Author Topic: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers  (Read 12922 times)

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2004, 03:53:57 PM » Wars - Revenge of the Sarge

In this lovely film by Seraphaem, Darth Vader is played by Ami.  Of course, as we all know, Darth Vader is not destroyed in the prequels to Star Wars.  What does it all mean? 

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2004, 05:05:07 PM »
A work of art by Sera.. *()*
I believe Sera is picking Ami to be booted this week .........I'm going to  lemming for now and go with my gut feeling that its Sarge ..I just can't shake it.. ?:)? Either Sarge wins IC or he goes..I just feel that it won't be a gal this week  :\/

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2004, 07:32:14 PM »
rewatching last weeks episode..we see the real first one on one pact between Chris & Chad ..
Chad " do you want to do the one on one deal or do you already have one with Sarge ?
Chris "ummm  Sarge has never said lets go to the end together "
Chad " yeah ..he would be a hell of a choice to take to the final two because he would win "
Chris " i'm going to be honest with you..i think that the both of you have a leg up on me"

then they laugh as Chad points to his leg

Then in the confessional we see Chris " I have the same agreement with Sarge , and Julie "
"If the merge happens I will always have two to watch my back"

Then we have some exerpts from the insider transcripts

Twila (Votes Rory): Rory, I have nothing against you. I really didn’t get the chance to know you. But you and Sarge happen to be the strong ones. That’s the only reason. Sarge had immunity, and you didn’t.

Sarge (Votes Ami): This vote goes with much respect to you. You’re my number one arch rival right now. We both carry one thing we like in common. So long

Julie (Votes Rory): This is really nothing personal. You’re the one person I haven’t spent any time with. Gotta go with just the group consensus. You seem like a great guy. Sorry I don’t have anything bad to say!

The Day After

They kicked John off instead of Twila or Juile! They put all their trust in two women who they’ve known for nine days, ten days, and they kick somebody off that they’ve known for 20 days!

And in so doing that, they knew the women had an alliance, and they automatically doomed every man in this game! Automatically. Straight off the bat. 100%. And not a single one of them, it never occurred to them! Sarge puts on a good game, but he’s tired. Chris - Chris has been suffering physically this entire game. We know that speed and agility is not his forte, and if his injuries continue to be as bad as they have been during the 21 days previously, he’ll be lucky if he makes it out just based on his own physical abilities! Chad - I’m disappointed probably the most in Chad, because Chad is an extremely smart man, and I would have thought that as well-rounded as he is, he would have seen this ship coming, And seeing their faces last night after I got voted out, and realizing, the sheer shock of realizing that they were bamboozled and hoodwinked by Julie and Twila, ugh.

I am most angry with Ami because I think Ami is not nearly as smart as she seems. I think she’s obviously using some sexual innuendos, flirtation. Not just towards the guys, which she does constantly, and I think it’s disgusting, but obviously towards the girls as well. Some people may say, “Oh, well, she’s a good looking lady,” but she has the soul of a troll. She is not appealing to me in any way, shape or form. She obviously has no moral standing, very little moral fiber, and she’s dishonest. She puts on this good game, like she’s all about harmony and everything else, and fact of the matter is, she’s the most manipulative person on the island.

And she’s preying on people. She’s preying on the weakest people, which is Leann, who is horribly, horribly weak-minded in her current state, and Eliza, who is just naive as all get-out and dumb as a box of rocks. And then you’ve got Twila who obviously has some serious, serious emotional issues related to the men in her life, and then you’ve got Julie who obviously has some psycho-social-sexual issues of her own. And playing this harmony among all of them is Ami.

Scout Dissects Rory

And I think he’s grown, emotionally. I think he’s really been forced into a situation of pulling himself together, and demonstrating some skills he didn’t even know he had. In terms of coming over here, I wish that he’d have given a little bit, just come on over here and move Eliza out so I can, you know. It would have accomplished the same thing. But he didn’t want to give. He, in fact, had established a -supposedly, he has established, at least Chris says, an alliance with Sarge and Chris and Chad. And that he’s coming back and playing on that. I don’t see them - I don’t see the relationship with him that to me equals an alliance. From Sarge, Chad, or Chris, toward Rory that means that there is a relationship. Like Twila and I have a relationship. Julie and I are reestablishing a relationship. Leann and I have a relationship. Even a little one. I’ve got a relationship with her of some sort. I don’t see any definable relationship in that supposed alliance.

And I think of the men here and the kind of energy – just for today – the kind of energy to keep intact, I think it’s time for Rory to go home. I would have loved to have helped him get to the jury anyway, because he really wanted to do that, if he could just get to the jury. But it’s not going to happen because he has pushed and shoved to have Ami taken out right now and as a result of that, he’s going to get taken out, I think.
Rory and I would watch out for each other when we came back over here. And I talked to him, privately about, “Let’s get rid of Eliza.” “No no no, it’s got to be Ami, it’s got to be Ami.” I just can’t go there. I can’t do that. So who else? If not Ami then who?

