Author Topic: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.  (Read 5647 times)

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Leann Loses

Nov. 25, 2004

Intrigue swirls around Chris, the final male "Survivor."
(CBS) In an eleventh-hour shocker, Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island in Thursday's episode of "Survivor: Vanuatu."
The contestants gave thanks for email messages from home, but some of the women decided to abandon the all-women's alliance for Chris, the lone remaining man.

The remaining seven players battled each other for the $1 million prize.

Chris knew the only way he could remain on the island was to win immunity in the blindfolded puzzle challenge, during which the players were paired up with a loved one.

The first to complete the puzzle would win immunity. But Chris' efforts fell short, and Ami won immunity in tribal council.

Chris scrambled among the women hoping to forge a last-minute alliance. Convinced that he'd broken up the women's alliance, and created one for himself, Chris headed into tribal council.

This time, his efforts paid off, and Leann was voted off the island.

"Survivor" pundit Greg Feltes says wily but arrogant Ami needed to soften up a little bit or the jury of her peers would never select her to win a million dollars.

This was the last stand for Chris, the last man in the game. Winning immunity, worming his way into an alliance or going home were his only options, says Feltes.

"Survivor" remains the fourth most-watched show in America. Last week, 20 million viewers watched Ami destroy Chris and Chad's plan to weaken the women's alliance.

Scout had previously told the men she was going to vote for Eliza, whom she detests. But she flipped like a pancake and fell in line with the other women.

"We thought we had it all set," Chad told co-anchor Julie Chen during his morning-after interview on The Early Show. "Chris and I came up with a good game plan to break up the women's alliance, and we thought it was going to work till the very end, and Ami came along and kind of planted a seed of doubt in the women's minds that it would be good to keep one of the guys around or keep both of us around.

"And it was tough," he continued. "I mean, right up to tribal, we were pretty much set on it, and Ami went through and single-handedly dismantled (it)."

Of Ami, Chad said, "I don't know how, but she has this influence on the other women that was… You know, people couldn't say no to her. I don't know what it was. Like I said, she planted a seed of doubt and they thought, 'We got to do this.'"

Unaired insider video and a "Survivor" fantasy league are featured on the official "Survivor" Web site.

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Re: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2004, 10:51:37 AM »
BEST SURVIVOR OF THE SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who would have thought that Chris and Eliza are probably going to make up half of the Final Four.

"Gin is a morose widow. Tequila is the supple mistress with the cojones to attend the funeral. Pour me some mistress."

Offline 'keeta

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Re: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2004, 01:45:20 PM »
Who would have thought that Chris and Eliza are probably going to make up half of the Final Four.

Not me. More power to the both of them.
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Offline puddin

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Re: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2004, 08:46:41 PM »
BEST SURVIVOR OF THE SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who would have thought that Chris and Eliza are probably going to make up half of the Final Four.
And with a few good IC runs..maybe even the final two  ^:)^ I want Eliza to win !! Can you tell  ;D ?

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Re: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2004, 04:22:40 AM »
Chris and Eliza have all the power right now. Wouldn't it be cool if Eliza made F2? Here she is in danger of being voted off every ep.
Make it Idiot Proof and Someone will make a better Idiot.  :whip:

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Re: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2004, 12:46:42 PM »
Same with Chris , he was in danger of being the first one voted off. It would be ironic to have both him & Eliza in the final 2 . ^:)^

Offline puddin

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Family and Friends React
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2004, 08:05:48 PM »
Another article to add

Family and Friends React
 LeAnn, Friends & Family React to Her Being Voted off "Survivor: Vanuatu"
Colleen McPartlin

The women of Survivor: Vanuatu so far have stuck together, but our Kronenwetter native, LeAnn Slaby, is the first victim of that female alliance falling apart.

Slaby thought that two other female contestants, Twila and Scout, were on her side, not against the Chris, the one male left, but against Eliza.

She says that Eliza didn't bring much to the game, and she knew that Twila and Scout had wanted Eliza out for some time, but Twila and Scout turned on LeAnn and joined forces with Eliza and Chris. The vote was surprising to a lot of people.

Her father says he thinks that she was becoming a threat to many of the contestants.

"She was becoming a bit more forceful and probably no so compliant with other people's plans, whatever they may be, but I think this came as a total surprise to her."

LeAnn will join the jury at the end to choose who will be the person who takes home the million dollars. As for her own career, her father says she's always been interested in the entertainment business and hopes this will open the door to other opportunities.

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Re: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2004, 12:38:49 AM »
I would love to see how the votes go if Chris and Eliza are F2.
Make it Idiot Proof and Someone will make a better Idiot.  :whip:

Offline puddin

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Re: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2004, 02:00:36 PM »
yup..I've been playing that over &  over in my head  88))

 I keep thinking back to  the Amazon ..I was sure Matt would have won the jury votes ??  ?:)?

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Re: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2004, 02:14:43 PM »
Puddin...Matt? I think Scout is in the same position. She just hasn't done anything.
Make it Idiot Proof and Someone will make a better Idiot.  :whip:

Offline puddin

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Re: Wisconsin research assistant Leann Slaby was voted off the island.
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2004, 06:12:05 PM »
Maybe being lazy and not liked by your former teamates is enough to win the jury votes ? :\/

Matthew and Jenna arrived at the final, and most important, Tribal Council, to face the seven members of the Jury: Dave, Deena, Alex, Christy, Heidi, Butch and Rob. The Jury members would seek answers to help them decide which of the Two deserved their vote for SOLE SURVIVOR. Tension set in as the two remaining Survivors prepared to argue their case before a line of questioning that would most likely be tough and uncomfortable.

