Author Topic: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 9/finished  (Read 2456 times)

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Offline puddin

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SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 9/finished
« on: November 12, 2004, 01:31:56 AM »
written my DCReads56 @ Sucks   (#)

SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 9
 Welcome to Survivor Insider!

The only place where it takes one good group of people to make a good group.

Finished: Tribal Council Votes, Sarge: Final Words, and I'm Totally Over Her, Not Her First Choice, and Snake in the Grass.

Left to transcribe: Sarge the Day After.

Alinta Tribal Council
Sarge Sent Home

Eliza (Votes Sarge): Sarge, this is a vote of the utmost respect. You are such a physical threat in this game that in an individual challenge, I could never beat you. It’s been great getting to know you, and good luck.

Leann (Votes Sarge): Hey Sarge, I know it’s no surprise. You know it’s just because you’re the strongest of the men right now.

Twila (Votes Sarge): Sarge, there’s not too many men in this world that I would even consider being a friend or respect, but you are one of them. And for me, that’s saying a lot. I love you, dude.

Chris (Votes Sarge): I’m just trying to advance in the game, Sarge, and if I can, I’m going to burn every one of them. Just let them open the door. This is for you, not against you.

DC Notes: He pauses a long time before writing – puts his head down and all – takes him about 30 seconds to even write. He slams his vote in and seems very angry with himself.

Scout (Votes Sarge): Sarge, (salutes) man, I salute you. You’re one of the best players I’ve ever seen. That’s the only reason why you’re getting this vote. Glad you’re going to be on the jury.

Ami (Votes Sarg): Sarge, I’m really sad to see you go. You’re a lot of fun to be around. I had a lot of fun with you. I have a lot of respect for you, so really sad to see you go, but you’re my one physical threat (laughs).

DC Notes: She writes something on the bottom – it looks like “Thanks for US troops”. Once again, she decorates her vote like she's drawing with crayons. What a sadist.

Sarge (Votes Eliza): Just a simple strategy. I think you’re about the most sincere person in the group. I’m writing your name down for only one reason: hopefully you’ll get some offset.

Julie (Votes Sarge Lea): My vote is for Sarge Lea. You’re a great guy, great heart, great stories. Definitely a physical threat. And the consensus said it’s you (?????). Don’t be too bitter at me.

Chad (Votes Julie): This vote’s based on honesty and trust. We were betrayed, and I know it’s a part of the game, but it’s still a lie nonetheless.

Final Words

Sarge: I walk away from this whole game experience having a new perception on the way people look at things. What they value, what they don’t value, whether their name, whether their personal beliefs are worth a dollar or they’re worth ten million dollars. And I will know how to look at the new generation a little bit differently now that I’ve met the new generation. Wholeheartedly. I’ll look at the new generation that for some price they’ll change. Whereas when I was coming up, money did not matter if you gave up the only thing your daddy gave you, and that was your word.


About myself I learned that I have to have compassion for those that actually believe that money means everything, because they are people too. When I say someone doesn’t have values, that’s wrong. I used to say that half of society don’t have values. But they do have values, but their values are different than my own. I live by 7 army core values, they have values the way they lived - brought up. They may have been real hungry as a child and that’s caused their values to go different from mine whereas I wasn’t hungry.

My values are concrete. Loyalty, duty, respect, self of service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. And cannot be bought by any price for anyone.


Out here I was surprised mostly by the way people will cling together when the basic necessities of life are taken away, because everybody doesn’t have the ability to go out and get the basic necessities. So they’re going to cling to different little groups and try to – and do things they normally wouldn’t do. A person who normally wouldn’t trudge through the woods will go through the woods for food. A person who’s scared of spiders like myself, I will walk right next to them to get some plantain to make some doggone popcorn.


The greatest experience about being here is I got to come to the South Pacific and see a deserted island and actually live on it with 18 people that I don’t even know. And now I know them. To sit there and say in 24 days I met someone who I call a friend is hard, but I got to see the most beautiful land, water, coral, and island in the world and also meet some great friends. A poor country boy from Virginia like myself would never be able to do that on my salary.


