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road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« on: August 24, 2004, 09:57:42 AM »
I copied this from blows...

It can be viewed here. A great site that has episodes of each RW/RR Challenge of every season.

In case you don't want to view the site, here's the final cast list:

Host- Jonny Moseley

1) Eric (New York)
8) Mike (Back 2 New York)
8) Frank (Las Vegas)
8) Steven (Las Vegas)
8) Ace (Paris)
8) Adam (Paris)
8) Brad (San Diego)
8) Jacquese (San Diego)
8) Randy (San Diego)
8) Mark (USA 1)
11) Dan (Northern Trail)
12) Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour
8) Shane (Campus Crawl)
8) Abe (South Pacific)
8) Chris (South Pacific)
8) Derrick (X-treme)
8) Nick (X-treme)
8) Shawn (Campus crawl)

8) Ayanna (Semester at Sea)
8) Genesis (Boston)
8) Ruthie (Hawaii)
4) Coral (Back 2 New York)
8) Aneesa (Chicago)
8) Tonya (Chicago)
7) Arissa (Las Vegas)
8) Cameran (San Diego)
8) Robin (San Diego)
8) Veronica (Semester at Sea)
8)  Cynthia (Miami)
8) Katie (The Quest)
13) Sophia (The Quest)
8) Rachel (Campus Crawl)
8) Tina (South Pacific)
8) Angela (X-treme)
8) Ibis (X-treme)
8) Kina (X-treme)

8) ~ voted off
Final 3
« Last Edit: January 18, 2005, 09:51:36 AM by Texan_Survivor »

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Re: road rules vs real world Girls vs Guys
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2004, 10:11:49 AM »
Okay I watched part of this show last night.  Not bad ~ not great yet  :)*  Looks like they will be kicking off all the new players.  The old timers (the ones that have played the game 100 times) have not repsect or want to get to know any of the new players.

Looks like COral and Abe maybe hooking up.  Most of the girls (oldtimers) have sayings on their shirts each challenge ~ boy beater ~ vote Kerry  ~ Got Hos?and more.  Like people are not already looking at their chest  ;;)

Any one else watching this?

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2004, 07:42:43 PM »
Nope..I'm not watching it but, if you keep me updated ..I would read it everyweek.
Thanks Texan..smooches

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Episode 1
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2004, 10:46:54 AM »
Episode 01 Summary:

Game On
Thirty-six Real World and Road Rules men and women gather at a resort in Santa Fe, New Mexico for Battle of the Sexes, part deux to settle some old scores and start some new drama. Ski-boy Jonny Moseley has returned to host this gender showdown.

A few quick words about the rules...Every mission, three team leaders will be chosen. The team that wins the mission will have the three leaders choose someone outside of that "inner circle" to go home. The team that loses the mission will have to choose one of the three team leaders to go home. That should make things very interesting.

Upon arriving, Jacquese says it's time for the new kids on the block to step up and show the old guys what they can do. Meanwhile, Cameran is surprised that a lot of people don't know who she is. Katie is back for more and Veronica states that they "don't actively hate each other" like before. As for Ace, he's going "balls to the wall" this time. None of this getting-sent-home first stuff like on The Inferno. Of course, Coral is here to win all the cash, all the prizes and when she is bored, she promises to cuss a "couple bitches out." Mark Long who is also a veteran of these shows says that "unless the missions are like to dust the house or do laundry, I think we're probably going to win every mission." Huh. Heh. Huh. Let the trash-talking begin!

Bad Impressions
Right off the bat, Derrick is walking around like a drunken college student and leaving a bad impression with his teammates while he's at it. Apparently nothing Chris from Road Rules said to him during the X-TREME Face Off made an impact on him. Old-timer Eric sees Derrick's constant drinking as a sign of weakness. On the girls' team, it looks like Angela is being branded the outcast by a lot of the women who have done the Challenge before.

Dangle Drop Mission
The guys and girls learn their first mission is called Dangle Drop. Everyone must hang on to punching bags while they dangle over the lake. There will be four heats and the winners of each heat compete in the final heat. Abe, Adam and Eric step up and decide to be leaders for this mission. Genesis, Tina and Rachel serve as the girl team leaders. Coral likes this grouping because if they lose they can "vote Tina off."

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battle of the sexes eposode 2
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2004, 10:48:53 AM »
Episode 2
Dangle Drop Mission
In the first heat of the Dangle Drop mission, the girls drop like flies. The same thing happens in the second heat and soon it's just Tina versus Abe, but Abe wins the heat. Rachel wins the third heat for her team and Coral beats Dan out to win the fourth heat. The winner of all the heats compete in the final heat, but Coral has had no time to rest and the girls worry that she won't do well. BTW, during the final heat, Angela and Cameran splash in the water while the rest of the team supports Rachel and Coral. Bad idea, girls.

The Vote Off
The women end up losing the mission and now the two teams must decide who they will vote off the resort. Tina and Genesis know that one of them will be headed home, while the guys have no trouble giving Jacquese his walking papers. He dropped from the bag quicker than all of the other guys. In a tearful speech, Sophia tells everyone they will be sending Genesis home. Genesis is sad to go and second guesses her choice to step up as team leader. As we expected, though, Jacquese has a good attitude about his departure. Besides, he has write his Bootyology thesis.

