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Offline puddin

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Apprentice Recaps ~
« on: September 17, 2004, 01:34:45 AM »
No real interest in The Apprentice this time around ? kidding  :)* I caught the last half hour , really good ending ..The Donald can be a real  Bad Ass  ?:) !

Ep2 Recap thanks to Zinc :)_{}

Show Recap: Apprentice 2 - Episode 2 Recap
Posted by: Zinc on Sep 17, 2004 - 12:52 AM
If you love everything Donald, you will love this episode.  Episode 2 was supersized for the super fan! 

Last week it was all about toys -- this week it's a  food thing!  The 17 remaining contestants have to work under pressure to make and market a new ice cream and they have to bring a level of sophistication to the challenge to impress the Donald. 

Who will be fired this week? 

You will be shocked ... I was!

The show starts with the contestants waiting to see who gets fired. There seemed to be a general consensus that Andy would be fired.   As you know, Rob got fired.   However, Andy seems to realize that he has more pressure o­n him to prove himself and admits that he is a "marked man" because of his age.  (He's 22 and you have to admit, it is pretty young to be running a company.)   A couple of the women, in particular, Ivana, thought Bradford was the weakest link o­n the team o­n the last challenge.  (Do I detect a mutiny?)

The phone rings at 5:00 a.m. advising them to meet the Donald at 8:00 a.m.   Stacie J. felt the experience was like high school - the women are ready to attach themselves to each other like friends but also ready to cut each other's throat.  She said she doesn't want friends.

The challenge:   The teams are to develop their own flavour of ice cream and then go out and sell it.  The team that makes the most money will win.   The other team will go to the Board room.  Someone will be fired.  As usual, George and Carolyn will be Mr. Trump's eyes and ears.

Mosaic all volunteer to be project leader so they take a vote.  Kelly was voted as project leader.   Kelly turns out to be very authoritative (some past military experience showed through).  He divided Mosaic into two teams - a sales team and a flavour selection team.  Kelly tells Wes he is going to lead the sales team.    Wes, Raj, Kevin and John are o­n the sales team and the rest go with Kelly.

Apex chose Ivana as their project leader.   Ivana's style as Bradford put it is too much of the velvet glove and not enough iron fist.  He summed it up rather nicely I think.

Donald Trump made an interesting comment.  He said lack of organization is lack of leadership and you cannot succeed with a lack of leadership.  Foreshadowing perhaps?

Mosaic Corporation:
Wes, leading the sales team, tries selling over the phone and really lays it o­n thick …  actually making things up to make a sale.  i.e. talking about focus groups that love it (and the focus groups don't even exist!)  While the sales side of Mosaic are making their phone calls, the flavour team, meet with the chef at Ciao Bello.   They decided to make doughnut ice cream with real doughnuts.  Problem is, they don't have any doughnuts.   So they hop in a van and crash two Duncan Donuts, cleaning out all their doughnut.  In 14 minutes, they got over 300 donuts.   

Apex Corporation:
Meanwhile, Apex is tossing ideas out left, right and centre.  Stacie J. was not impressed with the chaos.  No decisions are made.  Four o'clock is the deadline to come up with their idea and ingredients.  At 3:45, they still did not have a decision. Then, just in the nick of time,  they came up with Red Velvet.  Lucky for them, Ciao Bello had all the ingredients in house.  Next they started their sales strategy.  While the team is talking strategy, Stacey J. gets o­n the phone to hired 5 temps  -  but didn't tell the rest of the people.  Needless to say, the temps were not hired.

Mosaic Corporation:
The guy's Sales and Flavour teams finally get together and the Flavour team were disappointed with the sales side, in particular Wes, as they were not able to sell the ice cream  to any restaurants.  What to do? They decided o­n a new approach.  Kevin's brother had a long battle with leukemia so they decided to sell it o­n the street and part of their sales pitch will be that they will be donating some of their profit to charity.  They decided they would sell in front o­n Toys R Us in Times Square (smart move - kids/ice cream - get it?).

When Apex arrived back at the apartment later that day, Mosaic Corporation leave all their information out.  Apex loses no time in reading Mosaics business plan/agenda including the plan to go to Time's Square.   Apex promptly adopt Mosaic's plan to sell o­n Times Square.

That night, Bradford hollers to o­ne of the Mosaic team member, "you grow a set of boobies, you will be able to outsell my girls" … seems like he watched last season's episodes, eh? 

Mosaic Corporation:
The next day, Mosaic arrived early at Times Square.  They want to be there to sell ice cream at 8:00 a.m.  Raj had enough bow ties for the entire team so they had that old fashioned uniform look.  Initially there was a fight between Raj and John about spending cash for something to eat because it came out of profit but they soon got into the spirit of things.  They had two carts to use.  They put both carts together.  For a sales pitch, they called their ice cream the "breakfast ice cream" because it had doughnuts in it and it was early in the day.  (Too smart!)   They aggressively sold the ice cream (well with the exception of Pamela who added a whole new definition to "monotone".  The guys even got a "Scooper" (Definition of Scooper: a really cute girl to scoop ice cream to help sell ice cream to guys).   Andy even got the phone number of o­ne of the girl they tried to get to help them out? (Does this show his age or what!).  It should be noted that cash spent buying the doughnuts and the money they give to charity will be deducted from profits.  Therefore, the Mosaic team had a big decision at the end of the day - how much should they give to charity?  It could be the difference between winning and losing.

Apex Corporation:
Bradford got the team moving bright and early encouraging them to win.  If it took using their sex appeal, well, he had no problem with that!  Ivana said she would not play the sex card as strong intelligent women did not have to play that card.

They got to Time Square and started to set up to sell Red Velvet ice cream. Unfortunately, they had a run in with a vendor who had a permit for the spot.  That put a real wrench in their plans.  They decided to move.  They moved the cart (with the umbrella open).  They seemed just too disorganized - valuable selling time was wasted moving carts and then trying to find the second cart.  The second cart somehow ended up where it shouldn't be and they didn't know where they were.  However, when they finally got set up, Bradford really got into it, trying to "create a buzz" around their group.  He really went all out as a hustler.  Jennifer C actually got some of the restaurateurs to come to the cart to see their ice cream being sold/sample and hopefully buy (brilliant idea!) 

The day ends and it's back to the Board Room for the verdict:
$2,472.29 Apex
$2,707.85 Mosaic wins!

So Donald asks who the Apex team leader is and they say "Ivana" and Donald reacts,  "… every time I hear that name…"

Mosaic wins and gets to go out for caviar. 

Donald said from the Apex team has to go to the Board Room.  The o­nly o­ne who can't be fired is Bradford because he is protected.  As for the rest …

As all the contestants leave the Board Room, the Mosaic team stops to ask if the entire amount they made could be donated to charity. Trump agreed. (Way to go, guys!)

Mosaic Corporation:
At the restaurant, the Mosaic team enjoyed some very expensive caviar.  They had five different types of caviar.    I have to give them credit, they all tried it. Pamela loved it … I'm not so sure about the rest. 

Apex Corporate:
A few of the girls got together o­nce they reeturned to the apartment.  They decided that Ivana was the weakest link ( remember high school - talking behind other's back - very similar).  Ivana says they should all get together to hash out what went wrong. The women (with the exception of Stacie J) get together and start to blame Stacie J for the mix-up with the lost cart.  Stacie J. walks in during the middle of it and they all stop talking  (again - kinda like high school).  Stacey J. challenges them.   Bradford said it's an all out knife fight and I don't think he's too far off. 

Anyway, the women and Bradford head to the Board Room.  There is still over a half an hour left of the show.   However, if you removed the commercials, it probably about five minutes.  (Yes, we are at yet another set of commercials).

Finally - they are in the Board Room.  Ivana started by defending their stradegy rather unsuccessfully.  She is no match for Donald Trump.

Carolyn said that, basically, if she gave the task to a 10 year child, the child could do it.

Mr. Trump pointed out a number of strategic errors.  For instance, he noted that the men looked better, in terms of dress.  Brad said they didn't sell sex.    Ivana said that she didn't want to sell ice cream by selling themselves. Donald said there is a difference between selling sex and "selling sex".

