Author Topic: Seraphaem's "The Clue"  (Read 26170 times)

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Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« on: September 30, 2004, 03:44:55 PM »
This is where we will discover the hidden meanings and solve the riddle of Seraphaem's film, "The Clue".

Offline amikino

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Re: Clue #1
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2004, 03:47:53 PM »
The first clue is:  Saint George and the Dragon, where the head of the dragon has been changed to Mark Burnett.  Typically, the battle between St George and the Dragon symbolises Good over Evil or Knowledge over Ignorance. 

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2004, 04:19:50 PM »
You must have a some type of Media player to view this .

The Clue

some Saint George and the Dragon links ~

« Last Edit: September 30, 2004, 04:28:46 PM by puddin »

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2004, 12:03:47 AM »
amikino , we never posted the link to the whole "Clue" Topic 

Sera posted a few clue's tonight ~
Seek the five websites of The Illuminati. Find the homepage of each in the order of their relevance.

1 - If you're wise you'll find the conspiracy. Second sentence, fourteenth word in.

2- Touch the Principia, be taken to another place and retrieve the sixth word of the second sentence.

3 - Whet your appetite for Knowledge and find Napoleon. Fourth paragraph, third sentence and seventeenth word in.

4 - Use your eyes. Can you see? First sentence, first letter, eleventh letter and twentieth letter.

5 - Revelation! The game concludes as you go to the third paragraph, first sentence and unscramble the letters if you count them correctly.

Offline amikino

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2004, 12:45:28 PM »
These are the clues I have found so far.  There are 13 in all.

2.  The volcano tribes of red and yellow lava flow through two different paths, never to mingle until the Tam Tam becomes a circle.  Only then will the glow of orange be noticed when the branch breaks and the judges increase.  Pile the skulls and climb.  (Yasur is yellow, Lopevi is red.  Apparently the merge color is orange.  The merge takes place when the Tam Tam becomes a circle.  What the heck?  A Tam Tam is a drum.)

3.  The Apron of Washington, the power of 11 and 13. One of the Three and friend of the wild and tame.  On the 26th of July, the Serpent will burn another and the chain be broken.  The HEX of Serpens.  The physician will not heal thyself in time.  The 26th of July is right before the 10th Tribal Council.  At that point there will be eight players going into TC.

4.  When they are but 6 left, the one of red will keep her secret as the wild one will fall and perish.  This will lead to a superior alliance which the others won't be able to see or hear about, and the alliance will not speak of it until it's too late as they become 3.  Look for the hidden clue of the staff.  Review the text and compare to the HEX.  [From the Hidden Clue:  There are many websites about Freemansonry, but the one you are looking for goes by this key:  1547.  On the first page of the site, you will find the initials of the winner of Survivor 9.  Follow this guideline:  second paragraph, fifth line, seventh letter.  Fifth paragraph, second line, twelfth letter.]  Note:  User Aziel 25 on 08-26-04 posted a bootlist.  Next to the name, Julie Berry is typed "perish".  Also on this same list, Scout, Travis and Eliza are highlighted in red; Rory and Leann are highlighted in green.

5.  Her Benevolence, an inspirational sort, shall be the lynchpin of what will become a great undertaking.  As if the monkey who keeps silent, this will keep her in good graces with the Three.  The AVE.  Bearer of Water.

6.  The feast of Red meat.  Behold, ZEV the Great and Terrible.  In Orion he stands with much to gain.  His eyes covered to what is known at this juncture and will serve the other two heartily.  The Hunter shall never know a personal loss. 10. 16.

7.  The ghosts of the dead shall take the right branch of the path never to rise again.  Here is wisdom - two of the mystic native, one will flourish and one will perish.

8.  The traveler from the south shall be desolate in his own house.  The shaking of the stones in reference to a point within Octans.

9.  By the sea they depart and by land they deploy.  The grand Yasur, within the structure held court to disaster for the fair sex.  The night of the great burn.  BEHOLD!  The one who wrestles with idiocy will be fallen.

