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SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 10 Finished !
« on: November 19, 2004, 08:45:32 PM »
as posted @ Sucks

Survivor Insider Transcripts - Episode 10
Transcribed by dcreads56 and superkyle @ Survivor Sucks EZ board

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Transcribed by superkyle: One Helluva Night, Chad: Final Words, Chad: The Day After, and Rumbling, Grumbling Beast

Alinta Tribal Council Chad Voted Off

Scout (Votes Chad): Chad, I did what I could to keep you in this game a little longer. Didn’t work out. Just want you to know I think you are the neatest guy out here. God bless.

Ami (Votes Chad): Chad, sorry, I have to stick true to my alliance and my word. You’re the next one to go. Sorry bud.

Leann (Votes Chad): You are (???) and you know you’re getting my vote, and the reason is that I think that it’s possible that one of your schemes could work and I can’t let that happen.

Twila (Votes Chad): Sorry guy. If there’s any other way I thought I’d get around it I would, but I just wanted to stick to my original alliance. Thanks.

Chad (Votes Eliza): Eliza, you’ve been on the chopping block for it seems like forever and with this vote I hope it might flimse (???) the alliance and stay strong.

Eliza (Votes Chad): Chad I’m voting for you tonight because you campaigned against me. Originally it was just going to be because “I was sticking with the women, etc. etc.” but somehow the people who campaign against me end up at home and I’m still here. So hopefully that’s how it turns out tonight.

 Chris (Votes Elisa): Eliza, I’m voting for you.

Julie (Votes Chad): My vote is for Chad. You never came to me, dropped quite a few levels over the past couple days, but all game aside, I admire your creativity and intelligence. The reason you’re going tonight – a lot of people didn’t like your attitude the past couple of days - not that it’s expected to be good. You’re a hard worker and have a lot of admirable qualities.

Chad Drank the Kava

 Description: Chad fondly recounts his Kava-drinking fest with Chris and some villagers at the Reward. He loved it, except for the fact that after three drinks, he couldn’t move.

Chad (Confessional): The first couple of cups of kava that we had was sort of lower-strength. I know because it was sort of for a larger group. And I had drunk the kava before at the opening ceremony when we had first arrived at the island. I didn’t think it was going to affect me that bad.

But there was a third cup of kava that was consumed with the chief’s son with Chris and I, and I believe that this stuff was of much higher potency. So I downed that third cup, not feeling good about it, but feeling obligated to because it was part of the ritual. It was my duty to do so.

And after that third cup of kava I started spinning into a kava-induced stupor (laughs). It’s incredible. It relaxes you and you think fine and you speak fine, but you can’t walk move and you can’t move very well. So I sort of sat and moved very slowly around.

The women of the village noticed me - because Chris had gone off on some journey of his own – I don’t know if it was kava-induced or not because usually we’d be hanging out – but I’m there just immobile in the cold and some women of the village came and brought me a sheet of some kind and made sure I was able to get into a hut.


Aah! I kind of remember people coming in and out of the hut. You know, it makes you really sleepy too, so once I laid down there, I was kind of half- asleep. And I remember Eliza coming in. I think she was just not wanting to participate in the rest of the stuff. I don’t know if she was checking on me or whether she was just coming in to go to sleep or what, but I do remember her in there a couple of times. We haven’t spoken about it since though.


I would like to say that something like that would bring people together and would bond, but there was already so much gamesmanship entrenched between the four of us: Chris and I being close like brothers and knowing that Ami wanted us off, and Eliza kind of being in the middle - that it didn’t really bring us together with a bond. I wish it could’ve. In any other circumstances it would’ve, I’m sure, but there was already too much in stake going in there. It’s unfortunate.


In a brief moment after the ceremony Chris and I were discussing whether Twila and Scout had talked to Chris about, and Twila and Scout had apparently been pretty solid on keeping an alliance and having Chris and I with that alliance of four, and we’re going to stick together, and Scout was going to work on some of the girls to vote off Eliza. So that’s what we’re really hoping that everything – that’s what we’re really hoping is going to happen, coming into last night, we were reassured last night by Scout, and this morning as well, and now it’s maybe a little different. We’ll see.