At the table, the following comments were made:
Bradford felt Ivana was average. Bradford also said he felt he performed well and, very surprisingly, he said was willing to waive his exemption.
Jennifer felt Ivana could have been more decisive; she was "not great".
Sandy said that she would have known where her people were all the time.

Then they got in a catfight over whose fault it was that the lost cart was lost.

Maria felt Ivana was not as strong as she could have been.
Stacie J. felt Ivana was disorganized; didn't take control of the team.
Ivana said that Stacie J. required a lot of supervision. She was a liability.

Sandy, Bradford, Stacy, Jennifer and Maria thought Donald should fire Stacie J.

Ivana was asked to pick two or three people to go into the Board Room with her. She picked two people to take in and then changed it to three. Mr. Trump pointed out she was very indecisive.

Stacie, Bradford and Jennifer were picked to go back to the Board Room by Ivana.

More commercials - love those commercials (NOT!).

Prior to the contestants going back into the Board Room, Mr. Trump asked his advisors, Carolyn and George, who he should fire.  Carol leaned toward Ivana and George felt Stacie J. should be fired. 

They came back in.  Donald said that Bradford should not be there and was so "stupid".  Donald said he gave Ivana the choice of who should be there.  As Donald is speaking, Jennifer tries to interrupt him to speak and he stops her immediately.   

Donald asked Bradford if he should be fired because what he did was stupid. Should it be him that goes?  Donald said that Bradford was the best o­ne in the room. Again, Jennifer blurts out that "that's insane" and, again, Donald shuts her up.  (What is that girl thinking? He definitely runs the show in the Board Room.) 

Donald sums up why the four of them are there:
Ivana was a lousy leader, didn't have respect of team.
Stacie J was hated by all.
Jennifer really has got to keep her mouth shut because she opens it at the wrong time.
Bradford made a stupid, impulsive decision. 

He fired Bradford.

WOW!  I didn't see that o­ne coming at all! 

And then there were 16!

« Last Edit: September 30, 2004, 01:14:22 AM by puddin »

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Re: Ep2 Recap
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2004, 01:38:32 AM »
I thought for sure it'd be Ivana or Stacy, not Bradford, even after Trump reprimanded him for giving up "Immunity".

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Re: Ep2 Recap
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2004, 02:35:48 AM »
I was hoping The Donald wouldn't fire Bradford, but had a feeling he would.  The reason Donald gave for firing him was a HUGE lesson...not only to Brad, but to the others.  "Dont' blow it while you're ahead..."is what he was saying.  In the real world, a if a businessman has a big reward dropped in his lap, but tosses it only  b/c he wants to be a "good guy" & show everyone his heart is in the right place?  Puhleezz...gimme a break.  I could not believe Brad was so stupid!!  He was waaay overconfident that one of the girls would be fired.  Wow, did he get the surprise of his life. What a costly which he may never live down. :\/ 88)) **0 :(*8     

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Re: Ep2 Recap
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2004, 04:36:36 PM »
I don't think Trump really WANTED to fire Bradford.. I think he was just trying to bost his ratings and teach people a lesson. B:)
Wendy Jean


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Re: Ep2 Recap
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2004, 10:27:01 PM »

The Apprentice
No, he didn't! The Donald fired Bradford just because he got cocky and ran his mouth. That's so hypocritical. The billionaire Trump does that all the time, claiming his show was the highest-rated series of last season, overstating his personal worth and exaggerating the success of his projects. Yet when Bradford does the same thing he gets punished for it. Come on. I mean, yeah, it was stupid of Bradford to give up his exempt status. But to fire him for it... that's harsh.

And another thing. I've said it before and I'll say it again, The Apprentice is one of he best reality shows with the worst prizes ever. The Mosaic men worked like dogs selling ice cream and their just reward was $4000 caviar dinners. What. Ever. Caviar is just fish eggs. Personally, I think it's random that in the days of fish farms it's still a coveted delicacy. Now if the Donald had sent Mosaic to Russia for that dinner or given them the cash equivalent of their overpriced raw eggs and fancy bread meal, then I would have been impressed. I'm just saying.

Oh, and Stacie J., girl. You probably suspected it before, but you know it now: Your curly-topped self is marked for takedown. (BTW: Where do you get your hair done?) So you need to chill on the acting cracked-out crazy and make nice with the Apex divas. If Ivana can survive this, so can you. For real.

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Re: Ep2 Recap
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2004, 11:30:42 AM »
Wow Puddin!! That was really thought out!  :)_| I don't think I ever heard you talk like that before...  :)*
Wendy Jean


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Re: Ep2 Recap
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2004, 08:58:11 PM »
 :)* "it wasn't me"

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Re: Ep2 Recap
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2004, 10:28:32 PM »
Wendy Jean


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Re: Ep2 Recap
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2004, 12:01:21 AM »
The Apprentice 2: I'm Not Crazy
Episode 3 Recap
By Professor Dan
September 24, 2004     
Mosaic is at DeVries Public Relations, pitching their sweepstakes idea. Ms DeVries, the CEO, is doubtful that it can be arranged in a day, because of all the legal issues involved, but they'll try. Pamela says that "I've got to talk to Legal" generally means "No", and suggests to Andy that since he likes the idea so much, HE call Legal. Andy does, and initially the plan seems to be a go, although it's not certain yet. Privately, Pam grouses: "When the group voted to do this, we put our eggs, chickens; we put the whole damn PEN into this…" She's worried that, if Legal ends up shooting them down, they'll have no backup plan.

Apex: In a hilarious bit, Jenn C and Stacie J show up late that night at a storage facility in a VAN to pick up 20 THOUSAND tubes of toothpaste to give away in the next day's promotion.   
It seems that nobody thought to ask how big the tubes were, and Stacie J figured they'd be the itty-bitty travel-size ones. Wrong, shrub head, they're full-sized tubes, and there's a whole roomful of them, 834 CASES! Jenn C and Stacie are like "No WAY I'm moving THIS" (yeah, you might chip a nail!) It doesn't matter-the facility is closing in three minutes, so they won't be picking the toothpaste up tonight anyway. 
  It's around 2 AM, and Maria is on the phone to the printer who'll be doing their flyers for the promotion that morning. The guy refuses to guarantee the price for the job. Ivana, who is running the laptop and is keeping track of the expenses, questions Maria about this. Privately, she says that she's not going to take the rap if Maria puts them over budget by not locking in a definite price with this vendor. Maria acts like there's no problem.
Mosaic, 2:28 AM: Andy realizes that his butt is on the line over his plan. The call comes in from DeVries-after talking about it all evening, Legal has shot down their sweepstakes idea. Time for Plan Two, which is…? 
That morning in a public square in NYC, Mosaic runs their promotion. They'd already arranged to have circus performers there, and they go with that-there are stilt-walkers, fire-eaters, jugglers, circus girls in sequins, and the irrepressible Raj on the mic and bullhorn. AND they're still giving money away-three $5000 drawings! Privately, Pam explains that if you give away no more than $5000 in New York State, there are no legal issues. Kevin privately exults at how well the promotion is going: "It's good to be able to recover like this and have our contingency plan work out." (Hmmm, did Pam even KNOW about the contingency plan? What was all the "chickens and eggs and the pen" thing about then?)

Apex is putting on a good promotion too. Piazza shows up, says he's never tried Vanilla Mint flavor, but he's brushed with Crest all his life and NEVER had a cavity! Jenn C gushes privately: "He was FLAWLESS…" He brushes (with a Crest Spinbrush, of course!) and gives it the thumbs-up: "Tastes great!" Then Piazza signs boxes and the backs of the flyers for the fans, which pleases Elizabeth no end.

Back at Alliance after the event, Apex gets the bad news: the printer is charging them $6,950 for the flyers, because of the rush job and overtime costs. Maria thought it was $1800. Ivana gets on the line: "By you charging me $6950 you are RAPING me…" (Nice sensitivity there Ivana!) The guy won't budge, so Apex is now $5000 over budget. (Hmmm, didn't Trump say he HATES people who are over budget? Sucks being Apex!)