Rory Chaps Scout

Description: Rory and Scout bicker about whether he’s being helpful or patronizing when he offers to help her. Ever the diplomat, Rory insists that he’s not offering to help because Scout’s a woman, but because she’s “the elder.”

Shots of Scout hauling wood, Rory making a fire. Scout tries to lift a log

Rory: No no no.

Scout: I want to see how heavy it is. Don’t patronize me.

Rory: Scout, You’re patronizing me.

(Scout struggles to lift the log)

Scout: Listen, this thing is not – this is half the weight of a bale of hay.

Scout (Confessional): A man coming in and trying to take over work when you’re doing it just totally frosts – chaps me.

Rory: I’ll get it, Scout.

Scout (Confessional): Men for some reason believe that it is their divine destiny to take charge of everything. It is the reason that I do not have a man living in my home.

Rory: You take everything as being patronizing, and you know you’re stubborn. If you’re being stubborn, don’t call me patronizing.

Scout: I want to give you some advice.

Rory: What’s that?

Scout: The word “everything” is an always kind of thing – it includes everything. And it is rarely that I have used the word “patronizing.”

Rory (Confessional): Scout and I have our normal five minute argument. Every single morning we’ve done that, and every single night we’ve slept together (HEAVENS!). (Shrugs) Go figure!

Rory (Confessional): Scout is having a hard time accepting the mantle of her age, and she takes everything you try to do for her, every sign of kindness that you make towards her, she takes as an affront that you think she’s somehow weak. Hell, how can you think a woman like that is weak?

Rory: Elders are to be revered, and you do anything you can for an elder. And the fact of the matter is Scout, you are my elder, and I will do everything I can for you. I don’t care what you want me to do. And there’s never going to be a time when you lift a log, there’s never going to be a time when you come out here and check the fire that I’m not going to feel like that’s my job because you are older than me. And I have the utmost respect for my elders.

Scout (Confessional): Rory is, in his way, pontificating respect. But respect is not to be pontificated. It’s not a speech. It’s an action.

Rory: You are my senior, and you have every right and privilege to ask me to bow down and do anything you want. (OH YEAH? WHAT ABOUT SARGE? HE’S YOUR SENIOR) That’s the way I was raised. You shouldn’t be doing a damn thing in this camp as far as I’m concerned. See, that’s –

Scout: I’m not that elder. (Laughs)

Urge to Merge

Description: Reading the Reward Challenge Tree Mail, both tribes wonder whether a merge is in their future.

(Yasur camp)

Ami: Tree mail!

Leann: Okay guys, ready?

(Reads treemail)

Ami: Hmm, what does that mean?

(Lopevi camp)

Sarge: You! It only says you. There’s nothing about tribal or a get together about that.

(Yasur camp)

Eliza: Do you think it’s an individual or a group thing?

Leann: If we lose Rory goes home.

Ami: Let’s just –

Eliza: No, what if Julie and Twila are with them, and then, you know?

Ami: Julie and Twila are not with them. Have more faith in your girls.

(Lopevi camp)

Julie: (Waving flag) Lopevi! Lopevi! Just when we all start to fall in love with each other, we’re going to get split up.

Twila: Don’t say that!

Julie (Confessional): There’s definitely a team unity and everyone’s definitely feeling closer and more comfortable.

Chris: See, that’s a race.

Julie: I love the sound of race and Scout in the same sentence. Is that what it means?

Twila (Confessional): I’m ready. I’m ready to see what happens. Let’s go do it. Let’s see what unfolds today.

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #28 on: November 09, 2004, 08:53:43 PM »
See ..Sera has Ami picked but has also had a good resource tell him that its Julie wickchix , Dolly's hairdresser who predicted a non Julie boot last weeks, says that its not Julie this week ..pass the asprin
TDTs boot speculation makes a lot of sense < scratch head emoticon  88)) >

TDT's Speculation

REWARD CHALLENGE/ Trivia challenge - Scout wins?
As chidelta pointed out at MeSS, the shots of Chad running were recycled from the combined RC/IC John K. won several episodes back. So we're left with one obvious challenge, which is the trivia challenge. And as crocophile notes, they still have a treemail showing up in camp with a pig attached. We'll guess that the challenge covers Vanuatu lore/customs, and the reverence with which the natives regard pigs ends up being a question. So the challenge is the traditional (since Marquesas) alliance-revealing (and -breaking) trivia / snuff-your-enemies challenge. Although this time (as in, yet another parallel, Thailand) people are eliminated when they get three torches/skulls set alight. Yes, those exciting multiple-choice cubes make a repeat appearance.

