Author Topic: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)  (Read 41161 times)

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TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« on: October 27, 2019, 02:52:05 AM »
The Amazing Race Australia
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Tuesday 29th October

Teams will need to choose their challenges wisely when an obstacle course or a skill testing drone flight are on the table. The last team to arrive at the Pitstop may be eliminated.

Offline aussieamazingracer

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2019, 04:33:55 AM »

Teams will need to choose their challenges wisely when an obstacle course or a skill testing drone flight are on the table. The last team to arrive at the Pitstop may be eliminated.

Proof that the Nuns make it to Leg 2!!!!! Yesssss  :cheer:

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2019, 11:28:06 AM »
Is this thread spoiler-free?  :idgit

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2019, 04:01:17 PM »
Anything in a 10 Preview is no longer considered a spoiler. HOWEVER, I would prefer if we continue the spoilers discussion in THAT thread BEFORE the eps.. If we post a preview though then that's not a spoiler.

Sorry bottle... Ep 2 is airing in less than 48 hours so I think you'll maybe need to be cautious.
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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2019, 12:09:21 AM »
I think I'm most excited to see the opening credits make their debut (hopefully) in this episode!

Offline aussieamazingracer

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2019, 01:35:44 AM »
I think I'm most excited to see the opening credits make their debut (hopefully) in this episode!

Agree! They better have not cut out the opening credits this season, but surely they will make an appearance tonight?? :conf:

There also better be a prize for the first placed team...

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2019, 03:45:07 AM »
Previously on The Amazing race Australia, teams hit the ground running in South Korea, alliances were forged, miracles happened, true colours were revealed and our first team was eliminated. Tom & Tyler powered to the pitstop first. Tonight we cross the country to the most heavily guarded border. What mistake will cost one team the race? Intro is playing!

One of the largest cities in Asia, Seoul is home to 25m, it is the capital of South Korea. Here 10 teams will depart in the order they arrived for our second leg.

Make your way to Gwanghwamun plaza and accurately count the 364 fountains in the plaza to get your next clue.

Tom & Tyler are looking over there shoulders to look at all the competitive teams. They know they have a competitive sporting background to knock out the challenges.

2024 Korean Won for this leg. Viv & Joey are worried they're gonna get on each others nerves

Hayley & Mikayla depart, as do Tim & Rod. The boys are coming for first today.

Tom & Tyler arrive and they note they need to count all the ones that are off as well. The remaining teams depart and head to the fountains. The nuns are at the bottom, and note they have a game plan to pray to God for help, he's their secret weapon.

Team begin counting, Viv & Joey already submit an incorrect guess. Tom & Tyler are struggling to add it up, but finally get the clue in first. Make your way to the DMZ and leave a message of peace and hope to the people of Korea. When they arrive, they need to find the ribbon fence and place it alongside thousands of others to get their next clue.

Tyler considered telling Viv & Joey but they thought they'd get it. Viv says she's confused and doesn't get it. Tim & Rod calculate the right answer and are off to the DMZ. Hayley & Mikayla are off in 3rd. Viv & Joey finally get it and are out in 4th. In the taxi, Joey realises he never brought out his calculator to add up the numbers they counted :lol:

Sid & Ash arrive at the fountains in 5th, followed by the Indigenous couple. Femi & Nick have gotten lost and can't find the fountains. They arrive and see the nuns are already there.

Tyler & Tom hit the DMZ and search for the fence. They know about the political nature and see it's so quiet. They're hoping to build their lead, they think they have a buffer.

Randomly the alpaca farmers finish the fountains, as do Jasmin & Jerome. Amani & Rowah are frustrated and can't count it, Ash & Sid are frazzled too. The nuns get it, the muslim girls don't. Femi & Nick pop out of nowhere with the answer.

Ash notes that Sid's strong point is maths. The muslim girls get the answer and run off to a cab. Ash & Sid are freaking out that they're gonna be eliminated, Ash tells Sid to calm down but they start to crumble under pressure. Sid starts swearing because they can't get it. Commercial break.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2019, 06:45:57 AM by ovalorange »

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2019, 03:58:06 AM »
At the fountains, Ash & Sid are still calculating and keep getting their guesses wrong. They're last and know they could potentially be eliminated. Ash calls them math wizards. They finally get it after many attempts.

