVG: Why did you want to go on Survivor anyway?
Angie: Adventure on the high seas with a pirate crew. That was the life for me. Sign me up [next] for The Amazing Race. I'm down! [But] I don't think I could deal with The Surreal Life. I might look crazy, but those people are, like, mentally crazy.

FYI, Survivor: Palau airs tonight at 8 pm/ET on CBS due to NCAA basketball airing in its usual Thursday-night time slot. To read about last week's other Survivor castoff, click here.

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Re: Survivor's "Psycho" Marine Discharged
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2005, 02:38:42 AM »
Two good interviews.  Interesting comment from Willard how he played a part and got cast on survivor.  Too bad he didn't really want to be on survivor for the challenge and thrill of it.  Then maybe he can have been physically prepared for it.

Offline Trevor

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Re: Survivor's "Psycho" Marine Discharged
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2005, 06:58:57 AM »
Let the record show that I called Coby as my sleeper pick to make the Final Four a few weeks ago.  Willard just said to watch out for him also.  He's in a really good spot right now.  He's got three big things going for him.

1.  Nobody hates him.
2.  Nobody considers him to be a leader/threat. 
3.  People are already coming to him because they think he's a swing vote.

I think there is a good chance Coby rides it out on Survivor for awhile.
"Gin is a morose widow. Tequila is the supple mistress with the cojones to attend the funeral. Pour me some mistress."

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Re: Survivor's "Psycho" Marine Discharged
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2005, 11:57:42 PM »
Trevor, I agree with you on your remarks about Coby.   :<( He caught my attention when he first appeared in the pretty pink blouse on the first episode.   :)* :)* }^! So far he has surprised me with his strenth in the challenges.  I was very impressed with his puzzle solving last night and my favourite moment was when he pushed skinny James off of the platform twice in that game.  I think Coby should pursue a career in Hollywood once he is done.  He still remind me of Tim Curry in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.   }^! ]-{Hey Coby - it's time to do the TIME WARP AGAAAIN.  |#' |#'