Three people (in addition to Sarge and Ami, who are the likely squabblers, unless it's Sarge and Julie, or perhaps Sarge and Twila) are featured in this week's promos: Chad (surprising, since he's barely been on the show so far), Eliza and Scout. All three are likely among the best-equipped to win a mental-/memory-based challenge. And all three are shown getting at least one question right, from the web promo, as is Leann. Given the superior women's numbers, it seems unlikely a man would survive long enough to win. And since the guys see the order of elimination as informative, Eliza probably gets eliminated by Scout. And lo, we see Eliza sitting out, looking disgusted, with Chad's arm behind her. So neither makes it to the end. Julie is shown shrugging, and Ami has a similar headshot. We'll go with a Scout win. 

IMMUNITY CHALLENGE/ An unknown challenge - someone wins
The background of the shot of Sarge in the immunity necklace has the same background as the shot of Scout, below. Since she's dressed differently than at the trivia challenge, the trivia challenge must be the RC. This makes a bit of sense as well, in that the guys appear to have plenty of time after the trivia challenge to discuss the revealed Yasur pecking order. So what's the IC? Who knows, but apparently it's sufficiently lame that it doesn't even warrant promo time. So, just about anyone could win. Maybe even Scout

BOOT/ Julie?
CBS is quite over-the-top in pushing the men-vs-women theme this week. So that means they stick together, and the women vote out Sarge, right? Nope. Or the men penetrate the women's alliance, and get Scout to burn Eliza, as the web promo suggests? Well, getting closer. We think it's Julie.

Why? There are essentially four alliances left: three duos among the women: Ami-Leann; Eliza-Julie; and Scout-Twila. Then there are the three men, who might gain at least temporary power if they can swing one duo to their side. Almost every episode has featured Scout voicing her desire to send Eliza home. This is the guys' point of entry, which they pick up on in the trivia challenge. Can Sarge get Julie back, and bring Eliza along? Well, they can try. But most likely, Eliza will double-cross them, stick with the women, and hang Julie out to dry. Or perhaps the men get Twila and Scout to agree to boot Eliza, who then goes on to win immunity, forcing a Plan B of Julie. Either way, for further predictive mumbo-jumbo, observe the last three shots in the web promo: Julie gets burned.   

Updated and Laminated !! Sarge YES..that makes better sense to me than Ami or Julie !! Chad well IMHO ..I just don't think that we've seen his story arch yet ..puddin 
BOOT/ Sarge? Chad? 
No last-minute diversions from a Julie pick in:
6 1
CBS is quite over-the-top in pushing the men-vs-women theme this week. That means they stick together, and the women vote out Sarge, right? Um... maybe. Or the men penetrate the women's alliance, and get Scout to burn Eliza, as the web promo suggests? Well, um... maybe. Maybe not.

So uh... we've received late-breaking word that Julie is safe this week. That makes two straight weeks of premature speculation that Julie was toast. On the plus side, we can safely guarantee we won't be doing that again for a while (P.S. check back next week to make sure). On the minus side, we're left to ponder who it might actually be. We'll offer that Chris and Ami's alleged weight loss suggest they're right out, and that, despite what CBS seems to think, the men are outnumbered 6 to 3. So it's probably a guy.

So, moving on, the next prime candidates would appear to be Sarge and Chad. Let's face it: their brilliant strategy of keeping Julie and Twila over John K. has left them a bit, shall we say, undermanned. Sarge is extremely grumpy in the promos, whereas Chad is laughing (with overdubbed native whoops and excessive reverb). We'll take that as a point in Chad's favor. Also, Twila mentioned during her vote for Rory that "you and Sarge happen to be the strong ones. That’s the only reason. Sarge had immunity, and you didn’t." Knock two down for Sarge. But then there's Chad's spectacular increase in screen presence, at least in this week's promos (true, they did have to reach back into the vaults to find some pre-swap footage to do that, but still). Not a good sign long-term for the guy with the mechanical leg.

Ah well, we'll leave it to you for now. We're sure you can come to your own conclusions. What do we know?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2004, 01:14:21 AM by puddin »

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2004, 11:00:56 AM »
Snewser doesn't have a name up this week EP 9 but, for EP 11 he has LeeAnn up

Offline amikino

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2004, 11:05:13 AM »
Just because Seraphaem has Ami as Darth Vader doesn't mean he is indicating an Ami boot.  As I pointed out,  Darth Vader manages to overcome his adversaries until the sixth installment of Star Wars (if I'm remembering correctly.)  The film he is referencing is the second installment?  Or both the first and second?  I didn't like either of them so I'm not sure.   B:) Anyway, another clue from Seraphaem is here:  Go down to the Nine of Cups Tarot card.  He talks about Yasur getting "burned,"  etc., perhaps the episode with the Medivac will occur here.  Maybe Sarge will be safe for a week because no one will be voted off.  Maybe Julie will not be voted off, but rather evacuated because of an injury.  The card, Nine of Cups, indicates to me that the man has his wish fulfilled.  The "man" might be Sarge.  I am going to look at some of the past clues and see what I can pull together. 