Stuck in the Middle

 Description: Scout tries hard to convince Twila to agree to her new plan, but Twila's conflicted: should she save the men for later, or should she vote with the women?

(Scout is combing Twila’s hair)

Scout: Just think through this as I do your hair, okay?

Twila: Okay.

Scout: Okay, Eliza goes first.

Twila: Okay.

Scout: Then that leaves seven people.

Twila: Yeah.

Scout: The first chance we get we take out Ami. From there I would probably go ahead and get Jules out.

Twila: Yeah.
Scout: Then I’d get one of the boys out. And have the final four be one guy and three girls. I don’t mind having a women’s alliance but not when an alliance is male bashing, which I think is –

Twila: I don’t think I’ve done that.

Scout: - No, I don’t think you have either. But Ami damn sure has, and Jules damn sure does. I like guys. I don’t want them to win the game, but – You understand what I’m saying?

Twila: Yeah.

Scout: If we do like I said, then with that second vote to get Ami out we’re back in charge of the game.

Twila (Confessional): Well, I made a pact with Leann and Ami, but I’m tired of the two princesses thinking they’re going to take it all. I’ve got two options: Either I can go with Scout, pulling Chris and Chad and break my trust with Ami and Leann, or I can stay with Ami and Leann and hope that Scout and I are in the final four with them. I’m going to be sucked in the middle no matter what, so I don’t know.

Which Way Will She Swing?

 Description: Chris urges Twila to save him and Chad, but Swing Vote Twila's not going to commit.

(Twila and Chris are sitting on rocks)

Chris: Let me tell you this, Twila: Have I ever done anything to you to make you not trust me?

Twila: No!

Chris: Twila –

Twila: No!

Chris: - Look at me. I never will. You –

Twila: I believe you Chris, but I -

Chris: Yeah - yeah but I -

Twila: - Didn’t believe it. How was I supposed to trust four men I’ve never known, I’ve never done anything with, and I’ve never trusted?

Chris: I understand!

Twila: I’m playing for a million dollars and I’m supposed to believe ya’ll? See, that’s exactly what I thought -

Chris: Twila –

Twila: You (beep) played.

Chris: I’ve never lied to you yet. You were –

Twila: But I didn’t know that!

Chris: You were – Sarge just thought the world of you.

Twila: I thought the world of Sarge.

Chris: And it was Sarge’s idea that he told me and Chad: We bring Twila to the final four. And me and Chad agreed. And that is a fact. I would lay my hand on a bible and tell you that.

Twila (Confessional): I’ve got two options: Either I can go with Scout, pulling
Chris and Chad and break my trust with Ami and Leann, or I can stay with Ami and Leann and hope that Scout and I are in the final four with them. It sucks. It sucks to be stuck in the middle.

(Twila and Chris are gathering wood)

Twila; Hey, you know what, Mr. Maddog?

Chris: What?

Twila: If we had known if Scout would’ve voted that way yesterday, we could have saved Sarge.

Chris: Oh, don’t tell me that. I miss him already.

Twila: I’m serious! You think about that?

Chris: Yeah.

Twila: I never dreamed that Scout would want to flip-flop.

Chris: I understand. I understand, yeah. I’m missing him already.

Chris (Confessional): I think right now Twila is playing off of her conscience and the guilt that she feels towards Sarge. And not only that, but Twila’s angry and wanting to do something about the fact that Julie – Julie blindsided her. She tricked Twila into believing that we ditched Twila. And that’s why Twila jumped the fence. So she’s going to get back at Julie. She’s going to redeem herself with Sarge maybe and feel a little bit better about herself. That’s the only reason I put trust into her.
One Helluva Night

Description: Energetic Scout describes a grueling, storm-tossed night during which she struggled to keep the fire alight as the rain blew into camp.

Scout (Confessional): I had one helluva night. It rained cats and dogs, and our shelter, just, it just poured in. Our blankets were drenched, our clothes were drenched, our pillows were drenched, everything.


