Author Topic: TAR 29: Tara Carr  (Read 13105 times)

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Offline elthemagnifico

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Re: TAR 29: Tara Carr
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2017, 04:49:32 AM »
Tara was second glammest woman raced in this season after Brooke <33

Her natural leader appeared very well...

Tara and Joey for all stars <33
what might have been

Offline Hysha

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Re: TAR 29: Tara Carr
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2017, 01:45:33 PM »
So sad they did not win, I was rooting for them so hard, they were my fav. I would love to see them on an All Stars season.
Kelley/Ciera/Abi/Kass goddesses

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 29: Tara Carr
« Reply #27 on: June 21, 2017, 11:36:14 AM »
Tara to the Fans (FB)  :hrt:

 These past few weeks have been crazy and I am just now coming up for air to share my thoughts. I have been wanting to take a moment to thank you, the fans, for making my TAR journey the "once in a lifetime" experience it ought to have been.
 Needless to say, this season was full of excitement, intrigue, adventure and a little suspense and drama mixed in! Thank you for inviting the 22 S29 strangers into your homes to entertain you, albeit briefly, each week and thank you as well for talking TAR up with your friends and colleagues, ensuring that TAR lives on for at least one more season! Hooray!
 Being one half of #TeamMomandDad has been a wondrous escapade, and the thank yous to those that made it possible are too numerous to even try to list. I could never adequately express my gratitude, but I must call out, however, Jesse Tannenbaum for seeing something in me that encouraged my pursuit of this dream and for casting me; to Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri for making every leg of the race unpredictable, beautiful, challenging, and FUN; and to Phil, for so many reasons, but chiefly for pulling out the emotion and passion for competition in me with each interview during each leg of the race. And finally, to the people, places, and events of the 8 countries outside of the US where we traveled, from the simple rice patties of Vietnam to the majestic splendor of the Acropolis, from the narrow, dusty streets of Zanzibar to the pristine fjords of Norway, I did my best to notice your beauty, literally smell your flowers and taste your food, talk to, shake hands with, hug, and even dance with your people while marveling at your children and their bubbling smiles, even while they were sometimes faced with the harshest of living conditions.
 As an active duty Army officer, I spent the majority of the aired portion of S29 deployed to Afghanistan, one of the most destitute and troubled places on this planet. I was proud to represent my fellow Army comrades and to bring the Special Operators and other military members, the true heroes of America, a little respite from their high intensity lives there by having TAR viewing parties weekly in our base chapel and giving them something to cheer for in a land that seldom evokes cheers from our warriors on the front lines. As much as the race was for my family, it was also for them, and my fellow military women, mothers, and other working moms who long for the taste of adventure. Some of the TAR cast members reached out to me during my deployment (you know who you are and I love you for it!), and they made a huge difference in my ability to enjoy the season while I was away from family and friends. Thank you to those who kept me in your thoughts and prayers.
 Being a TAR contestant was a dream, and I am elated to have lived that dream to share it with all of you. For anyone aspiring to do something AMAZING, no matter what it is, get out and go for it... do it, love it, and own it! I believe life is about the relationships we build, so whatever you do and wherever you roam, have compassion and be kind always. As it has been said on #AmazingRace so many times, "The world is waiting for you. Good luck. Travel safe. Go!" Tara
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