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I Love the Auditions
« on: January 19, 2005, 07:51:46 PM »
Did anyone see the Teacher/Student audition tonite, the Teacher got thru, but the student missed out, and the teacher was about to have a stroke? Will she be the next one that we see on TV with another teacher/student sex scandal? YIKES  @(^


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Re: I Love the Auditions
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2005, 07:59:57 PM »
Did anyone see Dirk & Adam right at the end. OMG, they sounded like Special Ed off of Crank Yankers!



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Re: I Love the Auditions
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2005, 11:55:45 PM »
Round two came and went. There were a few funny ones that caught my eye. The fist one was Jessica Potius. Definite eye candy there. She is 16. Now let’s hope that the voice is anywhere near as good as she looks. She sings Over the Rainbow. Was she good? I honestly don’t know. It seems my two dogs began to howl like mad as soon as the first notes came out of her mouth. The only time they howl like that is when they hear a high-pitched noise like a fire truck or ambulance. There fore I will base my guess on the dogs. She sucked. Next……..

Adam and Dirk. All I kept say was Twiddley Dee and Twiddley Dum to myself. Call it intuition, sixth sense, what ever, but I just knew they were going to sink. Dirk goes in first. He thinks he’s a comedian. I sometimes wonder if one of the requirements to get to the audition is that you are highly delusional about your talents. His sandpaper like voice just about destroys the song Current Love. At least that’s what I think he was attempting to sing. The look on Simon’s face was priceless. It had that “Be gone evil spirits. I exorcise you from this room”

Next was Adam. Adam thinks he is exactly what America is looking for. Sad thing is that he does not say which America. South America? Central America? Sure as hell is not the US of America. Adam also thinks he is an impersonator. He does what is a dull Simon impersonation. Ok that sucked. Maybe his singing will be better (deep down I just know it won’t be) He proceeds to sing warble desecrate This I Promise You. . Final results He sucks. But I have now changed my mind about him being an impersonator. He did an excellent impersonation of an AI reject.

The funniest thing I saw was when they ran the clip of folks singing Proud Mary. There was one guy in a cowboy hat that had to be seen. He was all over the place. He danced worst than he sang. In fact you were so intent on watching him dance that you never heard his voce. Perhaps it was best that we did not hear it.

Next we saw 16-year-old Aa'shia Jackson. All I can ask is what were the judges drinking? She came into the room doing a rap. Randy seems to be grooving on it. She now proceeds to sing, “I’ll be There” (note – as soon as she begins the song my two dogs run out of the room and head down to the quiets of the basement) I trust my dogs more than I trust the judges. Somehow she makes it. Outside we get to see her mother. Yikes!!!! Talk about a stage mother, and loony bin all rolled into one.

All in all tonight’s show was rather tame in comparison to last night. Next week is New Orleans. Now that should be wild!
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Offline puddin

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Re: I Love the Auditions
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2005, 12:11:40 AM »
 ^/^ LOL ,thanks for the recap gucci , we were looking forward to reading it  /*^  ^&#  ;;)  &*&
« Last Edit: January 20, 2005, 11:24:50 AM by puddin »

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Re: I Love the Auditions
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2005, 10:54:57 AM »
Hey Gucciii.... I liked Aa'shia, although she needs a new look badly. But I believe she is very talented, which is all you need at the tryouts. Another guy that I thought was great, was Osborne Smith, son of baseball great Ozzie Smith.

I wonder sometimes how many of these people know that they can't sing, but just want to be on television. But you can tell from the reactions of some, that they are shocked that Simon, Randy, and Paula don't think they can sing!

My favorite "bad" singer, was Jessica Pontius, who sang Somewhere Over The Rainbow. While singing in a very monotone manner, she changed keys a couple of times, wounding up in a key so high, that she could reach the notes.

There were a couple of singers that I thought got robbed. One was Joe Schoen, who was the "cruise boat" singer. (I knew he shouldn't have told Simon that) He got into a war of words with Simon, with is a mistake, because Simon has to be the star of the show.

I also thought Jeremy, the guy who was the singing "student" was good, and was surprised that they didn't let him make it, along with his voice teacher.

BTW did you get you vidcaps. I tried to copy some from the official site, but it wouldn't let me!  :(*8

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Re: I Love the Auditions
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2005, 03:30:34 PM »
BTW did you get you vidcaps. I tried to copy some from the official site, but it wouldn't let me!

I got a DVD recorder here for Christmas. All I do is set the machine to tape the show. I then pop out the DVD and run it in my puter using a dvd player program that allows me to vidcap a photo woth one click.

Tans, whe you say copy, do you mean as in copy to your hard drive or as inserting the picture's link in at another site such as here?
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Offline tanbuns

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Re: I Love the Auditions
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2005, 08:26:38 PM »
Yeah, that's what I mean Gucciii. I right-clicked on the vidcap at the official AI site, and it said that it was copyrighted!

I don't have a DVD recorder yet. I am waiting until they come down some more. But I need to get one soon, because I love to record all the reality shows, and the VHS tapes take up soooo much room!  :)*

Offline puddin

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Re: I Love the Auditions
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2005, 08:31:30 PM »
my two cents , your way sounds cool gucci , mine isnt all that fancy ..
I use this , the best part is that its freeware ..and great for capturing any picture or movie clip whatever from the pc .

   HandySnap was designed as a work-horse screen capture utility for creative professionals as well as for home users, web page developers or multimedia authors. The user interface of this program is based on the “nothing unnecessary” principle. It means that you will get exactly what you need - a tool for screen capture and for doing annotations on the screenshots (for editing screenshot will be opened in a separate window.) So anyone, even those who have never used such software before, can start working right after the installation.