I would not change any way that I played this game, because from Day 1 to today, I don’t see the male-female gender. In my occupation we’re all great young Americans and I don’t even want to think the gender game. You’re asking the wrong person if you want to see a group of men and women fighting at each other. Everybody’s great. I’ll take each quality and use it to the best of my ability, but I will never say I want male against female because half the males were shady and half the females were shady, so it takes one good group of people to make a good group.

I’m Totally Over Her

Description: A giggly Scout weighs in on Eliza, along with the rest of her tribemates.

DC Notes: Uh, no. She’s not giggly, and she’s not weighing in on the rest of her tribemates.

Scout (Confessional): I did not single out Eliza today. She is pissed off at me. She probably knows bottom line of the women she’d be the one I would most likely vote to go home. Today she had two things going. You look at all the choices. I took her out because she’s smart. It’s a game that behooves you to vote out the people who have a lot of knowledge. So it’s a game.


Yeah, Eliza lit right into me. “Well, you might have taken me out because you thought I was smart, but Scout doesn’t think I’m smart!”


Eliza, from the moment the challenge when I took her out, she goes (imitates scowl)


I poked her a few times and tried to grin at her. So I knew she was pissed off.


I didn’t say much. When she got back she just started mouthing off. You could tell she was angry. We finally got her to lighten up a bit but she still doesn’t like me very much.


Oh, I’ve been fed up with her since Day 2. I’m totally over her. She’s made a lot of progress, I have to give her that, but I’m over her.


Well, Chris was really disappointed about Tribal Council, the result of Tribal Council. And he was particularly disappointed in me. He had it in his mind he could really trust that I was going to vote against Ami, which is really crazy because I never told him that I would.

And I waited, I bided my time, until one, he settled down, and he finally came to me and said, “Look, it dudn’t really matter because after this is over, I know I like you and you like me.” And we do. I just like the hell out of the guy.

So then when the opportunity presented itself, I got the opportunity to remind him that around the fire the night they were strategizing to take Ami out, it was Rory’s vendetta that he brought back here, and I went to him at the fire out that night, “Take Eliza out and we’ll get behind that.” And he had a lot to drink, so it just went whoop! Right by him. So I got back up in the middle of the night, he and Sarge and Rory were at the fire, and I again put it out there: “Move with Eliza. You’ll get a lot of support for that.” “No no no no no,” Sarge said.

So I knew at that moment Rory had written his ticket home. I really did want to back Rory to see him get to the jury. He really wanted to get to the jury. And I would have done that. That’s the way that I would’ve done it, Twila would’ve done it, their four votes would have done it. It’d have been a done deal. But they wouldn’t go for that.

When I talked to Chris today, he remembered.


Chris just came – the first conversation, I reminded him of what I’d done. And then he came back later and he said, “You know what? I remember that. I remember you trying to do that but I was so involved in what was going on. I remember you asked that.”

Not Her First Choice

Description: Eliza’s excited about the upcoming Reward Challenge, sort of. A helicopter ride over beautiful Vanuatu isn’t quite what she’d hoped for.

Eliza (Confessional): We just got treemail telling us of a reward challenge where the reward is presumably a helicopter ride over the island, maybe the volcanoes. Sounds really cool.


This would not be my first choice for a reward that I could win. I’ve never been in a helicopter before. I get kind of motion sick. Makes me a little nervous. If I win. I’m definitely going to go, obviously, and I’m still going to try my best to win, but I’d rather win a day trip to a spa and the massage and then feast dinner or the family visit or something else.


Definitely going to try to do my best. Definitely going to try and win. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity so I’m definitely going to try to win. But.


The challenge sounds like it’s about our knowledge of the island.


I did a bunch of reading before I came and hopefully I’ll remember what I read and the questions will be general enough that I’ll have read about the things that they ask.


Last night at Tribal Council we voted Rory off. The three remaining men, Chris, Chad and Sarge were pretty taken by surprise. They thought that Twila and Julie, and I guess they also thought that Scout would be voting with them against Ami. So when they say those six votes against Rory, they were pretty surprised. I wasn’t surprised at all. I knew that Twila and Julie would be back in the women’s alliance once we merged and I was thrilled. Things are going well.


