Author Topic: BBCAN8: Nico Vera  (Read 1574 times)

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Offline RealityFreakWill

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BBCAN8: Nico Vera
« on: March 07, 2020, 09:37:19 AM »

Nico Vera

Age: 31

Zodiac: Libra

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

Occupation: Sales Manager

Relationship Status: Taken

What is your strategy going into the house? Stay out of the spotlight.

Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN8? I’m a superfan and my personality is probably very much aligned with the type of people selected for the show.

What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you? Just like school or work, I think the first few weeks will be the hardest. Then, once you get used to it and familiarize yourself, you become well-versed in terms of how you need to action things and move forward.

How do you want people to remember you as a player on BBCAN? As a superstar!

If you win Big Brother Canada, how would you spend the cash prize? Pay my debt and travel.

Fill in the Blank:

My biggest pet peeve is: impatient people.

My biggest fear is: being deeply inadequate.

My typical Sunday is: relaxing.

I geek out on: books, I read a lot.

Most spontaneous thing I’ve done is: backpack through Europe.

If I could only eat one thing in the house, it would be: black licorice.

A fact about me that surprises people is: I’m very nice. Most people think I’m the opposite based on face value.

I get along best with people who: love with their hearts.

My most used emoji is: 😂

My idol or hero is: my dad.

My mantra is: I’d rather shoot for the moon and miss, than shoot for the gutter and make it.

A personal accomplishment I am most proud of is: getting to where I am today.

Rapid Fire:

Hero or villain? Hero

Competition beast or floater? Competition beast

Be the first HOH or be the first nominee? First HOH

No sleep or no food? No sleep

Intellectual skills or physical strength? Intellectual skills

Backstab your alliance or stay true to your word? Stay true to my word

Gut instinct or pure intellect? Gut instinct

Showmance or nomance? Nomance

« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 09:46:01 AM by RealityFreakWill »