10.  The Octant Combination:  Twila before Mia, but Lea after Brook.  Hammer, nails and wood in the depth of July but before the flow of the orange.  (I take this to mean that these four will all be gone before the merge.)

12.  The lame shall go far, but not past the Three.  The others all blind and banished, he walks alone on the right path as the fourth.  The six Tam Tam , split in the middle.  Observe the colors.  (OK, so the Tam Tam in #2 refers to an alliance of six being split, meaning three remain in the game and three on the jury?) (The lame...has to be Travis.  He is in final four, voted out 1 of 4?)

13.  From front to back and left to right.  The first shall be last and the last shall be first.  Here is what will be known near the end of December:

J, E, S, J, T, L, L, B, R, A, L, D, C, M, T, J, J

Clue 1 may only be found in a profile hidden in code.  Decipher with the key and the eye on top will open to give you the winner.   

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2004, 12:53:35 PM »

Observe the long shadow that is cast between the 13 and 3.

The chair is unoccupied as the idol's face stares at it.  The musical symbols above the doors indicate that whoever had sat in this chair was musically inclined.

The mouth of the idol contains fire which glows green.

That person is 13th on the Boot-O-Meter.

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2004, 12:58:08 PM »

The all-seeing eye on the left purveys its surroundings.  It can see a saintly portrait to its left between the 36 and the 19.

It can witness the enlongated letter "Z" directly across from it which is actually the letter "N" on its side.

Underneath it can view only a portion of the ELVI stuck within the doorway, but it cannon see the SHOE.


What the eye can see and can understand is on the desk.  The words "I AM" are very clear to the eye as is the hand holding the spear of victory.

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2004, 01:17:34 PM »
OMG  amikino  your good at this, there were a few new clues posted yesterday by Sera , look in the Boot-O Meter
Serpens ... The Serpent (snake) who's forked tongue will serve her well in the coming weeks.

Expect to see the serpent do well with Aquarius (The Water Bearer).

Our only Aquarian is Ami. Now who speaks with a forked tongue?

Serpens is an oddity: the only constellation interrupted by another. Half way down the serpent it crosses Ophiuchus and finishes on the other side of this constellation.

and theres more............... :)_{}

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2004, 12:39:56 AM »
  Seraphaem has revealed that Eliza is the Serpent , it seems like the head part anyway . Don't know if that helps you amikino ?

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2004, 10:36:43 PM »
More from Sera ~
The numbers have something to do with John Kennedy, the tiny pyschic from Poltergeist and my elderly neighbor whom I used an Airzooka on in the hallway of my building.

The number are 1, 3, 13, 33, 39, 47,


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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2004, 04:03:10 PM »
>The numbers have something to do with John Kennedy, the tiny pyschic from Poltergeist and my elderly >neighbor whom I used an Airzooka on in the hallway of my building.

>The number are 1, 3, 13, 33, 39, 47,

Which John Kennedy?  Let's see, John F. Kennedy was the 35th President, he was 46 years old when he was assassinated.  "13" coincides with the number of days in the Cuban Missle Crises.

Zelda Rubenstein played Tangina in "Poltergeist".  She was born on 01-01-36.  She is 4'3" tall. 

So far, I've got bupkis.

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2004, 04:07:50 PM »
Sera's posted a clue or two more amikino... Clue

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2004, 11:50:58 AM »

Go to the message by ChansonMirthProse where you will find an interesting clue.  It seems to point to the date December 25th, the birthdate of Eliza. 

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2004, 01:45:26 PM »
Im listening amikino...thank you  :-*

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2004, 01:51:03 PM »
I do read these AMinko, but I am clueless on the clues.  Thanks for all your hard work!! *()*

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2004, 07:07:40 PM »
Big Clue today you understand Greek amikino ..something tells me that you do  ;)

CHAD ~GDE  The Octant - GDE / One of the eight regions of space defined by the eight possible combinations of signs. Use the key.

ELIZA~HEX    Hex #Greek root word denoting "six" as in "hexagon",


"Hephaistos [Hephaestus], the celestial artist, was the son of Hera. He was born lame, and his mother was so displeased at the sight of him that she flung him out of Olympus. Other accounts say that Zeus kicked him out for taking part with his mother in a quarrel which occurred between them. Hephaistos's lameness, according to this account, was the consequence of his fall. He was a whole day falling, and at last alighted in the island of Lemnos, which was thenceforth sacred to him." 
Hephaistos was born with a birth defect; he was lame and twisted, and only learned to walk with great difficulty.  His appearance disgusted Hera, and she tried to hide him from the Immortals.  He was raised by sea nymphs until the age of nine, when he made his existence known to the Olympians.

Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth fire, hence presiding over domestic life. She is the eldest sister of Zeus and the oldest daughter of Rhea and Cronus.

She was a virgin-goddess, and when wooed by Poseidon and Apollo, swore by the head of Zeus to remain a virgin. She had no throne, but tended the sacred fire in the hall on the Olympus and every hearth on Earth was her altar. She is the gentlest of all the Olympians.

Hestia also symbolized the alliance of the Metropolis ("mother-city") with the smaller settlements which were founded in the colonies. The colonists took fire from the hearth in the prytaneion and kept it burning in their new towns. The Romans called her Vesta, and build a temple for her in the Forum.

ECHO: Goddess of Distraction, Misdirection and Incessant Jabbering.

One of the NYMPHS, she was beautiful and had a most musical voice. She was employed by ZEUS to divert HERA's attention away from his illicit love-making activities. When ZEUS slipped out for a night on the town, ECHO would deluge HERA's ears with a constant stream of babble, gossip and gibbering until he got back.

"... So anyway, I said, I said to her, oooh, I said, I don't believe it, and then she said to me, you won't believe what he said to her, she said, and so I said..."

HERA, driven half-insane by the mindless wittering, removed her power of speech and kicked her out. All ECHO could do then was wander the countryside repeating the last syllable of the last person to give utterance.

After falling in love and being spurned by Narcissus, she took to living in caves where she had many a one-sided conversation. PAN was willing to overlook her affliction but she turned him down, so his shepherds tore her to pieces and scattered her all over the place. Now she's practically everywhere and will talk to anyone who raises their voice

Hephaistos  = God of Fire
ECHO=Goddess of Distraction, Misdirection and Incessant Jabbering.

ES'TU ( My  daughter says that in Spanish this means , Is You/ Is your )

Hephaistos= Chad, Lame ?
Hestia = Scout,is the Greek goddess of the hearth fire, hence presiding over domestic life. ?
Echo = Eliza ( thats an easy one) Goddess of Distraction, Misdirection and Incessant Jabbering.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2004, 08:50:33 PM by puddin »

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2004, 09:02:54 PM »
From: The Hidden Clue:

Hobbies :: There are many websites about Freemasonry, but the one you are looking for goes by this key: 1547.

Personal Bio :: On the first page of the site you will find the initials of the winner of Survivor 9. Follow this guideline: Second paragraph, fifth line, seventh letter. Fifth paragraph, second line, twelfth letter.

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2004, 12:36:31 AM »
Now I'm hooked again .. :)* Happened to google "47" Does this mean anything  :\/
More from Sera ~
The numbers have something to do with John Kennedy, the tiny pyschic from Poltergeist and my elderly neighbor whom I used an Airzooka on in the hallway of my building.

The number are 1, 3, 13, 33, 39, 47,


47 society

Frequently Asked Questions about 47 and The 47 Society

What is 47?
In short, 47 appears to be the quintessential random number of the universe. In other words, when a number appears randomly, more often than not, that number is 47. In other other words, if you asked people to pick a number at random, more often than not, that number would be 47. Of course, if 47 shows up more than any other number then it isn't truly random, but using the word random makes the whole phenomenon easier to describe.
What is a "47 Sighting"?
Anytime you notice the number 47 anywhere in your life or in the world (or elsewhere). There are a variety of interpretations as to what constitutes a bona fide "47 Sighting." Whatever your definition, we encourage you to share your 47 sightings and stories with the 47 Society Mailing List.
What is the 47 Society?
The 47 Society is an international interest-group that follows the occurence and recurrence of the quintessential random number: 47. Many suspect that the coincidental nature of 47 carries some mystical, metaphysical and/or scientific significance.
The phenomenon may have first been documented at Pomona College in 1964, when Professor Donald Bentley proved that all numbers are equal to 47. Coincidentally, 47 seems to occur on or near the college campus with amazing frquency, even by enthusiast standards.

But make no mistake: 47 is everywhere and people were noticing it long before 1964. The 47 Society Web Site is the global source for 47 information.

Aren't You Just Seeing 47 More Because You're Looking For It?
Still not convinced? Try this simple experiment. Pick another number. For the next three to six months keep your eyes open for both. 47 will show up more. If you find out otherwise, please let us know!

What's The Pomona College Connection?
In the 1960's, Pomona College's Professor Donald Bentley completed a mathematical proof that stated that all numbers were equal, therefore all numbers were equal to 47. Since then, students at Pomona have been quietly indoctrinated in the ways of 47. Some believe, some doubt. But it is listed in the student handbook right after "Glee Club". At this date, we have been unable to obtain a copy of Professor Bentley's proof, however, 1968 Pomona Alumnus Wayne Phillips corroborates its existence.
What's the Star Trek Connection?
A Pomona College alum has been a writer and producer for the various Star Trek TV shows and films. He indoctrinated the other writers several years ago (while writing for Star Trek: The Next Generation). Since then, nearly every Star Trek episode has included some mention of 47. Some "Trekkies" have put together their own excellent pages dedicated to these 47s. Since these are more frequent and deliberate than randomly-occurring 47s, we generally discuss only the most cosmically significant of these sightings in our own forums. Kirk would have wanted it this way
What about OTHER numbers?
Our research indicates that numbers have lives of their own. 47 appears to be the most playful number, frequently showing up in unusual and/or surprising ways. Other numbers have their own characteristics, and we have heard heated testimonials from followers of some of these numbers, including 3, 11, 19, 23 and 42. Keep this in mind: 47-spotting is fun. There is no need to make 47 your favorite or lucky number in order to appreciate its synchronicitious ways. Just relax, observe 47 as it reveals to you, and share your experience with the 47 Society.

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2004, 10:21:50 PM »
I'm just posting this here untill we could sort it out... (#)
Movie Clue #8

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(8/14/04 12:18 am)
Reply Re: Dwarf Tossing
I'm sure they're very nice people when not playing the game. Don't forget they're trying to win so you have to step on a few toes once in a while.

The traveler from the south shall be desolate in his own house. The shaking of the stones in reference to a point within Octans.

This is clue 8 of 13.

Edited by: 47Euclid at: 8/14/04 12:18 am

This clue has come to pass.



The path of the Octant, two points from East to West. Both the Red and Yellow observe each other from a distance yet separate.

In the Beginning the rulers of War will split the two equally. Men on the stumps as the women kneel. Kava will numb the mouths of men. This is clue 11 of 13.

This had come to pass in episode one.



Movie Clue #12

The Ghost With The Most
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(8/17/04 11:03 am)
Re: THE CLUE - Survivor 9: The Illuminati

The lame shall go far, but not past the Three. The others all blind and banished, he walks alone on the right path as fourth.

The six Tam Tam, split in the middle. Observe the colors. This is clue 12 of 13.

Guess who this refers to.



Quote:Movie Clue #5

Chompsky Challenge
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(8/12/04 11:39 am)
i remember bribS. i think he Could Only coUnt using his Toes as an abacus.

Her Benevolence, an inspirational sort, shall be the lynchpin of what will become a great undertaking. As if the monkey who keeps silent, this will keep her in good graces within the Three.

The AVE. Bearer of water. Clue 5 of 13.

This will bear out after the merge.



Old trick with the CAP letters... this is Scout.


Before I go, let me address a few points about the Hex game that Eulogia brought up earlier.

Hex has many wonderful properties and deep mathematical connections. One of these properties is that Hex cannot end in a draw. There will inevitably be a winner, no matter what happens, and in fact there will be only one winner.

John Nash in fact came up with Hex as a specific example of a game where this is the case.

A general winning strategy is unknown. It is known, however, that Hex is PSPACE-complete. This means that discovering a winning strategy would amount to solving the "P = NP" problem, the premier unsolved problem in mathematics today. The likely answer to this problem is that P does not equal NP, which would mean that there simply is no general winning strategy for Hex. It's clear that Hex is quite a strategic challenge!

Advanced players usually use the swap rule instead. The first player plays the opening move, and the second player then chooses which colour to play from then on. This rule is also known as the pie rule: "I cut, you choose." It turns the game into a theoretical win for the second player, but in practice it evens things out quite adequately.

what is the hotseat referring to, and can I still access what questions were asked?
The Hot Seat questions involved constellations, the colors red and yellow, roasted pigs and chess moves (in which I would now answer you that I would open with the Queen's Pawn. A quite simple move).

« Last Edit: October 17, 2004, 10:26:37 PM by puddin »


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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2004, 01:58:00 PM »
I admire all of the work done on this. It's all greek to me. I just read and see I AM and decided that Ami wins since Mia is already gone. Hex would be the "I cut you choose" like they split the tribes? UGH!!!! I am not good at this sort of thing.

Someone called Revelation posted a list of clues that was supposed to be the boot list. I copied it and did a little playing around. To many things would work with each player if you already know who that person is. Boot #6 clue "An appropriate number." hummmm If I type Travis in search it gives me Travis Tritts 12 memories song title. This is supposed to be working in reverse order so #17 was, Who is Cybil Shepard. It seemed to easy that it would be shepardess. Dolly was the second boot but I already knew that. # 1, which should be the winner is "A code." It gave me a headache and it isn't near as confusing as this.

My hat is off you anyone that has the patience to work on it. :)()

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2004, 03:05:41 PM »
A small confession ... I am Eulogia at Legion.

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2004, 03:15:00 PM »
Back to Puddin's question about Greek; I "do" know the letters of the Greek alphabet (I was in a sorority in college and we had to sing a song about the letters, all in order, and I've never forgotten.  Also, we had to learn how to write them.)  But some of the letters in the Seraphaem clue don't appear in the Greek alphabet.  Then, I tried using the Freemason Cipher, which is in the film, and got a bunch of stuff I haven't been able to tie together.  I have also pulled the numerical values of the Greek letters and I will work on that to see what I get.  The thing that will really frost my cupcake is that if I spend a lot of time on this riddle and it's a bunch of crap, time has been wasted on a snipe hunt.  Also, Seraphaem has left the building until the end of the season.  What's with that?  Then there is this "Organization Man" over in Legion who has these really dopey clues that can be interpreted in a thousand ways.  They seem to be correct, after the fact, but no good for prediction. 

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2004, 05:41:45 PM »
Its so sad  about Sera  :':')  I hope that he enjoys his time off..
btw, amikino would you believe it if I told you that I wondered if you were  Eulogia  :)_| nice that Sera aknowledged you  ^:)^
I agree with you on "Organization Man" any of his clues could be changed to who ever/what ever  he wants it to be  ::)
bunch of crappola ..

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2004, 10:18:46 AM »
Tee-hee!  :)*  Anyway, even though the Organization Man drives me nuts, I am still trying to figure out "Nothing to do with a wrap".  Of course, some of the people have guessed that he must be referring to Twila because of "Tanner", but I don't think it's that simple. 


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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2004, 10:37:13 AM »
Yeah, that's the guy. I did a search on submariner--submariner and came up with Chris. LOL