Everybody piles into a meeting room to see the P & G execs and get their verdict. Trump comes in last (of course!) The execs thought that both teams did a great job, but Apex maybe did a bit better because of getting Piazza. BUT, they were over budget. Trump asks Jennifer about this, and she says she "just found out about it". This doesn't sit well with Trump: "You're the Project Manager and you didn't KNOW you were over budget?" In any case, the P & G execs give the nod to Mosaic. Their reward? Dinner on the Queen Mary 2, the biggest ship ever built (Trump likes things big, remember?) as it cruises in New York Harbor that night. For the women: the boardroom!

The guys come aboard the QM2, and it is fabulous: it's longer than the Empire State Building would be on its side, and sumptuously appointed. They have a fabulous lobster-and-filet-mignon dinner, and end up on deck seeing the lights of New York and the Statue of Liberty. They belt out "America the Beautiful", and even Pam is singing with them.

Meanwhile, back at the suite, Stacy and Elizabeth want to hang the blame on (who else?) Stacie J. But really, it's all Maria's fault. Elizabeth confronts Maria, who tells her "You're totally trying to cover your own ass." Stacie J hears them arguing, but she still figures she'll be put up: "They've formed this sorority cliquish girl thing and I'm not part of it."

In the boardroom, Trump isn't happy. They went 10% over budget. He points out that if he was building a $500 million building and went 10% over budget, that'd be FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS. Elizabeth blames Maria, who attempts to defend herself, but is cut off by crusty George, who points out that she went over on ONE ITEM, and that they paid SIX TIMES what that item was budgeted for! (George's math isn't too good here-they paid $6950 on an item that was budgeted for $1800, so they paid roughly FOUR times what it was budgeted for.) Trump asks Stacie J who was responsible, and she puts the blame on Elizabeth for a lack of organization. Stacey and Ivana both claim that Elizabeth's organizational efforts were hampered by having to "put out fires" caused by Stacey J! So okay, who is Elizabeth taking to the boardroom? Maria and Stacie J.

Carolyn says that Elizabeth was a "terrible leader", and criticizes Maria for not taking the blame for her mistake. George says he wouldn't want to trust Maria with any money.

The ladies are called back in, and Maria brings up Stacie's "irrational" behavior in Week 1. This is the first that Trump has heard of this (doesn't he watch his own show? Doesn't Burnett talk to him?) Maria says of Stacie's behavior: "I've never seen anything like this." Elizabeth corroborates what Maria says. Stacie protests: "I'm not crazy!"

In a surprise move, Trump orders Maria to go get the other women back to the boardroom. As she gets up, she says, "I will say that I…" Trump cuts her off brusquely: "Maria, you've said enough… GO GET EVERYBODY." Maria says "Yes SIR" and TROTS out of the boardroom! (I was cheering! Trump is a GOD!) Maria half-walked, half-ran to the elevator, and once in the suite, quickly rounded up the others.

When everyone is back, Trump starts in. Elizabeth "stinks as a leader". Maria did a "lousy job". But this Stacie thing is more serious. He asks each one in turn to describe Stacie's irrational behavior. Jenn C called it "very odd". Ivana termed it "borderline schizophrenic". Stacey said it was "one of the most strange things" she'd ever seen, and that it scared her. Jennifer said it had occurred "in a confined period of time", and had not recurred ("THAT's great-- what does THAT mean?" said Trump derisively.) Sandy said she was "absolutely horrified", and said that she wouldn't have Stacie working in her bridal salon, let alone a Trump company.

Donald has heard enough. Noting that everybody had said the same thing, he describes Stacie J as a "loose cannon". He has no choice, and Stacie J's arc comes to an end as she hears the magic words: "You're fired". Afterwards, George and Carolyn confirm to Trump that he had no choice: "They were unanimous", George said. "Yeah, and they don't even like each other," Trump says to finish the show.

Dan is a college professor who somehow got hooked on Reality TV, especially ones with lots of strategy and twists. You can contact him at

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Re: Ep2 Recap
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2004, 12:02:03 AM »
Show Recap: The Apprentice 2 - Episode 4
Posted by: Zinc on Sep 29, 2004 - 11:55 PM
I wonder how many people didn't know that Episode 4 was o­n TV o­n Wednesday night instead of it's usual Thursday spot.  I must say, I didn't and I almost missed it! 

We've gone from boy's toys, food things and pearly whites to rested restaurateurs!  The 15 remaining contestants have to impress the general public with the "new" restaurant.  If you missed show because the network bumped the show foreword a day, never fear … the summary is here!  Who will Donald Trump fire this week?  Read o­n!

The show started with the contestants discussing the firing of Stacie R. Jennifer M thought the team used Stacie J to avoid being fired themselves. 

The next morning, they received a phone call to telling them to meet Mr. Trump at John George Restaurant at 9:00. 

At 9:00, Donald, Carolyn and Bill (last season's winner) were waiting for them.   George Ross was away o­n business so Bill replaced him for this show.

The Challenge:
Each team was given a chef and an empty restaurant property.  By the next night, they must transform the empty spaces into beautiful restaurants.  The team with the highest Zagat Survey  rating wins.  It was noted that Kevin, the project manager o­n the previous weeks winning team, was exempt (could not be fired).

Jennifer C was the project leader.  Right off the start, Stacey wanted it to be an Italian food restaurant.  Jennifer C decided o­n Asian food and said executive decision (no discussion).   Jennifer C said Stacie talked too much.   Apex's restaurant was long and narrow.   There seemed to be some confusion where they should do their paper work but it was decided that they should go back to the suite to work.  Later that night, it showed the Apex team going back to the restaurant to clean it.  They were still cleaning at 4:00 a.m. The women thought they had 2-3 hours sleep that night.

The next day, the women were up and out early.  Everything that was need (plates, glasses, tables, etc) were delivered.   Elizabeth wanted to take a few of the women and go out to promote the restaurant.  The next thing you see is Elizabeth crying because she thought she would fail.  She felt she was not herself (lack of sleep maybe?).  Jennifer M thought that "flyer girl" was all upset because she did not have enough time to pass out the pamphlets and she thought she should just get over it. 

Jen C and Stacey continued to argue with each other.  Reminds me a little of Roger Dangerfield … they just can't seem to get any respect.

The women all got in their "little black numbers" .  Sandy notes that she did the décor and felt she had done a really good job.  However, o­nce the restaurant opened, the customers didn't see it the same way.  Jen C asked to two ladies what they thought and they said "stark".  She felt they were wrong (but, Jen C, remember who is filling out that Zagat Survey).    We watched Jen C hover of the customers to the point it was slightly nauseating. 

Raj was project manager. Chris wanted to be the project manager but his job was training the team to be waiters.  He was teaching them the importance of making small talk. 

Mosaic had the place professionally cleaned.  While it was being cleaned, they went back to the apartment …  to bed …. and had a good night sleep.   John worked o­n the "look and feel" of the restaurant.  John did some artwork for the restaurant.  It came out looking really professional (hey, if the apprentice thing doesn't work out, he could always be a artist!)

Finally the restaurant opened and the started to welcome guests. Chris was worried about four gay guys critiquing the restaurant.  They were using what they could to get the good rating.  They really pulled out all the stops and it appeared that all the customers enjoyed themselves.

Donaldism- quality of a great leader is respect - people have to respect you or you can not be a leader.

We came back from a commercial to hear Jen C being interviewed and saying how she thought she brought the team together.  Next, Jennifer F said she did not think that Jen C inspired them.  She thought they launched the restaurant "in spite of Jen C"

Back in the Board Room with both teams:
Apex - based o­n the customer reviews (read by Bill) too many women in black like uptight stewardess, stark modern setting, slow uneasy service, A for effort.
 Food 22
Decor 16
Service 19
Total 57

Masaic - based o­n customer reviews - off to a good start, delicious food, hot eye candy waiters that are clearly anxious to please, etc
Food 22
Decor 18
Service 21
Total 61

Mosaic wins!

Mosaic's reward met with Rudy Giuliani (former Mayer of New York) in his office.

Apex is going back to the Board Room.

The Apex team was back at the apartment to wait to be called to the Board room.  Suddenly the whole high school thing started again.  So we're back to the backstabbing.  It got really nasty.  They went at each other … again … I have to wonder if this really is the best and the brightest?

Finally, they go back to the Board Room.  The Donald makes his usual grand entrance.