At the border, the footy boys start writing on a ribbon and tie to the fence. They get the clue, it's a Detour. All Heart or All Thumbs. All Hearts follows 19 y.o. Koreans that perform boot camp, via carrying two tires, doing a high ropes course and a mud course with a heavy backpack. In All Thumbs, teams play drone soccer and must each score a goal to get their clue. The boys pick All Heart but their taxi to the Detour is going real slow.

The sisters, siblings and newlyweds arrive at the DMZ. They all look at a map, though Hayley spots the ribbons and begins sprinting with Mikayla to the fence. All three teams write their message and get the Detour clue. They all pick All Heart at first, but Viv & Joey switch in the cab, as Viv doesnt think she can do the ropes course.

The Alpaca farmer's think that others will underestimate them and suggest they need to be more agressive. The Mr nice guy hat is all gone. They get to the border and pick All Heart. They give the driver the address in Korean and he doesn't know where it is. They get agitated at him and he replies "OK OK OK". The Indigenous couple reach the border and get to their cab before the alpaca's can leave. They're now just following Jerome/Jasmin but they don't even know which detour they're going to.

The nuns reach the fence, as do Rowah & Amani and the nurses. The Nuns pray for peace and unity for the people of Korea. They pick the Drones but first decide to pray again at the wall. The muslim girls and nurses pick All Heart. The nuns are heading back to the fence and say its so significant, so they want to take it in and pray.

Ash & Sid arrive and write their message. They pick All Heart and leave in 9th ahead of the nuns.

The nuns say they dont mind if someone get in front of them, they could not not pray on the bridge.

Tyler & Tom reach the bootcamp and just jump out of their cab and run. They've already let their cab go and realise they're in the wrong spot. They're searching the road and can't find him. Commercial.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2019, 04:11:22 AM »
Tom & Tyler have no idea where they're going, doesn't look like a boot camp. They spot their driver way up the road and flag him down and head off. Viv & Joey hope they're in first and arrive at the drones. They dont think it looks too hard. The remote has a button for up and down and another for sideways. The drones are really bouncy and they struggle to keep control of them.

At the bootcamp, Tyler & Tom finally arrive. They pick up two tyres and carry them up the hill. Some Korean guard is yelling at them throughout the course, Tyler says its encouraging. Hayley & Mikayla comment on their good cab driver. They pick up the tyres and say they love outdoors and bootcamps. They start cheering up the hill :lol:  Tyler & Tom commence the ropes course, if they fall off they need to go the back of the line and do it again???

At Cheworon Gym, Viv & Joey are not doubting their drone choice and think they could do it faster than the bootcamp. Joey quickly scores a goal and starts coaching Viv, but she's all over the shop.

Tim & Rod arrive at the tyres and Tom & Tyler are halfway through the ropes course. Looks like only 2 teams at a time on the ropes. Mikayla is gonna have nightmare of her Korean soldier tonight :lol:

Viv quickly finishes the drones and they get the clue in first. Raft down the Hantan river and search for Beau at the pitstop at some pavilion. The last team to check in may be eliminated! Viv hopes they're in first because she might struggle with the rafting.

Tyler finishes the ropes course, and the boys pick up a bag to go through the mud pit. The boys fly through it and Tim comments that there goes their new Nikes LOL. The footy mates finish and head to the river. They're covered in mud in their taxi LOL. The sisters then hit the mud pit and say they need to get one with the mud! They swipe their faces like they're putting on war paint and finish and head to the raft.

The alpaca farmers are fired up by their bad cabbie, but by a miracle they're at the bootcamp like they wanted to be. Tim & Rod finish the mud course while screaming, Tim's gonna spew cause they have mud in their mouth and are choking on it, Rod is just laughing.

The nuns are practicing drone flying in the cab LOL. They reach the detour and start learning from the demo, they think they're ninja at drones loljk, they havent touched one in their life. They decide to screw the demo and just start giving it a go. They're struggling, it's really hard and they realise their dragging behind. Judy cries out Momma Mia in time for a commercial.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2019, 04:23:11 AM »
Viv & Joey wanna smash their goal of coming first in a leg, they havent seen anyone on the way but see Tom & Tyler when they arrive. They need to leave everything in their cabs.

