Author Topic: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18  (Read 17090 times)

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2005, 11:57:02 AM »
 :)*  well that stinks !btw: don't you think its odd that there are no EP details yet for next week , I did TV Guide, Titan, Zapit , yahoo , TV rules ..not a thing , almost like the week the Gus & Hera were eliminated  :(?

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2005, 01:50:41 PM »
 :)() tested works , thanks banzai  **:)**

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2005, 08:01:54 PM »
Just saw a new PROMO  **:)** **:)** we see Kris doing what we think is the Roadblock !! She's walking past the line of church dudes whatever like we see Haydon doing  ..I think it is find/match  the dude in the photo like I said earlier !!! I hope this is a good sign for Kris  and Jon ??  *()*
« Last Edit: January 14, 2005, 11:20:02 PM by puddin »

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2005, 11:23:05 PM »
 :)()  Any gut feelings on who will be eliminated banzai? fwiw~ Kris was smiling in the promo  , she didn't look flustered or anything  ;D.I wish that I had it taped , hopefully we will catch it again tomorrow  *()* ?

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2005, 01:36:48 AM »
 :D How did you capture it banzai? Did you use a digital camara ?  :)() Your the best  *()*

You may be right about Vic ! where are they in the Donkey pull no where, can't see Vic being able to help Dick to much with the task   ^:)^ ! See I thought that if it was Vic & Dicks turn to be philiminated that it would have been more hyped up  :()() like " Don't miss The Best Episode EVAH , watch as Phil Keogan says " Jonathan and Victoria ..I'm HAPPY to say that you have been eliminated" and Phil has the biggest grin ever on his face  ;D !

found an article ..some odds so I'll stick it here~
Bringing Up ''Baby''

After another nonelimination round on ''The Amazing Race,'' we deal with everyone's favorite term of endearment, then fearlessly list the teams' odds of winning it all by Lynette Rice

LAST BUT NOT LOST Hayden and Aaron lucked out
Show of hands, people: How many of you actually call your loved ones ''baby''? And how many of you do it more than 50 times a day? I didn't think you did. So I'm trusting you've become just about as impatient as I every time Kendra, Freddy, Aaron, Hayden, Bolo, or even He Who Would Be Vile (now known simply as He Who) uses the word ''baby'' or ''babe'' whenever someone so much as raises an eyebrow. ''Oh, good, baby!'' ''You're doing great, baby!'' ''We're gonna win, baby!'' ''You're a big baby, baby!'' (Okay, no one said that, but I wish someone would for once.)

Turns out ''lucky'' would have been a more appropriate nickname last night — at least for Hayden and Aaron, who managed to come in last in the leg but still survive in the race because it was just another nonelimination episode. (Can't you just predict these by now?)

Here's the quick scoop: Teams flew to Corsica, where Hayden channeled Kendra by insulting a local taxi driver and flapping her arms as a way to indicate she needed an airport. Around this time, He Who announced he's ''in a happy place'' — probably because he just got another verbal ass-whupping by the Race producers for ragging on She Who Is in Denial. (Obviously it was short-lived; he was blaming her for just about everything going wrong by episode's end.) Rebecca and Hellboy got the season's second (and last) fast forward — a harrowing task involving a turn-of-the-century dive suit that gave me claustrophobia just looking at it. (But it certainly produced the night's best exchange. Rebecca: ''We have to dive. I'm certified.'' Hellboy: ''I'm not! I don't think this is wise.'')

The rest of the teams went on to the detour, where they had a choice to climb up a stone structure (a challenge that was way too similar to that leg last season in which the bowling moms got eliminated) or drive a boat over the water and find a buoy with a submerged clue. He Who and She Who were the only ones to hit the water — an ultimately wise decision, because I couldn't see He Who pulling his sorry ass up that wall. About this time, Adam and Rebecca had already completed the leg while Hayden and Aaron were showing signs of slowing. I won't bore you with the next roadblock — a painless grape-stomping session that yielded a little pink wine and lots of painful whines from a very impatient She Who — because it all ended with an anticlimactic, nonelimination thud.

So let's talk odds, instead! Come on, we're halfway through — it'll be fun.

Kendra and Freddy She's no diplomat for America, and Freddy's a pointy-nosed sissy, but these dim bulbs still deserve props for making it this far in a race that has already sapped the energy out of much stronger — not to mention way smarter — couples. And they beat the other models up the side of that structure, fer crying out loud! But Kendra's intolerance of anything dirty weighs heavily on her ability to persevere, and if Freddy can't keep his spicy soup down without blowing chunks, I can't see him stomaching anything tougher by race's end. Odds: 25 to 1.

He Who and She Who Believe it or not, it's not just his abusive nature that hurts their chances — it's their unnerving ability to cast doubt on just about every challenge they encounter. These two are reasonably intelligent and athletic. Why must everything be so hard? Finally, He Who said something last night that I could actually agree with: ''We deserve to lose. We don't work together.'' But you pull off that whole mutual-negativity thing with real aplomb, buddy. Odds: 15 to 1.

Rebecca and Adam If these two ever had a romantic relationship, then I'm a size 0. I'm convinced these are two workout buddies who thought it would be fun to play like a couple and run across the world — and they really could win, if only he'd stop calling for mommy and she'd stop playing his mommy. Sister's got some pretty scary abs, but her muscles and confidence can only do so much when Hellboy's not pulling his weight. Maybe I should split these bozos. Rebecca: 6 to 1. Adam: 50 to 1.

Kris and Jon I know they're cute. I know they're nice. I know they're damn happy to be here! But can't we get beyond our adoration and think for a moment how we probably wouldn't love them as much if we didn't have He Who and She Who to compare them with? What's the most memorable thing Kris has said? ''This is vibraty!'' What's the most memorable thing Jon has done? Don a Speedo (not that I'm complaining). There's a word I'm searching for here. . . could it possibly be boring? Or maybe it's just laid back. (Okay, that's two words. But stay with me here.) That great attitude has certainly helped them to endure; many of their competitors could learn a lesson or two from these happy hotties. But I'm concerned that lack of edge could keep them out of the winner's circle (remember, even the lovable Chip and Kim got down and dirty by yielding Colin and Christy), which is why I'm risking everbody's ire by putting their odds at 4 to 1.

Which leaves us with Lori and Bolo and Hayden and Aaron. Hayden was quite the Nelly McNaggy in the car last night, but I've still got faith in the models — if only because they've won an amazing number of legs and remain fiercely competitive. Meanwhile, Lori and Bolo are getting better every week, and what the two lack in brain power they certainly make up for in drive. But the bickering's gotta stop. I actually cringed when I saw him lift a hand toward Lori before stomping on the grapes (not because I thought he'd hit her, mind you; I was imagining what she'd do to him if and when he actually did). Bottom line: They're giving Hayden and Aaron a run for their money, which is why I put them — as well as the models — at 2 to 1 odds.

Okay, let's hear it, baby. Who do you pick to win?


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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2005, 06:18:50 PM »
Posted on: Yesterday at 09:46:43 AMPosted by: tanbuns 
Insert Quote
Is it just me, or has the editing for Freddy and Kendra suddenly gone very positive. They seemed very supportive of each other the last couple of episodes. And when I saw in the previews that Kendra was having an ashtma attack, I figured it might be because she was in another impoverished place. But now I see where she is actually shown saying how beautiful the children are.....sort of like Kris did in the RECRAP episode. I hope this doesn't mean that Freddy and Kendra are getting ready to replace Kris and Jon. 

With them totally absent from any previews last week, I thought it could mean that Freddy and Kendra might be far behind the other teams. But instead they were way ahead, except for Adam and Rebecca, who got the FF.

So not seeing Kris and Jon with any of the other teams could mean that they are way ahead of them,  instead of behind. Let's hope so!   
LOL @ banzai ... :D
Still can't find any Episode descriptions , I blame CBS for not passing them along to the tv sites  ::)
So I was  watching the TV promo again and when Kendra has her Asthma " I can't breath attack the VO:" which team will be eliminated next" ..then a close up of Kendra , pretty much that tells me that F/K are safe this week . I agree tanny , they are setting Kendra and Fred up for something , the editing made us hate he snotty attitude , now the editing is making them out to be sweet ..definitly a team that I would want on my MW team this week ,especially since Kendra YELLS at Dickhead to help Victoria after she gets cut or whatever . *()*

Offline puddin

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2005, 12:11:40 AM »
Scene: Jonathan Victoria she takes off puts on her shoes he strips runs in his to his underwear
Victoria: thanks for taking us the hard way Jon

Vic & Dic aren't taking off there shoes, there putting them on ...
I think Vic & Dic are done with the mud task and are heading for the Roadblock or the donkey pull/push /whatever part , I'm pretty sure  thats a team in front of them but, I can't make out who or did Vic pass dick and thats who I see , maybe thats a guide /whatever in front not a team  ?

typical mud hut

pilgrams lined up around the St George church /hill ~

you can see here that you remove your shoes before you enter , could the misreading the clue be that someone forgets to take off their shoes  before they enter the church  :\/ , just throwing that out there , you never know ?  ::)~

Gingerman @ blows suggested that the Roadblock is like the TAR5~

Roadblock: find the priest whose picture is included in the clue envelope (each team has a different one to locate) if you approach the wrong one, you have to exit the church and wait your turn to try again. This was the routine at the Tango Hall in Buenos Aires. Find the right priest and he will give you the clue to the pit stop.

anyway I think the teams catch the Charter from Buda to Ethiopia , Mud/Roof detour ..Donkey to Market in Addis Ababa to get the clue to the Roadblock ..what do you think? :P
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 12:21:44 AM by puddin »

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #32 on: January 16, 2005, 02:49:45 PM »
some slight spoilers ..from other boards ,first ,  I  forgot that Kris & Jon were spotted in Hawaii , and Jonthans journal at his site about Australia . Also @ sucks

 I'm not sure if I should be posting this, but I asked Rebecca (using Friendster's PM system) about the Spicy soup RB, and also told her that I read that Gus said the smell of puke was disgusting, and she replied that she didn't notice the smell at all, and she hasn't seen Gus after they were eliminated. I don't think she realizes that she slipped some info. Adam and Rebecca Final 3?   
Could be that R/A make the final 3 or 4 ? I really think they will  :).
This posted by Gingerman @ Blows
Gingerman28 228 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
 01-15-05, 11:30 AM (EST)
24. "RE: Ep.10 - Are There Instructions On Donkey Handling?"
I think we have it down right now. Ep13 will start with four teams and at end of first hour the fourth team will be eliminated leaving three teams for the final hour and long road home via Hawaii.
After leg 10 (January 18) 5 Teams

After leg 11 (Jaunuary 25) 4 Teams

After leg 12 (February 1) 4 Teams (Last Non-elimination_

After leg 13 (February 8 - First hour) 3 Teams

After leg 14 (February 8 - Second hour Win, Place and Show!

If we take Jonathan's website journal entry as fact, then it may be that the teams will go to China on leg 11 first and then on to Australia for leg 12 and the start of leg 13. Either way the road back to the USA runs through Hawaii where we have sighting of Kris and Jon on flight from Hawaii to USA

So are J/K V/J A/R safe this week from elimination ? Who then will be eliminated? poll time

Offline puddin

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2005, 04:42:17 PM »
thanks to Tanbuns  (#)

Roadblocks done by each team member

~ Kris (3) Jon (4)

~ Freddy (3) Kendra (4)

~ Johnathan (4) Victoria (3)

~ Adam (4) Rebecca (2)

~ Hayden (3) Aaron (4)

~ Lori (3) Bolo (4)

Time for Rebecca to step up? we see for sure Haydon , Kris and possably Kendra doing the Roadblock this week .

bodog betting~
Which team will win "The Amazing Race 6"?  Odds

Any wagers placed after the outcome becomes public knowledge will be graded as No Action.
Hayden / Aaron

Lori / Bolo

Freddy / Kendra

Jonathan / Victoria

Kris / Jon

Adam / Rebecca
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 05:09:34 PM by puddin »

Offline never0102

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2005, 12:03:59 PM »
some slight spoilers ..from other boards ,first ,  I  forgot that Kris & Jon were spotted in Hawaii , and Jonthans journal at his site about Australia . Also @ sucks

 I'm not sure if I should be posting this, but I asked Rebecca (using Friendster's PM system) about the Spicy soup RB, and also told her that I read that Gus said the smell of puke was disgusting, and she replied that she didn't notice the smell at all, and she hasn't seen Gus after they were eliminated. I don't think she realizes that she slipped some info. Adam and Rebecca Final 3?   
Could be that R/A make the final 3 or 4 ? I really think they will  :).
This posted by Gingerman @ Blows
Gingerman28 228 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
 01-15-05, 11:30 AM (EST)
24. "RE: Ep.10 - Are There Instructions On Donkey Handling?"
I think we have it down right now. Ep13 will start with four teams and at end of first hour the fourth team will be eliminated leaving three teams for the final hour and long road home via Hawaii.
After leg 10 (January 18) 5 Teams

After leg 11 (Jaunuary 25) 4 Teams

After leg 12 (February 1) 4 Teams (Last Non-elimination_

After leg 13 (February 8 - First hour) 3 Teams

After leg 14 (February 8 - Second hour Win, Place and Show!

If we take Jonathan's website journal entry as fact, then it may be that the teams will go to China on leg 11 first and then on to Australia for leg 12 and the start of leg 13. Either way the road back to the USA runs through Hawaii where we have sighting of Kris and Jon on flight from Hawaii to USA

So are J/K V/J A/R safe this week from elimination ? Who then will be eliminated? poll time

Rebecca would have seen G/H at teh finish line so i think she mean after the race

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2005, 12:13:22 PM »
It just maybe never , my thoughts, R/A are at least the final 4 , sure they would see G/H at the finish line but did they spend anytime together say sequesterville ? Anyway , my hinkies tell me that they are safe for this week .

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2005, 04:33:41 PM »
DrScott over at RII posted a credible theory that Freddy/Kendra are getting some positive editing in anticipation for their elimination this week.  Makes me wonder if that old elimination spoiler of F/K, then Lori/Bolo, then Jon/Vic might come to pass after all, leaving A/R, H/A and J/K as F3?

I may have to rethink my MW picks (no surprise there!)

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2005, 07:46:23 PM »
Adam/ Rebeccas clothes

Adam /Rebecca behind Kris & Jon ?

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2005, 08:59:33 PM »
I'm not sure if I should be posting this, but I asked Rebecca (using Friendster's PM system) about the Spicy soup RB, and also told her that I read that Gus said the smell of puke was disgusting, and she replied that she didn't notice the smell at all, and she hasn't seen Gus after they were eliminated. I don't think she realizes that she slipped some info. Adam and Rebecca Final 3?   

I think that she was referring to after the episode, like she didn't have a chance to ask Gus and Hera what the soup eating was like before they got whisked to Sequesterville. I kinda hope it does pan out the other way though - cus that would be one less spot for J&V to be in for the final three.

puddin You rock! I'm so relieved.

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2005, 09:06:56 PM »
Thank God! Kris and Jon are not behind the other teams!!

So A/R, K/J and H/A are all doing the donkey thing at the same time.

I think Lori/Bolo will be eliminated in the next leg.

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2005, 09:13:47 PM »
 (^.#   _^%  Traegen  !! I think J/V last another at least two  more episodes ,most likely the final 4 ?according to gingerman28's & Bebo  from Blows awesome analysis  (^.#

After leg 10 (January 18) 5 Teams(Ethiopia)

After leg 11 (Jaunuary 25) 4 Teams (China)

After leg 12 (February 1) 4 Teams (Last Non-elimination_ (Australia)

After leg 13 (February 8 - First hour) 3 Teams (Hawaii/USA)

After leg 14 (February 8 - Second hour Win, Place and Show!

If we take Jonathan's website journal entry as fact, then it may be that the teams will go to China on leg 11 first and then on to Australia for leg 12 and the start of leg 13. Either way the road back to the USA runs through Hawaii where we have sighting of Kris and Jon on flight from Hawaii to USA

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2005, 09:40:49 PM »
i read in amazingracesucks forum that this leg will have 3 bunchings(including when they will have to wait for those charter flights in Addis Ababa). I think all teams will be really close to each other till the end and the detour will be the task that'll be fatal for one team.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2005, 09:44:36 PM by Hi-Fi »

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #42 on: January 17, 2005, 10:08:37 PM »
This is what I think Hi-Fi ...I maybe wrong  8-)' , just a guess , someone screws up the detour or roadblock and are sent back to complete something they didn't do ( misreads a clue) ..A mistake reading a clue affects one Team's ability to complete a task. Will this jeopardize their position in the Race?
Bolo: Isn't that beautiful? , maybe Bolo ? Just a feeling    {**}

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #43 on: January 17, 2005, 10:21:13 PM »
Either way the road back to the USA runs through Hawaii where we have sighting of Kris and Jon on flight from Hawaii to USA
Awesome, I hadn't heard this. I saw the thing about going to Australia on Jonathan's website but I was hopping he wouldn't be stupid enough to break the contract like that.

I'm pretty sure that F&K are also with H&A, K&J and A&R on the donkey thing - wasn't it Rebecca asking what was going on and Freddy answered that there was a religious ceremony happening? or did I mix up Rebecca and someone else.

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2005, 10:24:37 PM »
is the preview still online?

i'm beginning to think that the donkey thing happens before the detour.

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #45 on: January 17, 2005, 10:33:00 PM »
Thanks a lot, Banzai!!

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2005, 11:36:50 AM »
 )_^>  gripe , you know...someone is asleep at CBS  *(^ not only can I not find any Episode details or TV listing descriptions for this week ..I didn't even get my eyemail last night  .)_  Whats up with that ?  _-^

here are some of the sites I use..Nothing !!

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #47 on: January 18, 2005, 02:45:19 PM »
(^.#   _^%  Traegen  !! I think J/V last another at least two  more episodes ,most likely the final 4 ?according to gingerman28's & Bebo  from Blows awesome analysis  (^.#

After leg 10 (January 18) 5 Teams(Ethiopia)

After leg 11 (Jaunuary 25) 4 Teams (China)

After leg 12 (February 1) 4 Teams (Last Non-elimination_ (Australia)

After leg 13 (February 8 - First hour) 3 Teams (Hawaii/USA)

After leg 14 (February 8 - Second hour Win, Place and Show!

If we take Jonathan's website journal entry as fact, then it may be that the teams will go to China on leg 11 first and then on to Australia for leg 12 and the start of leg 13. Either way the road back to the USA runs through Hawaii where we have sighting of Kris and Jon on flight from Hawaii to USA

I thought it was
Leg Eight: Ethiopia (Elimination 5 team continue)
Leg Nine: Cambodia (Elimination 4 Teams continue)
Leg Ten: Shanghai China (Non Elimination All Team continue)
LEg Elven: Austalia (Tazmania?? or Melbourne??)- Last Elimination (Final Three)
LEg 12: Last Leg Australia-Hawaii-USA/Finsh

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #48 on: January 18, 2005, 03:27:10 PM »
  )_^>  :()() Blame CBS for throwing in the recap and messing up the EP #'s .

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Re: Ep 9 Title: "Are There Instructions on Donkey Handling" 1/18
« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2005, 09:30:44 AM »
okay why would Lori and Bolo not do the raise the roof?  THey could hav eused their strength.  I am thinking Bolo really was hurt when he fell, they just did not show it.

Phil.... you 2 do not smell so good....  :)*  c/*