Soon as we got back from the Reward Challenge... I just started in on the fire and pretty much stayed with it. Everybody else said, "I'm not going for wood, and I'm not doing anything, it's raining. When it quits raining, I'll go," and Twila got a headache, and laid down... (shrugs) So I worked with the fire, and that's good for me, just to have something to do. It was cold and wet, and I got up in the night to do it a couple times, and then Jules got up, and uh, she kept it going for a while, and then I got up shortly thereafter and we just spent the night, out there by the fire, keeping it going and drying out.


The reason that, uh, keeping that fire going is important to me is that we lost it one night. And, uh, the wind took the whole thing out, and, uh, it was a helluva thing to try to get it started again when everything that you had was wet. I had to cut my hair and use, use my hair to get the thing started. I didn't want that experience again, and I knew it would be wetter than ever 'cause it just, it was a downpour, so yeah. (Smiles)


It was the wind, it was huge, it was just a big storm, of course the sky was black everywhere. And it came out of the northwest, which you typically know is gonna be a, a, a big one anyway. And it just stayed, it just rained and rained and rained and rained, and finally, sometime early this morning, it slacked off a little bit, and then it spritzed again, and then it slacked off and we've got what we've got, which Sweet Jesus, I hope we keep. (Smiles)


Yesterday, I, I caught, it was raining and we needed firewood, and needed help with the fire, and I couldn't get anybody to get up and help me, go get firewood or help me with the fire, they just absolutely just laid there, you know, they wouldn't budge, so I curled up in one little corner and just laid there getting wet, and finally went out and worked the fire again and came in, and begged to crawl in, I was so cold, I took my clothes off, I just had my shorts and my bathing suit top on, so I was really cold. And then from there, I just scooted out three or four times before Jules got up, and then, then we just got up and stayed up.


I was begging, and, and there was just no movement whatsoever. Finally, somebody rallied and realized that I was just shaking my teeth out and, you know, just helped me get in there. Once I got in there and warmed up, then I, I had grit to go again, but yeah, it was, it's surprising. It hit 'em hard, they just couldn't move, they themselves were devastated. Devastated by the loss of the Reward Challenge, devastated by the weather, overwhelmed, "Let the fire go out, we don't care." LeAnn took it the hardest, but you know, Twila surprised me. She really took it hard, she was just really down and depressed, and, uh, gave herself a really bad headache, and she didn't move till this morning, at dawn. She stayed right there, didn't help a lick. Like I said, she works her ass off and then when she goes down, she's down for the count.

Rumbling, Grumbling Beast

Description: Ami describes her team’s amazing adventures during the Reward on a neighboring island. One highlight: the island sits atop a constantly rumbling volcano. Another: “no prejudice” between the castaways and the villagers".

Ami (Confessional): The reward was the most unbelievable reward we could have possibly ever gotten. The food was horrible, but the experience was unforgettable. (nods)


Sleeping in the hut was freezing. The only thing that was better about sleeping in this hut than our shelter here was that we didn't get wet. It rained, and we didn't get wet. Um, having no blankets really, like we fought over the blankets all night, all four of us were pulling and tugging at the blanket. Feet sticking out, a head sticking out, it was cold. Wind was whipping through there, and there was a rumbling all through the night, and I asked the Chief in the morning, I'm like "What was that rumbling?"
I thought it was thunder, and he said, "Oh no, it's the volcano." The volcano rumbled all the time. I'm like, how amazing to have this in your backyard, this huge rumbling, grumbling beast right out your back door?
(Shrugs) It's normal to them.


We woke up the next morning, and it was like, "God, was that real? Was that really real, did we just live that?" And we got up, got out of bed, it was really early in the morning, and, uh folded up all the things that we had borrowed from them and gave them back to the wife of the Chief. And we took some pictures with the children, the, had some moments with the children, and with the Chief and his wife, and said good-bye.
Oh, the little ones were so beautiful. And, uh, as we were walking away the, the Chief's wife started crying. And that, that got me. It was kind of the same feeling as when Dah left. We had made some really special friends that, most likely, we'll never see again. And their smiles touched me in a way I'll never forget. Ever.