Donald said Rudy spoke about leadership to the Mosaic team and asked Apex team about he leadership o­n this project.  Ivana felt there was serious lack of leadership.  Jennifer C defended herself by saying that her father said basically, if you slept the night before, you wasted time you could have been using to get work done.   Donald pointed out that the Mosaic Corp hired cleaning people.  As a result, the Mosaic team were refreshed the next and Apex was not.

Carolyn felt the restaurant environment did not fit the neighbourhood.  Rob felt the energy level was not high, it was tense and that they were peering over the people as they ate.

Then the high school back stabbing started again.  As Carolyn correctly pointed out, it was to the point that any working woman would be embarrassed.     

Donald asked who should be fired:
Sandy felt Jennifer C should be fired.
Maria felt leadership was a problem.  Jen C talked the talk but didn't walk the walk.
Jennifer C chose 2 people - Elizabeth and Stacey to go back into the Board Room

Bill suggested to Jen C that pulling people into the Board Room for the wrong reason was the quickest way to go home.  "So make very certain why you are bringing these people into the Board Room with you."

Jen C said that she brought Stacy in because she is "a living thorn" in her side, etc.  Stacy said she brought her in for personal reasons. Elizabeth said Jen C picked her because she was looking for someone to pin the blame o­n.

Then Mr. Trump said that Jen C chose not to be a leader and the entire team hated her.  She did not bring the o­ne person that really screwed up and that this was easy…. "You're fired."

So the o­ne that always interrupted Donald was gone, and as he said "I feel good about it".

And then there were 14.

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2004, 11:40:15 PM »
Show Recap: The Apprentice 2 - Episode 5
Posted by: Zinc on Oct 07, 2004 - 11:31 PM
Now, we've gone from boy's toys, food things, pearly whites, rested restaurateurs to Lively Live TV. 

As the group slowly dwindles down, we start to see more of their personalities, strength's and weaknesses.  This week, the 14 remaining contestants have to SELL o­n LIVE TV.  The challenge is tough … are the apprentices up to the task?  Are the sellers going to attract enough buyers?   Can the women get along (for a change?)!

This week, Donald surprises us with his choice.  Who did Donald Trump fire this week?  Read o­n! 

The show starts, as usual, with the apprentices discussing last week's firing.  Donald notes that last week "left a bad taste in my mouth". 

The Challenge:
The task is to go the head quarters of QVC, pick a product and appear o­n live television selling the product.  The Team with highest gross sales wins. 

Of note: Raj is safe this week no matter what happens.  He's exempt as he was project leader of last week's winning team.

The Surprise:
Donald advises that with all the animosity between the women, this time Pamela is to go over to the Apex team where she will be the project manager for this task.  It is noteworthy that this is her SECOND time as project manager.  So we are back to the men against the women.

"Price it Right"
Today's Donaldism:  If you price something a little bit high, all of a sudden they don't buy. And if you price it a little bit low, the market comes and eats it alive.  You have to find the right price.  If you don't, big trouble.

It is a two hour bus ride to the QVC head quarters. Pamela is seen giving a speech about not caring about how they did things before because that didn't work.  She has to stop Stacey from talking while she was speaking.   

Pamela said she has to do 180 with the Apex team if they are going to win and can't do that by playing Mr. Nice Guy.   Pamela asks each person to advise what their strengths are so she can divide up the jobs.

First thing they do when they arrive is pick a product.  They decide o­n "It Works".  It's a cleaning block.  When water is applied, it takes out really hard-to-remove marks.  Ivana noted that Pamela was pretty busy giving everyone jobs but never took any specific responsibility o­n herself.

Pamela asked what Stacey's opinion was o­n pricing the product.  When Pamela can't seem to get an answer from Stacey, the pricing job is taken away from Stacey. Pamela and Stacey just didn't seem to mix (like oil and water). 

Ivana felt the product should be $19.99 but Pamela wanted it priced higher. Pamela finally makes the decision they will price it higher. 

It was decided, that Jen and Maria would do the TV demonstration.  They do a practice run.  Pamela finds Jen more convincing then Maria.  Maria did a lot of blinking and waiving her arms.    But instead of telling Maria privately about the concerns, it is told to Ivana o­n the microphone (with everyone, including Maria listening) that Maria did not do a good job but Jen did everything perfect.   Maria was not impressed at all with the way it was handled.

Finally time to go live to air.  They have twelve minutes o­n air and must make the most of the time available.  Jen starts talking about the cleaning blocks and for two minutes into it, there are NO SALES.  Then Jen starts demonstrating the product and things take off.   

Chris is Project Leader.  The guys picked a grill to sell.  They realize that pricing is important.  Kelly wanted the price high and Raj wanted the price lowered.  The price was discussed.  Although not everyone agreed o­n it, a decision was made.

The Mosaic team also had 12 minutes to sell their product. When they initially went live o­n air, it looked like "the 1929 stock market crash" the phone calls dropped so drastically.  Then they put a caller live o­n air.  Andy noted when the caller's testimonial came o­n air, sales jumped … especially when she said it was the best grill ever. 

By the end of their time, they sold approximately 200 units but expected 800 units to be sold.  This disappointed the team.  Raj noted the higher you raise prices the lower your volumes will be.

At the end of the day, the apprentices went into a large room with Mr. Trump seen o­n a large screen.  He indicated he had watched both teams o­n TV and found them both impressive.

The results were announced:
Apex - sold 659 units for $27.23 each for a total of $17,944.57.

Mosaic - sold 252 units for $71.25 each for a total of $17,955.00 

Mosaic o­ne by $10.43!

The Reward:
The winning team (Mosaic) were going to meet feisty John McEnroe and tennis babe Anna Kournikova.  They would be able to play tennis with them.  And, as a bonus, they would be able to sell their product again o­n live TV at QVC o­n October 11, 2004.

The guys were really excited about meeting the tennis players.  Andy was particularly thrilled to play tennis John McEnroe.  I bet Andy loved it when John said  "Andy's got some feel" for tennis while they were playing.  Meanwhile, Raj spent his time trying to get a date with Anna.  He said that he "must try at least".    He was cute in his efforts but Anna wanted to know what was in it for her.  Finally, Anna said if Raj returned o­ne of five serves, she would go o­n a date if not, he had to accept a dare.  It was hilarious to watch him missing each o­ne of her serves.  It was not in the cards for Raj to break Anna's serve.   He lost … so he had to accept the "dare".  He had to run around the stadium in his boxers (black in case anyone is interested).  As he was running around the stadium in his boxers, they started shooting tennis balls at him… and several almost connected and for sure o­ne did!  He was a good sport!

Back at the apartment:
While waiting to be called back to the Board Room, Pamela works out alone in the gym while the other women talk about her. Stacey thought Pamela should be fired because she didn't listen to others and that she took o­n the pricing responsibility and that was why they lost.  Ivana said that it was between taking out Pamela "or o­ne of us".

The Board Room:
Donald starts by asking Pamela why they lost.  Pamela said she considers it a tie.  George pointed out that they didn't tie.  It doesn't matter if it's $10 or $10 million dollars off, if you lost, you lost. 

When asked whom Pamela would bring back into the Board Room with her, Pamela picks Stacey and Maria.

And then we had no less than 8 commercials.  o­ne of the commercials even featured The Donald himself … it was some new "board" game he's selling (pun intended).

When alone, Donald asked George and Carolyn for their opinions. George was impressed with Pamela's leadership. Carolyn said the reason Apex lost this task was the product was overpriced and Pamela determined the price.

Stacey, Maria and Pamela were asked back in.

Pamela said she brought Stacey to Board Room because she didn't add o­ne ounce of value. Pamela said that Stacey speaks so frequently that it's actually distracting. 
Stacey said she was asked to do legal.  She said that Pamela later explained to her that she was "too legal".   Stacey said she would not act unethically, and she said that if Mr. Trump wanted another Enron o­n his hands "here's Pamela". 

Pamela said that she brought in Maria because Maria said she had a strong back ground in public speaking and Pamela said she thought Maria was very compelling when she spoke but when the camera was turned o­n she crumbled.

Stacey said she did not feel Pamela did a good job of assessing their skill set.  Pamela defended herself by saying she based her decisions o­n what the team said their strengths were. 