The proceedings began with opening statements from Jenna and Matthew. Jenna took the subtle approach, choosing to be brief and simple by stating that the Jury members knew who she was. Matthew claimed he was dedicated to the tribe and that he was a very serious competitor who played the game honorably, with integrity.

Butch Lockley was the first Jury member to ask a question. He addressed his question to both Survivors: did they lie or deceive any of their tribemates during the game? Jenna immediately claimed that she, indeed, had lied to Deena, but only because she felt Deena had betrayed the alliance she had with Jenna and several other tribe members. Matthew volunteered that he had lied to Jury member Alex in order to save himself.

Rob Cesternino pointedly asked the pair why they felt the person sitting next to them didn't deserve to be in the Final Two, and that their answers would determine his vote. Matthew asserted that Jenna simply hadn't contributed as much at camp as he had and that she had "expressed a desire to give up during the game." Jenna's retort was pointed as well, as she shot back, "I don't think Matthew has been playing the game." She added that "he doesn't need the money, he doesn't care about the people here, and I just don't feel this is a big deal for him. It's just another adventure on his list of things to do."

Alex Bell came out in full force as he stated with great emotion that he didn't want to hear the two words honesty and integrity anymore. "Those two words have no meaning to me anymore," he claimed. To answer Alex's question about regrets, Matthew explained his naivety at the beginning of the game, and how earlier missteps had almost cost him the game.

Heidi Strobel was next to throw out a question. Her simple, tough question was whether they felt that there was someone else more deserving of being in their position. Both Matthew and Jenna answered the same name: "Rob." Upon hearing his name, an emotional Rob turned away, clearly affected by the turn of events that had brought him to the Jury, rather than to the enviable position in which Jenna and Matthew now found themselves. "Without Rob, and what I would call his tutelage, there's no way I would be here today. I would have been wiped out a long time ago," Matthew calmly explained.

Deena Bennett let it be known to Matthew that she was offended by the fact that he had claimed "may the best man win" at an earlier Tribal Council, which she called as offensive as it was chauvinistic. Matthew apologized if he had, indeed, made the comment. Christy Smith was the next Jury member to confront the Final Two. She asked what their reactions were when they first learned that she was deaf. Matthew claimed he thought she had a "funky accent." Christy then told Jenna that she could not believe that Jenna had made a comment earlier that she, Jenna, was handicapped because she was beautiful. Christy demanded an explanation. Jenna balked, claiming she didn't remember making the comment. Christy pointedly retorted, "You DID use the word 'handicapped.'" "So, basically, from day one until now you've had a handicap because you're beautiful?" Christy demanded. Jenna explained that she only meant that she would be judged because of her looks, and apologized if Christy had been offended.

The last question, from Dave, was which influential leader each Survivor sought to emulate in the game. Matthew answered Colin Powell. Jenna chose not a leader, but rather her mother because of "her fight and strength."

Finally, the questions were finished, and each Survivor gave final comments. Matthew revealed that he had, indeed, not played with complete integrity. He had lied along the way, but that's part of the game, and he doesn't belong on a pedestal. Jenna then expressed her pride in the fact that she had really come through in the end when she needed to save herself.

Finally, the time had arrived, and each of the seven Jury members walked for the last time to vote. Jeff then explained that the votes would not be revealed until later. With votes in hand, Jeff stepped off onto a jet-ski awaiting him by the river's edge.

Thousands of miles away, Jeff Probst arrived in New York City with the votes. He came before Jenna, Matthew and the assembled Jury to reveal the votes. One by one they were revealed to the tense Survivors. Amazement set in as the vote count named Jenna the winner by an overwhelming 6 to 1 majority. Having been practically counted out by her tribemates in the game's final days, Jenna has mustered every fiber of her being to win two crucial Immunity Challenges against what seemed overwhelming opposition. The desperate bid to stay in the game proved worthy as Jenna Morasca, the 21-year-old swimsuit model from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has outwitted, outlasted and out played all the rest to win the $1,000,000 prize and the title of SOLE SURVIVOR.


After the votes had been revealed, host Jeff Probst sat down with all 16 Survivors to talk about their time in the Amazon, as well as about the Jury's logic behind their votes. Jeff immediately addressed the issue of the landslide vote, asking Christy what swayed her vote toward Jenna after having vowed to make sure she wouldn't win. Christy responded, "She outwit, outlasted and outplayed me. I was with Jenna since day one, and I met Matt in the middle. She made it all the way, so I thought, 'Hey, why not give her the opportunity to win one million dollars?'" On his own strategy, Matthew revealed, "I needed people to dismiss me. They really needed to think I was either absolutely naive or absolutely insane. And that was the only way I was going to deflect their attention, because I felt that physically I was a threat from day one, and I was dodging an awful lot of bullets. And I felt, like, hey, you know, this was working, and it might get me further in the game, and it did. It was a great vehicle." Rob revealed that in the interim of the game, "I do have a girlfriend; that's the good news. The bad news is that she doesn't believe a word I say."

When asked whether a choice between Rob and Jenna would have changed their votes, several Jury members affirmed that a different pairing in the Final Two may have led to a vote against Jenna rather than for her. Jenna claimed that had Rob been in the Final Two with her, "he would have kicked my butt." She went on to explain that the experience in the Amazon had a major impact on her and that, "I feel like I'm a better person because it." A worthy statement from a Survivor who had claimed the widest margin of victory in any season of SURVIVOR.