Of all the times I've traveled and all the places I've been, it's never the scenery, it's never the ocean or the fish or the birds that get me, it's the people. Every single time I go somewhere, it's the people that get me. You can go and stay at a hotel, and actually making a connection with... the Africans in the middle of the desert at a hotel instead of spending your whole day out looking at all the animals makes a world of difference. A world of difference. Actually connecting with someone on the other side of the planet and finding something in common, even if it's as simple as... Last night we sang "rain, rain, go away, come again some other day." We were connected. We were... the same people, for that moment we knew the same song and could sing it together. It, it's things like that that, yeah, it has a huge impact on my life.


The fact, the fact that there was a feeling of connected-ness between Dah and I and Dah and the other ladies, and then the, the tribes people was unbelievable, like they were really excited to have us there. I couldn't have been more excited to be there, to be included and to be laughing and making jokes, sharing their space, their home, the way that they live with them, they welcomed, welcomed us with open arms. There was no prejudice at all. None whatsoever.
The fact that the lady said "Stay with us forever." Like, (laughing) wow! That's an open, open heart, an open hand. You don't find that everywhere, and in America, it's a completely different story. There's a lot of people that don't realize how connected we all are. So that, for me, was the biggest thing. I might not ever see those people again, but they've definitely made my life a changed place.

Chad's Final Words

Description: Immediately after watching Jeff Probst snuff out his torch, Chad has a few things to say about his time on the island.

Chad: I'm going to take an amazing memory of... a different culture, and especially of the ceremony that I was privileged to take place and take part in. The, uh, the Reward Challenge, and um, it was, it was just something that I'll never forget, something that will always stay with me.
Being on this remote island with, uh, the other castaways is, is, is something that's just, it's, it's special, but something that, that uh, is contrived. But when, um, when I was at this village with these uh, the native, um, peoples of Vanuatu welcoming me the way they did, there's nothing that could ever, ever be contrived about that, and it's just amazing. I'll never forget it.


What shocked and surprised me the most about being here was how much we actually, um, suffered, um, physically as, uh, as contestants. We were given very little at the very beginning, as far as, uh, provisions, and, uh, clothes. So what, what surprised me the most, I think, was um, how much we had to, had to make due with what we had, just the clothes on our back.


Chris and I were trying like hell to get Scout and Twila and get one of those other women that Ami was influencing to, hell, to get over on our side. I mean, there was stuff going on right before, right before Tribal Council Eliza was gone. Ami single-handedly went and convinced all those women "women power," and they just went for it, and now I'm out. Ami was the one that single-handedly convinced the women on the other side, outside of Scout, Twila, Chris and I to just change their vote from Eliza to me, and... I don't know how she did it, but she did it. And it's, uh, she used the women power thing. (Shakes head) What can I say?


I don't know. I'm, sure I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated but, I just, this whole experience, I'm just lucky I feel to, to even have been here so, I'm not, I'm not sore, or sour.
But damn, you know... (Shakes Head) I, I wish I could have gone further, that's for sure.

Chad, The Day After

Description: The morning after being voted out of Alinta, second Juror Chad is relaxed, refreshed, and willing to share his impressions of the game so far and of his tribemates.

Chad: My Survivor experience was, uh, just amazing. Unlike anything I could have prepared for. It was, it ran the gamut from, suffering to, to joy to, um, wide-eyed new experiences, to confusion, and, um, just, just the whole gamut of emotions, it was just amazing. All in all, I, I had just an incredible experience. Just something you could never replicate.