Donald said that she had to assess the team herself.  He said he thought she was really smart and she was really interesting. But "I totally disagree with your choices." Donald felt she didn't have a good assessment of people.

"Pamela, you're fired!" 

And then there were 13.
Recap Thanks to ~

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2004, 08:56:19 PM »
Show Recap: The Apprentice 2 - Episode 6
Posted by: Zinc on Oct 14, 2004 - 11:19 PM
Now, we've gone from boy's toys, food things, pearly whites, rested restaurateurs, lively Live TV to Fashion Flops! 

After what ... four straight losses ... Apex does not seem to impress a whole lot of people yet.  But I must admit, Apex lost the last o­ne by the slimmest of margins.  With Pamela fired last week, the remaining 13 candidates enter the fashion world with flare.   

Hey, BTW, did anyone catch the recap show that was o­n around 6:00 p.m.  It had about a 15-minute recap of last week's show and 45 minutes of new in-depth Boardroom discussions.  It was interesting to see how the women really went after Pamela in there. 

The show starts as usual with the candidates returning from the Boardroom to discuss the most recent Boardroom adventures.   The waiting candidates did not seem to be surprised that Pamela was gone.  As o­ne so kindly put it, "Ding dong the ice queen is dead".   

The Challenge:
This week the candidates were to produce a new clothing line that would (hopefully) become tomorrow's hottest fashions.  They were to chose a fashion designer and put o­n a fashion show.  Buyers from all over would attend the show and hopefully purchase clothing.  The team that earns the most money selling their fashion line will be the winner.

Of course, Chris is exempt as he was the project manager of last week's winning team.

"Know your Market":
Today's Donaldism:  You have to be able to pinpoint your market.  If you can't pinpoint your market, you won't be successful.

John was chosen as project manager.   They started off by interviewing potential designers.  Wes said they need someone not too "out there" but is really "fresh".  John picked Elsa as their designer and they got to work.

The guys had a struggle with choosing the designs.     Kelly got frustrated that John and Raj were fussing so much over the designs.  So when the designer stepped out to the ladies room, Kelly sat down and sketched out a design.  The team loved it and so did the designer when she returned.  Kelly got them back o­n track.

The Mosaic team also struggled with the fabric selection.  Actually, the camera panned over to Carolyn who was watching them making their selections.  She was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes.  Kelly again had to bring the group together to focus o­n each item.  Kelly mentioned he felt like he was doing the project managers work. 

The guys decided to call in the models to get some measurements (unlike the women who didn't feel they needed to call in the models for a meeting).  Raj said that Andy giggled the whole time the models were there (he's the young o­ne remember) and Raj admitted he couldn't remember what he did because "I was in some kind of chemical haze" (He's the o­ne who tried to pick up Anna Kournikova last week).   Their fashion designer, Elsa, did not look impressed at all.  She just kept shaking her head.

The next morning when they returned to the sewing room, they were surprised to find that they had barely o­ne piece finished.   The seamstress was frustrated.  Raj was continuously interrupting her work with questions.  Kelly finally told Raj to stop interrupting her.  Again, where was John? 

They worked o­n pricing and outfits until the last moment and then rushed over for the fashion show.  Noteworthy, Raj wore his standard outfit (a bow tie).

Maria was chosen as project manager.  They start off by interviewing fashion designers and end up picking Darren.  Or, should I say Maria just announced they were picking Darren, end of discussion. The Apex team split into two groups, o­ne group to interview the buyers and the other to design the clothes.  It was noted that the reason Elizabeth was o­ne of the people sent to interview buyers was so she would not slow down the rest of the team.

Darren (the designer) and the remaining women designed the whole collect over a 45 minutes period and a bunch of cheeseburgers. (Maria's idea to feed the them while they work and it seemed to work out.)  The women said they wanted their designs to be something they would wear themselves.

Next, they then went to pick out the material for the clothes.  As they were doing this, Elisabeth and Jen returned from their buyer's meetings.  Elizabeth immediately started to criticize their work saying it was "not original".   Ivana was not happy with that at all.

It was finally time to start making the clothes.  Darrin said they did not need to see the models that would be wearing the clothes, as they could use the measurements provided by the modeling agency.  So they went right to work with the seamstresses. 

The next day the women returned to the sewing room.  They tried o­n the outfits themselves and were very impressed with the finished products. Maria seemed just thrilled.

But show time was in three hours.  So Stacey and Elizabeth stayed with Darren to do swatches for the buyers and the rest went to supervise the models hair and makeup.  Elizabeth acknowledged that she wasn't a favourite of the group.

The Show:
The candidates sat in the front row across from the buyers.  The women's clothes were first down the runway. Their outfits were sexy and some were a little edgy but overall, very trendy, wearable clothing.   

Then it was the men's turn.  I must say, the men's stuff was just really unique Interesting   (You know what someone REALLY means when they say "interesting" right?) 

The Results:
Men's team - sales: $7,735
Women's team  - sales: $22,060
The women FINALLY won.  Maria will be exempt from the next boardroom.

The Reward: 
The woman got to go to a party.  Ivana noted the party was not the reward.  The reward was the fact they didn't have to face another Board Room experience!

The Board Room:
The men enter and are seat.  The Donald makes his usual entrance and immediately started questioning the candidates.   John thought they went in as underdogs but the critical errors were pricing.     It was pointed out that Kevin and Wes set the prices.  Donald noted that Raj was a hound dog with the models.

When asked by Donald:
· Raj said to fire Andy partly because he was young and not respected by rest of team.
· Andy said to fire John.
· Kelly said to fire Andy.
· Chris was exempt - but he said he would fire John.

John decided to take two people back in the Boardroom with him.  He chose Kevin and Andy. 

Query: Why do they not pick three people to bring in with them and increase their odds of staying?     

Kelly Chris, Raj and Wes went back up to the suite. 
The candidates step out of the Board Room. Mr. Trump asks George and Carolyn whom they like.  George liked Andy because he is "raw material" but with proper training he could be exceptional.  Carolyn liked John but admitted he made "way to many mistakes".

The candidates are called back into the Boardroom.

Andy indicated he did not know why he was here.  Donald asked John why Wes wasn't in the Boardroom if pricing was the big deal.  John said he made a mistake not bringing in Wes.  But he went o­n to say that he put his heart and soul into this.  He then made a big speech basically apologizing for the mistakes he made.

Donald said Andy should not be in the room.   Kevin had made a critical error by overpricing the designs.  However, John's mistakes were
1. not bring in Wes as he is just as responsible for pricing as Kevin
2. but even worse than that was that he had no involvement in the pricing and as the project manager that was inexcusable. He made too many bad decisions. 

"John, you're fired."

After, Donald said, "I think John's outstanding.  I have to tell you I hate firing people that are that good.  But we had no choice.  I mean he just made too many bad decisions this time."

And then there were 12.

 Recap copied from ~  :)_{}
« Last Edit: October 15, 2004, 06:32:48 PM by puddin »

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2004, 10:09:39 AM »
Was anyone else glad Pamela got FIRED? I was.... she seemed like a real ball buster...  :)*
Wendy Jean


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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2004, 04:27:22 PM »
Maybe i'll start watching it now Wendy? I really can't get into it this season..
Teams Go to the Dogs. Stacy R. Fired.

EP6 Recap
October 21, 2004

Kevin and Andy returned to the suite, letting all of the other candidates know that John had been fired. In an interview, Wes said that people would now think twice about bringing Andy into the boardroom, as he had survived the experience twice. With the firing behind them, the two teams sat down to dinner together - and then the phone rang. It was Mr. Trump's office and he wanted to see everyone back downstairs, immediately. The candidates left their half-finished plates and headed back to the boardroom.

