Author Topic: Fiji Thoughts  (Read 19591 times)

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Offline Mandoli

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Fiji Thoughts
« on: July 22, 2018, 08:18:38 AM »
I know this was brought up in the new season's board, and in the wishlist thread. I just want to get some detailed thoughts on Fiji being overused lately. Please agree or disagree if you'd like to join in, and give your opinions.

The show was great in the earlier seasons, when the locations mattered. Each season pretty much revolved around where the show was being filmed. Countries provided different elements. Why doesn't the show go back to its roots? Get to countries that they haven't been to before. Give contestants different challenges. All they're doing is giving them the same location now, with tribe themes (or twists). They lack creativity.

That's my two cents... Go ahead with yours.
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Offline Jimmer

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Re: Fiji Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2018, 02:04:14 PM »
I agree, I would love to see more unique locations used and have the editing would have a bit more of a focus on the surviving the elements of each specific location rather than focusing purely on gameplay. The Amazon and Pearl Island had a nice blend of this where the elements were a focus but the gameplay was on as well, which I think is what made them great seasons.

However, when Cambodia was introduced, there was only brief focus on the culture or elements/heat from a couple of episodes. It was nice to see, but I wish it would have a bit more of a focus.

Also, it seems that survivor is moving more and more into ~twists~ and powers and generally I would like to see more of a back to basics (a few Hidden Immunity Idols are fine). I wish we would see more diversity and focus in locations but I don't think that will happen anytime soon.

Offline BourkieBoy

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Re: Fiji Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2018, 05:24:19 PM »
They SO need to get out of Fiji! :res:

It's boring watching the same location, over and over again!

We need Survivor in African nation's, ASAP!  :conf: :woohoo:

Offline Hysha

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Re: Fiji Thoughts
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2018, 08:47:09 AM »
I'm so over it. Fiji is destroying Survivor, but it seems Probst love it, I guess because he can have good vaccations while filming but that way they are ending the show, themselves, only their own fault.

I don't care where they go, but anywhere except Fiji. No more Fiji, ever!

Since they are stuck in Fiji we are watching the same locations over and over, they don't even look for new places wtf Challenges and tasks are always at the same places and too many similar challenges, horrible and awful twists to make us believe is a good idea but they are so wrong. I'm so sorry I don't even know if I'm writing in english anymore I guess I'm doing terrible english mistakes but I get so upset with that topic because they don't listen the fans and this is no bueno!!

Africa, South-East Asia, SouthAmerica... tons of good locations around the world, and I don't care if they were already visited or if they are new places, but here we are, stuck in Fiji because the people there is so nice and it's cheaper. Damn Probst...
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Re: Fiji Thoughts
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2018, 11:42:39 AM »
Fiji is very convenient for Production. It works for them well.

I think that you all have to remember this is NOT a travel show. The actual location is never featured except for one visit as a reward to somewhere local: kids/school/ featured hotel or resort etc.

The Scenery itself IS important. The beautiful shots and views. The water. The heat and rain.

The setups for Production...camps/sleeping areas/food/medical etc are VERY important.

And we know from the dreadful African season that having beaches/water to swim in/girls and guys in bikinis is important "scenery" as well.

Plus with the financial bonus from Fiji I don't see this changing.

What Survivor continues to need are compelling PLAYERS and great NEW tasks. And perhaps less task interference from Jeff.

Watching TARaus is refreshing, I am enjoying them all so far. Fiji and all!
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Re: Fiji Thoughts
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2018, 01:09:36 PM »
Yeah I know, but they have to remember that Survivor is still on air thanks to us, the viewers, because without us the show ends, and staying in Fiji is what will happen someday because people is starting to get boring as hell with the location.

I'm ok with staying in Fiji if at least they would search for new places, but it's always the exact same spot season after season, and even that is important because it makes the season fresh and new.

There have been 32 season before going to Fiji (except Survivor: Fiji of course) and the show went really good and it continued, so I guess leaving Fiji is not that hard of a deal, they are not going to run out of money or comfort for leaving the country.

I'm not saying that they should go to the Sahara Desert to have a different view, but idk, every country has its something even if it's just a beach. Oh, and the worst thing is that they have to make dumb twists and create dumb names for the seasons because they can't name it Survivor Fiji 2, Survivor Fiji 3, Survivor Fiji 4, etc...

Of course, the most important thing and what they have to do first is make a great cast and make new tasks, I'm with you on that 100%.

They should watch Survivor SA, AU and NZ because this year they all kicked Survivor USA's butt.
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Offline Hubickichibi

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Re: Fiji Thoughts
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2019, 07:13:33 AM »
They want a cheap production, reuse camp logistics, challenges & tribal council props etc
I want exotic survivor like China (S15), Africa (S03) or Guatemala
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