Feeling a little giddy, Ayanna and Tonya decide to steal one of the boys' massage chairs, meanwhile, Abe takes care of stealing the toilet seat off the latrine from the girls' powder room. The Battle of the Sexes has begun!

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battle of the sexes 2 episode 3
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2004, 10:50:16 AM »
Episode 3

Episode 03 Summary:

While the Roadies and the Real Worlders party in the pool, some of the people notice Coral and Abe getting a little cozy and most agree that no one saw that match-up coming.

When the competitors show up to the mission site, they see a whole lotta snakes and learn they will be playing Snake Pit Poker. Oh, by the way, the 120 snakes inside the pit do bite. They aren't venomous, but we're sure the biting isn't pleasant.

The object of the game is to get into the pit and retrieve poker chips and then get them to the pit boss, who will put them in the poker chip holder. They can only take five chips out of the pit at a time and they must get 175 chips into the poker chip holder. The winner of the mission will receive Stiletto Bikes by Giant.

Theo, Frank and Brad volunteer to be team leaders and start concocting a Snake Pit strategy. On the girls' side, fun-lovin' Cameran appears to be bullied into volunteering for a leadership position, while Coral and Arissa also step up. BTW, Cameran thinks the girls take this game way to seriously. That kind of attitude won’t keep her around the ranch too long.

With most cast members quivering and saying they are deathly afraid of snakes, the mission begins. During the competition, the girls are lightening fast, so the guys decide to pick it up. Meanwhile, Tonya receives two penalties and Katie receives one. Cameran receives a penalty and so does Ace. Then, Abe gets a penalty before the challenge is over. The girls end up with four minutes of penalty time and they have 176 chips, which is one chip to many. The guys have two minutes of penalties, but they retrieved the correct amount of chips, so they emerge as the winners. "It sucks to lose to these cocky dudes who think they are always going to beat us," Coral says.

All the girls decide to vote out Cameran and Katie has no sympathy for the San Diego Real Worlder and notes it's easier to vote the newer people off because they don’t haven any emotional attachment to them. While Katie flies under the radar for now, she has no shame in dissing other teammates.

The men in the Inner Circle have a difficult time coming up with a fair way to vote someone off since none of the guys performed that poorly. Theo steps up on Elimination hill and sends Ace home because his performances on the first two challenges weren't that stellar. They are sad to see the life of the party go, so, in tribute to him, all the guys break out the champagne and spray the Ace-man, who loves every minute of it. Ace narrates that he is pleased that he lasted two challenges this time and hopes he can make it to three next time.

After the mission, Abe and Coral play footsy at dinner and are looking too cute together. "The relationship me and Coral have gives me hope and a whole lot of joy to," Abe narrates. "And there is no person that I've ever met before that feels that they are as much my equal and my match that Coral is. It's very challenging, but I like challenges."

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2004, 11:42:22 AM »
Episode 04 Summary:

Theo and Tonya make out on the dance floor, in the street, in the car...Dontcha just love The Challenge? Theo describes their hanky panky as "Two kids at summer camp sneaking across the lake in the middle of the night to go play crazy games with each other's body parts."

The Miz tries to give newbie Kina a heads up about these funny little things called alliances. He notes that if the new kids don't prove themselves, they will probably be the first people gone. The information he gives her doesn't seem to make an impact though.

As they are about to go to their third mission, Tonya makes a comment to Tina about how she's been on the phone a lot. Tina yells back that Tonya is on the phone just as much. Tonya remains calm while Tina decides this is the time to pull out the can of whup ass. Coral narrates that it's nice that she is not "the first bitch to cuss somebody out." "The fighting has begun ladies and gentleman; it can only go down from here," Coral observes.

Their next challenge is a team challenge called Melt With You. Inside each block of ice are Verizon Wireless cell phones. The team to melt the ice the fastest and then use one of the cell phones to make a call to a central cell phone wins. BTW, they can melt the ice any way they want, but no urinating! The winning team will go home with a PlayStation 2 and two games.

Dan, Shane and Shawn step up as team leaders and Ibis, Kina and Aneesa volunteer to be team leaders. Coral narrates that it's a risky, er, stupid move to volunteer as a team leader if you are one of the newer people. "You're probably going to end up going home," she sniffs.

Once the mission begins, it "kind of turns into a B grade prison video," Mark astutely notes. Crazy Tonya puts rocks in her mouth because, as Angela says, she doesn't "care what goes in her mouth." Tonya takes the hot rock out of her mouth and then licks the ice with her warmed tongue. She is clearly trying hard to redeem herself and clearly has gone nuts. The girls look like they are making a bad rap video, while the guys look like they are shooting some gay porn. "They [the girls] are doing everything to get it melted and I kind wish I was their cell phone," Dan cracks.

