Ok, haven't seen this posted but I'll share this speculation..
the eaters were eliminated in Tangier.
Thought process....
Ok, Tangier was leg 4. Logically I think they had 2 legs in Tangier. 1 that finished in Tangier after a flight from Amsterdam, and then the next day locally. The gentleman who took pictures and watched said he only saw 8 teams and there were only 8 blue gnome holders so 3 teams had been eliminated.. (ring, yoga and skiers I believe).
He also said that group of 4 (Jody,twins,debaters,violinists) were the first 4 teams, and that they made their way to where he was from the docks where we saw the teams as well. So the pit stop I believe was nearby.
So, how does this factor into the eaters being eliminated?
In France we have seen NBA, lifeguards, and Indy only. 3 of the last 4 teams in Tangier. Leaving out the eaters. So, I think it makes a lot of sense they would've been eliminated in Tangier.
Why haven't we seen the other 4 teams? My thinking is two fold, 1. they may have likely been on an earlier flight than NBA, Indy and lifeguards. 2. NBA team is very noticeable as 6'10 black dudes and so the teams arriving around the same time as them are also seen as well.
Also.. for those questioning timeline... realize we still have 2 likely non elimination legs as well as long flights ahead. I think from France they head to either Australia or Asia which will be long extended flights.