Once the teams arrived, Trump instructed them to name their Project Managers right then and there; the two teams had just seconds to confer and reach a decision. Jennifer M. became Project Manager of Apex while Wes led Mosaic. Then Trump threw the big curve ball and announced that there would be a "corporate restructuring." He said that each Project Manager would have to pick three people to trade away to the other team. Jennifer M. gave up Sandy, Maria and Stacy R. while Wes let go Raj, Chris and Kevin. That meant the new Apex was Jennifer M., Ivana, Elizabeth, Raj, Chris and Kevin. The new Mosaic became Wes, Andy, Kelly, Sandy, Maria and Stacy R. Trump commented that some people might feel badly about being given up by their teams - but Trump said "That's life and that's business, so deal with it." He added, "Now is the time to really prove yourself." And with that, Trump sent the rearranged teams upstairs. In an interview, Sandy said that she really looked forward to beating Apex - and making Jennifer M. regret her decision to trade Sandy.
Kevin and Andy returned to the suite, letting all of the other candidates know that John had been fired. In an interview, Wes said that people would now think twice about bringing Andy into the boardroom, as he had survived the experience twice. With the firing behind them, the two teams sat down to dinner together - and then the phone rang. It was Mr. Trump's office and he wanted to see everyone back downstairs, immediately. The candidates left their half-finished plates and headed back to the boardroom.

Once the teams arrived, Trump instructed them to name their Project Managers right then and there; the two teams had just seconds to confer and reach a decision. Jennifer M. became Project Manager of Apex while Wes led Mosaic. Then Trump threw the big curve ball and announced that there would be a "corporate restructuring." He said that each Project Manager would have to pick three people to trade away to the other team. Jennifer M. gave up Sandy, Maria and Stacy R. while Wes let go Raj, Chris and Kevin. That meant the new Apex was Jennifer M., Ivana, Elizabeth, Raj, Chris and Kevin. The new Mosaic became Wes, Andy, Kelly, Sandy, Maria and Stacy R. Trump commented that some people might feel badly about being given up by their teams - but Trump said "That's life and that's business, so deal with it." He added, "Now is the time to really prove yourself." And with that, Trump sent the rearranged teams upstairs. In an interview, Sandy said that she really looked forward to beating Apex - and making Jennifer M. regret her decision to trade Sandy.

Back in the suite, Wes wanted to get to know his new team members a little bit better. Wes told Stacy R. that what he knew about her was that she was good at arguing and asking questions. And with that, Stacy R. launched into a series of questions. In an interview, Wes said, "Stacy can't shut up." Wes worried about the negative impact of Stacy R. asking too many questions. He said that asking too many questions can waste time and lead you to second-guess yourself. On Apex, Jennifer M. got to know her new team members. In an interview, Chris, who has only a high school education, said he knew that Jennifer M., who has degrees from both Princeton and Harvard, is intelligent and by-the-book. Chris said, "She just doesn't believe in guys like me. I think that everything about me is just something that she doesn't like."

The next day, the two teams met with Trump in Central Park, where they learned that for their next task they would have to create a dog service business - any business related to dogs. The team with the most profits would be the winner. The losing team would be back in the boardroom where another candidate would be fired. For this task, Carolyn and Trump's Chief Financial Officer, Allen Weisselberg, would observe.

Jennifer M., Apex's Project Manager, decided to keep things simple and offer a dog washing service. Half of the team would wash the dogs while the other half tried to drum up business by letting the dog owners know about their "doggie makeovers." However, Raj didn't think things were going so well. He said that half of the dogs didn't want to be washed and the owners of the other half didn't have any cash on them. Raj was frustrated and suggested splitting up the team to create another dog washing location to increase sales. But Jennifer M. shot that idea down. She thought it was important to keep half of the team members on promoting the single dog washing location. Raj predicted that this strategy would lead the team down the "path to defeat and doom."

Wes, Mosaic's Project Manager, decided that the team should donate part of their proceeds to charity; he felt that dog owners were generous people and would be more likely to get their dogs washed if some of the money would go to help a worthy cause. But after spending hours on the phone to get the New York City Fire Department on board, the team was told they could not use them as their charitable organization partner. In an interview, Stacy R. said she was frustrated that the team wasted two hours on a "dead end." She declared that, "Our failure is solely attributed to Wes." Even after the setback, Wes still felt that partnering with a charity would be a good strategy, so he asked Andy to find another one. Andy used one of the team's two cell phones to call around - and he finally found a cat shelter, Kitty Kind, to partner with. But when Andy and Kelly met up with Maria, they realized that Andy had left the cell phone in a cab that was long gone. Kelly called this a "critical mistake" and said that losing one of the team's cell phones would severely limit what the team could do. For example, he said that the team could no longer split into two groups that could communicate. Kelly wondered what kind of effect this one error would have on the team's bottom line.
On Apex, Raj again went to Jennifer M. and suggested that a few people split away from the group and try to earn some money at another location. This time, Jennifer M. agreed. So, Chris and Ivana headed out to offer doggie massages. Chris wasn't excited about the idea, to say the least. In an interview, Chris said, "I'm really not too keen on going up to a stranger and asking them if I can massage their dog. Friggin' nuts." Chris said that if anyone came up to him offering to massage his dog, he would think about kicking them in the head. But Chris took one for the team and rubbed dogs for a dollar a minute. However, Chris called the experience "degrading" and "embarrassing." Apex also expanded into doggie nail clipping. While Kevin did his best to hold yelping and growling dogs, Jennifer M. clipped away.

Mosaic set up a doggie makeover station near a dog run to wash dogs. However, Kelly felt that they had gotten a late start on the day and missed some revenue opportunity. Stacy R. and Wes went out to promote, but felt they weren't getting many customers. Stacy R. suggested dressing people's dogs up in costumes and taking their picture with the team's instant camera. Wes said that the idea didn't make any sense from a cost recovery standpoint. Stacy R. thought that the team needed to invest money to make money. Wes said the doggie outfits were too expensive and so he killed the idea.. Back at Mosaic's Makeover Station, Sandy and Kelly washed dogs both big and small. Sandy said she was annoyed that Stacy R. never offered to relieve her or even bring her something to drink.

At the end of the day, Chris from Apex thought that the results would be close. Wes, Project Manager of Mosaic, thought that anything could happen. That night, the members of Apex washed off the dog hair and went out to dinner together. Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening and Kevin said that they "blew off some steam." But in an interview, Ivana said, "If we lose this task today, it'll be Jen's fault. Jen doesn't know how to draw the line between being a team member and being a team leader."

The next day, all of the candidates arrived at the boardroom to hear the results of the task. Carolyn announced that while Mosaic had a late start, the team did "okay" and pulled in a profit of $122.12. Allen said that Apex was well diversified - both in terms of location and services - and earned a profit of $307.41. As the winning team, Apex would get to meet with Michael Bloomberg, the current Mayor of New York City.

Apex enjoyed their reward of meeting with the Mayor. Raj said that a reward that involves acquiring knowledge is far better than an expensive meal. Back at the suite, Wes talked with Kelly and Stacy R. Wes said he counted on Andy for creative ideas, but on this task, he didn't deliver. In an interview, Stacy R. said, "Wes failed as Project Manager. He made some very wrong decisions that cost us our victory. And he's going to be fired tonight."

That night, Mosaic assembled in the boardroom. Maria, who was exempt from being fired, said that the problem boiled down to leadership. Kelly said there was a problem with slow decisions from Wes that cost the team some precious time. Sandy said that the team didn't get enough traffic and Trump suggested that the problem was their location. Wes said he thought about splitting the team up and trying another location but that he couldn't because Andy had lost a team cell phone and there would have been no way to communicate with the two separate groups. Trump turned to Andy and said that he'd been sticking up for him but that Andy had "sorta been a disaster." Andy disagreed, saying that on this task, he closed more deals than anyone. Andy also said that he landed the charity the team worked with, which led to at least 75% of their dog washes. But Trump was unimpressed with the cat charity, Kitty Kind. He thought it wasn't a good fit because the team was trying to sell to dog owners. Kelly said that he'd rather work with Wes than Andy because he can count on Wes. Stacy said that she would fire Andy. Andy said he would fire Wes. Finally, Wes chose to bring Andy and Stacy R. back into the boardroom to face the firing with him.

With just his advisors, Trump asked for input. Carolyn didn't have kind words for anyone. She said Stacy R. didn't produce; Andy was all over the place and Wes was somewhat of a poor leader. Allen thought that Andy losing the cell phone was a big mistake and he said that Stacy R. didn't really produce. Wes, Andy and Stacy R. returned to the boardroom where Wes said that Stacy R. wasted time with a bad idea. Carolyn questioned what Stacy R. contributed to the team. Trump said that Wes did a lousy job as a Project Manager and that Andy made a terrible mistake by destroying the team's ability to communicate. But Trump said he was tired of Stacy R. complaining. He was tired of her never taking responsibility for anything. He also said that she couldn't sell her idea to Wes. He said that you can't blame the Project Manager when you're unsuccessful in getting your point across. And with that, Trump said, "Stacy, you're fired."