Despite Tonya and her team's best efforts, the guys come out on top. Yes, that's a pun. In the guys' meeting, they discuss voting off Mike, Abram, and Adam because they have all received penalties or DQs. In the girls meeting, they note Kina was working hard, but not leading hard. Katie narrates that she cannot believe how easily the new girls are intimidated and thinks about forming an alliance with them because some of the old girls still "piss her off."

At Elimination Hill, Adam gets the boot and this ladies man is not pleased, while Arissa lets everyone know that Kina will be headed home. Kina takes the news well and wishes her team the best.

Finally putting two-and-two together, Katie, Adam and Brad discuss how it seems all the newbie guys are being picked off, while Tina and Aneesa talk about how the cliques are forming. Angela says it best, "The girls who have done this for the last six years of their lives think they have control of the house and think they can bully people around." Cynthia tries to give the gals a pep talk, "Stop allowing yourself to bullied. Don't let nobody punk you. Don't be afraid to confront, even if that means you gotta go home. You need to go home with your self dignity. You gotta make it how you want to be, guys."

Coral offers a different view, "I really just want to win this money...I play the game the way I play the game and everybody can kiss my ass."

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2004, 12:52:52 PM »
Episode 5

Episode 05 Summary:

Aneesa notes that while Ayanna had some major drama on her last challenge, it's "all love" this time around.

The next challenge is called Bombs Away, which involves strong puzzle solving skills and a strong stomach. Two people from each team will go head to head in an eating contest. Teams will have to eat everything from Wasabe to Cow Brains. If either one of the teammates pukes at their table, that team will be eliminated from the competition. The second part of the competition involves a series of puzzles. The more people they have at the end of the eating competition, the more people who can help solve the puzzles. The winners will receive a Viseon video phone. Woo hoo!

Mark, Steven and Chris will serve as team leaders for the guys, while Ayanna, Sophia and Coral decide to step up. Wearing a boybeater t-shirt, Tonya eats Wasabe like it's chocolate. In Abe's heat, he pukes and gets his team eliminated. This is his second disqualification so far this trip. During the puzzle portion, the guys have nine people, while the girls only have six. Ayanna tries to step up and help her team regroup when they are struggling during the puzzle, but Coral believes Ayanna was actually distracting her team with her yelling, rather than helping. The guys once again emerge as victorious.

In the guys Inner Circle Abe and Mike's names are thrown out. In the girls Inner Circle, Aneesa says Ayanna doesn't have a good understanding of how to express herself when she is being a leader and the other women agree she has got to go. Aneesa knows Ayanna will probably "flip out" and is willing to take the heat.

At Elimination Hill, the guys send home Abe and Coral is not happy that her honey will be leaving. Abe takes the news well and says he respects the decision and has no ill will. Aneesa has the difficult job of telling Ayanna that she is going home. After hearing the news, Ayanna takes the floor and wonders why her team didn't have her back. "I slept in my uniform last night because I wanted to win today and nobody stepped up today," she tearfully and angrily spews.

Back at the ranch, Ayanna puts her cardboard cut out on Aneesa's bed to make a point and Aneesa is not happy that her friend is failing to understand the situation. "Don't call me after this thing is over, because if you wanted to talk to me, you would have kept me here," Ayanna narrates before she leaves the dessert.

While maybe a few years ago Abe might not have dated a black woman, he does not see "color" as an issue in his relationship with Coral. "The concept of color has never even come into my mind," he says. “The only color I see with Coral is beauty." Coral narrates that Abe has brought out a kinder side to her and she just wants to be around him. Awww, these reformed bad asses are too cute together.

Coral and Abe have a tearful goodbye, where Abe tells Coral, "I've been missing you, just being a few yards away from you." "If I had to choose one friend for life, Abram would be it," Coral says. With the sun setting in the background, it's a super cheesy moment, but somehow, it's kinda cute too.

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2004, 11:09:01 PM »
thanks for doing these recaps texan!!!
i only watch it during the commercials of csi miami, so its nice to read all i miss!!! :)_|
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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2004, 09:00:33 AM »
No Problem ~ glad someone is reading them

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2 ~ episode 6
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2004, 01:34:39 PM »
Episode 06 Summary:

At the Ranch, Frank and Angela flirt a bit and Angela says she enjoys the attention from him and even admits that she's tempted to hook up with this lovable lug. Shane notes that Angela hates the house and Coral and Tonya chime in and dis her for not being part of the group and not being a tough competitor.

Going into the fifth mission, the guys are undefeated and the girls are looking a little grim. The challenge today is dubbed The Junk Boat. Team members must take items from a pile of junk that would be helpful in building a boat. They can not start building the boat until they have finished getting all the pieces. Once the boat is build, they must get on the boat and do two laps in the lake. The first team to finish wins a trip to the Greek Isles.

Derrick is a great competitor, but his immaturity leads his other team members to tune him out sometimes. He steps up for team leader anyway. Robin volunteers to be team leader and Coral suggests that Angela step up, but halfway through strategizing, Angela says she doesn't know what's going on and would rather relinquish her leadership role. Without really thinking, Veronica decides to take her place. So that means Derrick, Randy and Mike are team leaders for the guys, while Veronica is joined by Robin and Ruthie. Early on in Junk Boat, Derrick gets a DQ because he tries to build the boat before they have all the pieces. This will not bode will for Derrick, if the girls finally pull out a win.