Julie was one of the people I bonded with very early on in the game. The last 10 days without her have been hard. I missed her a lot. She’s a good friend now. I trust her 100% and I think Twila proved she’s also in this women’s alliance 100% too and I trust her.


It was a little strange last night after coming back from Tribal Council. Luckily I wasn’t put in that awkward situation of having lying to someone and having to face them. But I did feel kind of bad for Julie and Twila whose morals were being questioned by the guys who were saying that they had bad character because of what they did. And it was kind of an awkward situation. Sarge handled it kind of well, and Chris was shocked. I think Chad probably of took it the worst. But it’s hard to be blindsided by a vote. It happened once over at Yasur and I was just totally shocked by the way that someone voted and I came back from Tribal Council totally upset. So I think they all handled it pretty well.


I think that the six women are feeling great. We feel really good in our position. We know that everybody’s strong. And we also know that the three guys are not going to take this sitting down and they’re probably going to try every trick in the book and pull out all the stops. See who they can recruit to their side. See if they can get any of us to vote with them. See if they can get any of us to turn against each other. I think they are plotting and scheming right now and they’re also kind of bummed the way things went down. I think the mood’s still all right.

Snake in the Grass

Description: In a private moment, Sarge shares his thoughts about the alliances on the island, and about his tribemates. Here’s your chance to find out what he REALLY thinks about Julie.

Sarge (Confessional): If the tides had been turned, and they were getting picked off one by one, yeah, I mean, they probably would have said the same things to Twila and Julie, that “You made a pact with us. You stabbed us in the back.” But if you make a pact with someone, don’t make two pacts with two different people. I can imagine they would feel the same way that I’m feeling right now: that they’re on their last leg, struggling, trying to do something. I would’ve never made two pact if Julie and Twila told me they already had a pact, hey, okay. Go for it.


Gender-based-wise, you should’ve asked someone else. But you’re asking the wrong person. Because in my profession I’m not allowed to look at gender and I don’t. Psychologically, it doesn’t even exist in my mind so I don’t think about it. So I’m not going to entertain the thought. There’s no gender when it comes to male and female. We’re all equal. We make our bed. We lie in it whether we’re male or female. We work side by side. We make the same pact. Your word is bond whether you’re male or female. They made that choice.

I don’t live the same life everybody lives either. I don’t live the life of grocery store clerk and waitress and teeny-bopper and shake my (beep) at someone for money or to get ahead. We don’t do that in my profession. Okay? They do that in the civilian world. So I can’t even answer that question.


If this is my last day here, I feel like I have had one of the most wonderful 24 days of my life that I never would have been able to experience. I met some people. I learned some human relations. I’ve been taught some what to do, what not to do in certain situations. But for the most part I had fun. I mean, I had a blast. I have no regrets whatsoever. I’m not bitter. I’m not revengeful. I won’t come up to someone too much down the road and call them a son-of-a-bitch because what they did to me and all that stuff. I’m happy to what I’ve done. And I’m happy I got this far in the game. And I’m happy that I’ve met some really interesting people.


I like Eliza. I like Eliza because she’s not afraid to say what she thinks. She’s very energetic. She reminds me of my personality. I like Chris because he’s sincere. He’s true. He’s just a good, hard-working American. I like Chad because he doesn’t let adversity get in his way of his goals. I like Ami because Ami’s spontaneous – but no, I’m not going to say I like Ami because I don’t know her. I’m not going to say I like someone I don’t know. I really don’t know her. She hasn’t opened to me. Leann, I don’t know. I’m not going to say I like somebody I don’t know. I got to know Lopevi and I can say I like them. I dislike Jules – Julie – because she’s a snake waiting in the grass and to take down anybody in her path. And she don’t care who she takes down with her whether it be her own family or the people around her. No, that’s all I like.


I would say I’m not a revengeful person, but to burn your pants to they get a little coal one night, I could get that. It’s funny. I’d sit back and laugh about it to know that they’d be a little bit more colder tomorrow night than I would
« Last Edit: November 14, 2004, 07:02:55 PM by puddin »

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 9/finished
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2004, 07:12:21 PM »