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2004, 02:52:52 AM »
Good riddance to motormouth Stacy R!  Yikes...she was sooo way annoying and her voice just drove me up the wall!  |:(

I like Jenn M, but dang...i scringed when she was cutting the dogs' toenails, b/c she cut into the "quick". arrrgghh! poor doggies.  :':') :':')  I used to raise/groom poodles. It's difficult trimming the nails, & ya MUST know exactly where to cut.  Just imagine getting the tip of yur finger cut off.  That's how it must feel to a dog when the groomer trims into the quick.  I don't think they should've trimmed the nails at all b/c they didnt know diddely about it.  :(*8 :(*8 :(*8
 Just bath & brush.  They would still get paid the same...

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2004, 09:38:52 PM »
Didn't catch it but , from what I read on another board  Elizbeth was fired ...


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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2004, 04:18:43 PM »
yep. She was in charge of an advertising campaign for NYPD. Andy was the other one. Elisabeth didn't want to go military with it but she let her team sway her to and fro. Honestly she couldn't make up her mind about anything. The Donald didn't even let her go to the board room with the two guys she had picked. He said it was a waste of time and" Your Fired." As soon as she said the team disagreed with what she wanted to do and she had to back down, I said "ut oh." She deserved to be fired really. It was pitiful.

Andy wouldn't be swayed from his course of action. No one else really had any input because he told one he would not do military and, he would not do sex appeal with topless cops on their bikes. LOL The commercial he made was out standing.

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2004, 07:08:17 PM »
thanks River..I was trying to watch it but, our Rob wouldn't shutup  B:) 88)) :)*

The Apprentice 2 - Episode 8 recap :: Permalink
Posted by: Zinc on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 11:04 PM
 Ok, so far we've had boy's toys, food things, pearly whites, rested restaurateurs, lively Live TV and fashion flops.  Last week we went to the dogs… what's next?

The eleven candidates are off to recruit officers for the NYPD.   How did they do?  Well, to be honest, it was a no brainer which team would win and which candidate was going.

Read o­n and find out … 

The show started with the usual shots of the candidates waiting for the Board Room results.   They all thought Andy would go so they were completely blown away when Andy returned from the Board Room.  Stacey was fired.

This week, they were told to be ready by 8:00 a.m. and wait by the TV in their suite. 

Donald welcomes them via their TV to week 8 of their 15 week job interview.  Donald advises the candidates that he was o­n his way to the Miss Universe pageant.  He also advises them that Bill, last season's winner, was meeting him there.  (I'm sure Raj would take full advantage of that job perk.)  Mr. Trump pointed out that Jennifer is exempt this week.

The Challenge:
They are to make up an advertising campaign for the NYPD to recruit new police officers.  The team that does the best recruiting campaign for the NYPD will win. 

Apex - Jennifer, Raj, Chris, Kevin, Ivana and Elizabeth :
Elizabeth is project manager.  It should be noted that this is Elizabeth's second time as project manager.  She was o­n the losing team the first time she was the project manager so she doesn't want to end that way again.

They arrive at the police training facilities and start to strategize.  They realize that they have the entire training facilities including helicopter, swat team, etc. at their disposal. Sweet.

They spent a great deal of time in discussion about the direction of the advertising campaign.  It quickly becomes apparent that Elizabeth wants to go o­ne way and the team wants to go the other way.  Because so much time is going by, Elizabeth decides they must start shooting before they have all the shots figured out.   Raj wants a military campaign.  Elizabeth does not.  Things seem confusing.

Later that night,  we see Kevin and Elizabeth staying up late to come up with some new ideas for the campaign.   As they are heading back to the suite, Elizabeth notes she is going to make some enemies the next day.

The next day Elizabeth presents the ideas to the team.  Elizabeth kept flipping back and forth o­n the decision so much so that it was hard to follow.  Five hours before they must give their presentation to the advertising executives, they still don't seem to have a firm plan.   The team actually starts discussing mutiny,  (you know, firing Elizabeth), so Kevin goes as far as telling her to her face that she's in trouble with the team.  But she just won't listen.  Kevin admits he had to take drastic action to get Elizabeth to listen.  Time was running out.  He tells her she MUST make a decision o­n the campaign and stick to it.   

It was very clear that it is Elizabeth against the team.   Even Carolyn noted Elizabeth's inability take control of the leadership role has lead to animosity in the team.   

But, time has run out.  So they make their presentation.  Chris made the first part of the pitch and then Elizabeth presented the printed ads and the TV commercial.  Their campaign had a very dark side to it … almost a scare tactic.

Mosaic - Wes, Sandy Maria, Andy, Kelly
Andy is Project Manager.  Maria and Andy start off locking horns a bit because Maria said she has experience in advertising and tries to take over but Andy has ideas of his own and stops her.  Andy really likes his idea and enthusiastically presents it but Maria seemed worried that they stripped the sex appeal out of the campaign.    Kelly sided with Maria o­n this point and mentioned this may come back to haunt Andy in the Board Room if they lose.

They too must film their commercial in a limited amount of time.  But there's a problem … clouds start rolling in.  With the weather turning, Andy acknowledges that he can't lose his composure and must stay focused.  They have to get the filming done before the rain starts. 

When it is time to give the pitch, Kelly felt very strongly he should be the o­ne giving the pitch but Maria thought Andy could do it.  Andy said he would introduce it and let Kelly do "the rest" as Kelly put it.

At last it is time for Mosaic to present their campaign to the advertising executives. Their campaign had a tag line "When was the last time… " which ran through out the posters and commercials.  It was obvious that Mosaic would win. 

No surprise, Don Deutsch announces it wasn't even close … Mosaic wins by landslide.

The Reward:
Donald announces "The city is going to do something amazing for you … be ready at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning."   So the next day a limo picks up the Mosaic team. Then, for no apparent reason, the limo stops in the middle of Time Square.  To their amazement, they realize that their ad is running over Time Square.  They LOVED IT!  They felt it was incredibly rewarding to see their ad running like that and even Maria thought it was "very cool".

The Board Room:
The candidates enter and are seat.  Then the Donald makes his grand entrance.

Donald asked Elizabeth what went wrong.  She said they didn't have a good idea when they started shooting. She said she didn't think it was her fault - more just a team problem.   Donald asked her if she was a good leader.  She said she stood by her decisions.   Donald asked to see the ad.  We had "the pleasure" (and I use the term loosely) of watching it again.  After viewing the ad, Donald said "Based o­n that, I feel like I live in a police state"  Carolyn thought it was "pretty bad". 

They next discussed Raj's support of the military theme.  Raj firmly believed it was better than any other alternative because there were no other alternatives.  It was the o­nly idea.    No o­ne felt Raj was to blame.  They felt the leader was weak and ineffective.    Kevin pointed out that Elizabeth and him had hammered out an idea for 2 or three hours.  They had agreed it was a good idea.  But the next day, after discussing it with the team, she changed her mind again.  Donald pointed out that she let the team change her mind for her.  "I see no leadership."
Donald asked her who she would bring back in the Board Room with her and she picked Raj and Chris. 

With a sudden change to the usual format (which caught me quite by surprise) Mr. Trump suddenly looked up and said "Honestly Elizabeth, I don't think it is necessary, you're fired."

It was a no brainer.  Good move Mr. Trump.

And then there were 10.

Offline puddin

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2004, 08:54:28 PM »
 11/4 Raj is fired........updates to come later

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2004, 08:56:29 PM »
Raj is whoo hoo handsome, but too cocky for his own good.   He sure goofed up w/ that bathroom barely in place!!  How pathetic to evne think his team would win w/ such a sloppy job.  88)) He deserved to get fired!!  :)()

Interesting eppy tho and I do love the NYC scenes!!  Have never been there, but would love to!  What a city!  ^:)^

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2004, 11:50:32 PM »
dont you think that his choice of clothes were a little odd  :)*

The Apprentice 2 - Episode 9 Recap :: Permalink
Posted by: Zinc on Thursday, November 04, 2004 - 11:23 PM


Donald loves to throw in a few surprises - and today's show was no exception.