The siblings reach the rafts and start getting suited up. The boys are right on their tails and hit the water first. The sisters and newlyweds arrive and are hitting the water too. The boys think that they have an advantage over Viv & Joey cause their arms are longer. Quickly all the teams hit some rapids. Viv & Joey are coming up behind the boys, its going to be close. The boys disembark and run to the mat. The siblings jump out of their raft and run after them. The boys hit the mat first and are team number one and win $1000 each on their Bankwest Halo ring when they return home. Viv & Joey are team #2. Beau gives them both an awkward hug again :lol: Joey says they know they werent going to beat them in a footrace as they have short legs.

Jasmin & Jerome are on the ropes course and she's terrified. Chris is struggling through the ropes course. Rowah & Amani are waiting below for a spot to clear. Ash & Sid and nurses arrive at the tyres, the nurses are ahead but Sid calls them back to get two tyres each (which is not required, just two per team). The boys head back and fall behind the couple to pick them up. Ash says it wasn't on purpose but they take it anyway.

The nuns are at the drones and say their flying is not cute. Judy flies the drone up her skirt :lol: They think they're finally getting it and Judy scores a goal!! Judy says God had a lot to do with it, cause it wasnt through her skill lol.

The sisters are rafting and say they enjoy their time together on the race as it strengthens their r/s. They're team #3 at the mat. Tim & Rod are behind them and check in 4th. Rod offers Beau a muddy hug which he declines, deciding to hug the greeter.

Jasmin/Jerome and Chris/Adrienne finish the detour, the muslim girls and Sid & Ash are doing the ropes courses. Sid is putting pressure on Amani on the ropes course. He's flying around and she's scared she's gonna fall off and lose her place. Commercial break.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2019, 04:34:20 AM »
At the ropes course, Amani is scared she's going to lose her place in the course. She just wants it over and done with and makes it across the the platform. She tangles her rope and drops down the ladder but Rowah isn't concerned LOL. Amani is challenged in the mud, but they finish and head to the rafts. Rowah calls her daughter epic and is so proud of her. Ash & Sid hit the mud course and they note they like the finer things in life. Ash tries to call it a full body mud mask to get through it. Femi & Nick finally hit the ropes course and note they're not Tarzan. They think it's really high but know they're making silly mistakes which is why they're in last.

The nuns say their brothers and nephews are going to be ashamed of their drone skills. They start praying to god for some help to get Therese to score. It works as they finally get a goal, though Therese calls it a fluke. They leave in 9th place but know they're going to be eliminated if they dont get there fast. Femi & Nick finish their detour and head to the rafts in last.

Jasmin & Jerome start rafting as do Alpacas. They reach the pitstop unceremoniously in 5th and 6th spot.

The nuns think they've spent 1.5hrs droning. They dont know whats happened to everyone else. They see Ash & Sid and know their not last. Ash & Sid are worried now they're close to last. Femi & Nick are close to giving up, but something clicks and they say they didnt come all this way to give up. Rowah & Amani and Sid & Ash are all gearing up. The instragrammers hit the water first and take a lead. The muslim girls are right behind. The nuns reach the gear spot and start suiting up. Femi & Nick also arrive, they both realise they have a chance. Femi & Nick know they can't leave now, they're so much better than this... lol. Commercial break.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2019, 04:43:24 AM »
At the river, the nuns say the nurses have the biggest guns and will overtake them, so they have to try really hard. They call it magic that they're in Korea and doing this. They hear a noise and think it's air leaking from their boat. But then they realise its just the drone filming them LOL.

Beau is doing some live updates and honestly Phil could learn a thing or two. Sid & Ash hit the mat in 7th place, Rowah & Amani on their tails in 8th.

Femi & Nick are still behind the nuns. Nuns are just aiming for the goal of Beau Ryan LOL. They're so excited to be rafting in Korea. The nurses spin out and note that the gap really isnt closing. The nuns are doing really well. The nuns hit the shore and begin running to the mat. The nurses hit the land and sprint up the hill. A footrace is on to the mat. Femi & Nick have overtaken the nuns and they hit the mat just before them. Femi & Nick are 9th and the Nuns have been eliminated. They were so close. Femi calls this a big wake up call, their strategy obviously wasnt the way to go. Beau calls them the most hated people in Australia right now cause they knocked out the nuns LOL.

The nuns say it would have been awesome to stay but they're glad it was one big adventure. Go sister!