Offline gucciii

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Re: I Love the Auditions - New Orleans
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2005, 12:18:53 AM »
American Idol – New Orleans

Mmmm New Orleans!!! A town that has always rocked in both music and singing. But alas as we soon find out, no matter how much bourbon we drink will not make some of these folks sound any better.

Tonight they had a guest host. Gene Simmons of Kiss. Now granted I like the music of Kiss. They were ahead of their time. The costumes, the music, and of course the makeup. It’s seems however that all those years of wearing face paint has finally gotten to Simmons. It has apparently seeped into his bloodstream. I guess he had  “nothin’ to lose” by doing this gig. He actually was giving Simon a run for his money with his telling every other contestant in so many words that they weren’t worth a “deuce”. How the hell do you tell them they sing great, have an excellent voice, but were not right for idol?

OK let’s get to the heart of the matter here. How bad were they tonight? We had few that stuck out in my opinion. The first one would have to be Daron.

Whoa, did he by some chance meet Mary from last week and have her do his hair? Bad idea if he did. He somehow looked like he came off the set of The Rocky Horror Show or is he really Gene Simmons’ love child. I mean think about it. Picture a young Gene Simmons. Now look at his picture. Bottom line his singing sucked worst than his hair did. He can always audition for that TV show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy I guess.

Bobby Barfoot. Is that his real name? Barfoot? Sheeze. He already has a strike in my book and he didn’t even open his mouth. They show a clip of him with his entire trading card collection. Do you care? Well, neither did I. That’s strike two. He goes in and proceeds to sing a yodeling type song and ends with a big HEE HAW!!  Well, at least it was on key I would admit that. The judges debate on him and ask him to disappear behind the wall and sing another song. Out of sight, out of mind. Good ridden I say. Don’t come back. Go sell your collection on E bay.

Here and there they showed a few of the winners with the yellow paper that will take them on to Hollywood. One winner I noticed was Contestant 17783. Damn I know her. Well not personally, but she looks soooooooooo familiar. And then it hit me. That girl is Cassie Le Beau. 
She was on last year’s AI auditioning. Her voice was ok last year. Nothing that would make you sit up and really take notice of her. She got the axe before the final round. Perhaps these 365 days gave her time to practice and improve her voice. Lord knows her style of dressing has not.

The Jefferson Twin. These guys made it. Why? I have no idea. They sang fair at best, need a complete makeover. Those gangstas getups as so last year! Sorry, but those head caps had to go as well. (Do you think Mary did their hair?) Gene Simmons who has been total hard ass this whole show is letting em pass. AHA, just like I thought earlier, the lead paint definitely has gotten into his bloodstream. And so off to Hollywood these two go. (Hums to myself here “We’re moving on up”………..)

Rick & JP. Another set of twins. Me? I thought they sounded better than the Jefferson Twins. I thought they looked better than the Jefferson Twins too. But alas I am not a judge and so they got the axe after a dragged out discussion among the judges about the options of taking one of em, both of em or none of em. The ems lost on all three counts.

A nice outfit will always make me take notice. So here we have Sundeep. He looks good, dresses well, didn’t let Mary do his hair and might just have what they are looking for. Damn it!!! He opened his mouth and sang. What a bummer. He was so off key that he woke my dogs up from their nap. They kind of looked around the room wondering what the heck that sound was. Need I say more?

Sometimes just the sight of the contestant tells you that they are going to be bad. In comes Robbie. I am betting my last dollar he sucks. The odds of him being another Clay do not appear to be in his favor. Perhaps he is this year’s William Hung. He will get a fan club, a music contract, and get his 15 minutes of fame. Alas he is not good. Plain and simply put, he sucked. He also was not another William Hung. His total time of fame has now been reduced to exactly one minute. Goodbye Robbie. Don’t call us. We’ll call you.

In comes Michael. He’s smiling a lot and seems very friendly and down to earth. While he does not appear to be the American Idol there is something that makes me say that the audience will definitely like him. His fan base will most likely grow over time if he makes the top 20.  So lets cut to his audition. MY GAWD! He can actually sing. In fact I think he is the best I have heard to date so far! He stayed in his range, didn’t try to over kill the song, and didn’t attempt to be overly animated. Woo hoo; I think we have winner folks. When he got accepted he was running all over the place outside screaming at the top of his lungs with joy. He ran into the streets jumping up and down. I kept waiting for the city bus to come by and make him go splat. That would have been priceless.

And now for our final contestant. This review would not be complete with out the one the only Leroy Wells.  Remember the expression “What’s ya talking about Willis?” Leroy is definitely it! The guy could not sing to save his life. Heck I could not even understand him when he was talking. I must admit he was funny as all hell though. Thank God they used the closed captions to help us understand him else I would have been totally lost.  I kept waiting for him to break into a Samuel L. Jackson in "Jungle Fever" bit: "I am a Cuh-Cuh-Cuh-Cuh-Crackhead".

Next week is Vegas. I can hardly wait. To me Vegas is like Disney World on LSD. Woo hoo.

I :heart Mary Camelteaux. She deserves her own TV sheaux!!! ((^
« Last Edit: January 26, 2005, 01:15:12 AM by gucciii »
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Offline puddin

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Re: I Love the Auditions
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2005, 12:27:02 AM »
 ((^   Gucci , that  deserves to be on  the  Front page News  |#'

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