Day 1 was just typical of this game, day 1 threw me for a loop from the very get-go. And I entered thinking, "okay, I'm gonna be able to find a balance between males and females in a group," and I had a really good energy with, with women... who I work with, um, I have a sister and my mom I'm very close with, so... and my wife and I were talking about how that might be something that would be a good strategy, however that was thrown right out the door with the male-female division, and, uh, the, the group of, of, particularly these, this group of males, it was tough. There's a lot of big egos going around, and it was hard to negotiate through those, uh, those big egos. (Nods)


I just, uh, sat back and sort of assessed how these, these big egos were sort of clashing. And I just watched it happen, and let it happen, I wasn't about to step in and become one of the big, you know, power players, um, because they'll just basically bump against each other, and create stuff that I don't want to be involved with.
So I just let those first, first few days go by, or first, at least few, um, Tribal Councils go by without getting to, um, you know, actively involved, which I, I didn't want to ruffle any feathers, so... (smiles)


I think the highest moment of my... my time here has been the ceremony with the native peoples of Vanuatu, that small tribe that we were taken to, um, out in the deepest, um, jungle, and that was something that I'll never forget, something I've never experienced, and I never thought I would even come close to experiencing here, being accepted by, by... by peoples that I had never, um, I'd never seen, never met, never, um, never learned about, and they just took me in as if I were, um, just a part of their culture, and it's just amazing. It's something that, uh, that, it's difficult to explain how I felt.


Just when you think you've got through so many different challenges and you've suffered through so many different things and you've figured out certain people's personalities and being able to go through and negotiate, you know, and I think just as I was settling in to a groove, something else comes up, some alliance changes. And then you start to see yourself on the chopping block, and that's a scary thing.
There was a lot of, uh, posturing, lot of changing of minds, and I certainly was fighting right to the very last twenty minutes before Tribal Council, and, uh, and it was inevitable. Your torch is gonna get snuffed unless you're Final 2, so yeah, that was very tough to take, but you know, I felt a certain amount of joy at the end, just knowing that it was out of my hands, and I just let down all that guard finally, you know? But up until the torch being snuffed, it was kind of agonizing.


After being voted off, there's a hundred different emotions going through your head. Disappointment's one of them. Just relief is another, um, resentment is another, uh, just excitement is, I mean all these different things are going on, and I don't, but disappointment is definately one of them. 'Cause when I look at, to see the other seven that are there? I think, "man, I could be in that seven."
I'm a much, in my opinion, I could be a better part of that seven than some of those seven that are there.
I feel that I, I have more, um... I don't know, diverse ways of dealing with people, and I've done more, just outwardly than a lot of the people that are there. And so, you know, at the risk of, you know, tooting my own horn, I, I'm a better player than a lot of those that are still there. Sure, it's disappointing, yeah, in a lot of ways.


While I was in the game, there was, there was some downtime, and a lot of the sort of walk-abouts that I did involved reflection, and appreciation of what was going on around me, a lot of it. I usually do that anyway, in just my normal life, but being in a beautiful setting, such as this, and, and just the gorgeous environs. Oh, I was always taking it in, whether I was on the rocks looking out at the ocean, the sunrises and the sunsets, and the ocean itself and the coloration of the sea, or inland, in the jungle and, uh, and checking out all the, the little animals and the fauna, flora, and everything.
I just, just amazing, the beauty here, so, I was taking it all in, and, uh, as the game went on, it was harder, because you're focusing more on your own sort of, well-being, and how hungry or tired or thirsty or, you know, hungry you are, and, uh, or cold. So it was harder as it went on, but I still was able to, you know, tending the fire, was able to look up at the sky, you know, just marvel at the stars, so... yeah, cause it's dark and beautiful, so it's nice.


You know, I learned a great deal, but it's, I learned a lot about sort of who I am, too. 'Cause I was left with myself a lot of the time. And it wasn't... a situation where I was surrounded by... loved ones, or people that I could just go to. Later in the game, I, uh, I was very good friends with Chris.
But about midway I was doing some soul searching and sort of, uh, that I am a strong person on my own, and that I had to reach down and find some stuff within me that would allow me to be strong on my own, and be able to, to get through this sort of distrust and anxiety and all the physical, um, sort of challenges that confront you.
So yeah, I was able to find out that, I'm a pretty strong guy, I guess. (laughs) But if I didn't already know that, it confirmed a lot of those, I guess, thoughts in this situation.