Next time, teams travel to Vietnam. Where a challenge pushes teams to breaking point (eating challenge!) before an epic race to the pitstop.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2019, 04:44:42 AM »
From what it looked like, the nuns probably lost out by maybe 20 meters or so... that praying at the fence honestly cost them the race :(

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2019, 04:53:56 AM »
They really stepped up on the editing this episode, I feel; it's made the tone a LOT more like your traditional TAR episode.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2019, 05:00:47 AM »
I agree. Much better pacing this ep. Not having to do team intros throughout the episode helped a lot.

About the opening credits though. TARAu really has had the best of any TAR in the world. But the mix of TARUS and TAR Canada's styles for the teams was very underwhelming. The green screen team shots really take away from the much more dynamic and fun shots of TARAu past. Like this iconic shot of Anne-Marie & Tracy:

The scenic/landmark shots they used though were stunning. But, eh, I'm sadly underwhelmed. lol

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2019, 05:09:23 AM »
The bootcamp being the most cultural/Korean-specific task of either Leg though. As generic as a ropes course is, at least it fit with the DMZ aspect plus the fact that Korea has mandatory military service. Should've had the drone task in Seoul and then found something else to do in the countryside, I think.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2019, 05:42:03 AM »
It's a completely different production, I don't know why you expected similar intros and graphics. There were some goodies in the intro which might hint to our missing location/s though, we should try to grab it when we get a chance. Though it is a shame some of the teams looked like they were just standing around in their intro shots :| 

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2019, 05:43:52 AM »
The shots of the teams are directly taken from those promos we saw of them too, so I don't know why they ended up making some of them so stationary (like Tom & Tyler's one)  :idgit

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2019, 05:54:16 AM »
They really stepped up on the editing this episode, I feel; it's made the tone a LOT more like your traditional TAR episode.

Totally agree with this! The editing was so much better this episode and I was genuinely unsure about the outcome for the final few teams rafting down the river. Can't believe the nuns were so close to staying in the race - I thought they were far behind at the drone detour, but ended up quite close to multiple teams. We were screaming at the TV for the nuns to run faster!!

Love that we had a proper intro as well as a first placed prize. :conf:

I wish that we had some kind of Roadblock however, perhaps at the start of the leg in Seoul? But otherwise a good leg and a step up from the premiere! So excited for the rest of the season now :cheer:

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2019, 06:17:30 AM »
It's a completely different production, I don't know why you expected similar intros and graphics.
Well what's so hard about filming teams outdoors? I don't think that has anything to do with whether Active TV, 7 or 10 are producing the show. They just decided to use TARUS' template which is unfortunate. Thankfully TAR Canada has not, at least.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2019, 09:28:07 AM »
How did 2019 become the year of North Korea? Ironic that 10 days after this leg was filmed a leg in North Korea aired in a different country.

The leg design on this one was a little iffy as there was no way for teams in the back to catch up. Also doesn't help that almost every team went to a task where no one could pass each other. From the moment we saw them, the nuns were destined to be the Anne-Mare & Tracy of this season, and they were such fun for their two legs.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2019, 12:30:22 PM »
Just finished watching.

Wow, Beau, I can't believe he actually made that "rocket man" remark (Trump started that).

Sad about the nuns :( Their 10 seconds praying at the ribbon fence literally made the difference in the end.

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2019, 09:19:03 PM »
So, just watched the full episode!

It was a good leg, but I'm quite sad to see The Nuns go. They were such entertaining characters and they brought a lot of enjoyment to the season! I also enjoy Beau really getting in there and doing the tasks! It's a nice change from Phil!

The DMZ was (and is) a very interesting place to travel!  :funny:

Bring on Monday!
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looks very interesting!

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2019, 09:28:59 PM »

- No Roadblock
- Tasks didn't seem too difficult
Wow, Beau, I can't believe he actually made that "rocket man" remark (Trump started that).
- Sad about the nuns, but tbh I wasn't expecting them to go very far. Glad they left in good spirits though
- REALLY dislike the Influencers
- Editing is still bad, they're giving some teams almost no air time

Hope next week's episodes are better

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Re: TARAus 4 Episode 2 Live Updates (Tuesday 7.30PM AEST)
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2019, 10:42:59 PM »
I agree about the lack of airtime for some teams. You don't even know they're there until they randomly pop up sometimes.