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SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« on: November 26, 2004, 11:31:14 AM »
Survivor: Vanuatu Episode 13 Title:
"Eruption of Volcanic Magnitude"

The Final 4 castaways are revealed on the penultimate episode
of the season, as the 14th player is voted off the island.

Airdate: Thursday,  Dec. 9

  {Thanks to Survivor Fever}
« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 12:05:27 AM by puddin »

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Re: SP EP13 "Eruption of Volcanic Magnitude"
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2004, 08:26:26 PM »
Next week
 On the next Survivor

Twilla unleashes dark side
Twilla: I made a statement and (inaudible), the rest of you mother farkers can kiss my ass(hard to understand)

Julie conf: twilla flipped out and I'm gonna use that against her later on


E andT have it out
Eliza: I think you are a liar T
Twilla: Chill

Chris Laughing, I'm having some fun right now, this is dangerous

« Last Edit: December 06, 2004, 09:48:54 PM by puddin »

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Re: SP EP13 "Eruption of Volcanic Magnitude"
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2004, 08:30:43 PM »
We have Snewsers Julie boot clue for EP13 left on the message boards @ sucks
posted here , it wouldn't take a genious to figure this one out but, its nice to have some sort of confimation .

and we have Jeff's preshow interview that tells us that someone goes on a immunity run to make it to the finals ..Chris  8-)' ?

then we have the TV Guide SuperChallenge
View Enlarged Image

Survivor tribe members thinking that once through the mud was enough had better think again.  This week's [Episode 12 (or 13)] "Redemption" reward challenge builds in elements from earlier this season to see if players have learned anything.  How tough is it?  Producer John Kirhoffer gave [TV Guide] a sneak peek - including the supersecret sketch - at just what the players will face - (Linda Holmes, TV Guide)

Redemption Challenge Overview
View Enlarged Image

Step 1  -  Crawl Through Mud
The 18-member "Dream Team" used to test the challenges thought that the first mud crawl was too easy.  So truckloads of dirt were brought in to make the mud, um, muddier.  And vertical sticks were added for a deeper slither in the muck.

Step 2  -  Grab a Pig
Borrowed from local residents, the pigs were marked so they could be returned to their rightful owners after taping.  And since the show is bound by specific animal-handling guidelines, pig throwing is out and gentle tossing of the swine into their stinky pens is in.  Which is too bad, says Kirhoffer.  "We had so much fun with the pig catching.  And we've never hurt an animal on Survivor - well except for the pig that got killed in Australia, but that was different."  [Player Michael Skupin slaughtered a wild boar for food.]

Step 3  -  Solve a Tiki Puzzle
For this part of the challenge, a local carver made several identical 5-foot-tall tikis that the show's art department later turned into puzzles.  "They drilled a hole down the middle then chopped them up into five or six pieces," Kirhoffer says.

Step 4  -  Walk a Balance Beam
After players decided to crawl instead of walk across the too-narrow balance beam in the September 23 episode, Kirhoffer decided to make this one wider to ensure that players would actually walk the plank.

Step 5  -  Shoot a Slingshot
The store-bought slingshots are dressed up to look rustic.  And since this is the final portion of the challenge, the stunt is designed to avoid what Kirhoffer calls "total mission failure."  So if players aren't hitting the target after 10 minutes, they'll be allowed to move closer.  "We've gotta go home for dinner," he says.


'Redemption' Challenge - More Details
Has 5 'stages'

- Stage #1 has 5 lanes thru the mud crawl...only first 4 to finish crawl advance to stage #2.

- Stage #2 has 4 pigs to catch "Pig Sty-10 piglets, 4 marked for catching, rest are decoys" . So each of the 4 contestants at this point has to catch 1 pig. Only first 3 to get a pig into pig pen advance to stage #3.

- Stage #3 has 3 puzzle poles (5ft tall) to assemble tiki puzzles composed of 5-6 pieces. Only first 2 to finish advance to stage #4.