Finding sort of yourself in this situation, it's interesting, you find new aspects, or new sort of parts of your personality, or yourself that you didn't know about before. And going through major surgery, with my foot, and going through just all the, um, emotional roller coaster that entailed, you know, I was surrounded by loved ones, surrounded by, by a huge support group. Out here, you're just by yourself with strangers, that really, you don't know if you can trust, and you don't know if they're against you, or, they're, everyone's out for themselves, basically, so it's a different situation.
I've gone through difficult times, but not in a really isolated environment where there's all these other, you know, physical environmental factors going against you, so it was, it was tough. And I learned that I was able to pull through that too, and you reach down and find some inner, inner strength. A lot of times when I was missing my family too, there was that... I just had to reach down and find that support within myself, and not those around me, which is very interesting.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2004, 07:19:59 PM by puddin »

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 10
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2004, 01:01:11 AM »
Thanks for posting.  It is always good to read this stuff.  Sometimes, I can' t quite make out what they are saying.  YOur great Puddin.

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 10 Finished !
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2004, 07:34:57 PM »
Finished !! Lots of great clues here........
(Twila has a pact with LeeAnn & Ami)
Scout: The first chance we get we take out Ami. From there I would probably go ahead and get Jules out.
Twila: Yeah.
Scout: Then I’d get one of the boys out. And have the final four be one guy and three girls. I don’t mind having a women’s alliance but not when an alliance is male bashing, which I think is –
Scout: If we do like I said, then with that second vote to get Ami out we’re back in charge of the game.

Twila (Confessional): Well, I made a pact with Leann and Ami, but I’m tired of the two princesses thinking they’re going to take it all. I’ve got two options: Either I can go with Scout, pulling Chris and Chad and break my trust with Ami and Leann, or I can stay with Ami and Leann and hope that Scout and I are in the final four with them. I’m going to be sucked in the middle no matter what, so I don’t know.

(Twila is still pissed at Jules)
Description: Chris urges Twila to save him and Chad, but Swing Vote Twila's not going to commit

Twila (Confessional): I’ve got two options: Either I can go with Scout, pulling
Chris and Chad and break my trust with Ami and Leann, or I can stay with Ami and Leann and hope that Scout and I are in the final four with them. It sucks. It sucks to be stuck in the middle.

Chris (Confessional): I think right now Twila is playing off of her conscience and the guilt that she feels towards Sarge. And not only that, but Twila’s angry and wanting to do something about the fact that Julie – Julie blindsided her. She tricked Twila into believing that we ditched Twila. And that’s why Twila jumped the fence. So she’s going to get back at Julie. She’s going to redeem herself with Sarge maybe and feel a little bit better about herself. That’s the only reason I put trust into her.

One Helluva Night

 LeAnn took it the hardest, but you know, Twila surprised me. She really took it hard, she was just really down and depressed, and, uh, gave herself a really bad headache, and she didn't move till this morning, at dawn. She stayed right there, didn't help a lick. Like I said, she works her ass off and then when she goes down, she's down for the count.

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 10 Finished !
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2004, 09:47:08 AM »
Twila (Confessional): Well, I made a pact with Leann and Ami, but I’m tired of the two princesses thinking they’re going to take it all. I’ve got two options: Either I can go with Scout, pulling Chris and Chad and break my trust with Ami and Leann, or I can stay with Ami and Leann and hope that Scout and I are in the final four with them. I’m going to be sucked in the middle no matter what, so I don’t know.

this could  be why Leann goes this week....Twilla finnaly says enough and rallys to get votes for her.  Seh woudl ahve Chris and Scout...the question is who is the other vote Julie or Eliza...I think Julie.  I think Julie shows her sandra strategy and says as long as it is not me I do not care.

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 10 Finished !
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2004, 10:46:23 AM »
I was thinking that Eliza & Scout may throw away their dislike for each other for a few days and join Chris ,along with Twila & perhaps Jules ? to get rid of Ami's lapdog ?This is why I think that Ami must win IC ..Also if Chris has won IC , like others have suggested,.then why is he seen making deals with Eliza/Jules/and another unidentified person ?Could it be that Ami was the  target but,perhaps she won The IC so Chris and whoever go after Ami's henchman instead ?