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #31 on: November 10, 2004, 11:32:09 AM »
Thanks amikino...
Just because Seraphaem has Ami as Darth Vader doesn't mean he is indicating an Ami boot.

note the date  ;)

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(11/4/04 1:13 pm)

   Re: Huge
 Okay friends ... I want you to write this down, cut and paste it, laminate it and hang it on your wall ...

Ready? Are you sure??

I'm making the call for next week, and it will definitely be Ami Cusack (100%). If I'm wrong I'll purchase two additional people gold memberships next Friday, anyone who asks me first.


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(11/8/04 8:38 am)

   Re: I still Dont get it..
 Well, I have multiple sources telling me Ami is next (with the exception of one who clearly states that Julie is next). I'm sticking with Ami for the two reasons listed below:

1) She had left for "vacation" last week from her place of work and still hasn't returned. The presumption was that she was to go last episode, but this now extends into this week (possible Early Show appearance).

2) Julie's friend who posted about her at another board was contacted by *someone*. She let it slip that Julie had lasted longer than anticipated after she posted about her staying at least until 8 episodes (hence there might not be a clear target on her back at least until further along).

Happy Birthday amikino !!  *()*
« Last Edit: November 10, 2004, 11:45:52 AM by puddin »

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2004, 01:25:28 PM »
This would be good news indeed.  Mickey Knocks is saying Sarge will go, but I don't trust her.  She throws stuff out there all the time to trick us.  She so tricksy.  Gollum.  Gollum. 

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2004, 01:27:11 PM »
Oh, and thanks for the birthday wishes.  I'm going to be 29 - as the lie detector indicator wildly jumps from side to side, making huge inky mountains.


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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2004, 02:18:39 PM »
Happy Birthday amikino. How about that? We are the same age.  :()()

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #35 on: November 10, 2004, 03:38:49 PM »
I don't think Sera would say 100%, unless he was REALLY sure.  He jokes around a lot but he also sticks in the truth every once in a while just to keep us offbase :-\
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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2004, 04:29:59 PM »
Alright, I'm going to depend on you for this one.  This means, then, that Sarge wins immunity?

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2004, 07:29:48 PM »
 :)X WOW  and I thought that I was the oldest member here  8-)' *()*  *()* Hope you have a good one amikino  :-*

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2004, 07:38:50 PM »
I wonder when this will come into play?

SEG Builds 3-Meter Mini Volcano on Samoa Point
The following article appeared in the gossip section of the Vanuatu Daily Post on Saturday June 26.
Vanuatu Daily Post
Saturday, June 26, 2004

Click for external link

As the people from Survivors are utterly paranoid about security and have so far refused to be interviewed, we will give you a round up of what has been heard on the grapevine. Whether it is true or not who knows?

A Survivor budget of US 40 million is available to spend on the show here all up, there are at least 300 people already working on the show as Trader Vics is catering for between 250-300 Survivors people on Saturday. Greg Pechan is providing over 300 meals a day.

The executive producer and contestants arrive at the weekend.

Filming will start Monday when the game officially starts and go on until the end of August, although the ‘game’ lasts 39 days.

The whole of the coastline from Devils Point to past Hideaway is off limits for security reasons and security guards patrol for 3kms along the road from Coongoola landing. Planes are diverting flights to avoid flying over Lelepa, Mangaliliu, Samoa Pt and Moso where filming is to take place.

There is a 3 metre miniature volcano on the set at Samoa Point which is likely to have all kinds of Hollywood special effects used on it for the islands of fire as there are no live volcanos anywhere near where they are filming despite it being promoted as ‘The Islands of Fire’. Are they planning a secret trip to Yasur?

More Survivors gossip as it comes unless of course CBS is a bit more ‘media’ friendly. Silip!

Vanuatu Daily Post

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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2004, 08:26:26 PM »
Episode 9 Boot Poll  ;D  ;D

The Ghost With The Most
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(11/10/04 12:09 pm)

   No vote

RC: No official comment
IC: No official comment
Boot: No offical comment


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Re: EP 9 Clues/Speculation/Spoilers
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2004, 09:17:40 PM »
Uh-oh...looks like Sera's sources might have hit a brick wall (again).  Best if we avoid all potential bootees.
I'm pantless but not hatless!! :ass:  Yup, I'm shirtless now, too :boobs: