Author Topic: S37: Davie Rickenbacker (David)  (Read 2045 times)

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S37: Davie Rickenbacker (David)
« on: September 05, 2018, 12:40:51 PM »

Davie Rickenbacker

 Age: 30
Hometown: Orangeburg, South Carolina
Current residence: Atlanta
Occupation: Social Media Manager

Hobbies: Swimming, hiking, biking, fishing—basically any outdoor activity that involves my huskies. Playing Scrabble, cosplaying, and memes!
Pet peeves: I don't like people making decisions for me, especially without asking my opinion. Never expect a free ride with me if I see you being complacent. I will push you to get up and show initiative. There's nothing that bothers me more than a lazy person who acts privileged around those who've had to work for things their entire life. Oh, and calling me Dave or David instead of Davie, my momma named me that!

Three words to describe you: Uncommon, adventurous, and calculating.
What's your personal claim to fame?
My online presence. I've always prided myself on my social media presence via various platforms. I wear my pages on my sleeve so to say that anything a person wants to know about me they can find on my multiple accounts. I've been proclaimed "the social media guru" among my closest friends because I know every trick and trinket to the game.

Examples: Posting at peak hours to maximize the amount of "likes" you receive, guaranteed responses from females via Direct Messages (how to slide into them DMs), not to mention providing Grade A entertainment via video stories regularly.

I've often also been told that my Instagram/Twitter/Facebook is "my favorite" from friends and even been called by my Instagram handle in public quite frequently (@iHateDavie) by strangers. Social media is also the reason I became employed with the top agency in the world for Public Health. I can say with confidence that it is my expertise and claim to fame undeniably.
Who or what is your inspiration in life?
Rick Grimes is my hero, though he is a fictional character. I have learned so much from him, from leadership skills to dealing with new people and new surroundings. The lead character in The Walking Dead, Rick leads a group of average individuals who become stronger because of his teachings and experiences. 

He defeats all of his enemies in a strategic and calculating way. Rick is dedicated to the title that his group has given him and is a provider for his family and friends, like myself. He has good days and bad days but never gives up. I channel Rick in a crisis and it helps me stable my mind, while having a little fun in the process.
If you could have three things on the island what would they be and why?   
My harmonica. I believe in therapy and relaxation and making my own music will do just that. When I am stressed in the game, I can create this escape mentally and physically and maybe even look for idols in the process or entertain a few people and make friends along the way.

My Davy Crockett hat. It's my lucky hat. I have worn it to tests and passed and I have worn it on dates and gotten lucky. When I wear this hat, I channel my best self.

My Bible. I believe that Christ strengthens my being and it's important that I review his teachings, especially in times of chaos and struggle. 
Which Survivor contestant are you most like?
Jeremy Collins. He was genuinely a good guy that knew when to speak and knew when to observe, that's my Obama! Also, Tony Vlachos, in that he was an innovative thinker to the game. Finally, Adam Klein in that he's a family man with a giddy sense of humor. They are all winners and so am I!

What's your reason for being on Survivor?
I want to prove to myself that I can do this. I was always teased for not playing popular sports like my friends so this would be my ultimate competition. I'm the middle child so almost the black sheep of the family. Both of my brothers are so accomplished so I want to have my own unique medal of self-accomplishment. My secondary motivation is my pack, my huskies. Recently, my beta wolf Luna Moon was hit by a car. I thought she was dead but we were able to save her. However, not without me being in debt. With my winnings, I want to create an insurance company for pet owners so that when things like this happen to us, we won't be faced with the hardest decision of our lives (putting a pet down).
Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor?
I understand how packs work. As a Siberian husky breeder, I know that in order to gain the trust of my pups, I have to feed them. I'm a skilled fisherman so as soon as I can get in the water to catch fish for my tribe, I will earn their trust. I also build doghouses and construct kennels for my pups and with my tribe, this would be no different. Creating new innovative, comforting types of shelter will show me as an asset. Lastly, with my pack, I have to be stern with them. I will mingle with the entire tribe, not just a few to show my sociability while also being assertive with them when it's time to put my foot down.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2018, 01:41:33 PM by RealityFreakWill »