As the first seven women put their boat in the water, the guys are still building. Coral barks at Angela, complaining about her rowing style and despite Angela's somewhat feeble efforts, her team wins. "Bye, Bye Angela," Rachel whispers to the camera. "See ya in Greece, but I won't see you here anymore."

Thinking she is toast, Angela makes phone calls and shies away from talking to her teammates. "Why don't you get down there and f---ing socialize with those girls," Frank suggests. Meanwhile, the guys decide between Derrick and Mike, while at the girls Inner Circle meeting, they recall a comment Cynthia made about not wanting to step up as a leader. At Elimination Hill, the gents vote off Derrick, who gets really choked up after learning his fate.

As soon as Robin says they are sending Cynthia home, Tina cries "Bulls--t." Coral steps up and says, "We feel like this is a horrible decision." She calls Cynthia "one of the most intelligent" people on the team who "contributes to missions and the sanity of the team."

Ruthie rationalizes her decision by saying that Angela has a lot more fire than most people realize. As a team, the girls try and discuss the vote-off and the fall-out. "Winning this mission is the downfall of our team," Sophia observes. "This so-called unity we had is now diminished."

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2 ~ episode 7
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2004, 01:27:33 PM »
Frank offers Angela advice on how to handle her teammates and jokes to the guys that he and Angela had sex. Meanwhile, Angela admits an attraction to Frank saying, "He's got that geeky cute thing going on." Yes he does, Angela. Oh, yes he does.

Teams arrive at a western town where they will participate in a challenge titled "High Noon." The girls are hoping to use their recent win as a way to motivate themselves to another win this day. The guys and dolls will use paintball markers as their weapons of destruction in a quick draw competition. Each winner will receive $500 from Pottery Barn. Yay, Pottery Barn! Angela decides to step up as a leader today because she feels bad since she stepped down at the last challenge. She is here to prove herself this day. Arissa and Tonya step up, too, and for the guys, Randy Brad and Eric are team leaders. Robin and Shawn duel first and Robin gets her shot off first and nails Shawn...and the western-style competition is off and running. The guys lead the challenge most of the way, but it's close and soon the girls take the lead.

When Mike takes to the street he knows that he must perform well, otherwise he could be on the chopping block. Mike nails Ibis despite the blustery winds and is very proud of himself for hitting a girl with a paintball. And so the men start to pull ahead. When Angela faces Brad, Jonny announces that women must win the next three rounds in order to win the competition. Brad hits her with a paintball and it is over for the girls; the boys win the gift certificates to Pottery Barn Teen.

At elimination hill, Eric tells the guy that based on their "formula", they have chosen Shawn to go home. Iris goes up to speak for the ladies and tells Angela that she's going home. Stepping onto her soap box, Angela keeps her head up high and speaks her mind, much to everyone's surprise. Angela basically tells the girls that she's not a bitch like them and that's not how she wants to play the game and she hopes that the women aren't all like that outside of the game. The girls cheer her on and Frank is proud of Angela for saying what she felt. Before she leaves, Angela narrates that she is open to having a "friendship" with Frank.

With Angela on her way home, Rachel now believes that the team is a lot stronger because they are rid of Angela's drama queen ways, which had become a burden her team.

This one was not one of my favorites . . .the shot off was pretty boring

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2004, 01:45:20 PM »
If you get a chance go to the link and listen to Angela's final words ~ I am surprised she spoke up. ?:)

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2 ~ episode 8
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2004, 03:33:27 PM »


Episode 08 Summary:

Coral gives Robin a hard time and Robin doesn't sit back and take it....she suggests Coral step up and be a team leader. Coral says she doesn't have to step up. Coral is confident that no one will vote her off, while Robin is tired of all the old-timers winning.

In a "secret" meeting, Ibis says there are already three gals people who think they have their checks written out. Ibis claims they will stand up and start voting those veterans off.

Jonny welcomes the cast to "Fill 'er Up", which he describes as "extremely gross." The team members view containers of cockroaches and super worms, which they will have to chew up and then spit out. Team leaders will choose one player from team and they will be slathered in honey and placed in coffins and then the bugs will be poured all over their body. The rest of the team will go one by one and scoop up bugs with their mouth from this person's body and spit them out into a container. Whichever team reaches "full" first wins a Temper-pedic, Swedish sleep system. The guys pull Nick, Frank and Eric's name out of a hat and they serve as team leaders. Rachel suggests she and Katie step up for leaders, and the promptly says Katie should try hard even though it's likely the girls team will lose and Katie will be sent home. How"s that for subtly? "Not a leader!" Katie declares after she figures out she is being set up. That leaves Rachel, Sophia and Tonya as leaders for the girls.

Arissa and Mark are the lucky ones who get the bugs dumped on them. "I gotta get a real job, man, this is whack," Coral complains of this disgusting mission. During the challenge, the guys and girls each get a one minute penalty for players grabbing the straw and the guys win. Again.

In the guy's inner circle, Eric mentions the only person who has a loss and a DQ is Mike. They also look at Randy's record. Eric believes Mike is part of their core team, but he doesn't want people to feel like they are pushing so hard for The Miz to stay when he doesn’t deserve it. Coral says she needs Rachel in the final mission, meanwhile Katie says Rachel is not as slick as she thinks, so she's gonna send her home. Let's see what happens on Elimination Hill.

Eric once again brings up "the formula" and sends The Miz home, who takes the news very well. Rachel notes that she left the last Challenge really bitter, but this time, she had a blast in the southwest and was happy to hang with her buds Veronica and Shane. Rachel is definitely surprised to be packing her bags, though. Rachel advises Veronica to play her game and get to the end. Veronica warns that the people who voted for Rachel will soon find themselves packing.

OH MY GOSH!!!!! The Miz ~ mike goes home and Rachel....looks like the old timers better start playing nice!!!  ?:)

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2 ~ episode 9
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2004, 11:20:37 AM »


Episode 09 Summary:

Chris does a quick trip to Texas to get married and then 48 hours later, he is back in New Mexico for the next challenge. Talk about dedication to his team. He's hoping to win some cash that he can use as a little nest egg.

In the girl's camp, Veronica worries that they have lost a lot of strong players. She believes Tonya should have gone home instead of Rachel. It's clear that there is a division in the team, plus the criteria each uses to vote others off is different.

In the Sa-Wing challenge, each team member must use hanging ropes to swing from one end of a contraption to the other. Katie decides to step up and prove herself as leader. Ibis and Ruthie also step up. Shane, Theo and Brad (isn't this, like, the tenth time Brad has volunteer to be a leader?!) are leaders for the men.

First to go, Eric is half way across and he gets stuck because his entire upper body is exhausted. The guys become worried when one of their strongest players can't complete the challenge. After Shane, Eric and Frank are eliminated and Mark is the first to finish. Ruthie is the first woman to be eliminated and the guys are still dropping like flies. Coral is proud to finish and narrates that the reason why she can talk so much sh-t is because she is a good player, bi-atch.

Before Arissa even climbs down onto the rope, she gets nauseous and refuses to do the challenge, while telling Veronica they can send her come; she just doesn't want to face her fear of heights in that moment. Arissa has a change to change her mind, when the game is tied and all the girls need is for Arissa to make it across and then they win. Arissa refuses and the men win because they finished with a faster time, so they take home the Gibson guitars.

On the bus ride back to the ranch, Chris volunteers to go home because he really just wants to be home with his new wife. In the girl's meeting room, Tonya surprises the other gals by giving Katie another chance and voting to send Ruthie home. But on elimination hill, Katie learns she is headed home. She says she had a lot more fun than other challenges she has been on and decides to leave the game with her dignity and pride. It was just her time to go.

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2 ~ episode 10
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2004, 04:17:09 PM »
Episode 10 Summary:

Coral and Veronica talk about Sophia and Ruthie behind their backs and walks into their room to bust them, which doesn't even phase Coral. Tensions are high between some of the girls, which won't help come competition time. "It's not about how well you do, it's about how many people are on your side and how you survive," Sophia perfectly sums up.

Meanwhile, Mark and Robin hang out and it appears a romance is budding, but Mark claims he is in New Mexico to play the game and will not get involved with a hot chick.

The gals are sick and tired of loosing and they show up to the Electro-Shock mission hoping to beat the boys today. Each team must use all their players to maneuver a 20 foot aluminum pole through a zigzag pattern, without touching the walls of the contraption. If they touch the side with the pole, they will be electrocuted and then they will have to start over. Coral, Robin and Aneesa choose to be leaders, while Randy, Steven and Dan will lead for the guys.

The challenge begins and it is immediately obvious that this will not be a piece of cake for either team. Coral emerges as the main leader and it's her voice the women hear throughout the challenge. Her leadership loud yakin' doesn't seem to help because the guys, once again, win the challenge.

After the challenge, the girls talk about how they could have done better. Coral points fingers and isn't very positive. Then, Steven pisses the girls off when he says that any one of the guys could beat any of the girls. This hurts the girls' feelings. Proving she takes this game waaaay too seriously, Sophia actually cries when she tells the guys that the girls don't get the respect that they deserve. After the skirmish, Coral decides to give a better pep talk to her team and rallies the women together. Ruthie just sees this as Coral's way of covering up the fact that she doesn't do well in missions.

At Elimination Hill, Sophia informs Aneesa that it's her time to go and Aneesa takes the news well. Steven tells Nick that he has been voted off the ranch.

Meanwhile, Mark and Robin further their romance over a dinner for two and it appears that Mark has decided smooches from Robin are more important than staying focused on the game. Or maybe, if he's talented, he can juggle both.

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2 ~ episode 11
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2004, 04:17:58 PM »


Episode 11 Summary:

Tonya believes that she should never be on the chopping block. A strong competitor, Theo's booty call, and only two penalties during the Snake Pit mission, what's not to admire? Unfortunately, the competition is about how well you perform on and off the "court" and Tonya has a habit of running her mouth, which tends to drive people crazy.

Eric has a jump rope that he brings with him everywhere, which represents "focus, determination and dedication." "I hate that rope," Brad laughs, while Coral theorizes the rope is a "missing piece" in Eric's brain. "I feel confident that my rope is going to create peace, love and teamwork," Eric brags.

Well, let's see if the rope brings the guys some more luck today at the Pop Culture Bike Jump challenge. The way it works is that the first players will come up to a podium and either choose which ramp they want to jump off of, or answer a question about pop culture trivia. The more difficult the ramp, the more points you could potentially earn. If you take the pop culture question and answer the question right, then you can choose any bike ramp to jump off of and walk away with six points. If they get the question wrong? No points and no jump for that person.

Tina, Arissa and Sophia are team leaders for the women, while Brad, Frank and Theo are the leaders for the men. For most of the challenge, the score remains pretty even, but eventually, the women pull ahead. As she gets ready to jump, her team is nervous because she has had previous problems with missions that involved heights. A bit wobbly, Arissa flies down the ramp and the girls celebrate their second win while the guys are still trying to name the original members of The Real World.

On the way back from the challenge, Tonya sees Ibis writing some sort of checklist that tracks the women's performances. Ibis hands the checklist off to the Inner Circle and Tonya is ticked that she didn't have a hand in creating this list and expresses that she will be pissed if she goes home because of "the list." Tonya brings up her problem with this to Ibis, but ends up looking lame and whiney. In the Inner Circle, Sophia, Arissa and Tina discuss voting off Veronica or Tonya and decide they should keep the stronger player.

The teams gather at elimination hill where two people will be sent home. The guys send Frank home and the girls vote off Veronica. Veronica takes the vote-off in stride because she knows she was a target for a while. That night, the girls have a house meeting and Tonya brings up the unfairness of "the list" again. "Nobody is tripping off the list, but you," Coral yells. Coral believes that Tonya has a tendency towards wanting people to feel sorry for her. This stupid list causes a major fight after the win and it's obvious that all the girls are on edge, going into the final week and a half of the challenge.

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2 ~ episode 12
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2004, 04:18:53 PM »


Episode 12 Summary:

Tonya is still bitchin' about her position on the team, while the guys continue to have a good ol' time. This week's mission is called The Shredder. The kids will be catching food (with buckets that are strapped to their head) as it flies out of the shredders and dumping it into one main container. Whoever has the heaviest container in the end, will win the challenge.

Shane, Mark and Eric decide to be leaders for this mission. The girls are not jumping at the chance to be team leaders because they know their team track record isn't good and if they lose, then one of the leaders is gonna be sent home. Tonya is one of the gals who refuses to step up as leader and Ibis is not pleased. Tonya narrates that she doesn't trust her teammates and she wants to be there in the end, so she is not stepping up. Ruthie, Robin and Ibis serve as team leaders.

The team leaders have to load nasty food products into the wood chipper, while the rest of their teammates try and catch their debris. The competition gets underway and both teams have a difficult time. Lots of food hits the ground and everyone gets pelted by a bunch of meat. Eric notes that the food is flying over the girls heads, and Tina is not getting the food into the machine fast enough. Hmm, once again, it's not looking good for the gals.

At the end of the competition, it appears the girls have the same amount of food as the guys. The girls' food weighs 25.75 pounds, but the guys have a bit over 30 pounds, so they are once again the winners of the challenge and a vacation to the Bahamas and a fancy computer shoe.

Keepin' it real simple, the guys decide to vote off Randy because he is the only guy left on the team with a penalty. The girls' inner circle has another lengthy discussion and they think about who they want to be with them at the end of the competition. Coral suggests it would be a good idea to keep the person who can help them solve the puzzle in the last mission. Tonya and Tina vote for Ibis, but Coral and Sophia note that Ibis is book smart and could help them solve that puzzle. "It always comes down to the puzzle," Coral warns.

At Elimination Hill, Randy gets sent home, while Coral's warning is not heeded. Sophia tells the women that she doesn't want to see any of them go home, but unfortunately, Ibis will be headed home. Through tears, Ibis says she had a good time and is happy she made some new friends.

As Ibis packs she says she thinks there are some people at the ranch who should have been sent home already, while Randy leaves all smiles, knowing "the system" works. Theo notes that their system won't continue to work because no other players have penalties or DQs. Voting a guy off will be much more subjective from there on out.

Ruthie and Sophia whisper about how Tonya needs to step up and be a leader again because she is the only one who hasn't been a leader twice. Both women call out Tonya's questionable team standing.

As Ibis leaves, Tonya gives out fake hugs and kisses, knowing she is wiling to sacrifice a friendship because she is "out for blood."

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2005, 05:29:45 PM »
Episode 13 Summary:

Tonya doesn't understand why some of the girls perceive her as a ditzy blond. She is young and single and a college graduate! She claims she can be stupid and silly, but still have her sh-t together. Her boy-toy Theo disagrees. He thinks Tonya is a little screwed up. Tonya proves this to be true after a night of partying, when she can't even walk. Coral worries that all the partying will catch up to her and affect her team.

At the next challenge, they will be playing Cast The Spell. Jonny can't tell the teams what the mission is until after they pick team leaders, but drops a hint, saying this mission requires more brains than brawn.

Ironically, Ibis, the puzzle person, was just sent home. When the women discuss the mission, Tonya says it's time for her to step up to be leader again, but the girls wonder if she has good puzzle solving abilities.

Once the team leaders are chosen, Jonny explains that no one can talk until he blows his whistle. If someone talks, it's a 20 point penalty. While the teams remain quite, Jonny explains that the team leaders must take one letter for each of their team members and spray paint one letter onto each team member's stomach. Using those letters, the teams must spell words and will receive points for each word they spell. The longer the word, the more points they receive. The team with the most points wins the challenge. Ruthie, Coral and Tonya will be leading the ladies today, while Shane, Theo and Dan will lead for the men.

As the mission is about to being, Steven tries to communicate with his team leaders with hand signals and by mouthing words. Shane and Theo have no idea what he is trying to communicate and what's worse, they worry that Steven will get a DQ.

Jonny blows the whistle and the teams are allowed to talk to each other again. Theo immediately calls Steven on his risky business. All riled up, Steven points his finger, trying to explain himself and Shane grabs Steven's hand. Steven pulls his hand back and slaps Shane and his teammates immediately admonish him for putting his hands on Shane. Shane brushes it off even though he knows it was a cheap shot.

Unexpectedly, Jonny calls the teams over and makes an announcement that Steven has been ejected from game because he slapped Shane. Shane immediately defends Steven by saying it wasn't a real hit; they were just playing around. Jonny explains the decision is final. Bursting into tears, Shane feels like it is his fault Steven is being asked to leave because Shane grabbed Steven's hand. Shane's teammates try and get Shane to suck it up, telling him nothing he did was wrong. After all the hoopla, the girls realize they suddenly have an advantage. With only six players, the guys will be unable to create a seven letter word.

As the competition progresses, the guys see that the girls have spelled a lot of words and worry they are behind. The also realize guys they have spelled three words twice, which is a 28 point penalty. Things are not looking good for the hombres this time around.

Meanwhile, Steven packs and writes an apology letter to Shane and his team. "Shane, I only pushed you because I love you the most," Steven writes. That's sweet, but also a little twisted.

After the competition has concluded, Jonny tricks the guys into thinking that they lost the competition, but in the end, it's the girls who lost. "This is one of the biggest disappointments, since coming out here," Tina laments. Over dramatizing a bit, Mark believes this event will "go down in history as the biggest upset in reality television."

The guys don't have to kick anyone off, but the girls have to decide which team leader to boot off. At elimination hill, Arissa informs the ladies that Miss Tonya will be headed home. Before she leaves, Tonya and Theo smooch in bed, but Theo narrates that he is not carrying anything out of the dessert and is sure he and Walla Walla will just be friends in the future. For a second it appears that he might break out into song. "Summer lovin', had me a blast..." Tina, on the other hand, does have a little ditty, "Ding Dong, the witch is dead. Good riddance."

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2005, 05:31:21 PM »


Episode 14 Summary:

Mark and Robin canoodle in Mark's bed and both agree that it's been great to be able to spend time together because on the challenge.

The challenge on this day is called Semi-Cross. On top of a semi-truck there are three obstacle courses that must be completed while the truck is going 30 miles per hour. The guys are focused and determined and don't see how they can lose this, while the women also believe they have a good chance at winning this mission and getting some of their dignity back. Robin, Sophia and Tina will lead for the ladies while Mark, Brad and Dan lead for the guys.

The guys go first and they quickly learn how hard the mission is when they can't even walk across a balance beam that begins the course. After all is said and done, it takes the first three guys about 17 minutes to complete the course. The girls aren't even all the way through the first part of the obstacle course after 14 minutes have passed and Robin, also a team leader, is struggling the most. "Say goodbye to your little girlfriend," Coral cackles to Mark, down on the ground. Mark does not appreciate Coral's strange motivational efforts. The girls finish just under 18 minutes and Coral can't stop talking @#$% about Robin. Miss Coral admits she is so frustrated because she is tired of losing and she is venting those frustrations on a team member who she felt didn't perform well. Mark goes to comfort Robin, while Eric lashes out at Coral. He, too, is tired of hearing her talk badly about her teammates.

Back to the mission, learning from the first team's mistakes, the second team of guys complete the course in about half the time. When the second team of girls confront the course, Arissa freaks out at starts cursing at her teammates. Arissa gets it together eventually, but it's too late and it's guys who win the mission.

Shane gets sent home on elimination hill and he is all smiles, oozing with super sugary compliments for his teammates and the girls. He says this is the best challenge he has ever been on. Ruthie has to tell Robin she is going home and Robin keeps a stiff upper lip. "You can hate the players, hate the game," she says. Walking away without any money, Robin is happy to be going home with her prize, Mark. All together now, awww.

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2005, 03:58:44 PM »
Episode 15 Summary:

Ruthie worries that she or Sophia might be sent home unfairly today. The guys have their own problems and will have to begin finding reasons to vote each other off since they all are about on the same level.

Their next challenge is something called Car-Go. Using pulleys, each team must lift a car full of luggage 10 feet off the ground. The catch is, packing the car with the luggage is part of the challenge. The team that wins receives a nice assortment of exercise equipment.

Since there are only five people left on each team, Jonny informs them that they must only choose two team leaders. Eric and Dan are quickly chosen as leaders, and Brad worries that there was no discussion about the fact that only three people make it to the $180,000 and right now there are five guys left. Brad asks that they all discuss this and the other guys reluctantly gather to talk. Brad makes a speech about how he has a bunch of friends and he doesn't want to be the guy that gets burned. Basically, Brad knows he and Eric are the two guys most likely to be sent home, but if the guys win this mission, Eric receive immunity this time around. Meanwhile, a savvy Eric is fully aware that the only way he can survive is to be a leader and win today's challenge.

The girls bicker about choosing team leaders as well and Coral calls out Arissa and Ruthie out for not stepping up to be leaders. Finally, Tina and Ruthie decide to lead the women. Before the mission begins, Tina and Ruthie disagree on how the luggage should be packed in the car. They decide to use Ruthie's method and hope it will work.

When all was said and done, the guys win the mission. Surprised? Neither are we. As per their usual post-mission demeanor, the girls argue about why they lost the mission. Tina appears to be blaming Ruthie for their loss. How dare she!

Back at the ranch, Brad knows now he should have stepped up and said it wasn't fair for Eric to be a leader for today's challenge, while the other guys wonder how Arissa continues to avoid being a leader. Tina tells Ruthie that she would gladly pack her bags if it was between her and Coral or Sophia to go home. Tina feels it will be a difficult decision for the Inner Circle to choose between Ruthie and Tina. Poor Ruthie is just tired of hearing Tina toot her own horn after every frickin' mission. In the Inner Circle discussion, Coral complains that Sophia is trying to keep her friend Ruthie in the game when other people deserve to be in the game more.

It's a tense meeting at elimination hill when Eric and Dan let Brad know that he's going home. Brad is seriously bummed and looks like he is about to cry, but, thankfully, he holds it together.

Coral goes up to let the girls know that Ruthie will be going home, but a tearful Sophia takes her place on the hill and gives an emotional speech about Ruthie. Ruthie is a good sport about the vote-off and later narrates that she decided to play the game fairly because she never wants to sell her soul for money.

"You're not really playing an honest game even though everybody says that they are," Eric astutely observes.

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2005, 09:50:20 AM »
The recap is not up yet....but I can tell you the girls will have a difficult time in the final.....they have to jump out of an airplane and Arissa squeaked by and it in the final 3 thanks to the guys throwing the challenge.

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Re: road rules vs real world ~battle of the sexes 2
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2005, 10:04:32 PM »
Mark explains that he and Eric made a pack in the beginning of the challenge that they would try and bring each other to the finals. Apparently, they have had a change of heart, though, and believe Dan and Theo have earned a position in the finals, which means either Eric or Mark will gracefully bow out of the competition. Both Eric and Mark are okay if only one of them is in the final mission? That's big of them, but come on' there's $60,000 at stake here.

Meanwhile, Arissa is freaking out once she finds out the next mission will involve being on top of a high building. This challenge is called Vertigo. Each team has to walk out onto a beam, high atop a building, and then stand on a pedestal. The team who stands on each pedestal the longest wins. The winners today will win Todd Oldham furniture.

Here's the guys' plan: Mark and Theo will be leaders. When they win, they will send Eric home. Arissa and Coral are team leaders today for the gals. Arissa is no dummy and knows she'll be going home if the women lose. Meanwhile, the guys have a little chit-chat and note that it would be valuable for them to have Arissa stay and have one of the stronger women go home. Hmmm, you thinkin' what they are thinkin'? Let's see what happens.

With the challenge barely underway, Arissa says she gives up, but Coral attempts to encourage her to keep trying. Meanwhile, Dan and Theo drop quickly. It's not your day, dude," Mark teases Theo. The girls seriously try hard while, Mark and Eric fall. The ladies have no idea what just happened, but it appears they have won the mission.

Coral wonders why Sophia doesn't look happy after the win. Referring to the fact that she might get sent home, Sophia explains that her battle isn't over just yet. "The only fault against me is that they are intimidated by my intensity," Tina chirps hoping she won't be the one sent home. Tina's ego is certain the girls won't win if she isn't on the final team.

Meanwhile, the boys cackle about their Oscar award-winning performance during today's mission. Mark is more than happy to sacrifice himself since he has already been to a Challenge final mission.

Coral and Arissa discuss who they should vote off and note that Sophia's puzzle solving ability could be useful. On elimination hill, Tina is shocked to learn that she will be going home. Tina curses a lot in her final speech, and says something to the effect that she deserves to be in the final mission, but hopes the girls win it any way. With jump rope in hand, Eric tells Mark he will be headed home. As Tina leaves, she still is talking about how great she is.