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Offline ghmorello

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Post-Season Questionnaire
« on: March 02, 2022, 08:59:43 PM »
1. Rate the finale.
2. Best part?
3. Worst?
4. Are you happy with the winners?
5. If not, then who did you want to win?
6. Rate the season.
7. Best leg?
8. Worst leg?
9. What can Season 34 and beyond improve on?
10. Who's the MVP of Season 33?

Offline Malcooolm

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Re: Post-Season Questionnaire
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2022, 09:26:14 PM »
1. Rate the finale. 10/10! I can't think of anything I would change. Plenty of placement shifts, funny mistakes, and great tasks. Definitely what a finale leg and episode should strive to be.
2. Best part? The memory task! I'm always giddy when we get a memory task. This was a great one and shows that slow and steady will always win the race (unless you're Arun & Natalia).
3. Worst? The fact that only Taylor & Isaiah made it to the finish line out of all the teams that had to drop out :(
4. Are you happy with the winners? Yes! Loved Kim & Penn!! Didn't find them to be obnoxious at all. I loved their energy and to me personally, it felt natural and not forced. I'm completely satisfied with their win (though I would've preferred Raquel & Cayla...) and look forward to seeing them on the future TAR: All Winners edition ;)
5. If not, then who did you want to win?
6. Rate the season. 6/10. I'm so so SO happy that we were able to get a season in the midst of COVID but I have to judge it as I would any other season. It was painfully obvious who the final three would be. None of the other teams that returned even came CLOSE to their level. And the route left a lot to be desired. I am well aware that they did the best they could but still, I have to look at it as I would any other season. All Europe, no new countries...though I am glad we got to explore a ton of new cities and areas. An above average cast in my opinion, but way too many "internet celebrities". Half the cast has done something notable and I miss the good ol' days where it was everyday Americans racing. And of course, I do miss U-Turns/Yields/Fast Forwards/Speed Bumps and all the other fun twists that give the show flavor.
7. Best leg? The finale! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time!
8. Worst leg? Greece Part II. Needle in a haystack followed by needle in a haystack? No thank you.
9. What can Season 34 and beyond improve on? More diversity of backgrounds among the cast and a strong route.
10. Who's the MVP of Season 33? The crew that made magic happen and gave us this season!!!

Love, an unapologetic Lisa & Michelle stan

Offline redskevin88

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Re: Post-Season Questionnaire
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2022, 05:50:17 AM »
1. Rate the finale. 9/10
2. Best part? The memory challenge and the fact that it was a competitive finale.
3. Worst? Nah. Don't have.
4. Are you happy with the winners? Yes. Loved Kim & Penn's competitiveness and their love for each other.
5. If not, then who did you want to win?
6. Rate the season. 8/10. Disappointed they had two legs in London and wished they could have tried to do a leg in the Caribbean or Canary Islands/Morocco, but understand it might be impossible. Would have preferred another final city too although LA was good.
7. Best leg? Leg 3. They showcased Scotland in a way that wasn't so cheesy.
8. Worst leg? Leg 7. The detour was pretty unbalanced.
9. What can Season 34 and beyond improve on? Let's hope more parts of the world can open up, and we can visit more countries!
10. Who's the MVP of Season 33? The cast members.