- Stage #4 has a 10' ladder climb to 2 balance beams (5 inches wide) over a 30'x60' cargo net. Both competitors advance to stage #5.

- Stage #5 has 2 shooting tables each with high powered slingshots and ammo. Targets are 2 towers holding 3 tiles, counterweighted pulley system raises fire to to wok atop tower.

- Winner is first person (of remaining two contestants) to light wok.

- Prize :  ?

Note: Some observant posters at SurvivorSucks have pointed out that there are 5 lanes in the diagram, Episode 12 will have 6 Survivors still in the game. Perhaps TV Guide has this challenge as Episode 12 (6 players remain) when it should be Episode 13 (5 players remain).

Or the producers decided to use this challenge earlier with 6 players and one player is eliminated some other way? Maybe there's a race to the mud pit where one player will be eliminated?  The only way it could be an E12 event is if someone IS eliminated prior to the mudcrawl entry.

TV Guide text indicates this was "this week's challenge", and combined with its release date (11/28) leads one to believe that it was indeed for Episode 12.

However if TV Guide is wrong, then it would appear to be an Episode 13 event with no early elimination prior to the mud crawl. The sketch shows a very short distance from the starting line to the mud crawl entry... probably something done just for the sketch for convenience purposes.

Episode teasers will indicate when this challenge is to appear, so we might have to wait until then to be sure. At this point, it could probably fit either scenario.

Update:  An episode 12 promo has revealed that the Reward Challenge for that episode is a swimming/balancing/diving competition.  Therefore, the "Redemption" Super Challenge takes place in Episode 13

« Last Edit: December 02, 2004, 08:37:08 PM by puddin »

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Re: SP EP13 "Eruption of Volcanic Magnitude"
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2004, 11:55:54 PM »
One Survivor is alienated from the tribe after an outburst that jeopardizes any chance of being in the Final Four. Twila

Tempers flare when one tribemate refuses to tell another the whereabouts of some buried provisions.

When a tribemate catches two Survivors talking strategy, an altercation erupts that makes everyone realize what's at stake.
um..Scout Twila or Chris Eliza?

Working both sides of a divided camp, one Survivor makes conflicting promises going into Tribal Council. Which way will the tribe member vote? And who will make it to the Final Four?
Twila?  probably Twila ?

And who will make it to the Final Four?

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2004, 05:59:05 AM »
thanks to SurvivorFever ( they are the best  (#) )

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2004, 08:22:24 AM »
i hate to say it but as much as they focused on Twila last week and the way things are going maybe Twila will go this week.  They could promise Julie that if she will vote Twila off they will take her to the final 4.  Not much chance of her winning now anyway so it could happen.  It would break up the Twila Scout alliance also...  Might be the smart thing to do?

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2004, 09:12:16 AM »
 Julie is a bit better at challenges than Twila is   8-)' . My hinkies( you know who you are  ;) ) tell me that Julie most likely  wins the RC this week and her story comes to an end . Besides , they have already shown us the final 4 .
Even though I don't think this would happen ..Twila would be perfect to take to the final two , she is like poison to the jury , she really had the ugly editing last night and as we see it continues into next week .

( picture thanks to MessHall)


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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2004, 09:50:20 AM »
or maybe Eliza is the one that gets booted after the altercation with Twila. Chris should be just as poison to the jury as Twila. Would be interesting to see who is the most poison. I think even the MHL would vote for Chris after Twila messed up her little play house. Sarge would vote for Twila if he knows Chris voted him off and lied like he did. Anyway, if Chris does go on an immunity run i would vote Eliza off first because she may not be that easy to beat.

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2004, 11:37:45 AM »
Just a little guess ( :)X ) but I really "feel" Julie making one last stand in RC, but not getting it done to save her butt for TC. Bye Bye Julie, too big a competition for the 2 power players (Chris and Eliza).  ;)

I personally do not believe the Redemption challenge is for RC, but IC. I think that if they have a RC, it would be another "how well do you know your fellow Survivors" in which Julie has a better chance.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 11:44:39 AM by tinampg96 »
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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2004, 01:25:17 PM »
just a quick thought-
wouldn't it be smart for eliza and chris to get julie in a 3-wat alliance to vote out twila?
then, once in the final four, they get rid of her knowing that scout has as much chance of winning immunity as jan did in thailand. thus, securing them the final two spots.
this, in my mind, would be the smartest move they could make. but then again, when do survivor contestants make the smart move?
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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2004, 01:56:30 PM »

tina wrote~
I personally do not believe the Redemption challenge is for RC, but IC. I think that if they have a RC, it would be another "how well do you know your fellow Survivors" in which Julie has a better chance.
:D :D Alright tina  ^:)^

The new promo is up . It shows the Super Challenge and says that the winner will win IC ,noone has the vidcaps up yet , and this is the only one that I could snag before my player crapped out

VO:Thursday two castaways get dangerously close to a active volcano  ?:)  {Julie gets burnt by Lava? :()()}
VO:the women are fighting amongst themselves
E: I think your a liar T
T?: Chill out!
VO: is Chris the new power player?
Chris: I think they all trust me
VO: or is he heading for a fall?
VO: plus the ultimate winner of this challenge ends up in the final 4 , guranteed , sparks will fly at TC


"and the winner of this challenge

FYI~ Ami is on richards live show NOW !!

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2004, 02:04:18 PM »
I brought this over from EP12 Spoilers ..posted by amikino :)_|

Sera puts microphone to mouth and states in booming Biblical voice:

"Behold! The final hour is nigh, and those of strong faith shall bear witness to the greatness of her coming!"

"And I stood upon the sand of the Vanuatu sea, and saw a beast with two heads rise up out of the sea. The first head was aged and bearing an indian head-dress. The second head was that of a male, and the number two emblazoned on his forehead."

"And I witnessed the seven angels who were banished from Heaven and had been chosen to decide which of the heads would die, and which would survive and repent. The dark Seraph, head of the angels, came forth and opened the seal of the holy urn. The name of blasphemy has been called to the male as the female had become redeemed and entered Heaven with great riches."

- The Book of Legion, 6:66



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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2004, 04:11:39 PM »
Voice Over
Thanks to , Survivor Fever ,

VO:  Survivor week kicks off with a bang.  CBS Thursday, two castaways get dangerously close to an active volcano.  The women are fighting amongst themselves.
Eliza:  I think you're a liar, T.
Twila:  Chill out!
VO:  And is Chris the new power player...
Chris:  I think they all trust me.
VO:  ...or is he heading for a big fall?  Plus...
JP:  Go!
VO:  ...the ultimate winner of this challenge ends up in the Final Four.  Guaranteed.  Sparks will fly at the Tribal Council.  A new Survivor, Thursday, and a Survivor Finale, CBS, Sunday

I'll work on some larger Vidcaps later ... ;)

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2004, 04:58:25 PM »
SEG Builds 3-Meter Mini Volcano on Samoa Point
The following article appeared in the gossip section of the Vanuatu Daily Post on Saturday June 26.
Vanuatu Daily Post
Saturday, June 26, 2004

Click for external link

As the people from Survivors are utterly paranoid about security and have so far refused to be interviewed, we will give you a round up of what has been heard on the grapevine. Whether it is true or not who knows?

A Survivor budget of US 40 million is available to spend on the show here all up, there are at least 300 people already working on the show as Trader Vics is catering for between 250-300 Survivors people on Saturday. Greg Pechan is providing over 300 meals a day.

The executive producer and contestants arrive at the weekend.

Filming will start Monday when the game officially starts and go on until the end of August, although the ‘game’ lasts 39 days.

The whole of the coastline from Devils Point to past Hideaway is off limits for security reasons and security guards patrol for 3kms along the road from Coongoola landing. Planes are diverting flights to avoid flying over Lelepa, Mangaliliu, Samoa Pt and Moso where filming is to take place.

There is a 3 metre miniature volcano on the set at Samoa Point which is likely to have all kinds of Hollywood special effects used on it for the islands of fire as there are no live volcanos anywhere near where they are filming despite it being promoted as ‘The Islands of Fire’. Are they planning a secret trip to Yasur?

More Survivors gossip as it comes unless of course CBS is a bit more ‘media’ friendly. Silip!

Vanuatu Daily Post

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2004, 06:46:05 PM »
What if it is Eliza that goes on an IC run?  ?:)? She kinda needs it. Eliza needs to avenge Ami!  :)()

Chris could go with either voting her or Jules out, because he knows he can use one of them to help vote out either Twila or Scout. He cannot afford to let those two make final 3.
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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2004, 08:12:28 PM »
Ok, a few ovservations. Why would 2 people be near an active volcano? Answer..maybe it has something to do with reward? If so, then Chris is 1 that goes, you can see him standing in that pic of the can see his white OSU hat, red shirt and long pony-tail. Next, the IC ru has to be Chris. Why you ask? There are only 2 left, and for it to be considered a "run" it has to be 2 or more. Since Chris won the last one, he has to win the next 2 in order for it to be considered an IC run.

My predictions for Ep.13.....Julie wins RC and takes Chris with her to try and get him to keep her for final 4. Chris wins IC..he is clearly ahead in the Tiki Puzzle part of the Challenge..neither Eliza, Scout, Julie can hit a target with a sling shot, saw that in the previous challenge. His only comp for that part is Twila and she probably won't arrive to that part until after Chris already wins. Booted player will be Julie. Plan and simple..Chris makes a good argument to Eliza about the competion from Julie, Scout and Twila are not that strong in physical challenges.

Remember who you heard it from first ;)
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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2004, 08:35:40 PM »
where is my Bow emoticon when I need it ..found it   :D your the best tina   (#) thanks for the info.....

eta :thanks to you tina .. I guess I could take the week off from vidcap speculation this week and get some X-mas shopping done  ^:)^
« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 08:40:52 PM by puddin »

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2004, 09:42:24 PM »
I forgot to ask ..who's going for the BURNT BY LAVA bonus points this week ? Swanee??  :()()

Yup,,thats Chris ,I lightened up the picture a bit . It looks like you maybe right tina   ;)  It also looks like the girl has  new clothes unless, Ami left her's for the girls..

« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 10:17:10 PM by puddin »


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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2004, 08:16:59 AM »
Rumored early on that Julie gets burned by lava.

From the show earlier the only thing Scout has done well is shoot a sling shot but, I don't think she can crawl far enough to have a chance at it.

Just to refresh my memory, how many times did Ami win IC??

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2004, 11:11:54 AM »
Ami had only won 2 Individual IC's, episodes 9 & 11. Not back-to-back, so its not considered a "run" either.

That picture by the volcano also has Eliza in it, so my thought is maybe its another RC where 3 people get to go.....maybe. ?:)?
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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2004, 05:28:39 PM »
Nice catch tina ..I think your right  ..there are 3 people in that Vidcap .. :D

Here are some Vidcaps of what I think are the IC  . Scramble and find clues ..maybe a Q&A too?

I posted this story once before ,the story  just maybe part of the IC ..they are told a story by Probst, then have to go around to stations and answer questions correctly to advance.? something like they did in Borneo ? "I Dunno?"
Roymata's Grave, Hat Island ( The Island of the Dead)

King Roymata

Chief Roymata was so powerful that he took the title of King. Through sheer personal magnetism, Roymata united the warring and cannibalistic tribes of the area into a unified, peaceful group. But sibling jealousy ended his life when Roymata's brother shot a poison dart into his throat. Roymata did not die quickly, but suffered a lingering malaise. His grieving family and clan carried the dying King around the island of Efate, to say farewell to those whom he had unified. Finally he was taken to the famous Feles Cave on Lelepa Island where he died.

It is then told how he was carried to Devil's Point, the entry to the Underworld, and then through the mystical underwater caverns of Tukutuku to Retoka (Hat Island), where he was interred. Here, many men and women were interred with him, entombed alive.

A seven hundred year long tabu, on pain of death had been placed on Retoka Island, more commonly known as Hat Island. No one lived there and few plucked up the courage to sleep, or even go there, despite its wealth of turtle eggs and abundant fish life. Hat was know as the Island of the Dead, a ghost island.

In 1967, French archeologist Jose Garanger offered to search for the grave of Roymata to determine if he was a real, or mythological figure. The chiefs of Lelepa, equally curious, gave their blessing on condition that the grave be returned to its original state after investigation.

The burial site was surprisingly easy to find. Two rock slabs, like tombstones, at the base of a large white wood tree were located in a natural 'clearing' only 100m from the beach, on the north west side of the small island. Oral tradition held that no tree or bush would ever grow over the site of Roymata's grave; that holds true today.

In an area 20m x 10m, the archeological team dug down less than a metre before uncovering skeletons. As bones were uncovered, it quickly became evident that a mass burial had most certainly taken place. Forty seven skeletons were unearthed, radio carbon dating placing their time of death at between 1250-1300 A.D.

It must have been a grand event. Hundreds of mourners had accompanied Roymata to his final resting place. Forty six were never to leave. Traditionally, when a prominent chief died he required the company of his family and supporters to join him in his journey to the subterranean nether world. At least one of his wives must go; Roymata was reputed to have had ten. Also on the sacrificial hit list were the very old, incurably sick or incapacitated, children whose mothers had died in childbirth and lesser chiefs' wives where a daughter had died, sick witch doctors and wives of dead sorcerers'. From a practical standpoint, it was a general clearing out of economically unproductive people, and those who may have caused the deaths of others - black magic being the most common form of death in the islands.

For the men, being buried alive followed the ritual kava ceremony. On this occasion, the kava would have been laced with a soporific poison. But women were not allowed to drink kava, so they were either bravely buried alive, or strangled with a cord and laid out beside their husbands. All were orientated towards the southwest, so their spirits entered the dry 'country of the dead' out from Devil's Point.

Roymata's arms were ringed with valuable full circle pig's tusks, and white 'magic' shells placed strategically around his body. His head was supported on a slab of dressed limestone.

Hat Island is no longer tabu, and Sailaway Cruises offers regular cruises to Feles Cave on Lelepa Island, and Roymata's grave on Hat Island.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2004, 10:42:38 PM by puddin »

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2004, 06:39:49 PM »
RC ~ Super Challenge

I'll do a few more later .... **:)**

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2004, 10:34:39 PM »
Could this be Scout , Julie & Chris ?
It's the clothes ..OK they probably have on a protective wrap or something but the person on the right looks like Blonde curly hair and Scouts baggy old stained shorts?
This may explain Twila & Eliza angry and going at each other back at camp..maybe Julie wins and takes Scout & Chris to share the RC?

animated Vidcap from Sucks

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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2004, 01:32:39 AM »
Okay, what in the world are you guys smoking? I cannot see 3 people in that picture. It reminds me of those dang 3d pictures. I never did find the sailboat.

I don't think Scout is in the pic, because in the animated pic you can see how fast they react and Scout just can't move that fast.
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Re: SP EP13 Clues/Spoilers/Speculation
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2004, 02:26:59 AM »
maybe I am seeing things, but that is what it looked like. There is at least Chris and Julie in it, Julie has her baggy tan shorts on and the buff on her head.
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