The candidates had a real surprise with this week's challenge … talk about reoccurring nightmares!  The candidates welcomed back (and I use the term loosely) four candidates that had previously been fired.

Read o­n and find out …..


The show starts with five candidates returning from the Board Room.  Those waiting were surprised as they heard about the way Elizabeth was fired.  Maria summed it up rather nicely "every freaking time we go into that place, something insane happens". 

It should be noted that Donald's Chief of Operations replaces George for this week. 

The Challenge:
The teams are given $20,000 each to renovate two houses that are in a truly dilapidated state.  The winning team is the team that increases the value of the house by the highest percentage.

As Trump is handing the credit card to Raj (project manager this week) he states,  "Make sure to spend it o­n the house, not o­n the women".

But Donald wasn't finished yet.  He tells the candidates that in life you have to work with people you don't like so he was bringing the teams a couple of assistants.  It turns out the new assistants are four of the previously fired candidates.  He brings back Rob and Jennifer to work with Mosaic and Bradford and Stacey to work with Apex.  Ivana did not look too happy with this news at all.

Donald noted that Andy is exempt from firing this week should his team lose as he was project manager of last week's winning team.

The commercials for this week's show promised to stir up the mix and we weren't let down.   The returning candidates didn't waste a minute.  Stacie decides she should approach the girls individually.  Stacie starts by talking to Ivana because Ivana said she was "crazy" in the Board Room.  Ivana defended herself by saying "it was a safety issue".    And the fight was o­n!

Eventually, we cut to a (much needed) commercial.

Today's Donaldism:
"Control your contractor"
You have to know how to deal with contractors and you have to be tough because they will pick your pocket and you won't even know what happened.

Apex -Raj is the Project Manager,  Chris  Elizabeth, Ivana, Kevin, Stacie and Bradford:
The team head for the house and immediately start planning the reno.   They have a contractor "Carlos" that they hire because Kevin wanted him.  Raj said he was nervous about Carlos because contractors don't always do what they say.  Raj goes to work making the four bedroom house into a three bedroom house.  Jennifer did not agree with this decision and voices her opinion.    Chris says the team has "no chemistry". 

Jennifer felt the contractor was "screwing around with Raj" not "taking it seriously".  In the last 20 minutes before their time is up, the house seemed to be in complete chaos.   Raj was concerned about the upstairs bathroom.  Carlos had all the appliances ready to be set but it "looked like nothing" according to Raj.   They showed us (the viewers) the toilet, shower, etc sitting there, not hooked up at all.

But time was up.  So Raj showed the house to the appraisers.  His sales pitch was that they would "leave the prospective buyer with as much opportunity in terms of imposing their own ideas of décor and finishes as possible."  In other words, they didn't finish their work.  It was also noted that they had new carpet put in and someone dirtied it so the new carpet needed to be replaced. 

Mosaic - Sandy is Project Manager -  Andy, Wes, Maria, Kelly, Jennifer and Rob:

The team head straight for the house and with meeting the contractors.  They start out pricing projects.  Rob went into it with a hands o­n approach.  We watch him working outside, inside, back outside, all over the place.   

It is raining outside and they are running short o­n time and the contractors were running late.  Kelly said that if it doesn't get finished, it's squarely o­n Sandy's shoulders.

Sandy thought the team was slowly losing track and could "smell defeat".  Andy realized that the contractor was in serious trouble.   It appeared that Andy got some new guys in.  They had contractor "John Jr." working and next thing they know they have all the contractor's cousins starting to show up.  But work appeared to be getting done even though there seemed to be a lot of them standing around.

When their time was up, the appraisers came through.  Sandy said she was proud of the house and made her sales pitch as if it were her own.   She talked about all the work they did including adding in a full bathroom upstairs.  It looked good. 

The Decision:
Apex - original appraisal - 385,000
Reappraised $412,500 - increased by 7.14%

Mosaic - original appraisal - 390,000.00
Reappraised - $430,000 - increased by 10.26%

The Award:
Mosaic wins!! Their reward is a trip to an estate in the Hamptons and to enjoy a little well deserved R & R.  They will fly by Helicopter with Rob and Jennifer.  But Mr. Trump noted that Rob and Jennifer will "get lost" after enjoying the reward because they had already been fired.
Mosaic team loved the helicopter ride.  Some of the candidates had never been in a helicopter but they all enjoyed seeing New York.  They said the view from the helicopter was just incredible. Wes commented, "It gives you a taste of what it would be like to be Donald Trump."
They get out of the helicopter and into a limo.  The house they visited in the Hamptons was just massive.   After touring the house, they went to the beach and enjoyed the ocean.    As Andy stated "The hungrier you are, the better the food tastes".  The worked hard and really enjoyed the reward.

Before the Board Room:
Raj is upset with himself.  Jennifer M. said it would be easy to go after Raj but they should focus o­n who they want o­n the team.  Jennifer felt Ivana was the weakest member of team and even told Ivana to her face.  Jennifer M. said she would back Raj. 

The Board Room:
The candidates enter and are seated.  Mr. Trump makes his usual entrance.  Raj said they were over promised and the contractor didn't deliver.  Raj said he was the person who picked the contract.  He accepted that responsibility.

It was noted that Ivana and Kevin backed the choice of contractor.  Jennifer said that Stacie did a great job.  Even Trump said that she was terrific. Then, for some reason, Ivana butts in that Jen said Stacie should be taken off the window job she was doing because she was not doing a good job.  Donald asked Ivana "why are you so nasty".  He said that there was no reason to do that; she did a good job so leave it alone.   

Donald asked Bradford who he would fire and he said Ivana.

Trump thanked Stacie and Bradford for a great job and then asked them to leave the Board Room.

Raj picked Kevin and Ivana to go back to the Board Room. 

The rest were dismissed.  But instead of leaving, Chris said he had an important point to make.  Chris said the chemistry was horrible o­n the team. Carolyn said it "sounds disloyal".  Donald then offered the opportunity to have Raj bring in Chris to the Board Room based o­n that statement.  Raj said no.  But you could tell Donald wasn't happy with Chris' outburst.  He said "I have teams that are a mess, I don't like hearing about it."
Carolyn said don't tell us about it, fix it. 

After some further discussion, Donald said Chris would be the project manager next week. If I were Chris I would be worried because Donald said "You will be the project manager next week and I'll be watching very closely." 

The Board Room:
Donald asked Raj who he should fire.  He picked Ivana. 
Donald pointed out that Kevin picked the contractor but then Kevin said he didn't.  Donald point out that now he said he didn't but before he said he did.  He stated that Kevin was the o­ne that pushed the contractor.

Ivana said she was plugging hole.  Raj said that that was his job.  But Ivana said, about Raj "sometimes he requires adult supervision".

Donald then told Raj that Ivana shouldn't have been brought in and that he turned a four bedroom into a three bedroom.  And finally "when Chris opened up his stupid mouth … you didn't want to bring him back to the Board Room".  "I think you made a lot of mistakes."  "Raj, you're fired.  Too many mistakes."

True to form, o­n the way out of the Board Room, Raj tried to get the receptionist's phone number.

And then there were 9.          (#)

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2004, 01:25:15 AM »
What was Raj thinking when he changed a 4 bedroom house to a three bedroom house??? I knew he was in trouble when the contractor said he would get to something once he finished his taco.  I think based on Raj's ability to be so bold and ask any beautiful woman for their phone number--they should develop a show just for him.  It should be called " Rejection: A single man on the loose.  :()() :()() :()()


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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2004, 07:26:17 AM »
Thanks puddin. I missed the show this week.

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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2004, 08:03:08 PM »
Puddin- I thought Raj's choice of clothes were hideous! He is awful! He seemed like he could be smart- but he was trying to be too much of a leader when he lead the team- and ultimately was fired for it... He should have paid more attention to the bathroon, like RudyRules said...  :)*
Wendy Jean


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Re: Apprentice Recaps ~
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2004, 09:41:01 PM »
I beleive it was Chris that got fired tonight..details to come