Just read through the last 7 pages or so here. GeorgiaPeach, I really hope I am not going off topic here at all, just trying to put together events discussed so far. If I do, apologies and delete this, it's tricky navigating what is true and what isn't.
Stuff that jumped out at me.
A second leg here wouldn't surprise me, since as I said before, going to southern Africa and only racing in a downtown area of what looks like any big city in the world just strikes me as odd for TAR. IF they are still there though, it could just be for flights or a rest stop? Alternately, I could see them "racing" at night if it was an indoor or protected location, like a museum or even the race track there.
What is with so many posters here saying "we" (and definitely not meaning RFF) and I only ask this because the TeamJody15 account is suddenly protected after providing great photos all season, even if their conclusions haven't been accurate, they come up with great sightings, and now we can't see them?
HOW did they "perform a song" and all arrive nearly together at the mat? This one really confuses me, since that kind of task tend to be "taking a turn" usually while practicing off the stage with local teachers. From the google map link I found, that stage seems to be in the North West corner of the park, so they would have to navigate THROUGH the park as well as about 3/4 city blocks to find Phil. BTW I agree that Phil was in front of the Econet Store for shadow searchers, but if they all came in together, seems pretty useless.
My guess there is a possible second task, a short one, in the park, not sure if task is the right word. What I mean is something like that sculpture garden outside the museum in the North East section of the park. Finding a certain statue with a cryptic clue that would lead them back to First Street and Phil, and could allow teams to arrive close together, as we've seen from photos taken there.
As far as the flights, heading to Australia or New Zealand, then a hop to Asia also makes sense to me. I really don't think they will skip Asia entirely.
I remember at least one other another season when a leg was completely left out of the show, so I'm not going completely by "leg" numbers. That information came from racers after the show was over. It might have been the grandfather/grandson team. ? The grandson wrote the most extensive blogs about what really happens on the race I've seen, so I believed him.
SO odd we still don't know who the 6th team racing is!